View Full Version : Here is The Thing GS Fans, You Already Lost

07-22-2016, 05:14 PM
LeBron already got his legacy win, and 16 Cavs' finals win will be considered one of the most historical events ever to take place in NBA history. Anything else for LeBron is gravy. He already cemented himself as a top 5 player, and totally took any weight away from you *15 title. Because it's obvious Cleveland would have won if Irving didn't go out. At this point all the pressure is on you guys. No legitimate titles, choking MVP, and signed a top 3 player. It's going to take a lot to get that choking image off of you in the public eye. Good luck :lol

07-22-2016, 05:19 PM
Eh.. true, dedicated Warriors fans can still be winners from this if they go chokeless for the rest of the time this core is together.

The people I feel sorry for are the LeBron haters specifically, because it's only downhill from here for them and yes... nothing the Warriors or anyone else does in the coming years will erase the savagery that the beast inflicted on them.

07-22-2016, 05:27 PM
Thing is, you have often asked us Bransvestites to equate:

- 2 (and change) missed games from Bogut
- 1 missed game from Draymond Green
- 1.5 hobbled Iggy games (looked fine in G7)
- Curry's injuries which seemed to hinder his play, but was still healthy enough to take the court, play his normal allotment of minutes, and draw plenty of defensive focus to at least keep the Curry Effect in full swing

... to

- 5 missed games from Kyrie Irving, got injured before GS officially secured G1 and played through nagging injuries in that game
- 6 missed games from Kevin Love, forcing a shortened rotation that was ultimately worn down

The most watered down version of the 4 teams in question throughout the course of the two finals series was definitely 2015 CLE. Injuries happen and all things considered if both teams are fully healthy, it's very possibly still 1-1 in the Finals anyway, but that doesn't mean the two situations cancel one another out entirely.

Kyrie was a huge loss for Cleveland in 2015. However Kevin Love missing in 2015 was not as big of a hindrance as you are portraying.

If you remember, while both teams were at full strength, Cleveland got blown out twice in a row in games 1 and 2. The first turn of the tide was in game 3 where Cleveland secured their first win, without Kevin Love playing a single minute (Game 3 of the 2016 Finals (http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201606080CLE.html))

At the end of the 2016 Finals, Kevin Love averaged only 8 points a game on 47% True Shooting (Statistics of the 2016 Finals (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/2016-nba-finals-cavaliers-vs-warriors.html)). And these numbers were also boosted due to the fact that Draymond Green and Andrew Bogut were out of commission due to suspension and injury.

Basketball is a game of matchups and Kevin Love has proven himself to not be effective against the matchups that a healthy Golden State team produces.

So in my opinion due to the ineffectiveness of Kevin Love against Golden State due to matchup problems, Golden State of 2016 was more depleted than the Cleveland team of 2015. (Golden State's best player was compromised. Golden State's best defender missed a crucial close out game. Golden State's rim protector missed 1 and a half games. Golden State's best perimeter defender and previous year's FMVP was extremely disabled for at least one game, in my opinion two.)

The Warriors closing the deal could still have conceivably happened despite the injuries they faced. You know they had enough to finish off a 3-1 lead.

Honestly I knew they didn't have enough. After game 6 where Bogut went out and Andre could hardly move and was clutching his lower back after every whistle I knew things were just about done. As much as people like to paint the picture of Golden State being a bottomless pit of depth, there wasn't any serviceable big man to soak up minutes at the 5 and to make things worse our best Power Forward is 6'5''. By the time game 7 rolled around it was obvious there wasn't enough size and skill left on Golden State's roster to compete with the Cavaliers for 48 minutes.

Cleveland's 2016 win wasn't some miracle, it was inevitable after the suspension and subsequent injuries the Warrior team experienced.

07-22-2016, 05:30 PM
Lebron could easily be 1/7. He's playing with house money at this point.

07-22-2016, 05:35 PM
Lebron could easily be 1/7. He's playing with house money at this point.

LeBron could have easily been 6/7 too. Your point? Retard.

07-22-2016, 05:37 PM
LeBron could have easily been 6/7 too. Your point? Retard.
And the Kings could easily been 82-0.

K Xerxes
07-22-2016, 05:47 PM
So in my opinion due to the ineffectiveness of Kevin Love against Golden State due to matchup problems, Golden State of 2016 was more depleted than the Cleveland team of 2015. (Golden State's best player was compromised. Golden State's best defender missed a crucial close out game. Golden State's rim protector missed 1 and a half games. Golden State's best perimeter defender and previous year's FMVP was extremely disabled for at least one game, in my opinion two.

Bogut was playing 12mpg.

Draymond missed a crucial close out game due to his own stupid behaviour, and played in the two subsequent crucial close out game losses.

Curry and Iggy played basically the whole finals. No excuses. Also Cavs fans could argue that Kyrie was hurt in game 6 and 7 with his foot injury if we're going to start fabricating severe injuries.

Kyrie alone actually being unable to play most of the finals (except for most of the first game) is a far bigger deal.

To suggest 2016 GSW were more depleted than 2015 Cavs is frankly untenable.

07-22-2016, 05:49 PM
no one's going view the Warriors as chokers if they win 4 peat for example. Other teams have recovered from worse.

07-22-2016, 05:53 PM
He's most likely going to retire with the most finals losses in NBA history....

He just came off probably his biggest asterisk in his career beating an injury riddled team and the unbelievable suspension over a phantom low blow causing the comeback...

He's only 2.5*/7...

But yup agreed, LeShit stain family stay winnin:banana: :banana: :banana:

Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 05:55 PM
Biggest chokers and most hated.

Fake nice guys.

Gonna deserve all the failure they get and it could even top watching them blow that 3-1 lead.

07-22-2016, 05:56 PM
no one's going view the Warriors as chokers if they win 4 peat for example. Other teams have recovered from worse.

It'll still be a giant black mark on their resume, just like 2011 for LeBron, Super Bowl 42 for the Pats, 2004 ALCS for the Yankees etc.

07-22-2016, 05:57 PM
He's most likely going to retire with the most finals losses in NBA history....

He just came off probably his biggest asterisk in his career beating an injury riddled team and the unbelievable suspension over a phantom low blow causing the comeback...

He's only 2.5*/7...

But yup agreed, LeShit stain family stay winnin:banana: :banana: :banana:

He's also gonna retire with more MVP's/FMVP's/better stats than Kobe, stay mad :lol

07-22-2016, 05:58 PM
WF - I'll respond to that now, I was too tired to reply when I saw that the other day. :lol

Love is DEFINITELY overrated and is a VERY distant 6th best player between the two teams, no argument from me about that. But, he was still a key loss because while the Cavs had the good fortune of playing in a weak East, they were still depleted enough to nearly be pushed to the brink in the 2nd round. With Love getting hurt in a meaningless 1st round and Irving dealing with injuries through the entire playoffs, the rotation had really been shortened to LeBron + scraps for the last three rounds.

If they grant David Blatt's idiot timeout in Game 4 vs. CHI, it's very plausible that the Bulls are able to win that series. Somehow I doubt LeBron would have let it happen, but down 3-1 is down 3-1 any way you look at it. He would have had his work cut out for him in a big way.

Even LeBron had been dealing with some nagging injuries, and had to carry such a load. Literally, the 2015 Cavs were such a shell of what they could be that they were pushed to the brink by a scoring-challenged, mediocre, built-for-the-regular-season Bulls team. By the time the finals rolled around and Kyrie went down for good, it was as if the Cavs only had 6 or 7 guys they could really trust to even be on the court.

I think most of what you said is fair: Iggy's movement was severely limited for about a game and a half, give or take. The loss of Bogut limited the flexibility of GSW. But coming back from 3-1 down against a team like the Dubs requires both skill and luck, and the Cavs definitely got some breaks. But winning three in a row even against what was left of GS was something special.

In Game 7, Iggy looked perfectly healthy. Draymond was back and took one of the biggest alpha dumps we've ever seen, which more than makes up for whatever "hesitancy" people want to say he had in Game 6 to play like himself in a game that Cleveland grabbed by the throat early on. Game 7 at home, there really was no good excuse for that third consecutive loss. G5 could kind of be hand-waved away with Dray/Bogut missing 6/8 combined quarters and Kyrie playing out of his mind, Game 6 can sort of be chalked up as just a road loss, Cavs not wanting to go out at home, Iggy hobbled. But Game 7? You guys had enough, especially after what Draymond did.

Guys like Barnes and Klay having MISERABLE, miserable games can't even be remotely chalked up to injury with the looks they were getting, and the fact is if either one plays like himself in those last few games, we could be talking about a different outcome. If every player on Golden State played up to the standards we had come to expect from them, I think you could've grabbed one of three games even despite the injuries.

07-22-2016, 06:01 PM
He's also gonna retire with more MVP's/FMVP's/better stats than Kobe, stay mad :lol
:sleeping 5 > 2.5*

07-22-2016, 06:02 PM
:sleeping 5 > 2.5*

Stalker already deducted '02* from the Mamba's legacy.

07-22-2016, 06:04 PM
:sleeping 5 > 2.5*

Pippen/Hondo/Sam Jones > Kobe

07-22-2016, 06:22 PM
Bogut was playing 12mpg.

Draymond missed a crucial close out game due to his own stupid behaviour, and played in the two subsequent crucial close out game losses.

Curry and Iggy played basically the whole finals. No excuses. Also Cavs fans could argue that Kyrie was hurt in game 6 and 7 with his foot injury if we're going to start fabricating severe injuries.

Kyrie alone actually being unable to play most of the finals (except for most of the first game) is a far bigger deal.

To suggest 2016 GSW were more depleted than 2015 Cavs is frankly untenable.

Did you even watch the Finals? Did you see the minutes that Ezeli and Varejo gave the Warriors at the 5?

I'm going to assume from your post that you didn't so here are some statistics

In the 18 minutes Ezeli and Varejo were on the floor they went -18 in +/-

Net minus one point for every minute they were on the floor...do you realize how atrocious that is?

If Bogut plays, Warriors win, it's just that simple

When Bogut was out there were no serviceable big men left and Kevin Love was able to take advantage for the first time in the series because of it, Tristan Thompson was doing what he does as well and the Warriors had no answers left for it

As for your other "points"...if you are going to pretend that Curry and Iguodala were healthy then I'm just going to have to disengage from the conversation. It's like arguing with someone who is trying to tell you the day is dark and water is not wet.

07-22-2016, 06:23 PM
LeKING JAMES :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

07-22-2016, 06:24 PM
Did you even watch the Finals? Did you see the minutes that Ezeli and Varejo gave the Warriors at the 5?

I'm going to assume from your post that you didn't so here are some statistics

In the 18 minutes Ezeli and Varejo were on the floor they went -18 in +/-

Net minus one point for every minute they were on the floor...do you realize how atrocious that is?

If Bogut plays, Warriors win, it's just that simple

When Bogut was out there were no serviceable big men left and Kevin Love was able to take advantage for the first time in the series because of it, Tristan Thompson was doing what he does as well and the Warriors had no answers left for it

As for your other "points"...if you are going to pretend that Curry and Iguodala were healthy then I'm just going to have to disengage from the conversation. It's like arguing with someone who is trying to tell you the day is dark and water is not wet.

This coming from the poster who says Bosh was better than Kobe in 2010?

07-22-2016, 06:27 PM
The only ones who loses are bran stans. Coz they got exposed as weaklings for supporting a weakling like bran

07-22-2016, 06:28 PM
The only ones who loses are bran stans. Coz they got exposed as weaks supporting a weakling like bran


07-22-2016, 06:29 PM
The only ones who loses are bran stans. Coz they got exposed as weaklings supporting a weakling like bran

07-22-2016, 06:32 PM

:sleeping truth hurts

07-22-2016, 06:35 PM
The only ones who loses are bran stans. Coz they got exposed as weaklings for supporting a weakling like bran

Like your fellow Knicks fans did?


K Xerxes
07-22-2016, 06:37 PM
Did you even watch the Finals? Did you see the minutes that Ezeli and Varejo gave the Warriors at the 5?

I'm going to assume from your post that you didn't so here are some statistics

In the 18 minutes Ezeli and Varejo were on the floor they went -18 in +/-

Net minus one point for every minute they were on the floor...do you realize how atrocious that is?

If Bogut plays, Warriors win, it's just that simple

When Bogut was out there were no serviceable big men left and Kevin Love was able to take advantage for the first time in the series because of it, Tristan Thompson was doing what he does as well and the Warriors had no answers left for it

As for your other "points"...if you are going to pretend that Curry and Iguodala were healthy then I'm just going to have to disengage from the conversation. It's like arguing with someone who is trying to tell you the day is dark and water is not wet.

Actually what's simple is that Curry is 0/22 in FMVP votes and delivered one of the biggest chokes of all time in a finals stage. LeBron just won his 3rd FMVP and will probably go down as a top 5 of all time, clearly surpassing fringe top 10 candidate Kobe.

Also I don't think that GSW title was illegitimate. Every ring is legit, because you can only beat what's in front of you. Injuries are a part of the game.

07-22-2016, 06:38 PM
WF - I'll respond to that now, I was too tired to reply when I saw that the other day. :lol

Love is DEFINITELY overrated and is a VERY distant 6th best player between the two teams, no argument from me about that. But, he was still a key loss because while the Cavs had the good fortune of playing in a weak East, they were still depleted enough to nearly be pushed to the brink in the 2nd round. With Love getting hurt in a meaningless 1st round and Irving dealing with injuries through the entire playoffs, the rotation had really been shortened to LeBron + scraps for the last three rounds.

If they grant David Blatt's idiot timeout in Game 4 vs. CHI, it's very plausible that the Bulls are able to win that series. Somehow I doubt LeBron would have let it happen, but down 3-1 is down 3-1 any way you look at it. He would have had his work cut out for him in a big way.

Even LeBron had been dealing with some nagging injuries, and had to carry such a load. Literally, the 2015 Cavs were such a shell of what they could be that they were pushed to the brink by a scoring-challenged, mediocre, built-for-the-regular-season Bulls team. By the time the finals rolled around and Kyrie went down for good, it was as if the Cavs only had 6 or 7 guys they could really trust to even be on the court.

I think most of what you said is fair: Iggy's movement was severely limited for about a game and a half, give or take. The loss of Bogut limited the flexibility of GSW. But coming back from 3-1 down against a team like the Dubs requires both skill and luck, and the Cavs definitely got some breaks. But winning three in a row even against what was left of GS was something special.

In Game 7, Iggy looked perfectly healthy. Draymond was back and took one of the biggest alpha dumps we've ever seen, which more than makes up for whatever "hesitancy" people want to say he had in Game 6 to play like himself in a game that Cleveland grabbed by the throat early on. Game 7 at home, there really was no good excuse for that third consecutive loss. G5 could kind of be hand-waved away with Dray/Bogut missing 6/8 combined quarters and Kyrie playing out of his mind, Game 6 can sort of be chalked up as just a road loss, Cavs not wanting to go out at home, Iggy hobbled. But Game 7? You guys had enough, especially after what Draymond did.

Guys like Barnes and Klay having MISERABLE, miserable games can't even be remotely chalked up to injury with the looks they were getting, and the fact is if either one plays like himself in those last few games, we could be talking about a different outcome. If every player on Golden State played up to the standards we had come to expect from them, I think you could've grabbed one of three games even despite the injuries.

Most of your post seems reasonable enough

There was some choking going on, Barnes couldn't hit anything, Klay was taking low IQ chucks very early in the shot clock, Ezeli forgot all basic defensive fundamentals, Varejao floundered around the hardwood like a fish out of water for 8 minutes or so

But the deal breaker was the Bogut injury. GS lacks size and depth and the blow of no Bogut was crucial. With no Bogut, Kevin Love was able to assert himself for the first time and the duo of him and TT devastated the undersized Warrior line ups. As I said before the Warriors literally had no answer.

All in all the losses of 2015 Cavs and 2016 Warriors are pretty close, I still think that Kevin Love being out was almost a blessing in disguise in 2015. It forced Cleveland to go bigger with more length and athleticism and slow down the pace to a halt which was a great gameplan against Golden State. Lastly I would also like to say Curry was a huge factor. I believe you have seen the clutch statistics of the 2015 Finals. And the same has happened for the past few years in Golden State. The catalyst is Curry, it all starts with him. When things get tough and the offense gets stagnant and the hoop starts shrinking, the Warriors rely on Steph Curry to score buckets and get the momentum going. With Curry unable to perform up to his normal play it really left the other Warriors in some tough spots. I agree that even with all of the injuries and adversity that it was a shame that not one other Warrior could step up in game 7 besides Draymond.

07-22-2016, 06:39 PM
Like your fellow Knicks fans did?


:sleeping another loser

07-22-2016, 06:39 PM
Actually what's simple is that Curry is 0/22 in FMVP votes and delivered one of the biggest chokes of all time in a finals stage. LeBron just won his 3rd FMVP and will probably go down as a top 5 of all time, clearly surpassing fringe top 10 candidate Kobe.

Also I don't think that GSW title was illegitimate. Every ring is legit, because you can only beat what's in front of you. Injuries are a part of the game.

You aren't even good at trolling :lol

Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 06:42 PM
Did you even watch the Finals? Did you see the minutes that Ezeli and Varejo gave the Warriors at the 5?

I'm going to assume from your post that you didn't so here are some statistics

In the 18 minutes Ezeli and Varejo were on the floor they went -18 in +/-

Net minus one point for every minute they were on the floor...do you realize how atrocious that is?

If Bogut plays, Warriors win, it's just that simple

When Bogut was out there were no serviceable big men left and Kevin Love was able to take advantage for the first time in the series because of it, Tristan Thompson was doing what he does as well and the Warriors had no answers left for it

As for your other "points"...if you are going to pretend that Curry and Iguodala were healthy then I'm just going to have to disengage from the conversation. It's like arguing with someone who is trying to tell you the day is dark and water is not wet.

One year no bogut was the key to winning*, next time he's the reason you lose.

Just keep chopping and changing to suit your pathetic agenda.

Just cop it, loser.

You're going nowhere in life with that pathetic denial - it actually makes you a weak person.

Look at you, waking up every day over a month on and melting down on the internet.

Hold this f*cking L

07-22-2016, 06:47 PM
One year no bogut was the key to winning*, next time he's the reason you lose.

Just keep chopping and changing to suit your pathetic agenda.

Just cop it, loser.

You're going nowhere in life with that pathetic denial - it actually makes you a weak person.

Look at you, waking up every day over a month on and melting down on the internet.

Hold this f*cking L

Most losers worship the devil so GTFOH weirdo

07-22-2016, 06:49 PM
One year no bogut was the key to winning*, next time he's the reason you lose.

Just keep chopping and changing to suit your pathetic agenda.

Just cop it, loser.

You're going nowhere in life with that pathetic denial - it actually makes you a weak person.

No Bogut worked in 2015 because of Andre Iguodala and the small ball line up

With Iguodala injured in 2016 it rendered the small ball line up useless so that alternative was not available, instead they had to give large minutes to Ezeli and Varejao who went -18 +/- in 18 minutes played.

Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 06:52 PM
Most losers worship the devil so GTFOH weirdo

You're defining me by a p*ss taking av?

Okay, champ.

Aren't you that bloke everyone thinks is the worst poster?

You won't make the playoffs.


Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 06:52 PM
No Bogut worked in 2015 because of Andre Iguodala and the small ball line up

With Iguodala injured in 2016 it rendered the small ball line up useless so that alternative was not available, instead they had to give large minutes to Ezeli and Varejao who went -18 +/- in 18 minutes played.

Why did Steph, Klay and Green choke so much though?

Honestly man, Cavs were just the better team, accept it and move on, you'll feel better.

07-22-2016, 06:54 PM
Why did Steph, Klay and Green choke so much though?

In 2015 Curry put on one of the most clutch performances in Finals history

Most 4th Quarter Points during the Finals

1995 Shaquille O'Neal 11.5
2000 Shaquille O'Neal 11.5 (61.1% TS)
2015 Stephen Curry 10.8 (75.1% TS)
1997 Michael Jordan 10.7 (55.1% TS)
1998 Michael Jordan 10.6 (50.6% TS)
2011 Dirk Nowitzki 10.3 (68.0% TS)
1993 Michael Jordan 10.3

In the 2016 Finals he was not able to play as well as he did in 2015

What happened in 2016 that didn't happen in 2015? The major MCL injury


The time table for return of an MCL sprain is 2 to 4 weeks.

(Keep in mind that healing timetable is for every day activity, nothing more strenuous than walking up one flight of stairs, NOT playing professional basketball)

Stephen Curry returned from the injury after only 2 weeks because the Warriors were struggling against Portland without him.

Stephen Curry re-aggravated his knee injury by coming back too early and then playing 40+ minutes of playoff basketball plus overtime in his record setting performance against Portland.

Therefore we can conclude that Curry's MCL injury was the differentiating factor which lowered Curry's production

Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 06:57 PM
In 2015 Curry put on one of the most clutch performances in Finals history

Most 4th Quarter Points during the Finals

1995 Shaquille O'Neal 11.5
2000 Shaquille O'Neal 11.5 (61.1% TS)
2015 Stephen Curry 10.8 (75.1% TS)
1997 Michael Jordan 10.7 (55.1% TS)
1998 Michael Jordan 10.6 (50.6% TS)
2011 Dirk Nowitzki 10.3 (68.0% TS)
1993 Michael Jordan 10.3

In the 2016 Finals he was not able to play as well as he did in 2015

What happened in 2016 that didn't happen in 2015? The major MCL injury


The time table for return of an MCL sprain is 2 to 4 weeks.

(Keep in mind that healing timetable is for every day activity, nothing more strenuous than walking up one flight of stairs, NOT playing professional basketball)

Stephen Curry returned from the injury after only 2 weeks because the Warriors were struggling against Portland without him.

Stephen Curry re-aggravated his knee injury by coming back too early and then playing 40+ minutes of playoff basketball plus overtime in his record setting performance against Portland.

Therefore we can conclude that Curry's MCL injury was the differentiating factor which lowered Curry's production

Nah, Curry said he wasn't injured.

Was doing dunks and sh*t in warm ups...

Doesn't excuse the poor shooting either.

Or those terrible shots he put up that Bran sent to hell.

Going gets tough, Steph gets going (out the door)

07-22-2016, 07:06 PM
Nah, Curry said he wasn't injured.

Was doing dunks and sh*t in warm ups...

Doesn't excuse the poor shooting either.

Or those terrible shots he put up that Bran sent to hell.

Going gets tough, Steph gets going (out the door)

Of course Curry would not disclose sensitive information regarding the status of his injury...This is basic common sense.

Doing a dunk in warm ups in no way indicates a player is 100% healthy. The main problem that is caused by an MCL tear is loss of lateral movement and explosiveness.

[Quote]The MCL is one of four ligaments connecting the femur bone to the tibia at the knee. It helps keep the knee stable as it moves from the outside to the inside.

So the lateral movements are going to put pressure on the ligament.

Athletic trainers refer to what

07-22-2016, 07:15 PM
Real Warriors fans are grateful for anything we get. Ya'll acting like we're the Lakers or something. Like we expect greatness. Before the last few years, we were arguably the worst franchise in the league. I can assure you, real GS fans are currently in the process of 'winning'.

07-22-2016, 07:22 PM
First of all, what does Lebron's legacy have to do with anything? I'm not seeing the relevance there. Why would Warriors fans care about that?

I'm not sure what "already lost" is even supposed to mean. The Warriors collapse this season will never completely be forgotten (much like Lebron's disastrous 2011 finals), but winning cures all. Sports is all about what you've done lately. I highly doubt that Warriors fans will be thinking about this season if they're having a parade next summer (or next several summers). I don't think they'll win 4+ in a row like some are predicting, but their fans have every reason to be excited.

Stringer Bell
07-22-2016, 07:38 PM
Real Warriors fans are grateful for anything we get. Ya'll acting like we're the Lakers or something. Like we expect greatness. Before the last few years, we were arguably the worst franchise in the league. I can assure you, real GS fans are currently in the process of 'winning'.

Yeah for real, Warriors were a lousy organization for a long time, so as bad as the 2016 chokejob was, two finals appearances and one ring in the last 2 years has long-time fans happy. The team didn't even make the playoffs from 1995 through 2006.

Interesting, even in the late 80s and early 90s with George Karl and Don Nelson, the Warriors still had the same issue/criticism of being the undersized team playing too much small ball. Chris Webber played center his rookie year.

The Warriors were able to pull off some upsets here and there (87, 89, 91 1st rounds), and entertain during the two season Run-TMC era, but that was it. Poor choices or poor luck. Warriors thought they got a steal with Sprewell late in the first round, but it turns out he was a loon who threatened teammates with 2 by 4s and guns and choked coaches. Webber is gone by his 2nd year and then Nelson is. The Warriors pick Todd Fuller in the 96' Draft. Right after that, Kobe is selected, as are Steve Nash and Peja. Todd Fuller. :facepalm

Spurs m8
07-22-2016, 08:08 PM
Of course Curry would not disclose sensitive information regarding the status of his injury...This is basic common sense.

Doing a dunk in warm ups in no way indicates a player is 100% healthy. The main problem that is caused by an MCL tear is loss of lateral movement and explosiveness.


07-22-2016, 08:25 PM