View Full Version : Celtics Fans "McHale > Duncan"

07-23-2016, 04:42 PM

Way too long of an article to post here, but...:oldlol:

07-23-2016, 04:45 PM
Mchale actually outscored Bird in a few finals, but yeah thats dumb haha

07-23-2016, 04:55 PM
L Fan boys level shit :biggums:

07-23-2016, 04:56 PM
Mchale actually outscored Bird in a few finals, but yeah thats dumb haha
No doubt, McHale is arguably a 30 player of all time.

07-23-2016, 05:01 PM
No doubt, McHale is arguably a 60 player of all time.

Fixed .

07-23-2016, 05:06 PM
Fixed .
Splitting hairs.:D

07-23-2016, 05:17 PM
Splitting hairs.:D

For 30 spot :eek:

07-23-2016, 05:30 PM
yep hard to take the article seriously when he lists a whole bunch of random all star big men but then completely undersells Gasol and Howard who are going be surefire hofers. I get his point about there being better big men back then but he's in exaggerating mode. Writer in the comments also said he thinks McHale is better than Duncan on defense just because of his versatility, I can't stop laughing at that. Draymond's even more versatile than McHale, doesn't make him better than Duncan defensively at his best.

07-23-2016, 06:20 PM
The most important reason why Duncan > McHale is that Duncan was the centerpiece of all the Spurs' championships.

Spurs m8
07-23-2016, 06:22 PM
Celtics fans are retarded lol

07-23-2016, 06:53 PM
Celtics fan here, and no, just no. :oldlol:

1 - Duncan
2 - Malone
3 - Barkley
4 - Garnett
5 - Nowitzki
6 - McHale

*Leaves before Dirk fans throw a hissy fit because I ranked KG higher*

07-23-2016, 11:10 PM
Mchale was one of the greatest low post scorers of all time, with those long arms and impeccable command of a toolbox of big man moves. As good as Hakeem Olajuwon, even. But he wasn't as good as Duncan at everything else. Duncan is probably the stronger player better rebounder, passer, and a much better leader, not to mention at all-world championship level defense.

07-23-2016, 11:13 PM
He's certainly a better scorer and was himself a very good defensive player till his body started breaking down. Is he greater all time? No, but it's not outrageous to say their impact is comparable at their peaks.

Round Mound
07-24-2016, 06:08 AM
Celtics fan here, and no, just no. :oldlol:

1 - Duncan
2 - Barkley
3 - Malone
4 - McHale
5 - Nowitzki
6 - Garnett

*Leaves before Dirk fans throw a hissy fit because I ranked KG higher*


07-24-2016, 06:18 AM

1. Duncan
2. Garnett
3. Nowitzki
4. Barkley
5. Pettit
6. McHale
7. Malone

07-24-2016, 06:35 AM
1. Duncan
2. Garnett
3. Nowitzki
4. Barkley
5. Pettit
6. McHale
7. Malone


for mine

07-24-2016, 09:25 AM
1 -Duncan
2 - Elgin
3 - Dirk
4 - KG
5 - Barkley
6 - Pettit
7 - Karl M.
( big gap )
8 - Hayes
9 - Schayes
10 - Leroy E.
11 - McAdoo
12 - Dan Issel
13 - McHale
14 - J.Lucas
15 - Pau Gasol
16 - Rodman
17 - C.Webber
18 - S.Kemp
( big gap )
19 - Connie Hawkins
20 - Rasheed W.
21 - Dave D.
22 - Horace G.
23 - Amar'e
24 - Horry
25 - Nance/Buck/Bosh/Chambers/Cummings

07-24-2016, 10:30 AM
He's certainly a better scorer and was himself a very good defensive player till his body started breaking down. Is he greater all time? No, but it's not outrageous to say their impact is comparable at their peaks.

Glad you're banned now.


Round Mound
07-24-2016, 11:48 AM
1 -Duncan
2 - Elgin
3 - Dirk
4 - KG
5 - Barkley
6 - Pettit
7 - Karl M.
( big gap )
8 - Hayes
9 - Schayes
10 - Leroy E.
11 - McAdoo
12 - Dan Issel
13 - McHale
14 - J.Lucas
15 - Pau Gasol
16 - Rodman
17 - C.Webber
18 - S.Kemp
( big gap )
19 - Connie Hawkins
20 - Rasheed W.
21 - Dave D.
22 - Horace G.
23 - Amar'e
24 - Horry
25 - Nance/Buck/Bosh/Chambers/Cummings


07-24-2016, 12:56 PM

:no: He was PF more than SF , like Barkley . He had great mid range game and rebounding like Barkley .

Also , He and Sanders guarded each other in 62 finals ( i've seen that in the game tape ) . Sanders was PF for sure . And Elgin too . Just , Larusso was taller and Elgin recorded as SF for that in many authorities/sites or whatever else , lik bball-ref .

07-24-2016, 01:57 PM
He's certainly a better scorer and was himself a very good defensive player till his body started breaking down. Is he greater all time? No, but it's not outrageous to say their impact is comparable at their peaks.


07-24-2016, 04:48 PM

07-24-2016, 04:59 PM
1 -Duncan
2 - Elgin
3 - Dirk
4 - KG
5 - Barkley
6 - Pettit
7 - Karl M.
( big gap )
8 - Hayes
9 - Schayes
10 - Leroy E.
11 - McAdoo
12 - Dan Issel
13 - McHale
14 - J.Lucas
15 - Pau Gasol
16 - Rodman
17 - C.Webber
18 - S.Kemp
( big gap )
19 - Connie Hawkins
20 - Rasheed W.
21 - Dave D.
22 - Horace G.
23 - Amar'e
24 - Horry
25 - Nance/Buck/Bosh/Chambers/Cummings

Seriously, how the fucc is Leroy Ellis even on this list, let alone top 10 of all time? Also, Bosh is insanely overrated on this board, but Horry > Bosh is :lol

07-24-2016, 05:38 PM
Seriously, how the fucc is Leroy Ellis even on this list, let alone top 10 of all time? Also, Bosh is insanely overrated on this board, but Horry > Bosh is :lol

If you know his game then you know how he is .

Horry was much more underrated than Bosh . He was great defender and average to good offensive player . Shoot,creat for teammates and clutch too . A great defensive player with all around and clutch offensive player .

07-24-2016, 05:40 PM

Way too long of an article to post here, but...:oldlol:
I thought about reading it until I scrolled down and saw the length. Holy mother of Pauk.