View Full Version : Who killed Seth Rich??

Patrick Chewing
08-09-2016, 10:59 PM
Julian Assange believes he was the whistleblower that leaked the e-mails and was killed on his way to meet the FBI.



How many people have the Clintons killed??

08-09-2016, 11:00 PM
Luca Brasi.

08-09-2016, 11:02 PM
This is how the optimists in the Fuhrerbunker must have sounded like.

Take the L, Trumpfcks.

Patrick Chewing
08-09-2016, 11:03 PM
Luca Brasi.

You make light of this, but this is just like in the movies. The police say it was a robbery, but nothing of his was stolen. This was a hit plain and simple. The Clintons are the most corrupt family on Earth.

08-09-2016, 11:11 PM
You make light of this, but this is just like in the movies. The police say it was a robbery, but nothing of his was stolen. This was a hit plain and simple. The Clintons are the most corrupt family on Earth.

The Clintons come from a different time, a simpler time when snitches got stitches. You can't run a large, powerful organization with tellin ass nigguhs running around. Just can't have it.

You want to make America great again, start by letting Americans know it's not cool or trendy to sell National secrets to the Russians.

08-09-2016, 11:13 PM

08-09-2016, 11:29 PM
Luca Brasi.

08-09-2016, 11:29 PM
The Clintons come from a different time, a simpler time when snitches got stitches. You can't run a large, powerful organization with tellin ass nigguhs running around. Just can't have it.

You want to make America great again, start by letting Americans know it's not cool or trendy to sell National secrets to the Russians.


08-09-2016, 11:37 PM

but...but...the Russians did it.

08-09-2016, 11:39 PM
but...but...the Russians did it.

The Russians are coming!! :lol

08-09-2016, 11:48 PM
More of that Russian conspiracy nonsense. Did these people just came out of a time capsule thinking we are still in the Cold War? I love how this election cycle is drawing out and exposing all the warmongers.

08-09-2016, 11:50 PM
More of that Russian conspiracy nonsense. Did these people just came out of a time capsule thinkingwe are still in the Cold War? I love how this election cycle is drawing out and exposing all the warmongers.
Holy shit :roll: :roll:

Nick Young
08-10-2016, 12:06 AM
Hillary Clinton Murder List: Shawn Lucas, Seth Rich, Victor Thorn & Other Mysterious Deaths


08-10-2016, 12:14 AM
Hillary Clinton Murder List: Shawn Lucas, Seth Rich, Victor Thorn & Other Mysterious Deaths


Yeah much worse than the body count the Reagan/Bush era racked up. :facepalm

08-10-2016, 12:18 AM
Republicans have gone schizophrenic mode, full on

08-10-2016, 12:29 AM
Hillary Clinton Murder List: Shawn Lucas, Seth Rich, Victor Thorn & Other Mysterious Deaths


lol but trump said some mean things

08-10-2016, 01:09 AM
Killary is even more psychotic than Obomber

08-10-2016, 02:20 AM
but...but...the Russians did it.

What if it was the GOP so that it seems like the dems did it?

08-10-2016, 02:39 AM
What if it was the GOP so that it seems like the dems did it?

Naw...you want the guy alive so he can keep leaking emails or whatever incriminating information he had.

08-10-2016, 03:42 AM
This is actually very unsettling, shows how similar the US and Russian governments are in eliminating the opposition, those who pose real danger of exposing them. This is not a Dem vs Rep either, both parties surely have a body count on them.

08-10-2016, 04:26 AM
This is actually very unsettling, shows how similar the US and Russian governments are in eliminating the opposition, those who pose real danger of exposing them. This is not a Dem vs Rep either, both parties surely have a body count on them.
This has always been the case, both systems (socialist and democratic) are pretty close in terms of tools of ruling.

08-10-2016, 07:06 AM
This has always been the case, both systems (socialist and democratic) are pretty close in terms of tools of ruling.

Because no matter the system put in place it's always deployed by some powerful elite. How often throughout history was it the commoners that were able to choose a country's political system?

08-10-2016, 07:08 AM
Big reason why we have to vote Trump into office.

08-10-2016, 07:17 AM
Big reason why we have to vote Trump into office.

He is part of the same powerful elite. Just because he uses foul language to make him appear to be some blue collar guy he still is friends with the Clintons of the world.

08-10-2016, 07:18 AM
high energy, i like it.

08-10-2016, 08:41 AM
The Clintons come from a different time, a simpler time when snitches got stitches. You can't run a large, powerful organization with tellin ass nigguhs running around. Just can't have it.

You want to make America great again, start by letting Americans know it's not cool or trendy to sell National secrets to the Russians.

It's not them.

[QUOTE]But this smear tactic extends far beyond Trump. It is now used to vilify anyone perceived to be an impediment to Clinton

08-10-2016, 09:20 AM
It's not them.

UK cites the Intercept. These times man. These times.

08-10-2016, 09:24 AM
UK cites the Intercept. These times man. These times.

Which cited the WP.

I haven't seen many sites come out and explicitly say it was Russians other than Politico (confirmed to be in bed with the DNC) and CNN (confirmed to be in bed with DNC).

Other sites have only hinted at it.

Also, Assange has stated that hacking Trump's tax returns are in the works... so last week Russia was out to get the Clinton, now Russia is out to get everyone! And nobody pays attention to what's actually in the emails.

08-10-2016, 09:24 AM
My favorite one of these is John Ashe. Why would he know anything at all about the DNC.

And he was not scheduled to testify. He was on trial himself. For bribery.

This is the type of shit folks post and then call other people sheep.


Snopes points out that story originated on a website that also broke the story that Obama nuked Charleston, South Carolina.

08-10-2016, 09:25 AM
Whatever side of the political spectrum you're on, you shouldn't be in favor of people leaking government files/info unless it's exposing explicit criminality or corruption.

08-10-2016, 09:39 AM
Whatever side of the political spectrum you're on, you shouldn't be in favor of people leaking government files/info unless it's exposing explicit criminality or corruption.

Have to disagree with you there, governments should be transparent

08-10-2016, 09:40 AM
My favorite one of these is John Ashe. Why would he know anything at all about the DNC.

And he was not scheduled to testify. He was on trial himself. For bribery.

This is the type of shit folks post and then call other people sheep.


Snopes points out that story originated on a website that also broke the story that Obama nuked Charleston, South Carolina.

Your denial towards the issue is outrageous. Your cuck ass is too busy hating on the clown rather than worrying about what a nazi shithole US is becoming.

08-10-2016, 09:50 AM
Which cited the WP.

And you didn't check the original WP story.

[QUOTE]Intelligence officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an issue under investigation, said there is little doubt that agents of the Russian government hacked the Democratic National Committee, and the White House was informed months ago of Moscow

08-10-2016, 09:52 AM
Your denial towards the issue is outrageous. Your cuck ass is too busy hating on the clown rather than worrying about what a nazi shithole US is becoming.
US nazis are big fans of the clown you failure.

And there is no issue, you failure. The holocaust denier committed suicide. The "lead attorney" was a process server. The UN official was under indictment for bribery and has no connection to the DNC or Clinton.

There is a DNC staffer killed. Zero evidence he was going to talk to anyone.

08-10-2016, 09:52 AM
John Ashe was scheduled in court to testify with Ng Lap Seng, a Chinese businessman who funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democrat party while Clinton was president.

Ng, a Macau businessman with ties to the Chinese government, was accused of funneling over $1 million in illegal foreign donations to support Bill Clinton's reelection campaign in 1996.

No mention of Vince Foster?

A suicide note of sorts, actually a draft of a resignation letter, was found torn into 27 pieces in Foster's briefcase after his death. One piece was missing, which may have contained a signature. The full text of the note is as follows:

I made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork

I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct

No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group

The FBI lied in their report to the AG

The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff

The GOP has lied and misrepresented its knowledge and role and covered up a prior investigation

The Ushers Office plotted to have excessive costs incurred, taking advantage of Kaki and HRC

The public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons and their loyal staff

The WSJ editors lie without consequence

I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport.[31]

Here we are, 20 years later, and the FBI is choosing not to indict Clinton, the DNC is setting up jobs for big donors, and the media has been confirmed to be in bed with the Democrat party.

Oh, and there's that Bernie guy buying his third home (priced at $600k) after he drops out of the election in which millions of his dumbass followers donated money to him. :lol

'Murica! The most corrupt place on Earth.

08-10-2016, 10:01 AM
No mention of Vince Foster?have fun in the rabbit hole.

08-10-2016, 10:02 AM
And you didn't check the original WP story.

They don't doubt the Russians hacked the DNC.

What they can't prove is the that Russians gave hacked data to Wikileaks.

There is "little doubt" Russia is behind the hack of Democratic National Committee emails, a US official told CNN on Wednesday. From CNN. Confirmed to be in bed with the DNC. K....

Seems like plenty of others DO doubt it was the Russians.

[QUOTE]Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said today he

08-10-2016, 10:03 AM
have fun in the rabbit hole.

'Don't read the emails, just blame Russia!'

One born every minute.

08-10-2016, 10:03 AM
Whatever side of the political spectrum you're on, you shouldn't be in favor of people leaking government files/info unless it's exposing explicit criminality or corruption.

Not sure if you are referring to Snowden or the DNC hacks here, but relying on the info that comes from hacking to be an informed voter has become more effective than getting your info from certain main stream media networks. The quality of journalism has taken a nose-dive lately. Also, it may be a good reminder for people to know that the anti-propoganda act was taken away recently (http://www.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/US-Government-Funded-Domestic-Propaganda-Has-4668001.php).

08-10-2016, 10:04 AM
US nazis are big fans of the clown you failure.

And there is no issue, you failure. The holocaust denier committed suicide. The "lead attorney" was a process server. The UN official was under indictment for bribery and has no connection to the DNC or Clinton.

There is a DNC staffer killed. Zero evidence he was going to talk to anyone.
And you have the nerve to call the clown dangerous? Humanoids like will spell the end of human kind. You behavior is beyond reckless and does not belong in a democratic/free world.

08-10-2016, 10:10 AM

OK. Ashe was bribed by Ng Lap Seng who was connected to the DNC in 1998 and visited the White House several times.

08-10-2016, 10:12 AM
From CNN. Confirmed to be in bed with the DNC. K....

You're never going to believe this, but this is just nonsense.

The DNCleaks showed the DNC trying to influence the press.

Just like the RNC does, the Green Party does etc.

Also if America is so corrupt while is America pursuing these bribery charges?

08-10-2016, 11:21 AM
You're never going to believe this, but this is just nonsense.

The DNCleaks showed the DNC trying to influence the press.

Just like the RNC does, the Green Party does etc.

Also if America is so corrupt while is America pursuing these bribery charges?
As I've always said. Fox News, MSNBC, talk radio, etc. aren't the problem in media. They openly push an agenda. Fox openly has a pro Republican/conservative agenda. MSNBC has a pro Democrat/progressive agenda. You know what you're getting. They aren't trying to trick you.

It's outlets like CNN that are a problem. They also push an agenda, but they don't want their audience to be aware that they're pushing an agenda. Fox and MSNBC are like commercials. Outlets like CNN are like sneaky product placements.

Fox is like a Coca-Cola commercial. MSNBC is like a Pepsi commercial. CNN is like a glassware commercial that tries to convince you that Pepsi is better but swears it has nothing to do with either brand and isn't on either side.

Patrick Chewing
08-10-2016, 11:21 AM
Kevin, you cuckhead. This thread isn't about John Ashe, this thread is about Seth Rich who you so casually ignored.

Explain Seth Rich. Who killed Seth Rich???

08-10-2016, 11:23 AM
Seth Rich is a hero.

08-10-2016, 11:37 AM
Kevin, you cuckhead. This thread isn't about John Ashe, this thread is about Seth Rich who you so casually ignored.

Explain Seth Rich. Who killed Seth Rich???
inb4 "2nd amendment activists/Trumpatrds" :crazysam:

Nick Young
08-10-2016, 11:52 AM
Kevin, you cuckhead. This thread isn't about John Ashe, this thread is about Seth Rich who you so casually ignored.

Explain Seth Rich. Who killed Seth Rich???
Correct the Record hasn't sent out their marching orders for the Seth Rich excuse yet. FiliJackson will refuse to acknowledge it for a few days, and bring up more deflection tactics. as always, the sheepocrats of ish will follow his lead.

08-10-2016, 12:10 PM
As I've always said. Fox News, MSNBC, talk radio, etc. aren't the problem in media. They openly push an agenda. Fox openly has a pro Republican/conservative agenda. MSNBC has a pro Democrat/progressive agenda. You know what you're getting. They aren't trying to trick you.

It's outlets like CNN that are a problem. They also push an agenda, but they don't want their audience to be aware that they're pushing an agenda. Fox and MSNBC are like commercials. Outlets like CNN are like sneaky product placements.

Fox is like a Coca-Cola commercial. MSNBC is like a Pepsi commercial. CNN is like a glassware commercial that tries to convince you that Pepsi is better but swears it has nothing to do with either brand and isn't on either side.
This is very true. It's also why the BBC is such a disgrace--the idea of objective broadcasting is, in itself, an absurdity.

08-10-2016, 12:39 PM
You're never going to believe this, but this is just nonsense.

The DNCleaks showed the DNC trying to influence the press.

Just like the RNC does, the Green Party does etc.

Also if America is so corrupt while is America pursuing these bribery charges?

CONFIRMED. The DNCleaks show the DNC WORKING with the press. As in, they're on the same side.

And no, its not business as usual.

Its for your side, why can't you just accept it?

Some of the emails released show both CNN and Politico had articles pre-approved by the DNC prior to publication. Politico reporter Ken Vogel had DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda look over an article before he sent it to editors as part of an agreement. Politico has since called Vogel’s actions “a mistake.”

In May 2016, CNN published an anti-Sanders Op-Ed by Maria Cardona, who had had it pre-checked by the DNC before publication. In addition to the emails released by Wikileaks, The Intercept reported in May 2016 that they obtained emails showing CNN published an anti-Sanders Op-Ed ghostwritten by a lobbyist under Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed’s name that they had received from a Clinton SuperPAC.

CNN’s Jake Tapper was also implicated. DNC staff discussed in emails, “if we want to offer Jake Tapper questions to ask us” after Tapper’s producer Jason Seher asked what DNC Hispanic Media Director Pablo Manriquez wanted to talk about on the show. Manriquez eventually resigned over DNC staff pushing him to break impartiality. Tapper insists the emails show no wrongdoing on his part, but the rhetoric among DNC staff makes it seem as though it was a standard procedure to write their own questions for CNN interviews.

The Wikileaks emails revealed that The Washington Post hosted a joint fundraiser with the Clinton campaign, although the Post was unlisted at the fundraiser. “We were never going to list since the lawyers told us we cannot do it,” DNC Finance Director Jordan Kaplan wrote to DNC Election Strategies Adviser Anu Rangappa.

DNC Communications Director Miranda leaked a letter Sanders wrote to the DNC in early May to Wall Street Journal reporter Laura Meckler, who used it to write a hit piece on Sanders. “You didn’t get this from me,” Miranda wrote. A few days later, Miranda used the same reporter to criticize complaints from the Sanders campaign over DNC platform committee appointments.

After MSNBC correspondent Mika Brzezinski criticized Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and called for her to resign as DNC chairperson, she complained to host Chuck Todd, ultimately calling MSNBC’s president Phil Griffin to have his network stop the negative coverage of her. “This is the LAST straw. Please call Phil Griffin. This is outrageous. She needs to apologize,” Wasserman Schultz wrote in an email.

Although not implicated directly in the DNC emails released by WikiLeaks, Facebook did admit that they blocked links to the website after the leak. They claimed the censorship was just an accident caused by algorithms incorrectly designating links to WikiLeaks as spam. The block has since been fixed, but has incited further allegations that Facebook tampers with its trending bar to manipulate the popularity of major news coverage.

Yep... nothing weird about any of that.

Like I said, CNN and Politico are garbage. They are not legitimate news sources.

08-10-2016, 04:40 PM
Finally some people are actually talking about this in the mainstream like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulaini. Seth Rich's father is also speaking out.

08-10-2016, 04:55 PM
Did that Hilary shill-bot brush off knowingly conspiring with members of the press to set the agenda, to deflect attention, and control the news cycle, as a mere attempt to "influence"?

08-10-2016, 04:56 PM
Finally some people are actually talking about this in the mainstream like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulaini. Seth Rich's father is also speaking out.

Assange is definitely implicating here that Seth Rich was a whistleblower. wow.

08-10-2016, 05:24 PM
CONFIRMED. The DNCleaks show the DNC WORKING with the press. As in, they're on the same side.

And no, its not business as usual.

Its for your side, why can't you just accept it?

Yep... nothing weird about any of that.

Like I said, CNN and Politico are garbage. They are not legitimate news sources.
I went through a lot of emails and one of them was basically about how an article on one of the websites had been numerously edited not to include "senior DNC officials" in it.

08-10-2016, 05:31 PM
Can't find it now but it was the incident when Sanders ppl wanted a recount but the Dem officials suddenly ended the primary and ran away from ppl protesting.

08-10-2016, 05:43 PM


08-10-2016, 05:52 PM

Hard not to politicise something when the wikileaks guy has come out and strongly implied that Rich was a plugged leak, especially when that leak just recently exposed large-scale corruption in one of the two major political parties of the United States.

08-10-2016, 07:22 PM
The Clintons come from a different time, a simpler time when snitches got stitches. You can't run a large, powerful organization with tellin ass nigguhs running around. Just can't have it.

You want to make America great again, start by letting Americans know it's not cool or trendy to sell National secrets to the Russians.
I agree 100%.

The Clintons still on top of their game and their mole is ruining the GOP. :applause:

They onna nutha levah, yo :bowdown:

08-10-2016, 07:41 PM

This (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/)is the website where this nonsense started. They have other stories you'll be gullible enough to swallow.

CIA-Mormon Mafia Plot To Topple Donald Trump Sends Shiver Of Fear Through Russia

Russian Nuclear Forces Put On High Alert After Massive American Fleet Ordered To Combat Status

Hillary Clinton

Patrick Chewing
08-10-2016, 09:55 PM
[QUOTE=FillJackson]This (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/)is the website where this nonsense started. They have other stories you'll be gullible enough to swallow.

CIA-Mormon Mafia Plot To Topple Donald Trump Sends Shiver Of Fear Through Russia

Russian Nuclear Forces Put On High Alert After Massive American Fleet Ordered To Combat Status

Hillary Clinton

Nick Young
10-12-2016, 01:41 PM
the jury is still out


07-15-2019, 05:58 AM
[QUOTE]Russian Intel Planted False Report that Seth Rich Was Killed by Assassins Working for Clinton (https://thehill.com/homenews/media/452157-russias-foreign-intelligence-service-secretly-planted-fake-report-that-seth)

Russian intelligence agents spread a false report claiming assassins working for Hillary Clinton killed Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich just days after his murder, according to a new investigation.

The SVR, Russia

07-15-2019, 07:49 AM

So what

07-15-2019, 07:57 AM
In fact, I find it far more likely that the Russians personally murdered him and planted the story than the idea that it was a robbery... and between picking HRC or the Russians I

07-15-2019, 10:45 AM
Turns out OP is a complete fvcking moron. Who knew!

07-15-2019, 10:48 AM
The fact that police have seemingly made zero progress investigating this death while also seeming to show zero interest in solving it speaks volumes. Any common criminal who would botch a robbery this badly would not be difficult to catch.

We all know who really killed Seth Rich

07-15-2019, 12:21 PM
Turns out OP is a complete fvcking moron. Who knew!

Maybe but the OP itself is not supporting evidence and you

07-15-2019, 01:59 PM

seth rich

these are some bonafide moron/rorshach tests.

if you're not sure if the person you're conversing with is a f*cking idiot, just say "pizzagate/seth rich... what are your thoughts?"

then wait out their response.

let them speak freely.

don't say a word.


should tell you all you need to know about them.