View Full Version : Why do liberals only clown on the Christian religion but defend Islam whole hog?

07-26-2016, 08:35 AM
Back in the day we used to have all kinds of smug taunting of the Christian religion or just religion in general from liberals on this board, and throughout public discussion in general all over the country. The Catholic priest pedo jokes were a go-to for comedians both professional and amateur everywhere across the land.

But since a minority religion of mostly brown people has taken over the headlines, suddenly liberals are super tolerant and sensitive to other peoples religions? :roll:

The social conditioning of these rats is priceless. They have no idea why they even think anything they do. They see some peers yelling something and they instinctively start yelling too. When their peers stop yelling, they stop yelling. They cannot be seen out of lockstep because theyre too insecure to ever have a different opinion from their peer group. They must do everything the way someone else does it. Think the same, speak the same, act the same, hate the same, tolerate the same. Even hold the same phony double standards.

Remarkable social phenomenon. Honestly, I live to observe this kinda primal shit. Thanks guys :applause:

07-26-2016, 08:39 AM
Liberals are anti-Republican.

That's it.

If Republicans are Christian, they are anti-Christian. If Republicans are anti-abortion, they are pro-abortion. If Republicans are pro-immigration reform, Democrats are anti-immigration reform.

They don't have a platform; it's simply 'anti-whatever the other side doesn't like'.

07-26-2016, 08:43 AM
Modern liberalism is based on social engineered, mind control.

It's starts in the schools, universities. They are taught about white privilege and guilted from the moment they pick up a textbook.

Their minds are so mixed up, they don't have room for national pride or anything that could possibly benefit their own country.

It's a disease. Like ISIS.

Someday, these very people could be between you and survival. They want to take away your freedoms, give all the power to minorities and kill freedom of speech so anyone with opinions that are different are targeted and attacked.

Fck them. They are the enemy

07-26-2016, 08:43 AM
and another liberal bashing thread.

07-26-2016, 08:49 AM
and another liberal bashing thread.

Why did you click into it, little girl? Why? Why punish yourself?

Did you want to post something of value? I'm open to discussing the topic at hand. Or did you literally click into the thread to complain that it was created?

Glutton for punishment I guess...

07-26-2016, 09:00 AM
and another liberal bashing thread.

Need my safffffeeeeee spaaaaaaaaccccceeeee!!!!!

07-26-2016, 09:03 AM
Why did you click into it, little girl? Why? Why punish yourself?

Did you want to post something of value? I'm open to discussing the topic at hand. Or did you literally click into the thread to complain that it was created?

Glutton for punishment I guess...

my post is something of value, it proves that the spam from righties is excessive enough to be put into its own sub forum. just look at this thread, the usual suspects respond with their own usual drivel in a spam thread. yikes.

07-26-2016, 09:06 AM
my post is something of value, it proves that the spam from righties is excessive enough to be put into its own sub forum. just look at this thread, the usual suspects respond with their own usual drivel in a spam thread. yikes.




07-26-2016, 09:22 AM



Life loser. It must pain you that the liberal dondodda is living your dream, and that you have resorted to a political cynicism based life to fill the void of your unaccomplished dreams by making yourself feel better through bashing people. societal losers = extremist tendencies.

07-26-2016, 09:29 AM
Life loser. It must pain you that the liberal dondodda is living your dream, and that you have resorted to a political cynicism based life to fill the void of your unaccomplished dreams by making yourself feel better through bashing people. societal losers = extremist tendencies.




07-26-2016, 09:30 AM
Need my safffffeeeeee spaaaaaaaaccccceeeee!!!!!

says the guy that wants to ban muslims because hes scared.

07-26-2016, 09:33 AM



the dream and the loser. dondodda and akrazotile.

07-26-2016, 09:42 AM
my post is something of value, it proves that the spam from righties is excessive enough to be put into its own sub forum. just look at this thread, the usual suspects respond with their own usual drivel in a spam thread. yikes.

Your one post shows that?

Shit, well since you posted 'and another liberal bashing thread', let's change the game up.

You must think highly of yourself.

Bosnian Sajo
07-26-2016, 02:42 PM
How do you wake up, day in and day out, to post about the same. shit. every. day.

How do you not get bored? Even when I'm away from ISH for 3-4 days, I come back and see the same guys talking about the same topics. There HAS to be something else in life that acquires your attention, surely?

Not trying to insult anyone, but honestly I get the nastiest feeling inside when I read these thread titles. Not because it offends me (used to, till I realized..) but because it's honestly so sad...so pathetic, the term rent free doesn't even begin to describe how stuck some of you are. Especially OP. Go outside, do some pushups, anything would be more worthwhile than bashing Islam to a bunch of people who don't give af anymore.

I understand before you'd get a laugh or it'd be entertaining because we would respond and engage, trade insults, whatever. But dude it's been YEARS. YEARS!! And you still talk about the same shit. Bruhhhh, you're 30 something, wake up!

Nick Young
07-26-2016, 02:46 PM
"Liberals" are also uniting in their hatred of the new Wonder Woman movie because Gal Gadot is Israeli. Apparently, because she is Israeli and served two years of mandatory service in the IDF that all Israelis have to serve, that automatically makes her a racist zionist Muslim hater.


I don't understand why modern social justice liberals think it is ok to shit on Christians and Jews but protect Muslims at all costs.

07-26-2016, 02:50 PM
Libtards are cowards, that's why. Their entire existence is based on bending over for others.

07-26-2016, 03:27 PM
First of all, you had started a thread about Islam earlier in which I took moments of my precious finite time to address only to have you run away without a reply. Find it read and educate yourself.

Secondly they are two different ways of life. It is mandatory to pray five times a day every single day in the Islamic faith. The Oneness of God is stressed over and over and over again on all aspects of the religion and the worst offence is to commit shirk. Islam requires complete submission to the Will of God. Not partial.
Thus you wanting to accuse them off hypocrisy is utterly mistaken as it could very well be that one path registers properly with them while the other doesn't.

Thirdly "All falsehoods will perish for by their very nature they ate bound to perish" 17:81

what had happened at the council of nicaea was indeed mixing Truth with falsehood (human compromise and accommodating pagan rituals). "Do not mix truth with falsehood." (2:42)

Fourth why do you care so adamantly about what liberals think? Are you too uneducated to form your opinion on things? If so, Start back from when you were 19 or so and continue education. Read the Quran, read the Bible, read history, read political science, read sociology etc. No shame. We've all wasted time.

07-26-2016, 03:33 PM
Hey, I mean, OP is still right though :confusedshrug: Its not like this topic has been posted over and over..

07-26-2016, 03:36 PM
one good example is reddit, they will sh1t on christians in unison. based of their comments, all christians today are equal to or worse than hitler.

i don't know why. i mean, if you don't like religion, ok...but why go out of your way to bash them and make them seem like scum? people that go out of their way to bash a certain group of people have issues.

07-26-2016, 03:37 PM
OP should have his own subforum and he can have all the meltdowns he wants in there :oldlol: I'd visit it from time to time to say hello or see what the new bumper sticker says :cheers:

Bosnian Sajo
07-26-2016, 03:42 PM
OP has the biggest hard on right now, he cannot believe he just got the Muslim big 3 to post together in the same thread.

07-26-2016, 03:46 PM
one good example is reddit, they will sh1t on christians in unison. based of their comments, all christians today are equal to or worse than hitler.

i don't know why. i mean, if you don't like religion, ok...but why go out of your way to bash them and make them seem like scum? people that go out of their way to bash a certain group of people have issues.

I guess the only appropriate response is calmness and patience man. This world is a prison and a test for the faithful. Gratitude too since clearly we aren't compelled to tear others down through slander, rather we were created for a higher function on Earth. Alhamdullilah.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was called a sorcerer, a mad man, a bewitched man, and all kinds of false accusations while he was teaching people to worship God alone. The same extends to the Pharisees wrecklessly slandering Jesus. And every truth teller in general since the dawn of mankind versus those who pledge allegiance to corrupt tyrants.

07-26-2016, 03:51 PM
"liberals" today, for people in my age bracket, basically means people who reason based on emotion. And to many, that makes it a dirty word.

07-26-2016, 03:52 PM
OP has the biggest hard on right now, he cannot believe he just got the Muslim big 3 to post together in the same thread.

Ehh the guy seems to want answers to escape the cycle of conundrums that bugs him man. Even Umar (RA) and Khalid spilled blood before Allah made their hearts change.

"And the Truth shall set you free!"

Patrick Chewing
07-26-2016, 03:57 PM
Christianity is the way. Jesus is the way to Salvation.

A true religion of peace.


07-26-2016, 04:02 PM
I agree with OP on this one...libs love to blame Christianity on all sorts of shit, but for some reason will defend Islam while doing it. It really is fckin retarded.

07-26-2016, 04:29 PM
I love liberal bashing more than the next guy, but the whining about christian bashing in comparison to other religions needs to stop. It is petty and tired unless specific examples are given to make it applicable to whatever situation is being discussed. Christianity receives more flack because it is the dominant religion in the west - the dominant force in society always gets the most criticism, and always has the people criticizing it get afforded the most protection. Get over it. That's how it goes.

07-26-2016, 05:13 PM
I love liberal bashing more than the next guy, but the whining about christian bashing in comparison to other religions needs to stop. It is petty and tired unless specific examples are given to make it applicable to whatever situation is being discussed. Christianity receives more flack because it is the dominant religion in the west - the dominant force in society always gets the most criticism, and always has the people criticizing it get afforded the most protection. Get over it. That's how it goes.
If you're going to whine all day about how Christians are fcking up this and that then you shouldn't go on to defend Islam...simple as that.

07-26-2016, 05:51 PM
one good example is reddit, they will sh1t on christians in unison. based of their comments, all christians today are equal to or worse than hitler.

i don't know why. i mean, if you don't like religion, ok...but why go out of your way to bash them and make them seem like scum? people that go out of their way to bash a certain group of people have issues.
I was put in private Christian schools until junior high. It didn't take me long to see that religion wasn't for me. Maybe around 3th or 4th grade. Since I got away from that stuff, I never looked back. Having said that, I never mind being around people of any faith that accept my choice to live totally free. If they don't try to convert me or belittle me, I have no problem that people of faith like magic underwear, wear dresses, tall hats, believe we're nuked aliens, have Frisbees for hats or what have you.

07-26-2016, 06:02 PM
If you're going to whine all day about how Christians are fcking up this and that then you shouldn't go on to defend Islam...simple as that.

Maybe it's just me but I don't see people going around bashing Christians that much anymore. Frankly, barely at all, unless it is in direct response to someone challenging Islam. Christian bashing isn't in vogue anymore, or at least currently, I think

07-26-2016, 08:35 PM
But since a minority religion of mostly brown people has taken over the headlines, suddenly liberals are super tolerant and sensitive to other peoples religions?
problem is, you might have started out with a good point, but now people are going to think you sound like a racist. if modern history teaches anything, it's that as soon as you talk about the color of a person's skin, whatever else you say pretty much goes out the window.

The social conditioning of these rats is priceless. They have no idea why they even think anything they do. They see some peers yelling something and they instinctively start yelling too. When their peers stop yelling, they stop yelling. They cannot be seen out of lockstep because theyre too insecure to ever have a different opinion from their peer group. They must do everything the way someone else does it. Think the same, speak the same, act the same, hate the same, tolerate the same. Even hold the same phony double standards.
i think a healthy portion of all that is in your own head.

my experience with liberals, especially the social justice crowd, is that they give lip service to being united while actually being a bunch of vicious, self-righteous cutthroats towards each other and behind each others backs. conservative-types, as long as they're not too redneck or whatever, can be a lot more relaxing and friendly to hang out with.

07-26-2016, 11:18 PM
I agree with OP on this one...libs love to blame Christianity on all sorts of shit, but for some reason will defend Islam while doing it. It really is fckin retarded.

No its not retarded.

They are two different religions with two vastly different histories. One is purely monotheistic... The other is what you folks down South know better than me about.

Let's allow Chris and you Nate a decade or so of extensive research on all subjects pertinent then discuss these in depth.

07-26-2016, 11:28 PM
I was put in private Christian schools until junior high. It didn't take me long to see that religion wasn't for me. Maybe around 3th or 4th grade. Since I got away from that stuff, I never looked back. Having said that, I never mind being around people of any faith that accept my choice to live totally free. If they don't try to convert me or belittle me, I have no problem that people of faith like magic underwear, wear dresses, tall hats, believe we're nuked aliens, have Frisbees for hats or what have you.

Notice the amount of personal pronouns used.
Notice the complete absence of legitimate Scriptural Knowledge used.

You have time to at least familiarize yourself with a rudimentary comprehension of the faiths.

Don't be the ignorant mocking type. You haven't even hit your third decade in life yet. And Christianity is corrupted. Go back to the root of its teachings man.

Nick Young
07-26-2016, 11:32 PM
Notice the amount of personal pronouns used.
Notice the complete absence of legitimate Scriptural Knowledge used.

You have time to at least familiarize yourself with a rudimentary comprehension of the faiths.

Don't be the ignorant mocking type.
Do Muslims accept and tolerate Zoroastrians?:confusedshrug:

07-26-2016, 11:35 PM
I don't know Nick, I don't live in Ancient Persia.

Is the Universe created by multiple gods? Is fire your creator and worthy of worship/prostration?

Would you be cool with me if I let you go on believing the grass is violet, that 2 plus 2 is 7, and eating poison dart frogs was OK for young children? Or that there were dire... hellish consequences for composing life in a destructive idolatrous fashion. Irregardless of how much you slander Islam you ought to know that deep inside I (nor any healthy compassionate Muslim) do not want anyone to go to Hell including you. Can you say the same for me, Nick?

No. Likewise I invite you to the worship of God alone with no partners. Tawheed. The essential defining trait of Islam.

Not fire. Not multiples. There would be no regulated orderly universe with two, and there would be no universe without a Creator. Thus, One.

Nick Young
07-26-2016, 11:38 PM
I don't know Nick, I don't live in Ancient Persia.

Is the Universe created by multiple gods? Is fire your creator and worthy of worship/prostration?
Zoroastrians are still alive. Do you view them as valid human beings who have the right to practice their religion in peace as long as they don't harm anyone?

07-27-2016, 12:29 AM
I don't know Nick, I don't live in Ancient Persia.

Is the Universe created by multiple gods? Is fire your creator and worthy of worship/prostration?

Would you be cool with me if I let you go on believing the grass is violet, that 2 plus 2 is 7, and eating poison dart frogs was OK for young children? Or that there were dire... hellish consequences for composing life in a destructive idolatrous fashion. Irregardless of how much you slander Islam you ought to know that deep inside I (nor any healthy compassionate Muslim) do not want anyone to go to Hell including you. Can you say the same for me, Nick?

No. Likewise I invite you to the worship of God alone with no partners. Tawheed. The essential defining trait of Islam.

Not fire. Not multiples. There would be no regulated orderly universe with two, and there would be no universe without a Creator. Thus, One.
I personally don't care if you believe you fart bubblegum. Believe all that stuff until your hearts content, as long as it's peaceful and harmless. Where you falter is by not reciprocating. I'm not sure if you don't want to or your religion won't allow you to. Only you know.

Also, edit irregardless to regardless.

07-27-2016, 01:16 AM
Maybe it's just me but I don't see people going around bashing Christians that much anymore. Frankly, barely at all, unless it is in direct response to someone challenging Islam. Christian bashing isn't in vogue anymore, or at least currently, I think

Nah, these people still exist. There are plenty of liberals who will casually throw out pejoratives to describe Christians (bible thumper, God botherer, Jesus freak) in that sneering, contemptuous style that they have down to perfection. Not a chance they would use a term like "Allah botherer" to describe Muslims.

In fact I have anecdotal evidence, I was in Venice Beach in L.A. today and there was a dude going up and down on the boardwalk trolling Christians with a placard saying, to paraphrase "God damn Jesus, anyone who believes in God is going to hell" and the "Bible is a book full of lies and bullshit". Someone doing the same type of blasphemy toward Islam is pretty much guaranteed to automatically be tabbed as a bigot.

The inconsistency is real.

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 01:23 AM
I don't know Nick, I don't live in Ancient Persia.

Is the Universe created by multiple gods? Is fire your creator and worthy of worship/prostration?

Would you be cool with me if I let you go on believing the grass is violet, that 2 plus 2 is 7, and eating poison dart frogs was OK for young children? Or that there were dire... hellish consequences for composing life in a destructive idolatrous fashion. Irregardless of how much you slander Islam you ought to know that deep inside I (nor any healthy compassionate Muslim) do not want anyone to go to Hell including you. Can you say the same for me, Nick?

No. Likewise I invite you to the worship of God alone with no partners. Tawheed. The essential defining trait of Islam.

Not fire. Not multiples. There would be no regulated orderly universe with two, and there would be no universe without a Creator. Thus, One.
For sure dude. I don't want you to go to hell. If there's a heaven I hope you go there. Practice whatever religion you want.

I believe that it is narcissistic to believe that out of all the religions in the world, only one is the true and righteous way.

God created all humans and the entire earth, therefor he also created every single religion INCLUDING polytheistic ones. As long as people aren't hurting eachother I doubt God minds. In fact, going by the Old Testament, God doesn't really care if people are hurting each other.

It is wishful thinking to believe that God cares about our problems. Dude has BILLIONS of planets and stars to manage, you think he gives a shit about people on earth killing each other? God gives no ****s about anything we do.

Thing of it allegorically like this-if God is a man, we are just microorganisms crawling around on one of the mitochondria on one of god's trillions of cells. We are literally less than nothing in the eyes of God.

If God created the whole universe, he doesn't have time to micromanage Earth. I think it is more likely he created things, coded what is going to happen, and left it to its own devices. Evolution for example helps to support my theory.

It is a projection of the human ego that God is watching over us and micromanaging the entire world all the time. It is narcissistic projection of the human ego to believe that when you, a little insignificant speck in the universe, a grain of dust, says a prayer, that God is listening.

God has better things to do. We aren't capable of comprehending God. We can't even comprehend the idea of what God actually is and what God does. God doesn't have time to listen to little Johnny Cleatus in Wichita, Kansas praying for a new baseball mitt. God doesn't have time to listen to little Aisha Ali's prayer that her parents don't serve her camel curry again for the fifth day in a row. God is busy with more important shit.

07-27-2016, 01:37 AM
First of all, you had started a thread about Islam earlier in which I took moments of my precious finite time to address only to have you run away without a reply. Find it read and educate yourself.

Secondly they are two different ways of life. It is mandatory to pray five times a day every single day in the Islamic faith. The Oneness of God is stressed over and over and over again on all aspects of the religion and the worst offence is to commit shirk. Islam requires complete submission to the Will of God. Not partial.
Thus you wanting to accuse them off hypocrisy is utterly mistaken as it could very well be that one path registers properly with them while the other doesn't.

Thirdly "All falsehoods will perish for by their very nature they ate bound to perish" 17:81

what had happened at the council of nicaea was indeed mixing Truth with falsehood (human compromise and accommodating pagan rituals). "Do not mix truth with falsehood." (2:42)

Fourth why do you care so adamantly about what liberals think? Are you too uneducated to form your opinion on things? If so, Start back from when you were 19 or so and continue education. Read the Quran, read the Bible, read history, read political science, read sociology etc. No shame. We've all wasted time.

Keep your evil words to yourself satan.

07-27-2016, 02:01 AM
Only inbreds like the OP and his fellow conservatards believe liberals as a whole defend Islam.

Islam sucks just as badly as Christianity does. They both preach similar garbage. The main difference is that the predominantly Islamic countries never had their version of the Age of Enlightenment, so their development floundered and they have a much higher proportion of dipshit yokel types of fundies (Salafists) who believe in stoning gays and oppressing women.

07-27-2016, 11:18 AM
I personally don't care if you believe you fart bubblegum. Believe all that stuff until your hearts content, as long as it's peaceful and harmless. Where you falter is by not reciprocating. I'm not sure if you don't want to or your religion won't allow you to. Only you know.

Also, edit irregardless to regardless.

First, thanks for the grammatical correction. Also, thanks for not accusing me of violence. We are obliged to be peaceful towards all living things (save the limited amount of meat we consume through the year).

Second, quit the mockery. That's nothing but social conditioning. You've already shown courage to rebel against what you think is false, but do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe is true?

Thirdly, You have yet to earnestly read the volumes of books on Theology that have been written by brighter minds than this world currently has. People don't just "believe" out of blindness. There is a genuine understanding that grants them the courage of their convictions, even and especially, if the entire world opposes them. faith is circumstantial on what they witness throughout their lives, how they compose themselves, having a sense of legitimate gratitude and humility, the connection of their prayers, the giving of charity, and other good deeds. All these factors contribute to the strength of their personal relationship with God Almighty.

Moreover, there's a saying in the military that "There ain't a single man in the trenches who is an atheist" Thus, when the illusion of safety, permanence, and comfort is taken away and man is thrust into danger; people know, instinctively, in the deepest core of their being that their lives are reliant upon God's mercy; and God alone can protect. If you and I, can do ourselves a favor and take a spiritual retreat and really remember Death; we will awaken from "the intoxicated slumber of youth" (Said Nursi).

In the second chapter of the Qu'ran, the hearts of disbelievers and hypocrites are described.

2. This is the Book (the Qur'an), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun [the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)].

3. Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of what we have provided for them [i.e. give Zakat , spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also in Allah's Cause - Jihad, etc.].

4. And who believe in (the Qur'an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).

5. They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.

6. Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.

7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment.

8. And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day" while in fact they believe not.

9. They (think to) deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not!

10. In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allah has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies.

11. And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers."

12. Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not.

13. And when it is said to them (hypocrites): "Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him , Al-Ansar and Al-Muhajirun) have believed," they say: "Shall we believe as the fools have believed?" Verily, they are the fools, but they know not.

14. And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they are alone with their Shayatin (devils - polytheists, hypocrites, etc.), they say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking."

15. Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly.

16. These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. And they were not guided.

17. Their likeness is as the likeness of one who kindled a fire; then, when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darkness. (So) they could not see.

18. They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path).

19. Or like a rainstorm from the sky, wherein is darkness, thunder, and lightning. They thrust their fingers in their ears to keep out the stunning thunderclap for fear of death. But Allah ever encompasses the disbelievers (i.e. Allah will gather them all together).

20. The lightning almost snatches away their sight, whenever it flashes for them, they walk therein, and when darkness covers them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Certainly, Allah has power over all things.

Reflect on the above verses. The entire book is available for you to read. For free. If applied, you won't need alcohol, you won't need pleasure, you won't need luxuries, your sense of happiness and bliss will be above anything the vices can give :)

And secondly, the belief is in One God. One Creator. It is actually, in my opinion, (not to change your mind) ridiculous not to believe. The Big Bang, life, the finely delicated can not have happened by chance. Have you ever taken a prescription drug? It takes the most precise ratios of certain substances in order for it to function properly; and a smidgeon more would wreak havoc, no? Then how did honey, garlic, or black seeds come to be?

I'm not disagreeing with you on the peaceful and harmless part. But you ought to know there actually is an absolute Truth and there are falsehoods. If one chooses the latter then indulges in a life of carnal pleasure after ample warning then they essentially screw themselves over. If one chooses the incorrect path, there are dire consequences.

Peace be Upon You
Personality behind the Condemned Account (interesting choice of username)

In reply to Nick:

Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness.
Read this: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5018/viewall/zoroastrianism/

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 11:24 AM
First, thanks for the grammatical correction. Also, thanks for not accusing me of violence. We are obliged to be peaceful towards all living things (save the limited amount of meat we consume through the year).

Second, quit the mockery. That's nothing but social conditioning. You've already shown courage to rebel against what you think is false, but do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe is true?

Thirdly, You have yet to earnestly read the volumes of books on Theology that have been written by brighter minds than this world currently has. People don't just "believe" out of blindness. There is a genuine understanding that grants them the courage of their convictions, even and especially, if the entire world opposes them. faith is circumstantial on what they witness throughout their lives, how they compose themselves, having a sense of legitimate gratitude and humility, the connection of their prayers, the giving of charity, and other good deeds. All these factors contribute to the strength of their personal relationship with God Almighty.

Moreover, there's a saying in the military that "There ain't a single man in the trenches who is an atheist" Thus, when the illusion of safety, permanence, and comfort is taken away and man is thrust into danger; people know, instinctively, in the deepest core of their being that their lives are reliant upon God's mercy; and God alone can protect. If you and I, can do ourselves a favor and take a spiritual retreat and really remember Death; we will awaken from "the intoxicated slumber of youth" (Said Nursi).

In the second chapter of the Qu'ran, the hearts of disbelievers and hypocrites are described.

Reflect on the above verses. The entire book is available for you to read. For free. If applied, you won't need alcohol, you won't need pleasure, you won't need luxuries, your sense of happiness and bliss will be above anything the vices can give :)

And secondly, the belief is in One God. One Creator. It is actually, in my opinion, (not to change your mind) ridiculous not to believe. The Big Bang, life, the finely delicated can not have happened by chance. Have you ever taken a prescription drug? It takes the most precise ratios of certain substances in order for it to function properly; and a smidgeon more would wreak havoc, no? Then how did honey, garlic, or black seeds come to be?

I'm not disagreeing with you on the peaceful and harmless part. But you ought to know there actually is an absolute Truth and there are falsehoods. If one chooses the latter then indulges in a life of carnal pleasure after ample warning then they essentially screw themselves over. If one chooses the incorrect path, there are dire consequences.

Peace be Upon You
Personality behind the Condemned Account (interesting choice of username)

In reply to Nick:

Read this thoroughly: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5018/viewall/zoroastrianism/

What if the one God and creator that Zoroastrians worship, Ahura Mazda, is the same God that Christians, Jews and Muslims worship?

Historically, the Zoroastrians are one of the-if not the- very first religion to believe in one God. What if the God they call Ahura Mazda is the same God that you call Allah?

If this is the case, will Zoroastrians go to heaven? Or will God punish them because they didn't worship him in the same way Jews, Christians and Muslims worship him?

07-27-2016, 11:39 AM
(68. They said, "Call upon your Lord for us that He may make plain to us what it is!'' He said, "He says, `Verily, it is a cow neither too old nor too young, but (it is) between the two conditions', so do what you are commanded.'') (69. They said, "Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us its colour.'' He said, "He says, `It is a yellow cow, bright in its colour, pleasing the beholders.' '') (70. They said, "Call upon your Lord for us to make plain to us what it is. Verily, to us all cows are alike. And surely, if Allah wills, we will be guided.'') (71. He (Musa) said, "He says, `It is a cow neither trained to till the soil nor water the fields, sound, having no blemish in it.' '' They said, "Now you have brought the truth.'' So they slaughtered it though they were near to not doing it.)

Allah mentioned the stubbornness of the Children of Israel and the many unnecessary questions they asked their Messengers. This is why when they were stubborn, Allah made the decisions difficult for them. Had they slaughtered a cow, any cow, it would have been sufficient for them, as Ibn `Abbas and `Ubaydah have said. Instead, they made the matter difficult, and this is why Allah made it even more difficult for them. They said,

So Nick, you were impressed with Frank Herbert's prediction of the world becoming Muslim a few decades ago, yes?

Are you impressed with the perfect foresight and analysis of your character/behavior 1400 years ago?

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 11:41 AM
So Nick, you were impressed with Frank Herbert's prediction of the world becoming Muslim a few decades ago, yes?

Are you impressed with the perfect foresight and analysis of your character/behavior 1400 years ago?
What is my character/behavior?

Not a loaded question. I have respect for your knowledge dawg.

Jews are always taught to ask questions. This is part of our culture. It's in our oral tradition the Talmud and passed down from God. Is asking questions a bad thing according to Islamic teaching?

07-27-2016, 12:17 PM
Only inbreds like the OP and his fellow conservatards believe liberals as a whole defend Islam.

Islam sucks just as badly as Christianity does. They both preach similar garbage. The main difference is that the predominantly Islamic countries never had their version of the Age of Enlightenment, so their development floundered and they have a much higher proportion of dipshit yokel types of fundies (Salafists) who believe in stoning gays and oppressing women.

Hey person of the 21st century who has the internet and books available to him! A challenge awaits you!


If you are in doubt as to whether the revelations which We have sent to Our servant (Muhammad) are from Us or not, then produce one Surah like this; and call your witnesses (gods that you call upon) besides Allah to assist you, if you are right in your claim.

Make one, just one line of your own that details the meaning of life, the cosmos, the purpose of man's origin and destination, morality, meaning, the realities both spiritual and material, parables of wisdom like the Holy Qu'ran.

You're allowed to use any and all sources you want. While you're at it, draw out a blueprint for the Church. Or even keep a loyal wife and raise children well.

07-27-2016, 12:23 PM
this discussion kind of confirms certain things in my mind.

i'm not sure what to do with that information. :(

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 12:26 PM
this discussion kind of confirms certain things in my mind.

i'm not sure what to do with that information. :(
You believe yourself to be better and more intelligent than people who have spirituality in their lives.

And yet you are constantly feeling sad and empty and rely on outside stimulus like Ray Charles music to bandaid and provide you with temporary relief.

Perhaps there are certain things about yourself that you need to question.

07-27-2016, 12:41 PM
actually i kind of respect you more, knowing the whole situation. it can literally be said that you make ISH more entertaining, plus you have much love from me, always.

Bosnian Sajo
07-27-2016, 12:41 PM
What is my character/behavior?

Not a loaded question. I have respect for your knowledge dawg.

Jews are always taught to ask questions. This is part of our culture. It's in our oral tradition the Talmud and passed down from God. Is asking questions a bad thing according to Islamic teaching?

It's actually encouraged just like in Judaism (something I didn't know about you Jews), it is encouraged to ask anything and question everything, otherwise how else would you learn? Learning is also heavily encouraged in Islam, learn as much as you can and be an intelligent human being.

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 12:44 PM
It's actually encouraged just like in Judaism (something I didn't know about you Jews), it is encouraged to ask anything and question everything, otherwise how else would you learn? Learning is also heavily encouraged in Islam, learn as much as you can and be an intelligent human being.
Exactly, this is exactly what I believe too and Jews are taught to believe.

It's the best way to live life.

Islam and Judaism are very similar. It is a shame what has happened between the two religions. We once formed a great alliance.

07-27-2016, 12:48 PM
Sorry Nick for the character attack. It's just, your questions were largely irrelevant and unfruitful/impractical because the fate of Zoroastrianists have very little to do with your next personal course of action this very moment.

Questions are good. Without questions you have a dogmatic authoritarian culture which Imam Ghazali specifically warned about. That's room for Tyrants. Relevant Verse:

They take their rabbis, priests and monks or ascetics to be their Lords* besides Allah. And they take as their Lord, the Messiah son of Mary. Yet they were commanded to worship but One God. There is no god but He. Praise and Glory to Him, He is far too Glorious for what they ascribe to Him. [Quran 9:31]

Say, “Shall I take for my master other than Allah Who is the Initiator of the heavens and the earth? And He provides all without return. Feeds but is not fed.” Say, “ I have been commanded to be the foremost among those who surrender to Him and ascribe not divinity besides Him.” [Quran 6:14]

"Not to take Priests and Rabbis (that includes Imams) as their Lords. ." as well as "To NEVER FOLLOW anyone blindly" as well as to "Contemplate nature and creation deeply." are instructions clearly written.

But when knowledge has been firmly established, a firm foundation based on sound wisdom and then the message is conveyed clearly; you know the next step to take. There's gonna be smart alecks who delay, delay, delay; unnecessarily.

We're behind in knowing the Scriptural Knowledge, so we must familiarize, master, and apply that first. Thus, I'd prefer you share things from the Torah as comprehensive as possible and apply those teachings to Insidehoops.

If we fail to do that, then us instead of snapping right to work tend to delay things and then it gets worse and worse and worse and worse. Like the parable in the Qu'ran points to.

Nick Young
07-27-2016, 12:55 PM
Sorry Nick for the character attack. It's just largely irrelevant because the fate of Zoroastrianists have very little to do with your next personal course of action this very moment.

Questions are good. Without questions you have a dogmatic authoritarian culture which Imam Ghazali specifically warned about.

But when knowledge has been firmly established, a firm foundation based on sound wisdom and then the message is conveyed clearly; you know the next step to take. There's gonna be smart alecks who delay, delay, delay; unnecessarily.

I meant to say that the youthful and stubborn among us instead of snapping right to work tend to delay things and then it gets worse and worse and worse and worse. Like the parable in the Qu'ran.

It's not restricted to Children of Israel.

I asked not as a loaded question.

I was asking to see if Islamic teaching tolerates religions like Zoroastrianism or Buddhism for example, peaceful religions that aren't the same as Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

I do not know much about zoroastrianism but I do know a bit about Buddhism and to me it is a very positive religion, and doesn't clash with ideas in Judaism.

Just for me personally, I am completely fine with people practicing any religion that doesn't harm people physically or emotionally abuse them. Judaism teaches Jews to tolerate all religions, people should be able to practice what they wish to practice as long as they are causing harm to no one.

I notice in many Islamic countries, they are purging and ethnically cleansing many non-Muslim religious groups like Coptic Christians for example, and even muslim groups like the Sufis.

Does this have to do with Islamic teaching encouraging this violence against other religions in some way, or is it violent governments acting on their own accord?

I do not bring these groups up in an attempt to smear all Islam or anything like that. I bring them up because I see a pattern in many(NOT ALL) Muslim nations across the Middle East and North Africa trying to purge these groups out of their countries.

According to Islamic teaching, is Buddha going to hell because he didn't follow Allah?

Is Islam teaching these Islamist government leaders to purge non-Muslims or is that an issue entirely unrelated from true Islam?

07-27-2016, 12:58 PM
actually i kind of respect you more, knowing the whole situation. it can literally be said that you make ISH more entertaining, plus you have much love from me, always.

You know what the problem is, gigantes.

Your "I".

Some Descartian philosophy from an Islamic perspective.

From birth, the purpose of I was to be utilized as:
I can see, therefore my Creator can see and knows the dynamics of my ocular lens.
I can read, therefore my Creator knew that written language and symbols would register as meaning into my head.
I can write, and I have knowledge of DNA, therefore I know that everything out there has been transcripted, transcribed and (other conclusions you can ponder upon).
I can heal therefore I know the One who created disease has also created a cure specifically for it.
I can choose, therefore the One who created me must have had Superior Intelligence and Will.


But humans unfortunately use it to fabricate/craft some identity they enslave themselves to and prop up some image and bolster their ego, their soul at the expense of their spiritual heart's development.

07-27-2016, 01:46 PM
but what about lithium...?