View Full Version : Feminists against Islam and Saudi Arabia

08-04-2016, 06:18 AM
Feminism in the US is a complete ****ing joke. I suppose things arent quite 100% perfect for women in the western world just yet, but compared to the rest of the world things are amazingly good. This is especially true in the muslim world, and god forbid you have the misfortune of being a woman in one of the super hardcore fundamentalist muslim countries like Saudi Arabia.

All saudi women are required to have a male "guardian". The guardian can be a father or husband or brother or whatever, and women arent allowed to travel in public, leave the country, open a bank account, get an education, open a business or even visit their doctor without their male guardians permission.

Sexual segregation is huge in Saudi Arabia. Social events are designed to prevent the mixing of males and females, and women who are seen socializing with men can be charged with adultery or prostitution. The segregation is extreme in restaurants, since women need to remove the veil to eat they are not allowed to publicly eat anywhere near males, so most saudi restaurants have one section for males and another for women and children. Most restaurants also have separate entrances for women and men.

Saudi Women were unable to vote until just last year. There are currently no women in any meaningful political positions in the kingdom.

There is no law defining the minimum age of marriage in Saudi Arabia, a father can marry off his daughter at any age as long as consumation is delayed until she hits puberty.

There is no law criminalizing rape in saudi arabia. Rape victims are more likely to be punished than the ones who actually did the raping.

The hijab is fundamentally sexist, and Saudi Arabia has the most extreme hijab laws in the Islam world. In Saudi everything except the hands and eyes need to be covered, including the face. Saudi Arabia is one of the very few muslim countries in the world that actually require the face covering, for comparison Iran barely requires the hijab to cover a womans hair. The entire concept that women need to cover their bodies out of modesty is ****ing retarded and extremely anti-women.

Why the hell arent western feminists trying to do anything about this shit? One of the US closest allies has their women living like its 500AD, but american feminists are too busy complaining about the fact that not enough hollywood sequels have an all women cast or some western comedian telling a rape joke to even notice this shit. absolutely pathetic.

08-04-2016, 06:56 AM
Hardcore feminists actually hate men because deep down they envy us, that's why a high percentage of them are bulldykes.

Great question, Suadi Arabia and other Muslim countries like them are the world's biggest violators of human rights violating a woman's basic human rights but western feminists cowardly say nothing to try to help their Muslim sisters, SMH.

That brand of Islam is for backward thinking mouthbreathers with a homo streak (they obviously hate women). No place for that religion in a modern western country.

08-04-2016, 07:24 AM
Feminism betrayed its international sisters a long time ago by rejecting the white mans burden and advocating cultural relativism as an intellectual building block. For better or for worse. It couldn't do anything anyway. The lavishness and licentiousness of western woman draws more scorn than envy from around the world. Women have a nose for sniffing out the treacherous. The greedy, the lustful, the envious, the frivolous and the idle. Just because someone is pronouncing avowed moral principles does not mean they hold them. Proud women are even more dangerous than vengeful men.

Tho you have to admit the intellectual honesty budding from the highest branches of the feminist tradition are indeed impressive! It may be a house of mirrors built on sand but the reflection and contemplation is very strong with the serious ones. Not the hollywood stompers.

Mister Nanners is right that it is imperative to exemplify the best qualities and set a ideal for those less fortunate to follow. It seems the true exemplars would prefer always to fade to the background which is a reward in itself but blind to the task. One wonders what could really be done.

08-04-2016, 07:50 AM
Feminism betrayed its international sisters a long time ago by rejecting the white mans burden and advocating cultural relativism as an intellectual building block. For better or for worse. It couldn't do anything anyway. The lavishness and licentiousness of western woman draws more scorn than envy from around the world. Women have a nose for sniffing out the treacherous. The greedy, the lustful, the envious, the frivolous and the idle. Just because someone is pronouncing avowed moral principles does not mean they hold them. Proud women are even more dangerous than vengeful men.

Tho you have to admit the intellectual honesty budding from the highest branches of the feminist tradition are indeed impressive! It may be a house of mirrors built on sand but the reflection and contemplation is very strong with the serious ones. Not the hollywood stompers.

Mister Nanners is right that it is imperative to exemplify the best qualities and set a ideal for those less fortunate to follow. It seems the true exemplars would prefer always to fade to the background which is a reward in itself but blind to the task. One wonders what could really be done.
Lol, dude wtf? So, you're in favor of the idea that it's the white man's responsibility to civilize the savages of the world? Really?

So what are we talking about here? After WW1, the British Empire should have kept Turkey, Iraq and Palestine/Israel as colonies and converted them all to civilized Western Christians?

Meh, maybe you're right. I guess it possible to argue that Britain would be better off if they kept all that land and owned all that oil. I just can't believe somebody is actually making a pro-white-mans-burden argument. I've never seen that before.

08-04-2016, 08:40 AM
Rights of Wives in Islam

- Dowry

“And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (obligatory bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart” [al-Nisaa’ 4:4]
That's insurance straight upon the engagement.
- $$$ for Food, Clothing and Medicine. No Excuses. You fail to provide organic produce, the quality threads, and the pre-natal care bill, SOLO (might I add) you ain't a man.

“but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother’s food and clothing on a reasonable basis” [al-Baqarah 2:233]

“Let the rich man spend according to his means; and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allaah has given him” [al-Talaaq 65:7]

- Kind treatment. The husband must have a good attitude towards his wife and be kind to her, and offer her everything that may soften her heart towards him, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning) That means zero complaining, zero harsh words, ZERO ignore her in lieu of a football/basketball game, ZERO frustration, ZERO venting
“and live with them honourably” [al-Nisaa’ 4:19]

“And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect) to what is reasonable” [al-Baqarah 2:228]
- "The best of you are those who are best to their wives."

1) A Saudi woman's job is to be a mother and wife. The laws you see as oppressive are simply safety measures for this job.

Now to address the topic at hand (which has already been stated by Chris Samuels and Nick DeSousa several times earlier)

- Female genital mutilation and are still very much a terrible issue scattered throughout certain areas (especially Muslim lands) although it's explicitly forbidden in Islam.
- There are women who work 12 hours a day in textile factories in city places like Bangladesh. Please keep them in your thoughts.
- There are women in China who have to tie their feet together in order to look beautiful.
- Theres tens and thousands of broken damaged women in the Sates.
- There are horrible treatment all around.


08-04-2016, 08:59 AM
Hardcore feminists actually hate men because deep down they envy us, that's why a high percentage of them are bulldykes.

Your explanation is only a stab-in-the-dark and incomplete. It could very well stem from other issues. And the tone is most disrespectful and destructive. People engaging in sick, anti-natural behaviors against their own God-Given gender is the cause of something far, far, far stronger and deeper than what you said and it needs to be addressed in a less divisive, juvenile way.

Great question, Suadi Arabia and other Muslim countries like them are the world's biggest violators of human rights violating a woman's basic human rights but western feminists cowardly say nothing to try to help their Muslim sisters, SMH.

Having been to an actual home in Saudi Arabia, I can guarantee that they like their position very well. Matter of fact, they feel sympathy for Western women. Jewish and Amish and Afghan women also feel sympathy for Modern Western women.

This is very difficult to understand as an American man. Let's just put it like this. After praying 5 times a day, fasting, and spending your life in the service of others and the glue of your family; you're internally very, very, very, very different than had you chased external, worldly pleasures. We'll leave it at that.

That brand of Islam is for backward thinking mouthbreathers with a homo streak (they obviously hate women). No place for that religion in a modern western country.

Again with the petty insults. Islam came to Makkah (previously known culturally to have had terrible misogyny) to liberate women. The first people who converted to "Salafi (the way of the pious predecssors)" Islam (Khadija) was a woman. The first person to die for Islam (Sumaiya) was a woman. The favorite daughter of the Prophet of Islam (Muhammad (PBUH) was a hero and example to all of mankind, as was, of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are female scholars. There were female warriors. There were female presidents in Muslim land. The rape rates in Saudi are practically nil.

If they hate women, why is it that mothers receive thrice the respect of wives? Why is it that over there, sons treat their mothers like queens, and husbands treat their wives like princesses? You don't even know the mentality of the men there, "TheMan". Most don't think like you think they do. Many of the guys there struggle following the Sharia rules for them (but they are there for a reason), last thing they want to do is impose it on others. Your narrative of course, incorrectly interprets it as fear, insecurity or whatever modern psychology principle you were taught to think of others who lead lives different from your laxer set of morals.

There is zero pumping-and-dumping there. There's zero people rating women on scales of 10 there. There's zero gawking and odling at young women while the elderly get tossed aside. When you speak to a woman in a burka or a hijab, the only metric you get out of the individual is their personality and character. There's very few widows who aren't taken care of. There's very few girls there who feel like they don't belong. There's fewer female criminals. There's very few girls who try to be like men over there. There's much fewer divorce rates. There's much fewer people starting their families all over again at 50 after experience the gut-wrenching heartbreak of losing all they've built up through divorce.

You have a family. You have influence. Focus on increasing the education of your Latina community first, dude. There's no reason that a daughter or a sister of yours can't become well-read and well-written and impart wisdom. Nor is there no reason they can't elevate their consciousness and strengthen their spirituality.

08-04-2016, 09:03 AM
The reality is that being a woman in the US is... pretty ****ing easy.

But everyone wants a cause to back and everyone wants to feel like they're owed something.

So then feminism comes along...

08-04-2016, 09:12 AM
Your explanation is only a stab-in-the-dark and incomplete. It could very well stem from other issues. And the tone is most disrespectful and destructive. People engaging in sick, anti-natural behaviors against their own God-Given gender is the cause of something far, far, far stronger and deeper than what you said and it needs to be addressed in a less divisive way.

Having been to an actual home in Saudi Arabia, I can guarantee that they like their position very well. Matter of fact, they feel sympathy for Western women. Jewish and Amish and Afghan women also feel sympathy for Modern Western women.

This is very difficult to understand as an American man. Let's just put it like this. After praying 5 times a day, fasting, and spending your life in the service of others and the glue of your family; you're internally very, very, very, very different than had you chased external, worldly pleasures. We'll leave it at that.

Again with the petty insults. Islam came to Makkah (previously known culturally to have had terrible misogyny) to liberate women. The first people who converted to "Salafi" Islam (Khadija) was a woman. The first person to die for Islam (Sumaiya) was a woman. The favorite daughter of the Prophet of Islam (Muhammad (PBUH) was a hero and example to all of mankind, as was, of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are female scholars. There were female warriors. There were female presidents in Muslim land. The rape rates in Saudi are practically nil.

If they hate women, why is it that mothers receive thrice the respect of wives? Why is it that over there, sons treat their mothers like queens, and husbands treat their wives like princesses?

You have a family. You have influence. Focus on increasing the education of your Latina community first, dude. There's no reason that a daughter or a sister of yours can't become well-read and well-written and impart wisdom.

And I have met female Muslims who managed to escape the hell holes where sharia rules, and I can assure you no one wants to return to being a slave. And no mother, nor father for that case should want their daughter to be held without any basic education and be a child catapulte, and likewise a sex slave. You trying to justify this is sick and sad.

The rape in Saudi is nil? Smh try looking at adultery instead, likewise in Iran and any other place where Islam is dominant. Because that's what it is called. Adultery, not rape. Unless of course the female has three victims. Which practically means even if a woman is raped she won't report it.

You're a ****ing retard for even bringing up that there is almost no rape in Saudi Arabia.

08-04-2016, 09:17 AM
And I have met female Muslims who managed to escape the hell holes where sharia rules, and I can assure you no one wants to return to being a slave. And no mother, nor father for that case should want their daughter to be held without any basic education and be a child catapulte, and likewise a sex slave. You trying to justify this is sick and sad.

The rape in Saudi is nil? Smh try looking at adultery instead, likewise in Iran and any other place where Islam is dominant. Because that's what it is called. Adultery, not rape. Unless of course the female has three victims. Which practically means even if a woman is raped she won't report it.

You're a ****ing retard for even bringing up that there is almost no rape in Saudi Arabia.

1) Women are educated and have always been educated in Muslim land.
They read the Qu'ran, they learn many, many, many things. They gain wisdom.

You have met some female Muslims (who likely couldn't handle the Din), but you haven't met the entire populace. Nor do you have knowledge of the afterlife, BasedTom, and that is the promise by God to women who are obedient wives and great mothers to children. The Sharia promotes the glue of family, at the absence of temporary pleasure and freedom.

2) Sex Slave? Child Catapult? Where did this even come from? Women have the right to say no to whatever suitor oroposes to them.

The only sick person in this building is you, BasedTom, and you know it. No one psychologically healthy acts this way to people over the internet. No healthy person accuses a person defending a way of life leading towards God as defending "sex slavery." (which wasn't even mentioned in the previous post)

3) The rulings on that particular subject are in his chapter of the Qu'ran. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud0TmH2eojw Read it fully from page to page without looking at the news.

Edit: Should've stated "low" rape instead of nil. Apologies to ISH for that misinformation.

08-04-2016, 09:25 AM
Rights of Wives in Islam

Ummm....which Islam? General Shia? General Sunni? Salafi? Wahhabi? Zaidiyyah?

08-04-2016, 10:37 AM
They see an ideology that hates them and the civilisation that spawned them as much as they hate themselves, their heritage, family, community, etc. and join up with it.

Not at all surprising. You only need to look at the manic and hysterical behaviour of modern feminists to see that self-loathing and a lack of strong personal identity (resulting in absurd overcompensation, lies, false claims, etc.) lies at its root. These are sick, sick people for the most part.

There is no logic to the arguments made by them, their inconsistencies and hypocrisies are glaring---they have something pathologically wrong with them. Most normal and healthy women don't identify with feminism for a reason.

08-04-2016, 10:39 AM
Most feminists are just ugly women who are mad because they don't get attention from men

08-04-2016, 10:48 AM
I learned while dating, if a girl ever reveals she's a feminist (in a serious tone), run and save yourself the time. Unless you are not serious yourself and aren't looking for a serious relationship, it's a huge red flag.

08-04-2016, 10:58 AM
They see an ideology that hates them and the civilisation that spawned them as much as they hate themselves, their heritage, family, community, etc. and join up with it.

Not at all surprising. You only need to look at the manic and hysterical behaviour of modern feminists to see that self-loathing and a lack of strong personal identity (resulting in absurd overcompensation, lies, false claims, etc.) lies at its root. These are sick, sick people for the most part.

There is no logic to the arguments made by them, their inconsistencies and hypocrisies are glaring---they have something pathologically wrong with them. Most normal and healthy women don't identify with feminism for a reason.

Following crazy trends and discarding them quickly i.e. Zumba, Oprah, Panic at the Disco, Frozen, concocting bizarre stories, immersing oneself in fantasy land through fiction i.e. 50 Shades or Twilight, being obsessed with other cultures, actually feeling moral superiority for being a vegan, sharing emotional baggage in public, perceiving domestic chores as beneath their dignity, perceiving instruction by an elder male as oppression but a French prostitution lifestyle as liberating, possessing irrational fear of men, having an insane desire to control/micromanage every little detail and treating their fathers/husbands like disposable slaves are among the most prominent examples within the aforementioned observation.

So how does one heal them? Answer ISH.

08-04-2016, 10:59 AM
Ummm....which Islam? General Shia? General Sunni? Salafi? Wahhabi? Zaidiyyah?

Per Khizr Khan, the Democrat hero who stood up to Trump, Sharia Law is pretty well written out...

[QUOTE]Khan co-founded the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law, an academic periodical that seeks to defend the arcane Sharia law to a legal system based on Western jurisprudence. Of course, Sharia law justifies the execution of gays, prostitutes, blasphemers, and Muslim

08-04-2016, 11:01 AM
Why the hell arent western feminists trying to do anything about this shit? One of the US closest allies has their women living like its 500AD, but american feminists are too busy complaining about the fact that not enough hollywood sequels have an all women cast or some western comedian telling a rape joke to even notice this shit. absolutely pathetic.

They are.

Theyre trying to import that culture to the states, because the DNC told them if they dont agree with islamic immigration then "theyre teh islamophobicsesses!!!"

Feminists do what the DNC tells them to. Simple as that.

Clinton Foundation finna get a nice lil "donation" from the sheiks this year, that's for sure :pimp:

08-04-2016, 11:06 AM
Most feminists are just ugly women who are mad because they don't get attention from men

So they're still human beings that have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Part of life and happiness is to find a decent spouse.

So how are you gonna accommodate this, sd3035, if you were their father?

I really hope you don't extend this kind of cruelty towards guys who are, for whatever reason, not healthy, or tall, or intelligent.

08-04-2016, 11:13 AM
Per Khizr Khan, the Democrat hero who stood up to Trump, Sharia Law is pretty well written out...

Those backwards talibans are quite messy, they cant agree on anything, but they are motivated by god. Retarded people. :roll:

There are two primary sources of sharia: the Quran and the Hadiths (opinions and life example of Muhammad).[7] For topics and issues not directly addressed in these primary sources, sharia is derived. The derivation differs between the various sects of Islam (Sunni and Shia are the majority), and various jurisprudence schools such as Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali and Jafari


Someone just nuke the ME be done with that issue.

08-04-2016, 01:10 PM
There are actually lots of US groups run by women who focus on women's rights in the middle east.

08-04-2016, 01:34 PM
So they're still human beings that have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Part of life and happiness is to find a decent spouse.

So how are you gonna accommodate this, sd3035, if you were their father?

I really hope you don't extend this kind of cruelty towards guys who are, for whatever reason, not healthy, or tall, or intelligent.

Most guys who are short/ugly, etc. try to make money if they want to get some nice looking females, or they hook up with girls more in their league. They don't jealously throw tantrums and complain about better looking men all day