View Full Version : The Koch Bros.

Im Still Ballin
07-22-2016, 10:12 AM

07-22-2016, 10:28 AM
Former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, has pointed out that, although their critics are usually unaware of the fact, the Koch brothers have supported more than just what are generally considered conservative causes. They opposed George W. Bush on many issues, are pro-choice, support same sex marriage, and had worked closely with the Obama White House for the Obama administration's criminal justice reform initiatives that aligned with their own.[23][24]

My dudes.

07-22-2016, 10:44 AM
They opposed George W. Bush on many issues, are pro-choice...........

I hate the way that anything to do with abortion is presented in binary terms, you are either pro choice or pro life.

It's an issue that is complicated and deserves to be treated in a more nuanced fashion. What if the mother wants to abort and the father doesn't, does he deserve a say? Should the cost of adopting be reduced so that there is a larger pool of would be adoptive parents? Most people would probably be of the opinion that the fewer abortions the better so what strategies should be employed to reduce the numbers? More sex education in schools, more access to contraception? How can some people who believe abortion should be outlawed justify their support of the death penalty? Why is the rate of black abortion 3-4 higher than that of whites and what can be done to try and achieve parity?

It's just one of my pet peeves that such a complex issue is essentially dumbed down to you are either for or against it in black and white terms.

07-22-2016, 10:52 AM
I hate the way that anything to do with abortion is presented in binary terms, you are either pro choice or pro life.

It's an issue that is complicated and deserves to be treated in a more nuanced fashion. What if the mother wants to abort and the father doesn't, does he deserve a say? Should the cost of adopting be reduced so that there is a larger pool of would be adoptive parents? Most people would probably be of the opinion that the fewer abortions the better so what strategies should be employed to reduce the numbers? More sex education in schools, more access to contraception? How can some people who believe abortion should be outlawed justify their support of the death penalty? Why is the rate of black abortion 3-4 higher than that of whites and what can be done to try and achieve parity?

It's just one of my pet peeves that such a complex issue is essentially dumbed down to you are either for or against it in black and white terms.
Well with the death penalty the argument is a baby is innocent and a murderer/rapist what have you, is not innocent.

07-22-2016, 11:05 AM
Well with the death penalty the argument is a baby is innocent and a murderer/rapist what have you, is not innocent.

Except that historically speaking not everyone who has been given the death penalty has been guilty. There have been people who were wrongly convicted and executed only to be posthumously exonerated.

Moreover, oftentimes the argument against pro choice is couched in religious terms, that taking life is morally indefensible so it seems inconsistent to support the death penalty if that is your view.

Anyway, I just wish there was a higher quality debate on this issue rather than mere platitudes.

07-22-2016, 04:45 PM
They are grandfathered Nazis.

07-23-2016, 10:02 AM
They are grandfathered Nazis.


[QUOTE]Republican Party

Long Duck Dong
07-23-2016, 10:07 AM


Republican Party