View Full Version : At least 85 civilians dead following US Airstrikes in Syria(mistaken for ISIL)

07-21-2016, 11:51 AM
Dat freedom tho

Patrick Chewing
07-21-2016, 12:26 PM
Meh. Soon to be ISIS members probably.

The Middle East is hell on Earth. They asked for this.

07-21-2016, 12:26 PM
Reminds me of that old saying...

"If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a dick sucker."

Efforts to enter the city centre have been painfully slow, however, with IS militants staging counterattacks and using mines and snipers to pin forces back. Thousands of civilians have fled the city but many more remain, with IS militants accused of using them as human shields.

Hamas uses the same tactic and people buy into the narrative. It works.

07-21-2016, 12:36 PM
Reminds me of that old saying...

"If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a dick sucker."

Hamas uses the same tactic and people buy into the narrative. It works.

07-21-2016, 12:39 PM
This is strange, because according to KevinNYC only Russian and Syrian bombs kill civilians, whereas American bombs are special bombs that don't blow random civilians to pieces :confusedshrug: .

I've said it many times: there is nothing worse than waging a bombing campaign when you are not even willing to commit your own troops---you will always kill innocents, and that will always end up playing into the hands of the people you hope to destroy. If it is not an important enough issue for you to commit troops, then don't drop bombs. When the military you are supporting (e.g. the Iraqi army) is so pathetic that they can only retake cities after they have been systematically destroyed by bombing campaigns (e.g. Ramadi, 2/3s of which has been completely destroyed, and since its recapture only a tiny percentage of its population have even returned, because there's almost nothing left), then it simply is not worth it, and creates more problems than it solves.

07-21-2016, 12:47 PM
It's OK, let's bury this story. Not important. We all know civilian Muslim lives do not matter :rolleyes:

07-21-2016, 12:49 PM
Dat freedom tho

How is saying ban all muslims temporarily TWFOWTHIGO worse than actually killing them?

That democrat logic.

07-21-2016, 12:55 PM
This is strange, because according to KevinNYC only Russian and Syrian bombs kill civilians, whereas American bombs are special bombs that don't blow random civilians to pieces :confusedshrug: .

I've said it many times: there is nothing worse than waging a bombing campaign when you are not even willing to commit your own troops---you will always kill innocents, and that will always end up playing into the hands of the people you hope to destroy. If it is not an important enough issue for you to commit troops, then don't drop bombs. When the military you are supporting (e.g. the Iraqi army) is so pathetic that they can only retake cities after they have been systematically destroyed by bombing campaigns (e.g. Ramadi, 2/3s of which has been completely destroyed, and since its recapture only a tiny percentage of its population have even returned, because there's almost nothing left), then it simply is not worth it, and creates more problems than it solves.

Like clockwork. They want it that way. That's why they dress like civilians and hide their FOB's in schools and hospitals. That's why they send 14 year old kids to plant bombs in the road, praying to Allah that some passing helicopter sees them and fires a rocket at him so they can parade him around as an innocent kid who was out building dust castles.

It's unfortunate too because a lot of times, the people working for ISIS (and the Taliban) were forced into it.

07-21-2016, 01:12 PM
How is saying ban all muslims temporarily TWFOWTHIGO worse than actually killing them?

That democrat logic.Did I ever say that? Stop projecting fam :oldlol:

07-21-2016, 01:14 PM
Reminds me of that old saying...

"If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a dick sucker."

Hamas uses the same tactic and people buy into the narrative. It works.http://reaction.club/r/hqg-418.gif

07-21-2016, 01:36 PM
This is strange, because according to KevinNYC only Russian and Syrian bombs kill civilians, whereas American bombs are special bombs that don't blow random civilians to pieces :confusedshrug: .

I've said it many times: there is nothing worse than waging a bombing campaign when you are not even willing to commit your own troops---you will always kill innocents, and that will always end up playing into the hands of the people you hope to destroy. If it is not an important enough issue for you to commit troops, then don't drop bombs. When the military you are supporting (e.g. the Iraqi army) is so pathetic that they can only retake cities after they have been systematically destroyed by bombing campaigns (e.g. Ramadi, 2/3s of which has been completely destroyed, and since its recapture only a tiny percentage of its population have even returned, because there's almost nothing left), then it simply is not worth it, and creates more problems than it solves.

This. It's the same with Obama's drone war the media never report.

Long Duck Dong
07-21-2016, 01:37 PM
If this thread took place 8 years ago, it would be full of people blaming Bush.

Not one mention of dat President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize Winner doe :oldlol:

Edit rufuspaul beat me to it.

07-21-2016, 04:51 PM
Meh. Soon to be ISIS members probably.

The Middle East is hell on Earth. They asked for this.


You are so far away from Jesus it requires intervention.

Dude wake up. Slap yourself hard. Take an ice cold shower. Wake up. Just look at the crap that's coming out of your mouth.

Nick Young
07-21-2016, 04:52 PM
Hamas uses the same tactic and people buy into the narrative. It works.

07-21-2016, 04:58 PM

More intervention and more bombs.

Drones have made it easier to strike without risking American lives but at the same time they are reckless enough to kill innocent people.

Nobody has an idea on what to do. They are drones....oh look...its very easy to strike.

07-21-2016, 05:13 PM
This. It's the same with Obama's drone war the media never report.
Yeah it's pretty disgusting actually. Take a look at this:


Just watch as the intensity of strikes skyrocket as soon as Obama takes over. To me, this is the biggest black mark on his presidency.

07-21-2016, 05:16 PM
Did I ever say that? Stop projecting fam :oldlol:

That was just a general rant not directed at you.

Patrick Chewing
07-21-2016, 05:19 PM

You are so far away from Jesus it requires intervention.

Dude wake up. Slap yourself hard. Take an ice cold shower. Wake up. Just look at the crap that's coming out of your mouth.

Leave Jesus out of this. If the Arab world wasn't governed by their religion, then they wouldn't be in the predicament they are in today. It's that simple. The civilized world has put Government and Democracy ahead of religion and look at how well off we live now. We can still be religious and be faithful to God, but without all the bloodshed that religion seems to attract.

Once the Muslims realize that, then we can have peace in that region. In the meantime, bloodshed is all they get.

07-21-2016, 05:59 PM
There's no winning over there.

07-21-2016, 06:10 PM
It's OK, let's bury this story. Not important. We all know civilian Muslim lives do not matter :rolleyes:

I don't support the bombing of the middle east, I'd much rather see coordinated special forces units go in and take out key players of ISIS which would be a lot more effective than what they are doing.

Muslim lives matter, but you seem to forget that the muslim world is at war with the west. Why would people be sympathetic of muslims who are committing terrorist attacks on home soil and creating all kinds of problems in our society?

The Western/european government currently doesn't have a ban on Islam, but it should.

07-21-2016, 06:18 PM
Leave Jesus out of this. If the Arab world wasn't governed by their religion, then they wouldn't be in the predicament they are in today. It's that simple. The civilized world has put Government and Democracy ahead of religion and look at how well off we live now. We can still be religious and be faithful to God, but without all the bloodshed that religion seems to attract.

Once the Muslims realize that, then we can have peace in that region. In the meantime, bloodshed is all they get.

Dude, I get it. You've been through some really, really, really difficult times. Life sucks. No ones arguing against that. But there's a grand reason behind it all.

You can not honestly even make any sound conclusion that Islam, the predominant unifying, civilizing way of life in the Middle East for the past 1400 years, (which was previously stained by idolatry, aimlessness, darkness, subpar literacy rates, gangsters and tribes men attacking traveling merchants, exploitation of the poor, oppression, famine etc.) is the cause of violence.

You can not honestly think that a lack of Democracy (the average human being or a majority CAN NOT sensibly elect the best possible person in power as evidenced by the nearly uniform election of relatives in the U.S. since perhaps '60 or so) is the solution to a lack of violence. Evils come in all shapes and flavors. The people in the ME may be undergoing physical pain, but the people here are undergoing horrible horrible spiritual pain. Think about our condition. Had we lived in different land or times, we would have had LOYAL WIVES, CHILDREN, the FRESHEST PUREST FOOD, the feeling of BROTHERHOOD, perfect Health sublime PEACE AND BLISS within our hearts, the OPTIMISM inherent, WISDOM to see the world as it is and not what it appears to be, a deep reverence and joy for God and all good things. Freedom from cigarettes, freedom from GMO, freedom from divorce, freedom from mistrusting other humans, freedom from BS, freedom from annoying music, freedom from countless countless ailments brought to you by modern civilization.

"Without all that bloodshed that religion seems to attract."
Seems? Like it or not, man must hold his deepest convictions in the face of the most tremendous trials and tribulations if he is to truly prove his undying loyalty to God. The saints underwent this. The prophets underwent this. The average men underwent this. Don't be shy. You've seen a Man for All Seasons with Thomas More holding firm into his integrity. You've witnessed Atticus Finch standing up for the black guy. Heck, Batman and Captain America. These are the timeless heroes of civilized man. They could not have become the moral paragons they were without undergoing the pain of loss. Not the brooding vipers that compose the politicians we have in this day and age. The bloodsucking leeches that dehumanize you, trap you, and are out to drain you with false promises. And now distracting you and I with all kinds of shenannigans that just take away our precious resources... i.e. basketball, commercial Christmas, Halloween etc.

In laymen's terms, you can NOT serve two masters dude, or else you'll be a walking talking hypocrite, have cacophony in your heart, and burn in the depths of Hell in the hereafter. Islam means complete submission to God. The worst sin in Islam is Shirk, that is associating partners with God. The Muslims can not spill innocent blood lest they find themselves with that on their account come Judgment Day.

Jesus came to teach, among many parables of wisdom; love, forgiveness, service to man, wisdom, loving God, love thy neighbor, detachment from the trivialities of this worthless world, justice, ethics and a plethora of timeless eternal Truths that the most seasoned Christian ministers still meditate on a daily basis. An ocean of wisdom they sip on; and their allegiance is to the Lord.

History repeats itself, and The State (i.e. the Democracy and Government) has turned its back on its Christian members. A person was fined $500,000 because they refused to wed a homosexual couple. Children can't be beaten. Women are weird if they dress immodestly. Kanye West can't even sing about God else he won't sell records. Public schools wreak of heathenness. Marriages are being destroyed left and right. Freedom of Speech. The people returning from wars are committing suicide at alarming rates. People have been bamboozled. That's not civilization. That's oppression.

Your previous comment stunk of vengeance and ignorance. "Bloodshed is all they get." Really? How could you be so deficient in compassion to people undergoing their trials, who are your brethren in faith. Don't you hear how the Devil's making you sound much, much more like a Pharisee than any Disciple? You don't want that role in this movie of life, hermano.

You're not some lowly animal or pawn that's been reduced to thwarting people away from A path to God by the one Messenger closest to Jesus, dude, you're better than that.

07-21-2016, 06:31 PM
Dude, I get it. You've been through some really, really, really difficult times. Life sucks. No ones arguing against that. But there's a grand reason behind it all.

You can not honestly even make any sound conclusion that Islam, the predominant unifying, civilizing way of life in the Middle East for the past 1400 years, (which was previously stained by idolatry, aimlessness, darkness, subpar literacy rates, gangsters and tribes men attacking traveling merchants, exploitation of the poor, oppression, famine etc.) is the cause of violence.

You can not honestly think that a lack of Democracy (the average human being or a majority CAN NOT sensibly elect the best possible person in power as evidenced by the nearly uniform election of relatives in the U.S. since perhaps '60 or so) is the solution to a lack of violence. Evils come in all shapes and flavors. The people in the ME may be undergoing physical pain, but the people here are undergoing horrible horrible spiritual pain. Think about our condition. Had we lived in different land or times, we would have had LOYAL WIVES, CHILDREN, the FRESHEST PUREST FOOD, the feeling of BROTHERHOOD, perfect Health sublime PEACE AND BLISS within our hearts, the OPTIMISM inherent, WISDOM to see the world as it is and not what it appears to be, a deep reverence and joy for God and all good things. Freedom from cigarettes, freedom from GMO, freedom from divorce, freedom from mistrusting other humans, freedom from BS, freedom from annoying music, freedom from countless countless ailments brought to you by modern civilization.

"Without all that bloodshed that religion seems to attract."
Seems? Like it or not, man must hold his deepest convictions in the face of the most tremendous trials and tribulations if he is to truly prove his undying loyalty to God. The saints underwent this. The prophets underwent this. The average men underwent this. Don't be shy. You've seen a Man for All Seasons with Thomas More holding firm into his integrity. You've witnessed Atticus Finch standing up for the black guy. Heck, Batman and Captain America. These are the timeless heroes of civilized man. They could not have become the moral paragons they were without undergoing the pain of loss. Not the brooding vipers that compose the politicians we have in this day and age. The bloodsucking leeches that dehumanize you, trap you, and are out to drain you with false promises. And now distracting you and I with all kinds of shenannigans that just take away our precious resources... i.e. basketball, commercial Christmas, Halloween etc.

In laymen's terms, you can NOT serve two masters dude, or else you'll be a walking talking hypocrite, have cacophony in your heart, and burn in the depths of Hell in the hereafter. Islam means complete submission to God. The worst sin in Islam is Shirk, that is associating partners with God. The Muslims can not spill innocent blood lest they find themselves with that on their account come Judgment Day.

Jesus came to teach, among many parables of wisdom; love, forgiveness, service to man, wisdom, loving God, love thy neighbor, detachment from the trivialities of this worthless world, justice, ethics and a plethora of timeless eternal Truths that the most seasoned Christian ministers still meditate on a daily basis. An ocean of wisdom they sip on; and their allegiance is to the Lord.

History repeats itself, and The State (i.e. the Democracy and Government) has turned its back on its Christian members. A person was fined $500,000 because they refused to wed a homosexual couple. Children can't be beaten. Women are weird if they dress immodestly. Kanye West can't even sing about God else he won't sell records. Public schools wreak of heathenness. Marriages are being destroyed left and right. Freedom of Speech. The people returning from wars are committing suicide at alarming rates. People have been bamboozled. That's not civilization. That's oppression.

Your previous comment stunk of vengeance and ignorance. "Bloodshed is all they get." Really? How could you be so deficient in compassion to people undergoing their trials, who are your brethren in faith. Don't you hear how the Devil's making you sound much, much more like a Pharisee than any Disciple? You don't want that role in this movie of life, hermano.

You're not some lowly animal or pawn that's been reduced to thwarting people away from A path to God by the one Messenger closest to Jesus, dude, you're better than that.

With the Qurans complexities, how do we expect terrorism and violence to stop when a vast number of muslims cannot interpret the Quran with the context that you can Jefferson?

Because I always hear you say that the Quran is misinterpreted and its a pure religion etc, but when you have over a billion people practising your religion, then the dangers of misinterpretation won't go away when millions of muslims are uneducated or low IQ.

I'd really like to hear your views on how to stop muslims turning to the violent verses of the Quran without looking at context?

07-21-2016, 11:47 PM
With the Qurans complexities, how do we expect terrorism and violence to stop when a vast number of muslims cannot interpret the Quran with the context that you can Jefferson?

Because I always hear you say that the Quran is misinterpreted and its a pure religion etc, but when you have over a billion people practising your religion, then the dangers of misinterpretation won't go away when millions of muslims are uneducated or low IQ.

I'd really like to hear your views on how to stop muslims turning to the violent verses of the Quran without looking at context?
Finally, a non troll post from you. I knew you had it in you :cheers:

Them fools need Sunday school. Better leadership. Can't be spreading hate. Misinterpretation is a problem. Even though I honestly feel like these retard IS know the truth about those verses having context, they still use them out of it to spread hatred. It ain't right.

And let's be real, drone killing all of them off won't help if they are killing so many innocent non IS people off in the process as well. That won't win support from everyone else. I can't tell you how many of us normal practicing Muslims were upset hearing about this 85 civilians killed by accident news.

07-22-2016, 12:50 AM
Finally, a non troll post from you. I knew you had it in you :cheers:

Them fools need Sunday school. Better leadership. Can't be spreading hate. Misinterpretation is a problem. Even though I honestly feel like these retard IS know the truth about those verses having context, they still use them out of it to spread hatred. It ain't right.

And let's be real, drone killing all of them off won't help if they are killing so many innocent non IS people off in the process as well. That won't win support from everyone else. I can't tell you how many of us normal practicing Muslims were upset hearing about this 85 civilians killed by accident news.


You will find guys on here like Chewing and 9er only want a solution to this mess. You will find a lot of their views are in reaction to these nutjobs doing what they do, not just an irrational hate for Islam.

Sounds like a long process though. I'm not sure how society(not talking about me) will be able to withstand the damage done by these nutjobs, before the extreme right wingers grow tired of it and the government are forced to take extreme actions.

TBH, I don't want an Us vs them outcome. That is an outcome that nobody will win, but I also recognise that a line has to be drawn somewhere.

I mean, how do you avoid alienation and cultural clashes within Western society without enduring these fools? What immediate steps can be made to stop this division?

No matter how much you tell people to not be scared and to not react to terrorism by ISIS, it just isn't realistic. People will naturally look for an answer, no matter how wrong that answer may be.

I'm not at all interested in the battle or the process, I'm worried about the end game?

See what I'm saying? feels like the writing is already on the wall. People just aren't smart enough on the whole to think critically, outside of media drivel and false flags.

07-22-2016, 03:05 AM
plenty more where they came from.........overpopulating the world are those fukking muslims

07-22-2016, 10:43 AM
Yeah it's pretty disgusting actually. Take a look at this:


Just watch as the intensity of strikes skyrocket as soon as Obama takes over. To me, this is the biggest black mark on his presidency.
A proud winner of the Nobel Peace Prize :oldlol:

07-22-2016, 11:01 AM