View Full Version : Ivanpah Solar Plant Kills 6,000 birds, incinerates 1,100.

08-02-2016, 10:02 AM
The Ivanpah solar plant in Southern California killed 6,185 birds in 2015. That includes burning about 1,145 birds with the intense heat coming off its many mirrored heliostat panels, according to a recent report on the government-backed solar project.

An audit of how many birds and bats Ivanpah kills every year found “there were an estimated 2500 fatalities from known causes and 3686 fatalities from unknown causes” last year. Of the known fatalities, nearly 46 percent were killed by the intense, concentrated heat used to generate electricity.

“It’s an unbelievably high number, and we’re really alarmed,” Garry George, renewable energy director for the Audubon Society’s California arm, told E&E News. “We have a lot of questions about this mortality report.”

Ivanpah has been the target of bird enthusiasts for some time. The $2.2 billion solar plant doesn’t just use ordinary photovoltaic panels, it uses more than 170,000 mirrored heliostat panels to concentrate the sun’s rays on to boilers atop three tall towers to generate electricity.

That means the air around Ivanpah is superheated by concentrated solar power — not good news for the thousands of migratory birds that pass over the site every year.

So all those animal lovers... bad news. Your $2.2 billion dollar green energy plant is melting birds by the thousands. :oldlol:

Even better? The plant was going to be shut down because it wasn't producing enough electricity to begin with:

California regulators considered shutting down Ivanpah for not generating enough electricity. The plant only generated 45 percent of expected power in 2014 and only 68 percent in 2015, according to government data. It’s electricity also cost $200 per megawatt-hour.

The cherry on top? We paid for it. I say 'we', but I mean taxpayers. Half the country didn't pay for it, they just get to enjoy it. Or rather, enjoy what little of it there is.

But lawmakers are still worried taxpayers could be on the hook if Ivanpah goes under. Ivanpah got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, and even asked for a $539 million grant to pay off its federal loan.

That's right. The DoE loaned them $1.6 billion, and then NRG actually had the balls to ask for a $500 million dollar grant to pay off the loan. :oldlol:

That's what we like... just keep shoving money in there until you can claim it as a success.


Just stuff the shit out of it. Throw more money at it, and then loan it to them, and then pay off the loan you loaned them. Whatever it takes to be able to claim this disaster as a success, that's what we'll do.


08-02-2016, 11:33 AM
will they close it now ? i fukking hope so :banghead:

Long Duck Dong
08-02-2016, 11:48 AM
They also had to pay out millions to power companies for nit fulfilling their contractual obligations, they were shut down for a month because they set one of their own towers on fire, and they have the Sierra Club breathing down their throats because the project was built on endangered desert tortoise habitat.

08-02-2016, 11:51 AM
drops of water in a bucket compared to the amount of birds that stand to lose their lives due to climate change

08-02-2016, 02:15 PM
I'm sure the keystone pipeline would just integrate into nature perfectly with no habitat or animal destruction

08-02-2016, 02:34 PM
drops of water in a bucket compared to the amount of birds that stand to lose their lives due to climate change

Those panels that kill thousands of birds are a drop in the bucket compared to how many panels climate truthers want to build all over the place.

The most direct and effective solution right now is to stop aiding the industrialization of the third world. Why do we need tribes and villages to be like the west? So they can multiply like rabbits, consume energy and buy our shit?

We have no business aiding or doing business with africa and the middle east. We're feeding a beast that is gonna come back to bite us.

But wait, wait, wait, I know.....

"omg raaaaaaaaaaaccisssssttttttttt!!!!!!!!" :cry: :cry: :cry:

The irony about liberals is they are the cause of all the problems they complain about.

Liberal cities = most segregated and economically imbalanced.
Liberal tolerance = more terrorism, more danger, more crime.
Liberal cowardice = bye bye mother nature.

This is what you get when weak, smug beta geeks dedicate their lives to talking the holier-than-thou talk, but dont have the backbone to do what really matters.

08-02-2016, 02:35 PM
the proposed wall that trump keeps preaching about will endanger more animals.

08-02-2016, 02:36 PM
dust in the wind.

08-02-2016, 02:50 PM
the proposed wall that trump keeps preaching about will endanger more animals.

They oughtta clean their country up then if it's that dangerous :oldlol:

Nick Young
08-02-2016, 02:56 PM
California is ****ing up a lot in recent times. Jerry Brown doesn't know jack shit. He bungled the Porter Ranch gas leak too.

We need to cut it out with this hippydippy doo dah koombahyah solar tech and build some nuclear plants in Bakersfield and Fresno, out of earthquake country, but close enough to LA and SF to supply them with power.

08-02-2016, 03:05 PM
I'm sure the keystone pipeline would just integrate into nature perfectly with no habitat or animal destruction

Wasn't that the motivation for not having the keystone pipeline?

So if that thing kills animals, aw **** no. But if this $2 billion dollar monstrosity that taxpayers paid for which doesn't work kills animals, all good?

About how many animals would you say need to die before it crosses from the 'all good' to the 'aw **** no' level? Or does it matter who proposed it?

We've been blowing money out our assholes trying to force these green energy plants to work, and they're failing again and again, making investors a shitload of money and leaving the taxpayers with the bill.

Did you know we spent $150 billion dollars last year to increase our output of renewable energy by.... 1%?

Bet that $150 billion dollars could be used to house a lot of border jumpers.

08-02-2016, 03:08 PM
They oughtta clean their country up then if it's that dangerous :oldlol:
You really are ignorant.

I interned at an Environmental Planning Agency. I asked the lead engineers and planners what type of impact the wall that we have in place now is going to make on wildlife. They made it very clear that the consensus amongst scientists is that many species native to that area are facing complete loss of life. They said any increase in the wall would just make the odds even worse. It is destroying the natural habitat.

08-02-2016, 03:11 PM
Wind farms **** up bats. Haven't heard about the birds and solar. I'm guessing it's not prevalent.

08-02-2016, 03:16 PM
its estimated that cats kill between 1.7 and 3.4 billion birds each year. somewhere between 100k-1million are estimated to die from crashing into buildings.

08-02-2016, 03:24 PM
its estimated that cats kill between 1.7 and 3.4 billion birds each year. somewhere between 100k-1million are estimated to die from crashing into buildings.

About how many animals would you say need to die before it crosses from the 'all good' to the 'aw **** no' level? Or does it matter who proposed it?

08-02-2016, 03:44 PM
why do libs hate nuclear?

it's by far the safest, cheapest and most enviroment friendly option

Long Duck Dong
08-02-2016, 04:39 PM
the proposed wall that trump keeps preaching about will endanger more animals.

Reported for racism

Nick Young
08-02-2016, 04:43 PM
why do libs hate nuclear?

it's by far the safest, cheapest and most enviroment friendly option
The libs do indeed hate nuclear.