View Full Version : So Obama just gave $400 million to Iran for the exchange of 4 prisoners

08-03-2016, 04:58 PM


Oh wait...it's the first payment of 1.7 billion.

Secret plane flew the money in.

08-03-2016, 05:07 PM
Obama should be strung up for treason. This guy should be impeached. He's Jimmy Carter on steroids..that's really bad. Hillary will be the same but worse..how can people allow this. Don't vote for Hillary.

08-03-2016, 05:12 PM
Sucks we can't read the whole article but life is more important than money.

Not sure what these prisoners were doing in Iran though? I wonder what US allies think of this as it looks like this violated global sanctions against Iran.

08-03-2016, 05:15 PM
most likely white americans. only the white breed could fetch such a high price tag.

08-03-2016, 05:15 PM
Sucks we can't read the whole article but life is more important than money.

Not sure what these prisoners were doing in Iran though?

You can google it.

This was yesterday and mainstream media is not reporting this.

08-03-2016, 05:17 PM
most likely white americans. only the white breed could fetch such a high price tag.

The Democratic way.

If they were Black then nobody cares. Black Lives Matter.

A peaceful Trump and even a war mongering Clinton would not have done this. Only Obama and that slave DNA he has for the Middle East.

08-03-2016, 05:25 PM
Sucks we can't read the whole article but life is more important than money.

Not sure what these prisoners were doing in Iran though? I wonder what US allies think of this as it looks like this violated global sanctions against Iran.
If you are curious i can post it, got a WSJ subscription :D

08-03-2016, 05:31 PM
most likely white americans. only the white breed could fetch such a high price tag.
They are Iranian-Americans.

08-03-2016, 05:33 PM
If you are curious i can post it, got a WSJ subscription :D

Nice. I googled it though and found a CNN article. Looks like this payment has to do with a US-trust fund from years ago and Iran is making it looking like a ransom payment.

According to CNN though.

08-03-2016, 05:36 PM
According to CNN though.

Like the Russians did it.

08-03-2016, 05:37 PM
Anyway here's the full article


08-03-2016, 05:38 PM
Part 2

Mr. Kerry and the State and Treasury departments sought the cooperation of the Swiss and Dutch governments. Ultimately, the Obama administration transferred the equivalent of $400 million to their central banks. It was then converted into other currencies, stacked onto the wooden pallets and sent to Iran on board a cargo plane.

On the morning of Jan. 17, Iran released the four Americans: Three of them boarded a Swiss Air Force jet and flew off to Geneva, with the fourth returning to the U.S. on his own. In return, the U.S. freed seven Iranian citizens and dropped extradition requests for 14 others.

U.S. and European officials wouldn't disclose exactly when the plane carrying the $400 million landed in Iran. But a report by an Iranian news site close to the Revolutionary Guard, the Tasnim agency, said the cash arrived in Tehran's Mehrabad airport on the same day the Americans departed.

Revolutionary Guard commanders boasted at the time that the Americans had succumbed to Iranian pressure. "Taking this much money back was in return for the release of the American spies," said Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi, commander of the Guard's Basij militia, on state media.

Among the Americans currently being held are an energy executive named Siamak Namazi and his 80-year old father, Baqer, according to U.S. and Iranian officials. Iran's judiciary spokesman last month confirmed Tehran had arrested the third American, believed to be a San Diego resident named Reza "Robin" Shahini.

Friends and family of the Namazis believe the Iranians are seeking to increase their leverage to force another prisoner exchange or cash payment in the final six months of the Obama administration. Mr. Kerry and other U.S. officials have been raising their case with Iranian diplomats, U.S. officials say.

Iranian officials have demanded in recent weeks the U.S. return $2 billion in Iranian funds that were frozen in New York in 2009. The Supreme Court recently ruled that the money should be given to victims of Iranian-sponsored terror attacks.

Members of Congress are seeking to pass legislation preventing the Obama administration from making any further cash payments to Iran. One of the bills requires for the White House to make public the details of its $1.7 billion transfer to Iran.

"President Obama's…payment to Iran in January, which we now know will fund Iran's military expansion, is an appalling example of executive branch governance," said Sen. James Lankford (R., Okla.), who co-wrote the bill. "Subsidizing Iran's military is perhaps the worst use of taxpayer dollars ever by an American president."

Write to Jay Solomon at jay.solomon@wsj.com and Carol E. Lee at carol.lee@wsj.com

ISH only allows 7.5k chars per post lmao

08-03-2016, 05:41 PM
Nice. I googled it though and found a CNN article. Looks like this payment has to do with a US-trust fund from years ago and Iran is making it looking like a ransom payment.

According to CNN though.
Yeah. Just barrels of untraceable cash in various foreign currencies flown into Iran in the middle of night in an unmarked plane. Totally above board stuff. Nothing shady at all. I'm sure this is how the government always transfers money. :rolleyes:

It's like how when you get an income tax return. The government drops off your money in a brown paper bag next to the garbage can in your local park.

08-03-2016, 05:43 PM
money isn't worth a humans life.

08-03-2016, 05:46 PM
money isn't worth a humans life.
What point are you making?

08-03-2016, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE]In the late 1970s the Iranian government, under the U.S.-backed shah, paid the United States $400 million for military equipment. The equipment was never delivered because in 1979, his government was overthrown, revolutionaries took American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran were severed.

In 1981, the United States and Iran agreed to set up a commission at The Hague that would rule on claims by each country for property and assets held by the other. Iran

08-03-2016, 05:48 PM
It's like how when you get an income tax return. The government drops off your money in a brown paper bag next to the garbage can in your local park.

Good post.

08-03-2016, 05:50 PM
Yeah, we just did this.

Yeah, this was secret.

Here's the White House press conference in January.

08-03-2016, 05:51 PM
link (http://www.salon.com/2016/08/03/ap_fact_check_trump_off_base_on_clinton_and_iran_p ayment/)

So it was money we technically owed the country and it helped free some people?

What's the problem again?
Because when hostile actors realize that the USA will pay large ransoms for kidnapped Americans, they say "hey, we should kidnap some Americans".

08-03-2016, 05:59 PM
Part 2

ISH only allows 7.5k chars per post lmao

Pretty sure the mods did that because of FillJackson *aka* facepalm spamming the threads with unreadable cut & pasted shit

08-03-2016, 06:02 PM
Yeah. Just barrels of untraceable cash in various foreign currencies flown into Iran in the middle of night in an unmarked plane. Totally above board stuff. Nothing shady at all. I'm sure this is how the government always transfers money. :rolleyes:

It's like how when you get an income tax return. The government drops off your money in a brown paper bag next to the garbage can in your local park.

It's even worse than that. The government actually drops it off to super rich people who keep some of it for themselves, and then drop the rest off at the local park.

08-03-2016, 06:13 PM
Yeah, we just did this.

Yeah, this was secret.

Here's the White House press conference in January.

Yeah, but that was in January and the multiple press releases don't count either! :lol

08-03-2016, 06:21 PM
Because when hostile actors realize that the USA will pay large ransoms for kidnapped Americans, they say "hey, we should kidnap some Americans".

How many countries do you think we rightfully owe money too? This is money they gave to us to buy military equipment and we kept without giving them the equipment. This was almost a 40 year legal fight in which Iran actually did the right thing.

08-03-2016, 06:23 PM
Yeah, but that was in January and the multiple press releases don't count either! :lol
Did you know that Hillary got surprised by a reporter outside her field of vision and made a funny face? It wasn't news at the time, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't hear anything. A month later the local ishiots are going on and on about demonic posession and brain damage.

08-03-2016, 06:24 PM
Because when hostile actors realize that the USA will pay large ransoms for kidnapped Americans, they say "hey, we should kidnap some Americans".

Again though, it was money the US already owed Iran. Does the US owe every other country money that can be used in this manner?

08-03-2016, 06:30 PM
How many countries do you think we rightfully owe money too? This is money they gave to us to buy military equipment and we kept without giving them the equipment. This was almost a 40 year legal fight in which Iran actually did the right thing.
They? What they? Who is they? That deal was made with a regime that no longer exists. The United States made a deal with the government of the time. Not the radical Islamists who overthrew the government and took over the country.

This is like saying "hey, we made a deal with the Israeli government, but then ISIS took over Israel so now we owe ISIS that money". That's insane.

08-03-2016, 06:34 PM
They? What they? Who is they? That deal was made with a regime that no longer exists. The United States made a deal with the government of the time. Not the radical Islamists who overthrew the government and took over the country.

This is like saying "hey, we made a deal with the Israeli government, but then ISIS took over Israel so now we owe ISIS that money". That's insane.

And money that Iran owed to the US or to US citizens was also settled as we dealt with the new government of Iran.

If you're pissed about this, admit that you got played.

08-03-2016, 06:39 PM
And money that Iran owed to the US or to US citizens was also settled as we dealt with the new government of Iran.

If you're pissed about this, admit that you got played.
1st: I'm not the president. It's not me who would be "played" in this scenario.

2nd: I don't think anyone got "played". I think Obama knows exactly what he's doing.

08-03-2016, 07:02 PM
link (http://www.salon.com/2016/08/03/ap_fact_check_trump_off_base_on_clinton_and_iran_p ayment/)

So it was money we technically owed the country and it helped free some people?

What's the problem again?

Obama once again showing why he is a good president.:applause:

A Fox News poll from yesterday shows Obama has an approval rating of 52% and only a 45% dissaproval rating, not even Fox News can deny Obama's popularity at the moment.

Bush at this time in 2008 had a 66% dissaproval rating.:oldlol:

08-03-2016, 07:33 PM

So this is the webpage of the US Iran tribunal. It covered 2,800 different claims.

The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal came into existence as one of the measures taken to resolve the crisis in relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America arising out of the November 1979 hostage crisis at the United States Embassy in Tehran, and the subsequent freezing of Iranian assets by the United States of America.

The Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria served as intermediary in the search for a mutually acceptable solution. Having consulted extensively with the two Governments as to the commitments each was willing to undertake in order to resolve the crisis, the Government of Algeria recorded those commitments in two Declarations made on 19 January 1981. The "General Declaration" and the "Claims Settlement Declaration", collectively "Algiers Declarations", were then adhered to by Iran and the United States.

The Tribunal consists of nine Members, three appointed by each Government and three (third-country) Members appointed by the six Government-appointed Members.

Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Tribunal

In accordance with the Algiers Declarations, The Tribunal has jurisdiction to decide claims of United States nationals against Iran and of Iranian nationals against the United States, which arise out of debts, contracts, expropriations or other measures affecting property rights; certain "official claims" between the two Governments relating to the purchase and sale of goods and services; disputes between the two Governments concerning the interpretation or performance of the Algiers Declarations; and certain claims between United States and Iranian banking institutions.

Claims had to be filed with the Tribunal by 19 January 1982, and their number is therefore finite. Approximately 1,000 claims were filed for amounts of $250,000 or more, and approximately 2,800 claims for amounts of less than $250,000. The time limit does not apply to disputes between the two Governments concerning interpretation of the Algiers Declarations.

Claims are decided by one of the three Chambers of the Tribunal or by the Full Tribunal. Cases are distributed to Chambers by lot. The Full Tribunal decides all disputes between the two Governments, as well as important questions referred to it by the Chambers.

The Tribunal conducts its business in accordance with the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), as modified by the Governments and the Tribunal.

Basic Documents

The General Declaration records the central commitments of the parties. Iran would bring about the release of the hostages and, in exchange, the United States would restore the financial position of Iran, in so far as possible, to that which existed prior to 14 November 1979 - the date of the United States freeze order. Because the restoration of the financial position of Iran involved the transfer of assets, and because such transfer required, in addition to the lifting of the freeze order, that judicial attachments be nullified and court proceedings be brought to an end, it also became necessary to provide alternative means for the adjudication of pending commercial claims by United States nationals against Iran and its State enterprises. Accordingly, in the General Declaration, the United States agreed, inter alia, "to terminate all legal proceedings in United States courts involving claims of United States persons and institutions against Iran and its State enterprises, to nullify all attachments and judgments obtained therein, to prohibit all further litigation based on such claims, and to bring about the termination of such claims through binding arbitration".

The Claims Settlement Declaration established the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal as the mechanism for bringing about such binding third-party arbitration. It provides: "Claims referred to the arbitration Tribunal shall, as of the date of filing of such claims with the Tribunal, be considered excluded from the jurisdiction of the courts of Iran, or of the United States, or of any other court."

On 1 July 1981, the Tribunal held its first meeting in the Peace Palace in The Hague. In April 1982, the Tribunal moved to its own premises in The Hague.

08-04-2016, 03:42 AM
Even the Iranians consider it a ransom. They could have just rolled with the 'its our money and we are getting it back' story but instead they are treating it as a ransom for prisoners.

Iranian officials have also reportedly referred to the cash payment as a "ransom," according to the country's new services.


08-04-2016, 08:06 AM
Yeah. Just barrels of untraceable cash in various foreign currencies flown into Iran in the middle of night in an unmarked plane. Totally above board stuff. Nothing shady at all. I'm sure this is how the government always transfers money. :rolleyes:

It's like how when you get an income tax return. The government drops off your money in a brown paper bag next to the garbage can in your local park.

Par for the course for this administration, unfortunately... money goes 'missing' all the time.

The Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen, amid fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.


The US Central Command cannot account for $223 million in orders placed during the international operation against Daesh because of inaccurate records-keeping and poor guidance, according to a Department of Defense Inspector General audit released on Monday.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/pentagon-lost-quarter-billion-dollars-supposed-fight-isis/#QefYUP7sezWdLkDm.99

And then even better... when we lose $800 million then decide to 'get serious' about finding the money, we pay a company $32 MILLION dollars to conduct an audit, which comes back A-OK only to find out that the audit wasn't okay at all...

No one said so at the time, but the Corps had not correctly accounted for roughly $800 million worth of transactions on its books, according to a report the independent Government Accountability Office (GAO) released Tuesday.

The Pentagon paid an independent accounting firm, Grant Thornton LLP, $32 million to audit the Marine Corps' financial records, according to Grassley, and it supported the initial certification that the Marine Corps had properly accounted for its revenues and spending. It did not find any mistakes until a year later, according to Pentagon officials and the GAO report.

^^Wonder which congressman's brother's wife's neighbor works for THAT company.... $32 million for nothing. :oldlol:

But we should raise taxes because government needs more money. When in history has government ever spent money wisely? What has government EVER done that ended up being a success?

08-04-2016, 09:25 AM
Since this ransom was paid the Iranians have continued to "detain" people, and why not? They know now that we will pay.

We had a LONG thread about the nuclear deal with Iran and Kevin and all the other Obama and Hillary slurpers were adamant about how it was a great thing and we shouldn't worry about the Iranians cheating. SMH :facepalm

If they are still kidnapping journalists and other foreigners after we payed a huge ransom, how can we trust them with anything?

08-04-2016, 09:47 AM
Since this ransom was paid the Iranians have continued to "detain" people, and why not? They know now that we will pay.

We had a LONG thread about the nuclear deal with Iran and Kevin and all the other Obama and Hillary slurpers were adamant about how it was a great thing and we shouldn't worry about the Iranians cheating. SMH :facepalm

If they are still kidnapping journalists and other foreigners after we payed a huge ransom, how can we trust them with anything?

Yup, I remember that very well. Trump has said this was the worst deal in US history. I'm starting to think he may be right.

We gained absolutely nothing, and in return we put Iran on a decade long 'probation' period, after which they can go buck wild with whatever it is they want to do.

And we paid them... :confusedshrug:

There is a reason our OWN STATE DEPARTMENT edited videos to take out references to the details of the deal. They didn't want anyone to know and if the public really knew the in's and outs of what went down, the country would have erupted.

Well, half the country. The other half don't give a **** what happens as long as they're getting their checks.

08-04-2016, 10:28 AM
Justice Department Officials Raised Objections on U.S. Cash Payment to Iran


08-04-2016, 10:39 AM
Since this ransom was paid the Iranians have continued to "detain" people, and why not? They know now that we will pay.

We had a LONG thread about the nuclear deal with Iran and Kevin and all the other Obama and Hillary slurpers were adamant about how it was a great thing and we shouldn't worry about the Iranians cheating. SMH :facepalm

If they are still kidnapping journalists and other foreigners after we payed a huge ransom, how can we trust them with anything?
When people tell you that they are your enemy... believe them.

08-04-2016, 10:46 AM
Obama should be strung up for treason. This guy should be impeached. He's Jimmy Carter on steroids..that's really bad. Hillary will be the same but worse..how can people allow this. Don't vote for Hillary.

If we had had 4 more years of Carter this country would be much better today.

08-04-2016, 11:08 AM
money isn't worth a humans life.

08-04-2016, 11:16 AM
If we had had 4 more years of Carter this country would be much better today.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Carter has been much better as an ex-president than he ever was as POTUS.

Nick Young
08-04-2016, 12:00 PM
Why do people point to Hillary's Iran deal as an achievement?

Iran has nuclear weapons now because of Hillary's idiotic deal.

Also we just paid them $400,000,000 cash in ransom money.

Any way you look at it, this was a pathetic defeat by America to Iran, a nation that isn't fit to shine our shoes.

Obama gave us a massive L. Pathetic. His win percentage as president is just barely above .500 at this point.

08-04-2016, 12:10 PM
So, Iran has kidnapped 2 more Americans. Because, of course. Why wouldn't you if you you Obama will pay the big bucks?

This idiot Obama just put a pot of gold on the head of every American in a foreign country.

08-04-2016, 02:28 PM
All Americans need to watch their backs now if they are in foreign lands. This administration pays ransoms..:no: .

08-04-2016, 02:32 PM
Because when hostile actors realize that the USA will pay large ransoms for kidnapped Americans, they say "hey, we should kidnap some Americans".
You are so thick it is unbelievable

08-04-2016, 02:34 PM
Like this is the first time a country has ever paid ransom for a hostage

Nick Young
08-04-2016, 02:35 PM
Like this is the first time a country has ever paid ransom for a hostage
It isn't.

***** eurocuck nations do it all the time. It is normal for you guys.

It isn't normal for us. That's why this is a big deal.

08-04-2016, 02:44 PM


http://api.ning.com/files/JOJQ-4qiV3GWL7p0TGymxHp8kR1Ty2B0pJE-WofRxW3jskFToiuF9kqlA7aUGBrj0YHxO6wN2sSyfV7rbe9HBk uCrtQa2yEM/hulkhoganbloody.jpg

08-04-2016, 02:51 PM
Like this is the first time a country has ever paid ransom for a hostage
You lose.... again.

I know Obama is your boy and all, but for once, try to consider the rest of the country and not just his image.

[QUOTE]18 U.S. Code

08-04-2016, 05:16 PM
Is Obama lying on live tv again :facepalm . I bet his/hillary's followers are opening wide and taking that schlong willingly. Just a coincidence. 1979. :rolleyes:

08-04-2016, 05:23 PM

So this is the webpage of the IRAN-UNITED STATES CLAIMS TRIBUNAL . It covered thousands of different claims.


Please check out this url for the international tribunal in the Hague that the US and Iran agreed to in 1981 as part of the Algeria Accords when we resolved the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

The tribunal adjudicated and settled several thousand claims (http://www.state.gov/s/l/3199.htm)
Almost all of the approximately 4,700 private U.S. claims filed against the Government of Iran at the Tribunal have been resolved and have resulted in more than $2.5 billion in awards to U.S. nationals and companies.

These claims included thousands of claims between citizens as well as claims between governments.

If you think we have to "trust" the Iranians with the Iran deal, you don't know what the deal is. They inspections regime is pretty intrusive.

If you think the Iran deal covered anything other than their ability to make nuclear weapons, you don't know that the deal is.

08-05-2016, 04:24 AM
You are so thick it is unbelievable
You're the type of guy that would say something like "Yeah, my wife has sex with other guys. So what? I'm not some mysogynist who thinks I own her. I'm happy as long as it makes her happy".

08-05-2016, 09:45 AM

Please check out this url for the international tribunal in the Hague that the US and Iran agreed to in 1981 as part of the Algeria Accords when we resolved the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

The tribunal adjudicated and settled several thousand claims (http://www.state.gov/s/l/3199.htm)

These claims included thousands of claims between citizens as well as claims between governments.

What does that have to do with the current situation? The Obama administration secretly sends an unmarked plane full of cash in order to free hostages. Is that how governments officially do business? Then when the press gets hold of it they make up some story about how this money was part of a pre-Islamic Republic weapons sale. Really? Where's the proof of that? That sounds like a cover story if there ever was one.

It's nice that those hostages got freed but as we are seeing right now it hasn't stopped Iran from taking more hostages. In fact it has encouraged them. And why not? Hold some journalists and sooner or later an unmarked plane full of cash will arrive.

08-05-2016, 11:08 AM
What does that have to do with the current situation? The Obama administration secretly sends an unmarked plane full of cash in order to free hostages. Is that how governments officially do business? Then when the press gets hold of it they make up some story about how this money was part of a pre-Islamic Republic weapons sale. Really? Where's the proof of that? That sounds like a cover story if there ever was one.
This is utter bullshit and conspiracy thinking.

The press didn't just get a hold of this. This was discussed by the White House Press Secretary in January. That's secret?

This "made up story" is something that has been known for over three decades.

Here are the facts as laid out by the Associated Press. (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ap-fact-check-trump-off-base-on-clinton-and-400-million-iran-payment/)

THE FACTS: Trump is wrong about Clinton's involvement. The $400 million payment - plus $1.3 billion in interest to be paid later - is a separate issue from the Iran nuclear deal that Clinton initiated. The process that resulted in the payout started decades before she became secretary of state.

In the late 1970s the Iranian government, under the U.S.-backed shah, paid the United States $400 million for military equipment. The equipment was never delivered because in 1979, his government was overthrown, revolutionaries took American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran were severed.

In 1981, the United States and Iran agreed to set up a commission at The Hague that would rule on claims by each country for property and assets held by the other. Iran's claim for return of the equipment payment was among many that had been tied up in litigation before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, and interest the U.S. owed for holding the money for so long was growing.

Litigation over these claims has continued intermittently for 35 years, with some being settled and others going to the tribunal for judgment. All private U.S. claims before the tribunal have been resolved, with Iran paying more than $2.5 billion to American people and businesses. Some claims remain unresolved.

As secretary of state, Clinton did initiate secret talks with Iran over its nuclear program. After John Kerry succeeded her on Feb. 1, 2013, those secret contacts grew into 18 months of formal negotiations that culminated in the July 2015 nuclear deal.

U.S. officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher. As the nuclear talks progressed, the separate, intermittent talks on the military-equipment claim continued.

On Jan. 17, a day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the United States and Iran announced they had settled the claim, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with $1.3 billion in interest. Administration statements at the time made clear that the principal and the interest would be paid separately, but did not specify how the money would be delivered.

Trump is correct that the $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. But litigation on the Iranian claim preceded Clinton's tenure as secretary of state by decades and heated up only after she left the job.

My understanding is the initial payment was in cash, because since we had sanctions on iran, there were no banking channels setup. The followup interest payment would happen through a transfer.

08-05-2016, 11:11 AM
The Obama administration behaves like a bloody criminal cartel


Guy has been flooding the Middle East with American weapons and cash and no-one gives a shit. Throwing more money into Yemen (and enabling the Saudi dropping of bombs) because "Al Qaeda or Iranian militia might get hold of the weapons we sent there for no reason." Bunch of imbeciles.

That's not to mention the fact that this administration overthrew Gaddafi while making no effort to secure his vast weapons stockpile, which is now in the hands of terrorists all over Africa and the Middle East. What an incredible boon this Obama idiot has been for international terrorism.

08-05-2016, 11:13 AM
What does that have to do with the current situation?
This is one of the last claim left unsettled from that claims tribunal set up in 1981. The "current situation" derives from the 1979 Iranian revolution
This is utter bullshit and conspiracy thinking.

The press didn't just get a hold of this. This was discussed by the White House Press Secretary in January. That's secret?

This "made up story" is something that has been known for over three decades.

Here are the facts as laid out by the Associated Press. (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ap-fact-check-trump-off-base-on-clinton-and-400-million-iran-payment/)

My understanding is the initial payment was in cash, because since we had sanctions on iran, there were no banking channels setup. The followup interest payment would happen through a transfer.

Nick Young
08-05-2016, 11:33 AM
As soon as Iran attacked our embassy, we stopped owing them shit.

This is ransom money. I didn't believe Obama could be this spineless, but he proved me wrong.

08-05-2016, 12:21 PM
As soon as Iran attacked our embassy, we stopped owing them shit.

This is ransom money. I didn't believe Obama could be this spineless, but he proved me wrong.
Take it up with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, & Bush as well.

08-05-2016, 06:31 PM
lol at people still trying to argue with trumpanzees. Door knobs have more intellect.

Trump campaign is going real well.

Just imagine a chimpanzee throwing feces at walls surrounded by retards clapping and laughing, what's the natural inclination of the chimpanzee when surrounded by actual intelligent human beings? Basically doing the same with embarrassing results.

08-05-2016, 08:43 PM
Watch the violence spike now that they have all this money to fund terror organizations.

Don't be surprised that ISIS will suddenly be rolling around in tanks instead of Toyota trucks.

Obama is truly indeed a traitor. There is no defending this.

08-07-2016, 12:15 AM
Obama is truly indeed a traitor. There is no defending this.

"The greatest president in U.S. History" according to you in Reagan illegally sold weapons to Iran, supported the taliban who went on to do 9/11, put crack cocaine in poor black neighborhoods, & gave Saddam chemical weapons. Who is the real traitor here?

08-07-2016, 01:45 AM
Watch the violence spike now that they have all this money to fund terror organizations.

Don't be surprised that ISIS will suddenly be rolling around in tanks instead of Toyota trucks.

Obama is truly indeed a traitor. There is no defending this.http://imgserv9.tcdn.nl/v1/4rLIrJi-Pi4g0bR3LRy82wEbQWY=/704x398/smart/http://metronieuws.tcdn.nl/field/image/304c0b1cf63a22bcd5f2088bc9745ab4-1451471061.jpg

08-07-2016, 07:40 AM
As soon as Iran attacked our embassy, we stopped owing them shit.

This is ransom money. I didn't believe Obama could be this spineless, but he proved me wrong.

08-07-2016, 07:51 AM
Watch the violence spike now that they have all this money to fund terror organizations.

Don't be surprised that ISIS will suddenly be rolling around in tanks instead of Toyota trucks.

Obama is truly indeed a traitor. There is no defending this.
Iran is the only ME country who is actively fighting ISIS by putting troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria, they were doing it when was providing them anti-tank missiles to take out Syria's secular government and replace them with savages. America's greatest allies are also the greatest supporters of ISIS, Al Qaeda and all other terrorists in the Middle East.

08-07-2016, 10:47 AM
"The greatest president in U.S. History" according to you in Reagan illegally sold weapons to Iran, supported the taliban who went on to do 9/11, put crack cocaine in poor black neighborhoods, & gave Saddam chemical weapons. Who is the real traitor here?
Reagan was an average President, but that doesn't make his mistakes anything like as bad as Obama's (or Bush's). Reagan armed the Taliban, and it ended up biting the US in the arse, but despite this, the Obama administration continues to pursue the same policies, and arm and finance Islamic radicals, as if 30+ years of evidence of what a failure this policy is didn't already exist. He's helped spread Gaddafi's weapons stockpile all over Africa and the Middle East (how you can help Islamists overthrow a government you don't like, and not even worry about all those weapons, is incredible), helped create the EU migrant crisis, and spent several years trying to overthrow Assad, by enabling terrorist fanatics.

That isn't just bad decision making; that is plain madness. It's understandable that people think Obama is a traitor, because if he isn't, he's just a 1st class imbecile.

08-08-2016, 09:48 AM
It's truly incredible how quickly this issue has been buried.

08-08-2016, 09:48 AM
It's truly incredible how quickly this issue has been buried.

Did you learn nothing from #DNC leaks...?