View Full Version : FACT: Cavaliers beat the Warriors, the Warriors didn't beat themselves

07-29-2016, 11:58 PM
Warriors fans live in constant fear that NBA superstar Stephen Curry will get injured

Almost half his NBA career Curry has been battling some type of injury

And when it happened in the 2016 NBA Playoffs, no one was suprised

As some may not know, Stephen had seven ankle sprains and 2 surgiers in a 16-month period

Because of his historical amount of ankle sprains/surgeries, he has unusually slow lateral quickness and struggles with stopping on a dime

Lets recap why he got himself injured:

- Curry gambled on Ariza when he tried a full court press and was blown right by instantly - Montiejunas trips and falls - Curry sees this in the corner of his eye


- Curry tried forcing Ariza to go right - Ariza goes up for the pump - Curry struggles to stop and at the same time slips on sweat because he lacked awareness where he was on the court


*The Golden State Warriors got lucky when it was announced that Stephen Curry only had a Grade 1 MCL sprain in his right knee after taking a scary fall in the playoffs*.

*Had Curry, say, torn his MCL, he would likely be out for the rest of the playoffs*.

*Having faced that possibility, the Warriors are now more determined to chase Kevin Durant as insurance, according to Tim Kawakami of the San Jose Mercury News*.

The injury effected his game none whatsoever

His next game and following series versus the Houston Rockets, Steph perfomed at an elite level


The following 7 game series versus the Oklahoma City Thunder he again performed at a spectacular level


And as we all know, in the Finals, Curry just couldn't live up to the two previous series when he faced the Cleveland Cavaliers


Infact, by looking at his past 3 Playoffs, 2016 Curry was right on par in nearly every category with his 2014 and 2013 Playoffs


In conclusion we see that
1. Steph is injury prone has a long history of sprains with multiple surgeries
2. Steph's fragile ankles wouldn't allow him to stop on a dime/keep up with Ariza
3. Steph had bad court awareness after seeing Montie fall and drove right through a wet spot, tweaking his knee
4. Multiple sources say it was a grade 1 MCL, 2 weeks fully heal, "he was lucky"
5. Steph came back from injury and played 9 games averaging 31, 8, 7, 48%fg before playing Cleveland where he struggled at 22, 5, 4, 40%fg
6. Steph is a sub par Playoff and Finals performer compared to his regular season
7. GSW front office signed Durant as insurance, specifically banking on Steph's next upcoming injury

07-30-2016, 12:02 AM
Oh God, we got the anti-GSW warriorfan

07-30-2016, 12:05 AM

07-30-2016, 12:09 AM
Nb4, ''If u thought what curry did was bad, lebron was worse joining top 5 player in dwade and mvp candidate top 5 player bosh