View Full Version : My thoughts on PC Culture being a reverse racism of sorts

08-09-2016, 12:49 AM
I've been explaining this to people this way recently:

I think one of the big problems of the "PC Culture" is that for many Politically Correct people, it simply gives them a reason to hate, demonize, and feel like they are better than someone they find to not be as Politically Correct as they are. It's a way for people to pat themselves on the back for their own "Political Correctness", while they see the in anger at everyone else.

It has become simply an excuse for the 2 Minutes of Hate for many people, and not something to actually make anyone's lives better.

08-09-2016, 12:57 AM
I've been explaining this to people this way recently:

I think one of the big problems of the "PC Culture" is that for many Politically Correct people, it simply gives them a reason to hate, demonize, and feel like they are better than someone they find to not be as Politically Correct as they are. It's a way for people to pat themselves on the back for their own "Political Correctness", while they see the in anger at everyone else.

It has become simply an excuse for the 2 Minutes of Hate for many people, and not something to actually make anyone's lives better.

08-09-2016, 12:59 AM
Political correctness is the opiate of the masses.

Patrick Chewing
08-09-2016, 01:05 AM
I tend to associate Politically Correct people with Liberals, or at least a majority of them are Liberal/Progressive, and yet they always seem to be angry and quick to put someone else down that doesn't agree with them.

I see this all the time when trying to talk Politics with some people who are way too PC. They immediately get offended and interrupt you or turn their back to you and walk away which in turn is rude and offensive.

I don't think it's so much reverse racism as it is just sheer ignorance. You've encountered a person who has less knowledge than you on the matter, but disagrees with your viewpoint. Instead of debating you or discussing the issue, or even possibly learning a thing or two like two civilized adults, they demonize you under all their cushy labels which revolve around YOU being the bigot, or YOU being the ignorant one.

It's a beautiful tactic that's masterfully done by the elites in the Left, but I think the rest of the world is slowly catching on.

Nick Young
08-09-2016, 01:38 AM
I don't know why it has taken this long for people to realize this.

Also there is no such thing as 'reverse racism'. Racism is racism. PC culture, identity politics, BLM and the KKK are all racist movements.

08-09-2016, 06:53 AM
Polite fascism as George Carlin puts it.

Im Still Ballin
08-09-2016, 07:36 AM
I suggest Apple if PC is incompatible!

08-09-2016, 07:41 AM
"reverse racism" you whiteys are hilarious.

08-09-2016, 07:42 AM
I don't know why it has taken this long for people to realize this.

Also there is no such thing as 'reverse racism'. Racism is racism. PC culture, identity politics, BLM and the KKK are all racist movements.

learn the difference between "racial" and "racist".

08-09-2016, 08:34 AM
learn the difference between "racial" and "racist".

BLM, KKK, identity politics (ive excluded PC culture) are both racist and racial. stop being a smartass unless you're good at it

08-09-2016, 08:38 AM
BLM, KKK, identity politics (ive excluded PC culture) are both racist and racial. stop being a smartass unless you're good at it

they are not moron. what you call "identity politics" is a racial discussion, not a racist one. In morons minds like you, the topic of race cannot be talked about and would be taboo without calling it "racist". Theres a problem in america that has to be handled, and idiots like you who dont have to deal with the problem would rather not talk about it and would call the people that do have to "racists". Its cynicism and inaccurate, thats why people like you are morons.

08-09-2016, 08:47 AM
they are not moron. what you call "identity politics" is a racial discussion, not a racist one. In morons minds like you, the topic of race cannot be talked about and would be taboo without calling it "racist". Theres a problem in america that has to be handled, and idiots like you who dont have to deal with the problem would rather not talk about it and would call the people that do have to "racists". Its cynicism and inaccurate, thats why people like you are morons.

Um, no, you dolt, talking about racial issues is not something I'd always call racist. That is a PC, left-wing cultural phenomenon. I will have no part in stupid behaviour like that.

Identity politics are racist. If you can't understand why, you are part of the problem. For example, I've been told before that I can't have an informed opinion, nor can I give my opinion or share my thoughts, purely because of my skin colour, despite being much more educated and well-versed in the subject than the newcomers I was eating with. Because of my identity, I was deliberately excluded from the conversation. That is racist.

Identity politics are divisive and discriminatory to the "out groups" and you'd do well to understand that.

why am I trying to educate this guy actually nevermind

08-09-2016, 09:27 AM
they are not moron. what you call "identity politics" is a racial discussion, not a racist one. In morons minds like you, the topic of race cannot be talked about and would be taboo without calling it "racist". Theres a problem in america that has to be handled, and idiots like you who dont have to deal with the problem would rather not talk about it and would call the people that do have to "racists". Its cynicism and inaccurate, thats why people like you are morons.
A manufactured problem...

You are trying to argue that the people at UofMizzou ARE NOT racist because they segregate orientation based on race, but you ARE racist if you don't want segregated orientations.

Even though a number of blacks owned slaves in the South, blacks are not racist. Even though they sold their own people into slavery in Africa, then sold them again later on in the States. Even though very few whites owned slaves in the South, ALL whites are racist. Even ones that didn't have ancestors here at the time. They're racist too, somehow.

We should ask that question to our African American brothers... 'so what's it like to know your ancestors were more likely to own slaves than mine?'

08-09-2016, 09:57 AM
I've been explaining this to people this way recently:

I think one of the big problems of the "PC Culture" is that for many Politically Correct people, it simply gives them a reason to hate, demonize, and feel like they are better than someone they find to not be as Politically Correct as they are. It's a way for people to pat themselves on the back for their own "Political Correctness", while they see the in anger at everyone else.

It has become simply an excuse for the 2 Minutes of Hate for many people, and not something to actually make anyone's lives better.
It's not just politics .... It's everything.
America was built on drive and motivation.. (ME first mentality , it has never become stronger than it is today) think of that the next time you are driving , and a guy cuts in front of you. (It has nothing to do with race or politics)

08-09-2016, 10:18 AM
It's not just politics .... It's everything.
America was built on drive and motivation.. (ME first mentality , it has never become stronger than it is today) think of that the next time you are driving , and a guy cuts in front of you. (It has nothing to do with race or politics)

That ME first mentality is dangerous to Democrats...

So it must be destroyed. They depend on group think... the herd mentality.

Nick Young
08-09-2016, 10:28 AM
they are not moron. what you call "identity politics" is a racial discussion, not a racist one. In morons minds like you, the topic of race cannot be talked about and would be taboo without calling it "racist". Theres a problem in america that has to be handled, and idiots like you who dont have to deal with the problem would rather not talk about it and would call the people that do have to "racists". Its cynicism and inaccurate, thats why people like you are morons.
The theory of identity politics is a racist theory, which is what I wrote in the sentence that inspired you to write paragraphs XD

08-09-2016, 11:15 AM
PCness has gone too far in many instances, but it will revert back to the norm.

I see it more as a pendulum swing than a straight line journey.

It will correct.

08-09-2016, 11:47 AM
Someone post a clip from the PC Principal on Southpark :lol