View Full Version : UH student govt sanctions VP for saying

08-01-2016, 09:41 AM
[QUOTE]Student government leaders at the University of Houston (UH) have ordered their student body vice president, who was denounced for criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement, to attend diversity training or face impeachment.

Student body vice president Rohini Sethi posted

08-01-2016, 09:48 AM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.

If I went to a cancer rally and told people they were wrong for protesting because all diseases matter, I would expect to get kicked out.

This man is a buffoon.

08-01-2016, 09:55 AM

08-01-2016, 09:57 AM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.

If I went to a cancer rally and told people they were wrong for protesting because all diseases matter, I would expect to get kicked out.

This man is a buffoon.
Would you also attend inclusion classes about other cancers, attend three events each month learning about other diseases, and then write a reflection letter with a detailed plan on how to be inclusive to fundraising for other cancers?

I doubt it.

#alllivesmatter. Including yours. If you don't like it, I'm sorry.

08-01-2016, 10:13 AM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.
What about the struggle of the victims of violent crime, the majority of which is committed by black people?

08-01-2016, 10:23 AM
It's time for businesses to stop requiring that young people attend these indoctrination centers in order to find good work.

It's time for BoycottPoliticalCorrectess.com! (http://boycottpoliticalcorrectness.com)

Patrick Chewing
08-01-2016, 10:26 AM
But it's true. All lives matter. A Black life is not worth more than my life.

08-01-2016, 10:47 AM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.

If I went to a cancer rally and told people they were wrong for protesting because all diseases matter, I would expect to get kicked out.

This man is a buffoon.
No surprise this idiot supports destroying the reputation of anyone who doesn't agree with his brain-sick delusions. Go back to your safe space bro:


08-01-2016, 10:51 AM
But seriusly, BLM should add "too" at the end to avoid confusion. It's what they mean but many people don't get that.

08-01-2016, 10:55 AM
But seriusly, BLM should add "too" at the end to avoid confusion. It's what they mean but many people don't get that.
There's no point. The whole "black lives matter" thing has been tainted beyond repair.

08-01-2016, 12:13 PM
It is an interesting phenomenon we are seeing here. On the one hand. the court of public opinion is being utilized by a societal constituency to further their own interests, which is the ideal approach. On the other hand, they are being authoritarian bullies who rely on the guilt of others and the unwillingness to be attacked in said public court, which is the evil nature that "democracies" (of opinion and conflict resolution, not in a political sense) have.


08-01-2016, 02:35 PM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.

If I went to a cancer rally and told people they were wrong for protesting because all diseases matter, I would expect to get kicked out.

This man is a buffoon.

Rohini is a female's name. Stop being sexist.

08-01-2016, 03:29 PM
It is an interesting phenomenon we are seeing here. On the one hand. the court of public opinion is being utilized by a societal constituency to further their own interests, which is the ideal approach. On the other hand, they are being authoritarian bullies who rely on the guilt of others and the unwillingness to be attacked in said public court, which is the evil nature that "democracies" (of opinion and conflict resolution, not in a political sense) have.


If you scream racist enough, eventually people believe you. That's called propaganda. That, combined with the brainwashing taking place in schools, has turned our country upside down.

Just like Rome... slowly rotting away. All for the sake of saying 'we win'.

08-01-2016, 04:52 PM
College was already annoyingly progressive when I attended in the late 90's, early 2000's. I can't imagine how bad it is these days. I was an Economics major, and out of all of my teachers, only two were what I would consider conservative. I understand College is a time when young people tend to question everything, leading to a lot of progressive opinions, but that doesn't mean conservative ideas shouldn't be discussed as well. Being a free-thinker means being open to discussing all ideas, not just the new, popular, progressive ones.

08-01-2016, 05:24 PM
OP is so oblivious to whats going on in society. black lives matter really means "black lives matter as much as white lives and everyone elses lives". when someone against black lives matters says "all lives matter" they are refusing to accept the current state of black lives and to marginalize the message. and to marginalize the idea to protest the disparity of black lives, makes you an ignorant and intolerant fucc boy.

Patrick Chewing
08-01-2016, 05:28 PM
OP is so oblivious to whats going on in society. black lives matter really means "black lives matter as much as white lives and everyone elses lives". when someone against black lives matters says "all lives matter" they are refusing to accept the current state of black lives and to marginalize the message.

Let's suppose what you say is true, that message is frowned upon when protesters block roads, chant about how they want dead cops, chant negative and racist stereotypes about white people.

If you want to be respected and taken serious, then you have to rise above the rest by being better and more respectful. But to perpetuate hate and ignorance. Please. They can all go to hell at that point.

Edit: It's funny watching this from a Hispanic's point of view. Even though I was born here and my parents came when they were very young, I've seen immigrants from Latin America make it a lot quicker in this country than generations of Blacks. Same goes for Asians. What I've learned is that no one cares about your problems. Only you yourself can change your life and your surroundings and this is why Latinos and Asians never march, never complain...they just work.

08-01-2016, 05:48 PM
OP is so oblivious to whats going on in society. black lives matter really means "black lives matter as much as white lives and everyone elses lives". when someone against black lives matters says "all lives matter" they are refusing to accept the current state of black lives and to marginalize the message. and to marginalize the idea to protest the disparity of black lives, makes you an ignorant and intolerant fucc boy.
And this is the kind of tortuous and nonsensical reasoning that allows people to hide their vicious attacks on others behind a veneer of supposed social concern.

That's some Pol Pot logic.

08-01-2016, 05:54 PM
And this is the kind of tortuous and nonsensical reasoning that allows people to hide their vicious attacks on others behind a veneer of supposed social concern.

That's some Pol Pot logic.

poor dresta. the guy that argued that people far from tragedy had the right to make jokes about tragedy was completely ignorant to what made humans coexists with one another.

you are stupid.

08-01-2016, 06:57 PM
He deserved what he got. All lives matter just trivialises the struggle of black people.

If I went to a cancer rally and told people they were wrong for protesting because all diseases matter, I would expect to get kicked out.

This man is a buffoon.
so you weren't really paying attention to the fact that the person is a woman and (based on the name) probably a different minority, one who was showing sympathy for people who were gunned down by a mentally unstable person?

but i guess that was your point, huh? ...to bring shame upon any positive intention of #BLACKLIVESMATTER.

08-01-2016, 07:12 PM
poor dresta. the guy that argued that people far from tragedy had the right to make jokes about tragedy was completely ignorant to what made humans coexists with one another.

you are stupid.

Of course they have the right. And humour is one of the most important things of all for human coexistence, and of this, you have none at all. Dumb as bricks and dull as shit.

08-01-2016, 07:14 PM

Of course they have the right. And humour is one of the most important things of all for human coexistence, and of this, you have none at all. Dumb as bricks and dull as shit.

08-01-2016, 08:45 PM

Of course they have the right. And humour is one of the most important things of all for human coexistence, and of this, you have none at all. Dumb as bricks and dull as shit.

:roll: :roll:

08-01-2016, 09:01 PM
Saying "all lives matter" is not what a racist POS organization like BLM wants to hear

08-02-2016, 03:27 AM
Very sad that Texas taypayers are funding this excuse for a learning institution.

08-02-2016, 04:34 AM
hypocritical to say the least...lol she said everyone matters trying to be inclusive to all races and color and the black legislation of the university didnt want to hear any of it commy style and forcing her to attend cultural events...lol

i guess the cultural events include, watermelon eating contest, fried chicken day of the week, tweeark that ass saturday and rob that liquor store sunday and gen shot by the cops monday

08-02-2016, 05:00 AM
hypocritical to say the least...lol she said everyone matters trying to be inclusive to all races and color and the black legislation of the university didnt want to hear any of it commy style and forcing her to attend cultural events...lol

i guess the cultural events include, watermelon eating contest, fried chicken day of the week, tweeark that ass saturday and rob that liquor store sunday and gen shot by the cops monday

Insidehoops will actually ban you for what you just wrote--it's happened to me about five times in the past month.

08-02-2016, 05:12 AM
Insidehoops will actually ban you for what you just wrote--it's happened to me about five times in the past month.
i was exaggerating to make a point, what cultural events do they expect her to attend when she was being inclusive to everyone's culture from the get go...so obviously the school expects her to attend "black events" and masked it in "cultural events" (another hippocracy) to get more well informed with black lives...

this "all lives black lives" shaming only works against white people....thing is though shes of indian ethnicity...nothing for her to be shamefula bout voicing her life matters in the category of all lives matter, i dont think black lives matter would include her into their group

08-02-2016, 06:20 AM
i was exaggerating to make a point, what cultural events do they expect her to attend when she was being inclusive to everyone's culture from the get go...so obviously the school expects her to attend "black events" and masked it in "cultural events" (another hippocracy) to get more well informed with black lives...

this "all lives black lives" shaming only works against white people....thing is though shes of indian ethnicity...nothing for her to be shamefula bout voicing her life matters in the category of all lives matter, i dont think black lives matter would include her into their group

Brother, I agree with you 100%, I am simply pointing out that ISH is run by a liberal gestapo.

08-02-2016, 07:57 AM
OP is so oblivious to whats going on in society. black lives matter really means "black lives matter as much as white lives and everyone elses lives". when someone against black lives matters says "all lives matter" they are refusing to accept the current state of black lives and to marginalize the message. and to marginalize the idea to protest the disparity of black lives, makes you an ignorant and intolerant fucc boy.


I am refusing to accept the current state of black lives in the sense that police buckle up their utility belts with the mentality that they're getting ready to go out and hunt black people.

Black lives DO matter, but the notion that police brutality is a big factor in why they all live in the ghetto is a false narrative perpetuated by Democrats in order to get them to come out and vote. If anything, the current administration has as much, if not more, to do with their current sad state of affairs than anything cops will ever do.

Cops didn't put you in the ghetto. Cops didn't destroy your school system. Cops didn't take away your jobs. Cops didn't flood your neighborhoods with drugs. Cops didn't destroy your housing ownership. Cops didn't diminish your paychecks. Cops didn't force you onto food stamps.

All that was done by our government, which ironically, is headed up by a black man. If your life really matters, THAT's who you should be mad at, because THAT is who could have changed your life, could have helped you... and he declined. Your savior gave you the big middle finger, and now you're mad, and you blame everyone but him.

What's the definition of insanity?

08-02-2016, 08:21 AM

I am refusing to accept the current state of black lives in the sense that police buckle up their utility belts with the mentality that they're getting ready to go out and hunt black people.

Black lives DO matter, but the notion that police brutality is a big factor in why they all live in the ghetto is a false narrative perpetuated by Democrats in order to get them to come out and vote. If anything, the current administration has as much, if not more, to do with their current sad state of affairs than anything cops will ever do.

Cops didn't put you in the ghetto. Cops didn't destroy your school system. Cops didn't take away your jobs. Cops didn't flood your neighborhoods with drugs. Cops didn't destroy your housing ownership. Cops didn't diminish your paychecks. Cops didn't force you onto food stamps.

All that was done by our government, which ironically, is headed up by a black man. If your life really matters, THAT's who you should be mad at, because THAT is who could have changed your life, could have helped you... and he declined. Your savior gave you the big middle finger, and now you're mad, and you blame everyone but him.

What's the definition of insanity?

You are arguing with the "dumb as bricks and dull as shit" left using logic and supported arguments.


08-02-2016, 08:47 AM
You are arguing with the "dumb as bricks and dull as shit" left using logic and supported arguments.


It's entertaining to hear how people try to rationalize their arguments when their anger is directed at something other than the actual problem.

Blacks are claiming police brutality in Baltimore when they have a black police chief and a black police director with a black mayor. The Attorney General of the country is black; the former Attorney General is black. The president is black.

But somehow Freddie Gray was the white man's fault? Nah. The first step to solving your problem is admitting you have a problem. Blaming the fact that you can't pay your mortgage because you have to pay your cable bill is dumb. That's essentially what they are doing. 'My life sucks balls, must be cause of the police'. No, your life sucks balls because you're kept in a state of dependence and the ones who you depend on don't give a shit about you as long as you vote for them.

That's evident from the huge step back that African Americans have taken over the past 8 years.

08-02-2016, 12:58 PM
Only a step back the past 8 years? :coleman:

I hope everyone sees that the true point of this all is....that liberal media/society is winning.

"All Lives Matter" is becoming a derogatory term...crazy, but true :no:

Personally, I don't agree with this suspension for the school's VP, but the masses spoke so something had to be done...

__________________________________________________ _________

Also, just gonna place some facts about Baltimore :pimp:

-Baltimore's 'Black Police Chief', Anthony Batts, was fired right after the Eric Garner fiasco. The current Police Chief, Kevin Davis, is white. Batts had this to say this year after his firing:

Batts said the real problem was training.

Batts said Gray's death and the subsequent riots exposed deeper problems in Baltimore.

"It was just the straw that broke the camel's back that unleashed that," he said. "You gotta talk about the racial issues in that city. People don't like to talk about those things, but you got 'separate but equal' taking place in that city."

Even before the riots, Batts' critics accused him of being out of touch with the city and rank and file officers.


-Baltimore's 'Black Mayor', Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, won't seek re-election. We all can speculate why.


-'Black Attorney General', Loretta Lynch, is currently leading a DOJ investigation on Baltimore Police that is still ongoing...

-'Black President' Barack Obama stated this regarding the Grand Jury decision concerning Eric Garner.

[QUOTE]"And I say that as somebody who believes that law enforcement has an incredibly difficult job; that every man or woman in uniform are putting their lives at risk to protect us; that they have the right to come home, just like we do from our jobs; that there

Nick Young
08-02-2016, 01:05 PM
What is she, some kind of tolerant anti-segregationist?

Burn the heathen!