View Full Version : 50 Things I Pretend To Know Now That I Am Nearing 50

08-08-2016, 09:19 AM
Thought this was a pretty good list...

Lots of things to learn from here:

[QUOTE]1) You only retain 1

08-08-2016, 02:13 PM
Holy shit half of these are AWFUL

08-08-2016, 02:16 PM
edit: Langauge came off as arrogant and absolute. Apologies.

4,7,9,12,22. Agreed on all aspects.

Reinventing yourself every 5 years seems
a) like an arbitrary number
b) as if there's something that's not internally constant

Eight hours is really the upper limit for sleep (unless it's athletes we're talking of)

People can retain substantially more knowledge by taking an hour of the day in the evening and just reflecting. And the main things; health, mathematics, wisdom, etc. these are to be applied consistently. If I took a hundred ISH posters and brought up their high school curriculum to them; eventually synapses would have started firing and the crucial concepts would be recollected.

8 is iffy. People need some form of feedback to sharpen their skill #24. It's misleading because you don't want to care about other's perspective of you on minute affairs, but you do absolutely want criticism on your work and feedback if you transgress their rights/make them feel uncomfortable..

42 is sound from a materialistic student standpoint, but the religious perspective is more encompassing, as it sees the entire journey of life as a series of trials to refine one's character, strengthen one's faith and attachment to God.
41 is an unnecessary additional point of view that relates to the principle of contentment, frugality, etc.

Actually 2, 12, 16, 19, 36, 37, 41, 42, 51, (and perhaps others) are already reconciled from a religious or spiritual education.

33 is correct from a
A combination of trust that your life will pan out correctly and the humility to constantly improve and know axioms like "There's always a smarter person in the room" is a better attitude than the anxiety/potential to be exploited that stems from insecurity.

17 is wrong. Mediterannean Diet or Vegetarian Diet with some eggs/liver here and there is superior to the Atkins. Eating 1/3 of your stomachs capacity. Fasting. Drinking pure, chilling water. Garlic and onions. Baked bread. Rice. Lentils. Chickpeas. Fresh lamb. Spinach. Arugula. Figs. Dates. etc. etc. Avoiding certain foods like shellfish, sugar, swineflesh, blood, carrion, grease, processed, nightshades, uncooked bitter foods etc.

18, unless one's got a superior imagination is very, very difficult. The brainpower it takes to recollect a whole scene from the past let alone multiple scenes from another's book is not feasible unless you're reading slooowwwwlllyyyy byy canddleeelighttt.

29 shows a lack of intelligence in discernment. Though it points to the authors likely peaceful and coexisting views. The Bhagavad Gita and Qu'ran agree that the way to the liberation of the soul is through constant charity and sincere worship; but the latter reiterates Pure Monotheism among another infinite wisdom. Why would there be turmoil between Pakistan and India? The LoTR, despite its epicness, does not belong in the category as the ancient Scriptures.

35 is foolish There are degrees of crimes and virtues. T. JEFFERSON's good deeds far outweigh Clinton and Trumps good ones. There's already Hitchens criticizing Theresa, King, Gandhi. No need to dwelve into that critical territory.

Anger is not exclusively linked to fear.

26 is excessive. Humor is best served in small doses. People who laugh maniacally are the same people who are insensitive to the needs of others.

40 is wrong. It's wrong if you hink like this. Out of 100 trees, 20 trees that grow well disperse their seeds make up for the 80 that don't make it past being a sapling.

20 is following your own desires. This is not a good way of going about life in the long run.

10 one can do without in the subsequent aspect. Meeting celebrities without knowing their achievements promote a more authentic exchange.

45 is wrong, and it's important to discover and predict the themes of humans.

48 is wrong mostly due to the unanimous consensus on many subjects (ranging from) the effects of hormones, the pH, the dietary and behavioral aspect of most creatures, the various levels of life, Planck's Constant, Einstein's theory of relativity, Young's Double Split Experimen, pv=nrt, etc.

49, it's not about making people happy. I's about doing what's right. People feel happy when they're doing what's consistently right. Their very heart will emanate peace under that condition.

08-08-2016, 02:22 PM
Holy shit half of these are AWFUL

Interesting... the list was composed by this guy:

James Altucher is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and podcaster.[1] He has founded or cofounded more than[clarification needed] 20 companies, including Reset Inc. and StockPickr and says he failed at 17 of them.[2][3][4] He has published eleven books, and he is a frequent contributor to publications including The Financial Times, TheStreet.com, TechCrunch, Seeking Alpha, Thought Catalog, and The Huffington Post.[5][6][7] USA Today named his book Choose Yourself one of the 12 Best Business Books of All Time.[8]

What have you done? :oldlol:

08-08-2016, 02:25 PM
Interesting... the list was composed by this guy:

What have you done? :oldlol:
Well I suppose 37 is quite applicable to him then

This is a glorified buzzfeed article.

Being good at business doesn't qualify you to speak on art, politics, history, war or human psychology.

08-08-2016, 02:25 PM
You're nearly 50?

Old timers of ISH take a bow :banana:

08-08-2016, 02:30 PM
Well I suppose 37 is quite applicable to him then

This is a glorified buzzfeed article.

Being good at business doesn't qualify you to speak on art, politics, history, war or human psychology.

It applies to everyone.... That's the point.

I'd say someone with a doctorate in computer science, a 17 time published author, and a multi-millionaire makes him a lot more qualified to speak on those topics than you are qualified to critique them. :oldlol:

If it's not for you, move along, but clearly he's onto something.

Keep doing you, dawg.

08-08-2016, 02:48 PM
First thing I'd recommend off the bat UK2K is just being extremely conscious and alert of the present moment. There's a strong intelligence in that aspect.

You already know this of course, but its hard to apply consistently in civilian life with less stimuli.

4,7,9,12,22, are correct.

Moreover, if the guy talks about "reinventing" yourself 5 years, it's quite likely they don't legitimately stand for anything or are not receiving guidance from Him.

Rule 1 can be overrided by taking an hour of your day in the evening and just reflecting. And the main things; health, mathematics, wisdom, etc. these are to be applied consistently.

8 is wrong. People need some form of feedback to sharpen their skill #24.. It's correct in certain matters though.

42 is correct, but the correct perspective is to see life as a series of trials, and not to make others feel indebted.
2 is correct; but there's a better way of saying it/better perspective.
41 is a repeat of the principle of 2.

33 is correct in a certain way. Insecurity to retain humiliydrive to higher heights; not to make one anxious all the time.

17 is wrong. Mediterannean Diet or Vegetarian Diet with some eggs/liver here and there is superior to the Atkins.

18, unless one's got a superior imagination is flat out wrong. It also contradicts 2 #1 to an extent.

29 shows a lack of intelligence in discernment. Though it points to the authors likely peaceful and coexisting views.

35 is foolish There are degrees of crimes and virtues. T. JEFFERSON's good deeds far outweigh Clinton and Trumps good ones. There's already Hitchens criticizing Theresa, King, Gandhi. No need to dwelve into that critical territory.

26 is excessive. Humor is best served in small doses.

3 is obvious.

40 is wrong. Out of 100 trees, 20 trees that grow well disperse their seeds make up for the 80 that don't make it past being a sapling. At least the author does have sincerity in this particular belief as evidenced by this lackluster list.

45 is wrong, and it's important to discover and predict the themes of humans.
48 is dead wrong and an insult to science.

49, it's not about making people happy.

50, Again this denotes a lack of congruency in he author. Or just with the times.


You try too hard to know about life. But you don't know shit. Of the ones you pointed out as "wrong"....simply you are more wrong than right.

08-08-2016, 02:56 PM
You try too hard to know about life. But you don't know shit. Of the ones you pointed out as "wrong"....simply you are more wrong than right.

The court is open, Glove.

Criticize post #3 or defend Altucher's original points.

08-08-2016, 03:25 PM
You try too hard to know about life. But you don't know shit. Of the ones you pointed out as "wrong"....simply you are more wrong than right.
I find myself agreeing with his critique more than the list.

08-08-2016, 03:28 PM
why does it not surprise me that the mouth-breather of an OP is fan of buzfeed-styled articles :lol

08-08-2016, 03:40 PM
poor guy. he has the wisdom of a 28 year old.

08-08-2016, 03:51 PM
why does it not surprise me that the mouth-breather of an OP is fan of buzfeed-styled articles :lol

I enjoy reading posts from self made millionaires who write for business literature like the Financial Times and Business Insider...

You don't have to listen to his advice, but clearly, he knows what he's talking about:

13. I advocate the concept of working at a job while building your business. You have of course lived it. Now as you look back, what is your take on this? Is it possible to make it work while sailing on two boats?

Your boss wants everything out of you. He wants you to work 80 hours a week. He wants to look good taking credit for your work. He wants your infinite loyalty. So you need something back.

Exploit your employer. It’s the best way to get good experience, clients, contacts. It’s a legal way to steal. It’s a fast way to be an entrepreneur because you see what large companies with infinite money are willing to pay for. If you can provide that, you make millions. It’s how many great businesses have started and will always start. It’s how every exit I’ve had started.

Imagine if every 'safe space' seeking college grad, or poverty stricken city dweller, or high school drop out took his advice??

8. 3 must-read books for aspiring entrepreneurs?

The key in an entrepreneur book: you want to learn business. You want to learn how to honestly communicate with your customers. You want to stand out.

The Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningham

“The Thank you Economy” by Gary Vaynerchuk

“Purple cow” by Seth Godin

He's even touting your leftist God, Warren Buffet... So now does he knows stuff or no?

08-08-2016, 03:59 PM
Is that really legal? Stealing clients from your employer? I'm in the process of starting a company and I know a pretty big company looking for low-end techs. I've thought about taking a job there, even if the pay is a fraction of what I am earning now, it would all be worth it to acquire valuable information.

08-08-2016, 04:36 PM
Let me guess, this is some retarded shit you got off face book?


08-08-2016, 04:53 PM
Is that really legal? Stealing clients from your employer? I'm in the process of starting a company and I know a pretty big company looking for low-end techs. I've thought about taking a job there, even if the pay is a fraction of what I am earning now, it would all be worth it to acquire valuable information.

You can probably just keep your decent job and find whatever info you need on the internet

08-08-2016, 05:14 PM
You can probably just keep your decent job and find whatever info you need on the internet
I've dedicated a lot of time to researching and have joined forums to learn more about this field, yet there remains a lot that I need to learn. Everything from client base to support.

08-08-2016, 07:16 PM
Is that really legal? Stealing clients from your employer? I'm in the process of starting a company and I know a pretty big company looking for low-end techs. I've thought about taking a job there, even if the pay is a fraction of what I am earning now, it would all be worth it to acquire valuable information.
It's legal, but most companies have something in the contract that says you can't so they can take you to court for that. Poaching is extremely prevalent in the finance word.

UK, I speak with hyperbole, but around ten of those are either common sense, nonsense, or an opinion/personal.