View Full Version : I find both Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan to be overrated

08-05-2016, 03:20 AM
Clinton - Reason why he is looked favorbally by some is the good economy in the 90's, but the truth is the economic boom was due to the rise of technology. Signed NAFTA which resulted in American companies running the Mexico, signed the crime bill which was a disaster. Overall he wasn't a bad president, but none of his achievments tranformed America into a greater country.

Reagan - Republicans shit on Obama for rasing the debt, but what they don't ever mention is when their "God" came into office the USA was 90 billion dollars in debt, when he left office the USA was 2.7 trillion dollars in debt, he added 3x more debt, he borrowed more money than any president from George Washington to Jimmy Carter COMBINED! Let that sink in. Idiotic programs like Star Wars, illegally sold guns to Iran, the demise of the middle-class started with Reagan, he was a president for the rich. USA had the largest income inequality since 1947 when Reagan left office in 1989.

Nixon was underrated in my book, legacy tarnished by watergate, but overall he was a very good foreign policy president and he started EPA.

08-05-2016, 03:35 AM
Presidents are like NBA head coach.

Phil Jackson is so successful - of course duh, he had Jordan/Pippen and Shaq/Kobe, clearly overrated coach due to having good personnel. Same could be said about Popovich, Auerbach, Riley, etc.

08-05-2016, 03:35 AM
Reagan - Republicans shit on Obama for rasing the debt, but what they don't ever mention is when their "God" came into office the USA was 90 billion dollars in debt, when he left office the USA was 2.7 trillion dollars in debt, he added 3x more debt, he borrowed more money than any president from George Washington to Jimmy Carter COMBINED! Let that sink in. Idiotic programs like Star Wars, illegally sold guns to Iran, the demise of the middle-class started with Reagan, he was a president for the rich. USA had the largest income inequality since 1947 when Reagan left office in 1989.

I agree with Clinton but you are wrong on Reagan.

The 80's basically ushered in what I believe the modern world is. So the spending was bound to happen and then we had the USA vs. USSR Cold War going on. Space Exploration was also very huge. Technology advanced. You can see how cars evolved from big hunk of metal to more refined styling that did in fact paved the way for more modern cars. I'm just using the automobile industry to make a point of the 80's rapid progression.

Reagan ended the Cold War and tore down the Berlin Wall. This went down as one of the greatest achievement by an American president.

Star Wars? That was a missile defense program but we didn't really have the technology for that but guess what? We have it now because of him. He was ahead of his time and we just couldn't build it but we have it now.

He actually left America in a better place and everyone was really sad to see him go away.

Bush Sr. won the presidency because of Reagan. He piggybacked Reagan and promised the people, like Hillary is doing, to keep everything the same. He won it because of he was Reagan's VP and a shit candidate from the Dems by the name of Michael Dukakis.

He is the greatest President of All Time. Charming, had authority, strong and united the people. When he said something...people listened. Nobody was shitting on him like how they shit on Presidents today. He did had his flaws as being too conservative at times but that is what the country needed. It garners respect.

Nick Young
08-05-2016, 03:46 AM
I agree, Reagan was great but not an all time great in my mind. I used to think Clinton was good but lets be real he presided over a weak era.

Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson are the GOAT presidents

08-05-2016, 03:53 AM

08-05-2016, 04:03 AM
I agree with Clinton but you are wrong on Reagan.

The 80's basically ushered in what I believe the modern world is. So the spending was bound to happen and then we had the USA vs. USSR Cold War going on. Space Exploration was also very huge. Technology advanced. You can see how cars evolved from big hunk of metal to more refined styling that did in fact paved the way for more modern cars. I'm just using the automobile industry to make a point of the 80's rapid progression.

Reagan ended the Cold War and tore down the Berlin Wall. This went down as one of the greatest achievement by an American president.

Star Wars? That was a missile defense program but we didn't really have the technology for that but guess what? We have it now because of him. He was ahead of his time and we just couldn't build it but we have it now.

He actually left America in a better place and everyone was really sad to see him go away.

Bush Sr. won the presidency because of Reagan. He piggybacked Reagan and promised the people, like Hillary is doing, to keep everything the same. He won it because of he was Reagan's VP and a shit candidate from the Dems by the name of Michael Dukakis.

He is the greatest President of All Time. Charming, had authority, strong and united the people. When he said something...people listened. Nobody was shitting on him like how they shit on Presidents today. He did had his flaws as being too conservative at times but that is what the country needed. It garners respect.

First of all the collapse of the soviet union had more to due with the soviet union and not Reagan, granted he deserved a small amount of credit for keeping pressure on them, but Reagan was far from the #1 reason why the soviet union collapsed.

His Star Wars project was idiotic, he should have realized we didn't have the technology to get it done, it shows his age was probably getting to him at that point and he was out of touch. That's like Obama today announcing we will launch a mission taking asternauts to Saturn, but credit him 50 years later because he was "ahead of his time".:oldlol:

He also really wasn't well liked at the time like you think, his average approval rating was around 50% in his last 2 years in office.

To call him the greatest president of all time is comical.:oldlol:

08-05-2016, 04:05 AM
I agree, Reagan was great but not an all time great in my mind. I used to think Clinton was good but lets be real he presided over a weak era.

Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson are the GOAT presidents

Theodore Roosevelt was the greatest American president of the 20th century and it isn't even close, dude was a legend.

08-05-2016, 04:12 AM
His Star Wars project was idiotic, he should have realized we didn't have the technology to get it done, it shows his age was probably getting to him at that point and he was out of touch. That's like Obama today announcing we will launch a mission taking asternauts to Saturn, but credit him 50 years later because he was "ahead of his time".:oldlol:

He also really wasn't well liked at the time like you think, his average approval rating was around 50% in his last 2 years in office.

To call him the greatest president of all time is comical.:oldlol:


Except Star Wars was fully operational in less than 10 years. The money he dumped into the program allowed us to have it far quicker than the Russians and this was during the arms race.

There you go again with approval ratings. :rolleyes:

Obama has high approval rating but nobody has him up there as the greatest president of all time. As a matter of fact he gets more mention in the company of Carter than the likes of Reagan.:lol

Go ask your mommy and daddy. They will tell you.:D

My parents prospered in the 80's under his presidency. Bought their first house in their 20's at 2200 sq/ft. Nobody is doing that today. It was a good era.

Also, Reagan was actually looked up to as a 'World Leader' heck, the stereotypical American derived from this era. The world actually looked up to him unlike the Bushs, Clintons and Obamas of the world. The theme of 'evil America' came from those guys.

08-05-2016, 04:34 AM

Except Star Wars was fully operational in less than 10 years. The money he dumped into the program allowed us to have it far quicker than the Russians and this was during the arms race.

There you go again with approval ratings. :rolleyes:

Obama has high approval rating but nobody has him up there as the greatest president of all time. As a matter of fact he gets more mention in the company of Carter than the likes of Reagan.:lol

Go ask your mommy and daddy. They will tell you.:D

My parents prospered in the 80's under his presidency. Bought their first house in their 20's at 2200 sq/ft. Nobody is doing that today. It was a good era.

Also, Reagan was actually looked up to as a 'World Leader' heck, the stereotypical American derived from this era. The world actually looked up to him unlike the Bushs, Clintons and Obamas of the world. The theme of 'evil America' came from those guys.

WTF are you talking about? The Star Wars project was abandoned when we realized we didn't have the technology for it.

As for Obama, his image is slowly starting to impove, more and more Americans are starting to see him as a solid president, in just 4-8 years he will be looked at as the best president the U.S. has had in the last 50 years. Just watch.

Obama is already looked at as a strong leader around the World, Europe loves him, Australia, most of the South & North Americans view him favorably and Africa as well, don't take my word for it, look it up.

08-05-2016, 09:18 AM
WTF are you talking about? The Star Wars project was abandoned when we realized we didn't have the technology for it.

As for Obama, his image is slowly starting to impove, more and more Americans are starting to see him as a solid president, in just 4-8 years he will be looked at as the best president the U.S. has had in the last 50 years. Just watch.

Obama is already looked at as a strong leader around the World, Europe loves him, Australia, most of the South & North Americans view him favorably and Africa as well, don't take my word for it, look it up.
Obama has hurt his legacy the past year endorsing Hillary and trying to push the TPP. He clearly was just a wall Street shill the whole time.

08-05-2016, 10:09 AM
Reagan was fortunate his presidency didn't happen in a 24/7 news cycle because that man committed acts that would make him a political dead man today. His name would be a toxic as George W. Bush. As mentioned before, his administration set the precedent to put spending on the government credit card when he tripled the debt, unheard of back then. It's his administration that started the income gap with his "trickle down" economics crap which has proven not to work by two more Republican presidents since then. And let's not forget his incompetence and ridiculous judgment when it comes to foreign policy. His administration was responsible for some of the biggest missteps that have shaped our foreign policy (in a negative way) for the last 3 decades. You think people get on Obama's case about the Iran deal now? How do you think Reagan would fare when people found out he authorized illegally selling weapons to Iran while their affiliates were holding American hostages? And that's after the Lebanon embassy bombing that killed about 20 Americans. That's after our barracks was bombed killing 200+ marines a few months later. Reagan thought selling Iran weapons would gain favor with them and their affiliates would free hostages. And three hostages were eventually freed only to be replaced by three more new hostages. Iran wanted to keep the "hostages for arms" gravy train running. Reagan would no doubt be crucified and called "feckless" and a traitor by Americans today. His administration also tried to pull a "Hillary" and destroyed incriminating documents but many of Ron's posse were charged and convicted anyway. And while Reagan was selling Iran weapons under the table he was funneling that money to the Contras (a terrorist group) for their little war in Nicaragua. And to give the Contras a bit more war money Reagan's administration let them import their crack cocaine into the country (mostly in black neighborhoods) at bargain basement prices under CIA protection.

And that wasn't even his biggest screw up. Reagan's administration took sides in the Iran/Iraq war and took Iraq off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list so he could sell Saddam Hussein's regime weapons, chemicals, and help them with intelligence. Then his administration turned a blind eye when Saddam used chemical warfare on Iran and civilians. The United States even ran interference in the U.N. when they wanted to hand down some punishment to Saddam and dummies wonder why old hard-liners in Iran chant "Death to America" today. It's not because they hate our freedoms :oldlol: Reagan's idiocy in propping up Saddam's regime affected our foreign policy in the middle east for the next 20+ years. Once Saddam turned on the hand that stupidly fed him we had two wars with that asshole. You know why Bush was so convinced Saddam had WMDs? We still had the receipts from everything Reagan's idiot administration sold him :oldlol:

Somehow Reagan's shit gets buried by dipshit right wing amnesiacs and the GOP want to prop him up and brainwash the public that he was this "great" president but the fact of the matter is Reagan would be considered a walking clusterf*** today. All they want people to remember is that "tear down this wall" bullsh**. Reagan should have ended is presidency in a prison cell. One of the worst presidents of all-time.

08-05-2016, 10:50 AM
Reagan was actually an invalid for most of his 2nd term. He would draw pictures and was often in a disoriented state confused to where he even was. Think Mayor West from Family Guy. Politicians love High ranking Officials like that it's the equivalent of having a Substitute teacher in grade school.

08-05-2016, 10:55 AM
not saying Nixon was great but he was definitely underrated. He was closer to good than being the bad president. Watergate did tarnish his legacy but if we are going to give Reagan credit for the demise of the Soviets than i feel Nixon deserves more "credit" in that regard.

08-05-2016, 11:24 AM
Clinton - Reason why he is looked favorbally by some is the good economy in the 90's, but the truth is the economic boom was due to the rise of technology. Signed NAFTA which resulted in American companies running the Mexico, signed the crime bill which was a disaster. Overall he wasn't a bad president, but none of his achievments tranformed America into a greater country.

Reagan - Republicans shit on Obama for rasing the debt, but what they don't ever mention is when their "God" came into office the USA was 90 billion dollars in debt, when he left office the USA was 2.7 trillion dollars in debt, he added 3x more debt, he borrowed more money than any president from George Washington to Jimmy Carter COMBINED! Let that sink in. Idiotic programs like Star Wars, illegally sold guns to Iran, the demise of the middle-class started with Reagan, he was a president for the rich. USA had the largest income inequality since 1947 when Reagan left office in 1989.

Nixon was underrated in my book, legacy tarnished by watergate, but overall he was a very good foreign policy president and he started EPA.

Reagan was probably our most harmful president of all time. That smile and the cold war make people gloss over what he was really doing.

Clinton also presided over Glass-Steagall's repeal. He screwed us a decent amount, though he did some good things too.

08-05-2016, 11:29 AM
Theodore Roosevelt was the greatest American president of the 20th century and it isn't even close, dude was a legend.

Both Roosevelts,TJ and Lincoln are your best presidents. JFK is worthy of his reputation IMO. Nixon is underrated, Carter too.

Worst? Probably Reagan,Madison,Jackson and Hoover. You could throw GW in there too.

08-05-2016, 01:19 PM
First of all the collapse of the soviet union had more to due with the soviet union and not Reagan, granted he deserved a small amount of credit for keeping pressure on them, but Reagan was far from the #1 reason why the soviet union collapsed.
It's silly to say Reagan brought down the Soviet Union.

However, he does get credit for recognizing the possibilities of Gorbachev as a world-historical figure and talking with him. This was opposed by many hard liners in his administration--many of whom George W. Bush brought back. George Schultz also deserves credit for this.

08-05-2016, 02:37 PM
Reagan was fortunate his presidency didn't happen in a 24/7 news cycle because that man committed acts that would make him a political dead man today. His name would be a toxic as George W. Bush. As mentioned before, his administration set the precedent to put spending on the government credit card when he tripled the debt, unheard of back then. It's his administration that started the income gap with his "trickle down" economics crap which has proven not to work by two more Republican presidents since then. And let's not forget his incompetence and ridiculous judgment when it comes to foreign policy. His administration was responsible for some of the biggest missteps that have shaped our foreign policy (in a negative way) for the last 3 decades. You think people get on Obama's case about the Iran deal now? How do you think Reagan would fare when people found out he authorized illegally selling weapons to Iran while their affiliates were holding American hostages? And that's after the Lebanon embassy bombing that killed about 20 Americans. That's after our barracks was bombed killing 200+ marines a few months later. Reagan thought selling Iran weapons would gain favor with them and their affiliates would free hostages. And three hostages were eventually freed only to be replaced by three more new hostages. Iran wanted to keep the "hostages for arms" gravy train running. Reagan would no doubt be crucified and called "feckless" and a traitor by Americans today. His administration also tried to pull a "Hillary" and destroyed incriminating documents but many of Ron's posse were charged and convicted anyway. And while Reagan was selling Iran weapons under the table he was funneling that money to the Contras (a terrorist group) for their little war in Nicaragua. And to give the Contras a bit more war money Reagan's administration let them import their crack cocaine into the country (mostly in black neighborhoods) at bargain basement prices under CIA protection.

And that wasn't even his biggest screw up. Reagan's administration took sides in the Iran/Iraq war and took Iraq off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list so he could sell Saddam Hussein's regime weapons, chemicals, and help them with intelligence. Then his administration turned a blind eye when Saddam used chemical warfare on Iran and civilians. The United States even ran interference in the U.N. when they wanted to hand down some punishment to Saddam and dummies wonder why old hard-liners in Iran chant "Death to America" today. It's not because they hate our freedoms :oldlol: Reagan's idiocy in propping up Saddam's regime affected our foreign policy in the middle east for the next 20+ years. Once Saddam turned on the hand that stupidly fed him we had two wars with that asshole. You know why Bush was so convinced Saddam had WMDs? We still had the receipts from everything Reagan's idiot administration sold him :oldlol:

Somehow Reagan's shit gets buried by dipshit right wing amnesiacs and the GOP want to prop him up and brainwash the public that he was this "great" president but the fact of the matter is Reagan would be considered a walking clusterf*** today. All they want people to remember is that "tear down this wall" bullsh**. Reagan should have ended is presidency in a prison cell. One of the worst presidents of all-time.