View Full Version : Has Hillary dragged down Bill's reputation the last few years?

Long Duck Dong
08-03-2016, 09:49 PM
Clinton has been among the most popular of the five most recent presidents – today he is second only to Ronald Reagan in favorability. But the latest YouGov poll suggests that even he may be tarnished, though it is not necessarily because of recent reminders of the sex scandals before and during the Clinton Presidency. It may be more because of the impact of partisan polarization in this election cycle, as his wife, Hillary Clinton, campaigns for the 2016 Democratic nomination.

As late as a year and a half ago, and for much of the time since 2009, about six in ten Americans had favorable opinions of Bill Clinton. But in the measurement taken last year and in the latest poll, favorable totals dropped to 53%, and today four in ten express unfavorable views of Clinton.




In one of the most recent polls his popularity has continued to decline.


Gallup has him at 49% Favorable 45% Unfavorable. Even George W Bush is slightly ahead of him in the July poll (but way behind him in the January poll).

Has Hillary made Bill more unpopular or do more people believe the women who accused him of sexual assault?

08-03-2016, 10:36 PM
If the Clinton's had retired from public life in 2000 they'd be looked upon very favorably to this day.

The problem is that since then they've sullied their legacy from their 90's heyday. $200,000 speeches, a failed Presidential bid, huge donations from Wall Street, support for the Iraq War, Benghazi, Libya, e-mails, Haiti, that godawful Clinton foundation, flip flopping over TPP and gay marriage, the consequences of the 94 crime bill and NAFTA twenty years after the fact and so on.

There is also one clear difference between Bill and Hillary. Bill is a very charismatic, magnetic figure who is charming and likeable. Hillary just does not exude that same likeability. The more Hillary is in the spotlight the more damage is done to the Clinton brand.

08-03-2016, 10:41 PM
Political families are horrible.


08-03-2016, 10:54 PM
Political families are horrible.


Yeah, entrenched political power is considered undesirable in the US given that the establishment of the Republic was a rebuke of the monarchy of the United Kingdom.

Nick Young
08-04-2016, 01:48 AM
Bill Clinton helped drag down his own legacy. (http://www.breitbart.com/clinton-cash-movie/)

08-04-2016, 10:40 AM
If the Clinton's had retired from public life in 2000 they'd be looked upon very favorably to this day.

The problem is that since then they've sullied their legacy from their 90's heyday. $200,000 speeches, a failed Presidential bid, huge donations from Wall Street, support for the Iraq War, Benghazi, Libya, e-mails, Haiti, that godawful Clinton foundation, flip flopping over TPP and gay marriage, the consequences of the 94 crime bill and NAFTA twenty years after the fact and so on.

There is also one clear difference between Bill and Hillary. Bill is a very charismatic, magnetic figure who is charming and likeable. Hillary just does not exude that same likeability. The more Hillary is in the spotlight the more damage is done to the Clinton brand.

Their 90s were much worse lol.