View Full Version : Creeping totalitarianism in the UK

08-07-2016, 12:14 PM

I actually went over all the local reporting on such things about 3-4 years ago (they almost never make national media) and it was downright scary. One guy got more than a year for having an "anti-Islamic" poster on his own window--I wrote to the Crown Prosecution Service asking what it was that had caused such a serious sentence (freedom of information request, for my undergrad thesis), and was told I could not have access to this information, as a jury had deemed the material "grossly offensive" and thus it was "against the public interest" for them to release it.

Talk about a Kafka-like absurdity. The authorities can't even inform you as to what was so dangerously offensive that it landed a guy in prison for 16 months.

Nick Young
08-07-2016, 12:19 PM
This censorship of individual freedoms is terrifying.

I have said it on this forum several times before.
The current society we live in is a mixture of 1984 and A Brave New World.

08-07-2016, 12:20 PM

I actually went over all the local reporting on such things about 3-4 years ago (they almost never make national media) and it was downright scary. One guy got more than a year for having an "anti-Islamic" poster on his own window--I wrote to the Crown Prosecution Service asking what it was that had caused such a serious sentence (freedom of information request, for my undergrad thesis), and was told I could not have access to this information, as a jury had deemed the material "grossly offensive" and thus it was "against the public interest" for them to release it.

Talk about a Kafka-like absurdity. The authorities can't even inform you as to what was so dangerously offensive that it landed a guy in prison for 16 months.

so you really dont know the details of the situation but you still have strong convictions about it? just another idiot with an opinion.

08-07-2016, 12:22 PM
so you really dont know the details of the situation but you still have strong convictions about it? just another idiot with an opinion.
I explained the situation--are you incapable of reading?

Do you not understand the danger of putting people in prison for things which are kept secret? Are you really that stupid?

08-07-2016, 12:28 PM
so you really dont know the details of the situation but you still have strong convictions about it? just another idiot with an opinion.

It's as if you live to make a fool of yourself on here :facepalm

08-07-2016, 01:58 PM
Thrown in prison for offending people. Political correctness is the greatest threat to free speech.

08-07-2016, 04:36 PM
Even if there was some virtue in holding internet trolls (as the article describes the defendant in this case) to account for inflammatory or malicious communications you just know these laws are not implemented with any tyoe of consistency.


What are the odds of the authorities taking a similar type of stance against Islamic fascists who openly advocate murdering those who blaspheme against their made up deity?

08-07-2016, 05:35 PM
...The authorities can't even inform you as to what was so dangerously offensive that it landed a guy in prison for 16 months.
what else could it really have been, other than an image of mohammed?

considering how inflammatory that is, i could understand them wanting to silence it.

anyway, what laws did this bloke actually break by having a damn poster up? that sounds pretty cray-cray for the UK.

Nick Young
08-07-2016, 05:44 PM
what else could it really have been, other than an image of mohammed?

considering how inflammatory that is, i could understand them wanting to silence it.

anyway, what laws did this bloke actually break by having a damn poster up? that sounds pretty cray-cray for the UK.
Image of Mohammad="Inflammatory"?

Why did Muslims make this inflammatory image of the Muslim prophet Mohammad?

Why is there a public mural of Mohammad in Iran?

Why did Muslims make a movie about Mohammad? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXmVJT92WAY)



These anti-freedom of speech goons are pathetic.
So much ignorance.

08-07-2016, 06:12 PM
@nick young,
i certainly don't know the story behind those images and events, but last time i checked, lots of muslims all over the world get very offended, to the point of quick violence, by images of their prophet... especially ones coming from non-believers and westerners.

UK with a high muslim presence probably doesn't want to allow people to create unnecessary flare-ups and strife with muslims.

before the hamster wheels start spinning in your head, however-- NO... unless it was explicitly some kind of hate crime or libel (etc), i don't understand why the guy got sent to prison.