View Full Version : Think of how intelligent the average person in the US is.

07-28-2016, 01:13 AM
Half of the US is dumber than that (could include me if you look at my performances at work this year...burning out :/ )

07-28-2016, 03:10 PM
The U.S. average I.Q. is 98 I believe. I'm surprised it's that high with the kind of people I encounter.

07-28-2016, 03:54 PM
The U.S. average I.Q. is 98 I believe. I'm surprised it's that high with the kind of people I encounter.

Which means something like 60% of Americans have between 90-110.

Which means 20-30% of Americans are dumber than that. That's ~66,000,000 people....

Your average adult in the US is stupid as ****. Seriously.

07-28-2016, 05:15 PM
Half of the US is dumber than that (could include me if you look at my performances at work this year...burning out :/ )
Not necessarily brah. Could be more than half, could be less than half, depending where the distribution falls.

07-28-2016, 05:30 PM
theres alot of morons in this thread. average intelligence and how many people fall into that category isnt a static trend. the majority of the population falls in the average range, and the minorities of the population fall into the above average and below average range. 80 percent of people could fall into the average range, maybe even 90 in some countries.

07-28-2016, 06:08 PM
Well the Dems are trying to dumb the country even further. How else would they get more votes. They want more migrants and not the bright ones either.

07-28-2016, 06:40 PM
Well the Dems are trying to dumb the country even further. How else would they get more votes. They want more migrants and not the bright ones either.

Their livelihood depends upon tricking the gullible, weak, and ignorant. We, the intelligent and strong, see right through it.

oh the horror
07-28-2016, 06:49 PM
Their livelihood depends upon tricking the gullible, weak, and ignorant. We, the intelligent and strong, see right through it.

Well the Dems are trying to dumb the country even further. How else would they get more votes. They want more migrants and not the bright ones either.

And here we go :rolleyes:

07-28-2016, 09:10 PM
I took a legitimate IQ test a couple years back. My number is 131.

98th percentile :rockon:

07-28-2016, 11:09 PM
I took a legitimate IQ test a couple years back. My number is 131.

98th percentile :rockon:

36 points behind High Potential/Bruinlove/Nick Young/sergiorodriguez.

Time to get back on the DnB and TFCS game. To be fair, the elite level genius is getting fat, while you're still sexy as ever.

longtime lurker
07-28-2016, 11:46 PM
And here we go :rolleyes:

Leave them be. Classic case of projection going on.

07-28-2016, 11:52 PM
Not necessarily brah. Could be more than half, could be less than half, depending where the distribution falls.

Lol yeah, should have been more specific I guess, but it should be approximately right.

07-29-2016, 12:01 AM
36 points behind High Potential/Bruinlove/Nick Young/sergiorodriguez.

Time to get back on the DnB and TFCS game. To be fair, the elite level genius is getting fat, while you're still sexy as ever.

De Sosa is a funny cat though. And Bro, thanks for reminding about DnB! Haven't sharpened myself in ages. :eek: As you can tell by my posting, it's just no there anymore! I am no longer the super freak of message boards, but just merely another average joe! I guarantee if I start trying again - I will once again be a huge problem. I'll create another alias soon and see if I can't pick up where LJ left off


07-29-2016, 12:15 AM
theres alot of morons in this thread. average intelligence and how many people fall into that category isnt a static trend. the majority of the population falls in the average range, and the minorities of the population fall into the above average and below average range. 80 percent of people could fall into the average range, maybe even 90 in some countries.
When are you going to learn to capitalize your sentences? Also stop making up percentage data out of your butt.

07-29-2016, 03:56 PM

De Sosa is a funny cat though. And Bro, thanks for reminding about DnB! Haven't sharpened myself in ages. :eek: As you can tell by my posting, it's just no there anymore! I am no longer the super freak of message boards, but just merely another average joe! I guarantee if I start trying again - I will once again be a huge problem. I'll create another alias soon and see if I can't pick up where LJ left off







Anytime, bossman

07-29-2016, 05:55 PM


When over 40% of your population are imbeciles that believe in creationist nonsense and that the earth is only 6-10k years old, saying that you're of above average intelligence is like bragging about winning the special olympics.

07-30-2016, 12:02 AM
intelligence can be a pretty vague description because there are at least 7 kinds of intelligence.

so what is intelligence? intelligent in what? only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population excel in almost everything.

take ben carson, for example. he's obviously highly gifted in his own field, but he's such a dumb ass in so many other things.

and some people are fking brilliant in crossword puzzles but struggle with doing elementary math in their heads, or vice versa.

some of the most intelligent people you meet in life might also be the biggest retards you've ever met too. lol

07-30-2016, 12:24 AM
intelligence can be a pretty vague description because there are at least 7 kinds of intelligence.

so what is intelligence? intelligent in what? only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population excel in almost everything.

take ben carson, for example. he's obviously highly gifted in his own field, but he's such a dumb ass in so many other things.

and some people are fking brilliant in crossword puzzles but struggle with doing elementary math in their heads, or vice versa.

some of the most intelligent people you meet in life might also be the biggest retards you've ever met too. lol

So true

I work in the video game industry and I've been around plenty of "gifted" programmers. Many are absolutely brilliant at math, and then basically mentally retarded at having a simple conversation.

07-30-2016, 12:52 AM
Not necessarily brah. Could be more than half, could be less than half, depending where the distribution falls.

IQ follows a normal distribution.

07-30-2016, 10:48 AM
IQ follows a normal distribution.
You are wrong, as usual (at least, you are if you think you're contradicting what I said). There is not the exact same number of people above 100 as below 100, and that's all I said. So yeah, that pathetic attempt to sound like a smartass just smacked you right in the face.

Oh, and just so you don't try to weasel your way out with some idiot equivocation, blubbering about how you're a "scientist" or some shit:

Does IQ in people follow a normal distribution?


Peter Flom, I have a PhD in psychometrics

07-30-2016, 10:56 AM
A lot of people are willing to vote for Hillary Clinton.
That's all you need to know to understand how stupid the majority of people in the US are

07-30-2016, 11:26 AM
A lot of people are willing to vote for Hillary Clinton.
That's all you need to know to understand how stupid the majority of people in the US are
Nah, the best way to word this, is that Americans have a choice of voting for Clinton or Trump, and yet they many are still making preachments about how great "democracy" is, and their need to start wars to spread more "democracy", when their own democracy has become such a grotesque farce.

Clean up your own shit at home Americans! Then you can start lecturing the world again.

07-30-2016, 12:24 PM
You are wrong, as usual (at least, you are if you think you're contradicting what I said). There is not the exact same number of people above 100 as below 100, and that's all I said. So yeah, that pathetic attempt to sound like a smartass just smacked you right in the face.

Oh, and just so you don't try to weasel your way out with some idiot equivocation, blubbering about how you're a "scientist" or some shit:

Keep your ignorant opinion to yourself in the future.

It follows a normal distribution. The test is purposefully constructed in such a way and modeled under that assumption. The tails may not perfectly fit, but then again hardly anything fits a given distribution perfectly.

Given a mean IQ of 100, for all practical purposes, half are above and half are below.

07-30-2016, 01:10 PM
It follows a normal distribution. The test is purposefully constructed in such a way and modeled under that assumption. The tails may not perfectly fit, but then again hardly anything fits a given distribution perfectly.

Given a mean IQ of 100, for all practical purposes, half are above and half are below.
What do you mean "for all practical purposes"?--either they are, or they are not. You're just equivocating.

If a society has a large number of debilitating head trauma injuries, do you seriously think its IQ distribution will still be symmetrical, top to bottom? The answer to that is no, which means your original comment was either unnecessary or incorrect--take your pick.