View Full Version : Highwhey & I are proud to announce: We converted to Islam

08-12-2016, 05:46 PM

We hope you guys accept it



08-12-2016, 05:50 PM
Good job my brother. We will spread peace through the many refugees being accepted into many different countries. :banana:

08-12-2016, 05:54 PM

We hope you guys accept it


seems fake, where are their jihad costumes?

08-12-2016, 06:31 PM
Easy to convert.

Now here's a day in the life.

Thank Allah for giving you life after death (I.e. wake after sleep)
Do ablutions.
Eat a pre dawn meal of pure food.
Fajr. (Dawn)
Pray 2 Raka.
Exercise, shower.
Work (be of a halal nature ie work that benefits humanity and does not involve usury)
Noon Prayer.
4 units.
work some more. Diligently.
Afternoon prayer.
4 units.
Relax after work spend quality family time.
Sunset prayer.
an hour to reflect on what to do before death, the creation and purpose of everything
Dinner, time with wife
night prayer.
before sleep recite verses of the Quran

08-12-2016, 06:32 PM

Bosnian Sajo
08-12-2016, 06:36 PM
The ISH Muslim family just got a whole lot stronger :cheers:

This is like when Kevin Durant joined the Warriors.

08-12-2016, 06:43 PM
Did you do this for the opportunity to **** virgins?

Because Lebron23 is one.

08-12-2016, 06:46 PM
The ISH Muslim family just got a whole lot stronger :cheers:

This is like when Kevin Durant joined the Warriors.

The youthful brave kind and honorable :cheers:

Prayer, fasting, charity, Hajj, good deeds, enjoining good, forbidding evil and living a life faithful will add peace purity and light from the inside out! :)

08-12-2016, 07:20 PM
At the same time?

08-12-2016, 08:58 PM
Is this a joke or for real?

what do you know of the Quran? I'd encourage you two to get your head around the full context of the book like J$.

We don't need anymore guys brainwashed by the wrong crowd. If you know the book well, it will give you the best defense against being radicalised as the radicalised are the ones who misinterpret the Quran and take the word from the radical recruiters.

Patrick Chewing
08-12-2016, 09:07 PM
The best way to eliminate the enemy is to infiltrate it. Become so entrenched that you become a part of it. And when the moment is right....strike.

08-12-2016, 10:23 PM
welcome fam :cheers:

08-12-2016, 10:39 PM
Welcome aboard my brothers. The ISH Brotherhood was already a strong one, and it adds 2 top posters.

We stay winnin :djparty

08-12-2016, 11:13 PM
Not to be rude here, but what is the attraction to Islam?

I don't see the appeal in being under heavy discipline like that...

Hats off to those who stick by the rigid rules though

08-12-2016, 11:27 PM
Not to be rude here, but what is the attraction to Islam?

I don't see the appeal in being under heavy discipline like that...

Hats off to those who stick by the rigid rules though
you are welcome too bro. step into the light


Patrick Chewing
08-12-2016, 11:28 PM
Not to be rude here, but what is the attraction to Islam?

I don't see the appeal in being under heavy discipline like that...

Hats off to those who stick by the rigid rules though

It's a primitive, lazy religion with old-world barbaric rules. It attracts the poor and unprivileged and those with low-IQ. The religion desensitizes its members from death and destruction as it preaches to behead its enemies. This is why you'll see large crowds gather around a public beheading and almost no one flinches or says to themselves, "this is pretty sick shit".

08-12-2016, 11:36 PM
It's a primitive, lazy religion with old-world barbaric rules. It attracts the poor and unprivileged and those with low-IQ. The religion desensitizes its members from death and destruction as it preaches to behead its enemies. This is why you'll see large crowds gather around a public beheading and almost no one flinches or says to themselves, "this is pretty sick shit".
Not at all. I'm not even particularly religious but I see the good it does one's soul to connect with a higher purpose.

It's never too late brother.


08-12-2016, 11:45 PM
Not to be rude here, but what is the attraction to Islam?

I don't see the appeal in being under heavy discipline like that...

Hats off to those who stick by the rigid rules though
looking at OP and his friend, I guess it's the latent homoeroticism of islam than attracted them:lol

Doomsday Dallas
08-13-2016, 12:03 AM
you are welcome too bro. step into the light


Actually I've been told the quickest way to be reincarnated is by stepping into the light.

When you die, you are suppose to look at the world and say something
along the lines of: "I want to go home" (before you go to the light)

08-13-2016, 12:08 AM
Actually I've been told the quickest way to be reincarnated is by stepping into the light.

When you die, you are suppose to look at the world and say something
along the lines of: "I want to go home" (before you go to the light)
I did a lot of psychedelics in college and got into meditation, read heavily about religion and NDEs. There something out there and I felt it, we just don't know and can't understand at our current state. No one can say they do. Just have to be the best people we can be, whatever that path is.

I won't say that religion is necessary but if that path is religion, all the power to you. I can't hate. Know too many respect-worthy religious people to feel otherwise. All I know is that I am at peace. :pimp:

08-13-2016, 05:27 AM
I did a lot of psychedelics in college and got into meditation, read heavily about religion and NDEs. There something out there and I felt it, we just don't know and can't understand at our current state. No one can say they do. Just have to be the best people we can be, whatever that path is.

I won't say that religion is necessary but if that path is religion, all the power to you. I can't hate. Know too many respect-worthy religious people to feel otherwise. All I know is that I am at peace. :pimp:

:applause: :applause: :applause:
Surah 56 "The Event"
Context: Highest Positions in the Hereafter.
3 Types of Men: Forerunners, Companions of the Right, Companions of the Left

24. A reward for what they used to do.

25. No Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk) will they hear therein, nor any sinful speech (like backbiting, etc.).

26. But only the saying of: Salam!, Salam! (greetings with peace) !

08-13-2016, 05:32 AM
Not to be rude here, but what is the attraction to Islam?

I don't see the appeal in being under heavy discipline like that...

Hats off to those who stick by the rigid rules though

It starts off quite difficult, but ends up becoming easier and easier until everything.. just... flows. Discipline is the root of freedom and success, back in the military days you would've punked plowking at ball, yeah?

It's really Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala) who chooses who becomes Muslim or not and places that feeling in the person's heart.

08-13-2016, 08:25 AM
It starts off quite difficult, but ends up becoming easier and easier until everything.. just... flows. Discipline is the root of freedom and success, back in the military days you would've punked plowking at ball, yeah?

It's really Allah (Subhan Wa Ta'ala) who chooses who becomes Muslim or not and places that feeling in the person's heart.

No Plowking would have my measure 1 on 1 back then and now. I have a video of us playing somewhere in the archives of ISH.

In a team game? Different ballgame. My passing skills is my strength, which I can't use that in 1 on 1. Think Boris Diaw :D

Islam isn't the problem. It's misintepretation of Quran, saudi funding wahabbist influence and endless bombing fueling hatred and anger in the middle east.

People like J$ should be the ones teaching Islam, not the radical Imams preaching hate to impressionable youth.

08-13-2016, 03:31 PM
"congratulations, and welcome to the 8th century."
--bill maher

08-13-2016, 09:51 PM
"congratulations, and welcome to the 8th century."
--bill maher
What is the purpose of life?

08-13-2016, 09:54 PM
What is the purpose of life?
who says it has a purpose...?

08-13-2016, 10:40 PM
who says it has a purpose...?

It seems pretty clear, upon observing nature, that each and every organism has some kind of a function.

Why are humans exempt?

08-13-2016, 10:47 PM
It seems pretty clear, upon observing nature, that each and every organism has some kind of a function.

Why are humans exempt?
you think?

personally i would group humans firmly with the other animals. OTOH, i'm not aware of any other animal that routinely tortures itself to the degree that we do. i think we've got that particular gold medal nicely wrapped up. :P

08-13-2016, 10:51 PM
It seems pretty clear, upon observing nature, that each and every organism has some kind of a function.

Why are humans exempt?

Function =/= purpose

I saw a fully formed, functioning roach walking on my wall the other night. I squashed it with a tissue and threw it in the garbage. Where was the purpose there?

08-13-2016, 11:10 PM
Function =/= purpose

I saw a fully formed, functioning roach walking on my wall the other night. I squashed it with a tissue and threw it in the garbage. Where was the purpose there?
People trying to figure out a hidden "purpose" or "meaning" to life are like the ants trying to figure out why "the great foot" is squashing their family on daily basis. :oldlol:

Why can't we all just live this one life we have and stop thinking there is a better place after death? Whatever happens happens. No need to obsess over it. We are all as insignificant as the ants in the bigger picture, but people need to believe they are special snowflakes following some God's plan to sleep at night.

08-13-2016, 11:15 PM
People trying to figure out a hidden "purpose" or "meaning" to life are like the ants trying to figure out why "the great foot" is squashing their family on daily basis. :oldlol:

Why can't we all just live this one life we have and stop thinking there is a better place after death? Whatever happens happens. No need to obsess over it. We are all as insignificant as the ants in the bigger picture, but people need to believe they are special snowflakes following some God's plan to sleep at night.


08-14-2016, 12:32 AM
Function =/= purpose

I saw a fully formed, functioning roach walking on my wall the other night. I squashed it with a tissue and threw it in the garbage. Where was the purpose there?

Right, can't forget the minor distinction.

Cockroaches, and other small insects usually consume decaying matter, debris or smaller bacteria. They serve to clear the debris and the dead rotting things all around the floor. Millions of organisms die everyday, but strangely enough the bulk of their corpses are not detected. It is theorized that it would only take the corpses of a few insect species to pile up over the Earth, but day after day they are cleaned to provide a fairly natural floor.

Likewise, the human being has an important function. That is to reach its highest moral refinement, develop its strongest spiritual powers, serve as Allah's vicegerent, and come to know and love Allah. This is achieved through worship (these can extend from prayers to meditation), to acquiring knowledge, remembering, reflecting, and abiding by the laws stated by Him.

Where we differ, DonDadda59, is you were raised X-Tian and left a countryside in South Africa to go head over to the concrete jungle and thus lost touch with those spiritual roots and are now surrounded by a helluva lotta corruption everywhere in NYC ; whereas I was born "Muslim" and lived in a Suburban Christian atheistic materialistic comfortable suburban environment, skimped out completely on worship (ended up having atheistic thoughts that mirror much of ISH's sentiments from ages 15-22 or so, literally searched EVERYWHERE in University for all kindza knowledge.... moral codes, optimal daily wake up routines, history, politics, philosophy, ethics, covered a LOT and religion as a whole simply made a lot more sense than irreligion). How could one person know the secrets of the Universe without even considering the Creator of the Universe? There being One God, not zero nor two, made a lot more sense. Thus, which religion is the right one? Original Judaism, Original Christianity and Original Islam seemed one and the same upon watching the documentaries.

then took my worship duties seriously, and things become slowly but surely oh so, clear now, with the light of the Holy Qu'ran. This story is not remotely unique. It's the usual youth being enamored and drunk by the fun and games of this world.

Either way, I greatly respect you sticking up for the oppressed and spreading peace and love and quoting Scripture. I can only kindly ask you realize there's a reason why Elijah Muhammad, Loon, Hakeem, Busta, take their aforementioned duties seriously. There's an eternal life after death that's been promised to all human beings since the dawn of time depending upon their actions in the first world. That narrative fits more squarely with the virtues, ethics, civilization, efforts, cohesiveness, devotion, and achievements earned by all the grand civilizations of the past. It takes man a hella lotta motivation to want to carry a big frickin brick up a pyramid; not even Sanaa Lathan waiting at the bedside feeding you grapes can do that. That gets old. It's gotta be a lot, lot more.

1. Did you then think that We created you in vain, and that you would not be returned to us?

The Holy Quran 23:115

2. And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).

The Holy Quran 51:56

The purpose of our life is the worship our Creator in the many ways there are to worship Him (prayer, helping others, seeking knowledge, etc.).

3. …Who has created life and death so that He may try you which of you are best in deeds…

The Holy Quran 67:2

Who will do the best works for the sake of Him?

4. And We have not created the heaven and earth and what is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe to such disbelievers, because of the Fire. Shall we treat those who believe and do good deeds as those who spread corruption on the earth? Or shall we treat the pious as sinners?

The Holy Quran 38:27-8

The believers will not face the same afterlife as the corrupters. The pious will not be treated the same as sinners.

5. And among the people there is he who sells himself for the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is kind to His worshippers.

The Holy Quran 2:207

The pleasure of Allah should be our goal.

6. There has come to you from God a light and a luminous Book, through which God, by His grace, guides all who seek His good pleasure on the path of peace, and brings them out of the depths of darkness into light and guides them unto a Straight Path.

The Holy Quran 5:15-16


Now we're at a crossroads. Not by chance. For me, mathematically speaking the chances of survival alone are so moot and so finely calibrated that not even the finest pharmacists could ever create a sound human bloodstream. It had to be done by a Creator. Thus the second question, what do we owe the Creator?

Likewise, having tried to make a sculpture of something as simple as, say, a tree, it makes ZERO sense that the Intelligence taken to make one let alone billions of organisms, planets, stars, were done without a far, grander endgoal.

08-14-2016, 12:37 AM
People trying to figure out a hidden "purpose" or "meaning" to life are like the ants trying to figure out why "the great foot" is squashing their family on daily basis. :oldlol:

Why can't we all just live this one life we have and stop thinking there is a better place after death? Whatever happens happens. No need to obsess over it. We are all as insignificant as the ants in the bigger picture, but people need to believe they are special snowflakes following some God's plan to sleep at night.

Because every single soul is actually unique, every single soul, way, way, way deep inside instinctively knows it was created from a Source that it will once again return to, and Allah Himself has promised the afterlife.

Humans would not have been created with a craving to want to live forever in a better place everlastingly happy or spiritually come nearer to Allah, had it not been that they would be granted that through obedience to their Creator. The hottest women, the best food, the nicest cars for a mere 30 to 40 years tops can't make you happy. There has to be something internal and invisible that creates genuine contentness within the vast human populace.

You're right though, we only have this one life on Earth to do our best. Let's agree on that.

Your resiliency and courage are indubitably admirable, atheists. To go through your days knowing the finiteness and the oblivion into darkness, is something we can learn from through our days of hunger and soon to be oppression.

But I'm here to relay the message that there is One God, His Last Messenger was Muhammad, and that everlasting happiness and peace are very much a legitimate goal to achieve.

08-14-2016, 01:24 AM
People trying to figure out a hidden "purpose" or "meaning" to life are like the ants trying to figure out why "the great foot" is squashing their family on daily basis. :oldlol:

Why can't we all just live this one life we have and stop thinking there is a better place after death? Whatever happens happens. No need to obsess over it. We are all as insignificant as the ants in the bigger picture, but people need to believe they are special snowflakes following some God's plan to sleep at night.
because we don't operate by hive mind.

08-14-2016, 02:25 AM
because we don't operate by hive mind.
That's ironic considering how religion works.

08-14-2016, 03:15 AM
That's ironic considering how religion works.

Right... Jesus apostles totally did the whole brainless group think thing.

08-14-2016, 09:56 AM
That's ironic considering how religion works.
religion (or better yet a belief-system) works nicely at the small group level.

that can be a very useful and healthy 'hive mind'.

08-14-2016, 10:14 AM
It just seems weird to me that people think we live here for no meaning.. just wasting time... nothing in the end matters... apparently...

You will learn with time :)

08-14-2016, 10:51 AM
Right, can't forget the minor distinction.

Cockroaches, and other small insects usually consume decaying matter, debris or smaller bacteria. They serve to clear the debris and the dead rotting things all around the floor. Millions of organisms die everyday, but strangely enough the bulk of their corpses are not detected. It is theorized that it would only take the corpses of a few insect species to pile up over the Earth, but day after day they are cleaned to provide a fairly natural floor.

Likewise, the human being has an important function. That is to reach its highest moral refinement, develop its strongest spiritual powers, serve as Allah's vicegerent, and come to know and love Allah. This is achieved through worship (these can extend from prayers to meditation), to acquiring knowledge, remembering, reflecting, and abiding by the laws stated by Him.

Where we differ, DonDadda59, is you were raised X-Tian and left a countryside in South Africa to go head over to the concrete jungle and thus lost touch with those spiritual roots and are now surrounded by a helluva lotta corruption everywhere in NYC ; whereas I was born "Muslim" and lived in a Suburban Christian atheistic materialistic comfortable suburban environment, skimped out completely on worship (ended up having atheistic thoughts that mirror much of ISH's sentiments from ages 15-22 or so, literally searched EVERYWHERE in University for all kindza knowledge.... moral codes, optimal daily wake up routines, history, politics, philosophy, ethics, covered a LOT and religion as a whole simply made a lot more sense than irreligion). How could one person know the secrets of the Universe without even considering the Creator of the Universe? There being One God, not zero nor two, made a lot more sense. Thus, which religion is the right one? Original Judaism, Original Christianity and Original Islam seemed one and the same upon watching the documentaries.

then took my worship duties seriously, and things become slowly but surely oh so, clear now, with the light of the Holy Qu'ran. This story is not remotely unique. It's the usual youth being enamored and drunk by the fun and games of this world.

Either way, I greatly respect you sticking up for the oppressed and spreading peace and love and quoting Scripture. I can only kindly ask you realize there's a reason why Elijah Muhammad, Loon, Hakeem, Busta, take their aforementioned duties seriously. There's an eternal life after death that's been promised to all human beings since the dawn of time depending upon their actions in the first world. That narrative fits more squarely with the virtues, ethics, civilization, efforts, cohesiveness, devotion, and achievements earned by all the grand civilizations of the past. It takes man a hella lotta motivation to want to carry a big frickin brick up a pyramid; not even Sanaa Lathan waiting at the bedside feeding you grapes can do that. That gets old. It's gotta be a lot, lot more.

1. Did you then think that We created you in vain, and that you would not be returned to us?

The Holy Quran 23:115

2. And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).

The Holy Quran 51:56

The purpose of our life is the worship our Creator in the many ways there are to worship Him (prayer, helping others, seeking knowledge, etc.).

3. …Who has created life and death so that He may try you which of you are best in deeds…

The Holy Quran 67:2

Who will do the best works for the sake of Him?

4. And We have not created the heaven and earth and what is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe to such disbelievers, because of the Fire. Shall we treat those who believe and do good deeds as those who spread corruption on the earth? Or shall we treat the pious as sinners?

The Holy Quran 38:27-8

The believers will not face the same afterlife as the corrupters. The pious will not be treated the same as sinners.

5. And among the people there is he who sells himself for the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is kind to His worshippers.

The Holy Quran 2:207

The pleasure of Allah should be our goal.

6. There has come to you from God a light and a luminous Book, through which God, by His grace, guides all who seek His good pleasure on the path of peace, and brings them out of the depths of darkness into light and guides them unto a Straight Path.

The Holy Quran 5:15-16


Now we're at a crossroads. Not by chance. For me, mathematically speaking the chances of survival alone are so moot and so finely calibrated that not even the finest pharmacists could ever create a sound human bloodstream. It had to be done by a Creator. Thus the second question, what do we owe the Creator?

Likewise, having tried to make a sculpture of something as simple as, say, a tree, it makes ZERO sense that the Intelligence taken to make one let alone billions of organisms, planets, stars, were done without a far, grander endgoal.

i didnt read this. but from the functions of all living things on the earth, it seems that we are here to grow the earth into a larger planet. trees grow, they fall down and become the dirt. animals breed, they grow, they die, they become the dirt. earth only collects light from the sun which feeds all living things while not giving anything away, that means the earth is growing. The earth will live out its cycle and one day die. i personally believe the earth is a star that is building up to ignite, thus transferring its light throughout the universe to be utilized once again. the wonderful thing about this idea is that once you die and become part of the earth, eventually you will become light that travels through the universe.

08-14-2016, 11:22 AM
Better a muslim than an angry and bitter atheist. More power to you both!

I did a lot of psychedelics in college and got into meditation, read heavily about religion and NDEs. There something out there and I felt it, we just don't know and can't understand at our current state. No one can say they do. Just have to be the best people we can be, whatever that path is.

I won't say that religion is necessary but if that path is religion, all the power to you. I can't hate. Know too many respect-worthy religious people to feel otherwise. All I know is that I am at peace. :pimp:
The dogma of materialism has caused us to lose touch with out own sense of spirituality. It is sad that it takes psychedelics to unlock such thought and feelings these days: a serious reading of the Bible and Bach's Mass in b minor would achieve a similar effect.

It just seems weird to me that people think we live here for no meaning.. just wasting time... nothing in the end matters... apparently...

You will learn with time :)
They want to pretend life is purposeless, while living their lives as if it were otherwise. That is cognitive dissonance. These people are incapable of pushing their beliefs to their logical conclusions, because they are afraid of what they will find. Believe me, peering into the abyss is none too pretty. Without faith, there is nothing but complete relativism and absolute chaos, which manifests itself in society through social fragmentation (something we are already seeing).

08-14-2016, 11:27 AM
i didnt read this. but from the functions of all living things on the earth, it seems that we are here to grow the earth into a larger planet. trees grow, they fall down and become the dirt. animals breed, they grow, they die, they become the dirt. earth only collects light from the sun which feeds all living things while not giving anything away, that means the earth is growing. The earth will live out its cycle and one day die. i personally believe the earth is a star that is building up to ignite, thus transferring its light throughout the universe to be utilized once again. the wonderful thing about this idea is that once you die and become part of the earth, eventually you will become light that travels through the universe.

08-14-2016, 11:29 AM
i didnt read this. but from the functions of all living things on the earth, it seems that we are here to grow the earth into a larger planet. trees grow, they fall down and become the dirt. animals breed, they grow, they die, they become the dirt. earth only collects light from the sun which feeds all living things while not giving anything away, that means the earth is growing. The earth will live out its cycle and one day die. i personally believe the earth is a star that is building up to ignite, thus transferring its light throughout the universe to be utilized once again. the wonderful thing about this idea is that once you die and become part of the earth, eventually you will become light that travels through the universe.


08-14-2016, 12:58 PM
Right, can't forget the minor distinction.

Cockroaches, and other small insects usually consume decaying matter, debris or smaller bacteria. They serve to clear the debris and the dead rotting things all around the floor. Millions of organisms die everyday, but strangely enough the bulk of their corpses are not detected. It is theorized that it would only take the corpses of a few insect species to pile up over the Earth, but day after day they are cleaned to provide a fairly natural floor.

That's still more of an argument for function over any 'purpose'. What denomination are the majority of dung beetles? :lol

Likewise, the human being has an important function. That is to reach its highest moral refinement, develop its strongest spiritual powers, serve as Allah's vicegerent, and come to know and love Allah. This is achieved through worship (these can extend from prayers to meditation), to acquiring knowledge, remembering, reflecting, and abiding by the laws stated by Him.

If that's true then what was man's 'purpose' before Muhammad came along? In the grand scheme of things, Islam (as well as every other major World religion) is a neophyte phenomena in Human History. Disregarding our hominid ancestors who were around 6 million years ago, Homosapiens have existed for roughly 200K years. You mean to tell me that our species didn't have purpose until c. 1,400 years ago (or a bit longer if you lump all the Abrahamic religions together)?

That amounts to about 0.007% of the time modern man has spent on Earth, and 0.00002% for hominids as a whole.

That means that, by your definition, 99.99% of humans who have lived on Earth never had any real, intrinsic 'purpose'.

Where we differ, DonDadda59, is you were raised X-Tian and left a countryside in South Africa to go head over to the concrete jungle and thus lost touch with those spiritual roots and are now surrounded by a helluva lotta corruption everywhere in NYC ; whereas I was born "Muslim" and lived in a Suburban Christian atheistic materialistic comfortable suburban environment, skimped out completely on worship (ended up having atheistic thoughts that mirror much of ISH's sentiments from ages 15-22 or so, literally searched EVERYWHERE in University for all kindza knowledge.... moral codes, optimal daily wake up routines, history, politics, philosophy, ethics, covered a LOT and religion as a whole simply made a lot more sense than irreligion). How could one person know the secrets of the Universe without even considering the Creator of the Universe? There being One God, not zero nor two, made a lot more sense. Thus, which religion is the right one? Original Judaism, Original Christianity and Original Islam seemed one and the same upon watching the documentaries.

Why does that make more sense? To play devil's advocate (:lol ), let's take atheism off the table. Let's say you assume that some celestial, all powerful being(s) created everything. Why are the Greek/Roman/etc polytheistic deity models any less valid than monotheism? Those religious paradigms were the go-to for people searching for 'purpose' much longer in Human History than the modern Abrahamic models. And those deities had specific functions and 'purpose' themselves- Apollo was responsible for moving the Sun, Poseidon was in charge of the tide, Demeter looked after the Harvest, etc.

Each God had a purpose to keep the celestial machine going and in turn every Human had their need for purpose fulfilled by paying homage to those Gods.

Perfect symbiosis. :applause:

then took my worship duties seriously, and things become slowly but surely oh so, clear now, with the light of the Holy Qu'ran. This story is not remotely unique. It's the usual youth being enamored and drunk by the fun and games of this world.

Either way, I greatly respect you sticking up for the oppressed and spreading peace and love and quoting Scripture. I can only kindly ask you realize there's a reason why Elijah Muhammad, Loon, Hakeem, Busta, take their aforementioned duties seriously. There's an eternal life after death that's been promised to all human beings since the dawn of time depending upon their actions in the first world. That narrative fits more squarely with the virtues, ethics, civilization, efforts, cohesiveness, devotion, and achievements earned by all the grand civilizations of the past. It takes man a hella lotta motivation to want to carry a big frickin brick up a pyramid; not even Sanaa Lathan waiting at the bedside feeding you grapes can do that. That gets old. It's gotta be a lot, lot more.

Just one last question- Yesterday an Imam who lived not too far from me was walking home with his assistant after leading a prayer service at his mosque. 2 blocks later, both were shot execution style in the head and died (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/13/nyregion/queens-mosque-shooting.html?_r=0).

^Those were people who lived up to the highest ideals you laid out, men who lived a life of purpose by your definition and tried to lead others down the same path. Their reward from the all powerful, benevolent creator? A bullet in the head.

In the grand scheme of things, how is this any different than me killing that roach? :confusedshrug:

08-14-2016, 01:16 PM
There is a lot of crossover between Greek and Christian mythology. Laughing at people for "believing in myths" is to miss the point: the myths are allegorical. I'll just give one example out of many: both Greek and Christian fable teach that there is a forbidden knowledge that brings into the world nothing but woe (Pandora's Box, and eating from the Tree of Knowledge). These myths even provide a stark warning to us today: what we discover and make through these discoveries cannot be undone, they are permanent and irrecoverable; the existence of nuclear weapons, of the ability to manipulate the human genome, to eradicate the human species, and many other things that are on the horizon, bring with them sinister portents. We know not what we do when we put implacable faith in science and in progress: such a faith could in the end lead to our own self-annihilation. These myths are a warning and an urge for restraint, for prudence and reflection.

Our culture is very much a synthesis of the Christian and the Greek with some Roman concepts of law sprinkled in (the influence of Plato on Christian theology is enormous--our entire civilisation has descended from this intellectual and cultural milieu). Dondadda, in his sentiments and moral judgements, is a Christian whether he likes it or not--some faint awareness of this fact might help explain why militant atheists are so angry and so proud of their atheism.

08-14-2016, 01:50 PM
... Their reward from the all powerful, benevolent creator? A bullet in the head. ...
that's one of the crazier / more amusing beliefs i'm aware of-- that a unified, personal god is both benevolent AND looking after each and every cockroach running around. like, who the hell would want that job, yo?

help wanted: a completely neurotic omnipotent being to look after a deranged group of naked apes. apply within.


08-14-2016, 02:12 PM
Honestly, what we do in this world should all be done for the hereafter. If that is not reason enough to be a good person, I don't know what is. Imagine if we all had a belief system that there is nothing after we die on this planet. Why should anyone make any sacrifices for the greater good? Oh, because you want to see your next generation succeed? But you won't see anything. What's the point? You won't even know.

The Imam that got a bullet in his head, he died a martyr. Yeah it's a serious blow to his family and friends and everyone who cared for him, but he is gonna see them again in Jannat (heaven). Everything we do on this planet is for real estate in the hereafter. You guys think Saddam or Osama or Hitler or Stalin's deaths are the end for them? :whatever: It's just the beginning. There is their time in the grave (Barzakh) and that could be a very long time before the Day of Judgement. I'm sure the Angels of Deaths are having a good ole time with them.

That being said, be a good and pleasant person. It really shouldn't matter what your faith is. Share, live to make others happy and not at the expense of screwing others over, live lawfully and maybe, hopefully our lives cross in heaven :oldlol:

08-14-2016, 02:20 PM
Honestly, what we do in this world should all be done for the hereafter.

Live your life for when you're no longer alive. That's a logical fallacy if I ever heard one. :lol

If that is not reason enough to be a good person, I don't know what is.

How about not being a piece of shit?

If the only reason you do and are good is for the promise of prizes when you're dead, then you're not really good. You're acting mainly in self-interest.

Imagine if we all had a belief system that there is nothing after we die on this planet. Why should anyone make any sacrifices for the greater good?

The whole thing about not being a piece of shit.

Oh, because you want to see your next generation succeed? But you won't see anything. What's the point? You won't even know.

Not a valid reason to be a piece of shit.

The Imam that got a bullet in his head, he died a martyr.

So did that roach I killed. May Allah or Vishnu or whoever is running things bless him with milk and honey in the after life.

Yeah it's a serious blow to his family and friends and everyone who cared for him, but he is gonna see them again in Jannat (heaven). Everything we do on this planet is for real estate in the hereafter.

Baseless speculation.

You guys think Saddam or Osama or Hitler or Stalin's deaths are the end for them? :whatever: It's just the beginning. There is their time in the grave (Barzakh) and that could be a very long time before the Day of Judgement. I'm sure the Angels of Deaths are having a good ole time with them.

How did the whole death reward/punishment thing work out before Muhammad came along (or Jesus if that's your thing)?

That being said, be a good and pleasant person. It really shouldn't matter what your faith is. Share, live to make others happy and not at the expense of screwing others over, live lawfully and maybe, hopefully our lives cross in heaven :oldlol:


08-14-2016, 03:21 PM
Fck is going on in here

08-14-2016, 03:29 PM
Fck is going on in here
abort mission

08-14-2016, 04:24 PM
You two giving up alcohol, pvssy and pork?


08-14-2016, 05:19 PM
Dondadda keeps talking about "being good" and "not being a piece of shit" without bothering to mention what the objective basis for these concepts is. You think the British colonialists didn't think they were doing good? They thought they were spreading civility and civilisation to barbarian peoples.

It is undeniable that the receding of faith has led to a vast increase in selfishness, and a complete disregard for the wishes of the elderly and deceased, as well as for those yet to be born. A sense of continuity and the self-sacrifice it entails towards the dead and the not yet living is essential for the survival of civilisation. Attitudes like Dondadda's are what have brought us to the brink of self-annihilation, which is largely a creation of an undying faith in that secular saviour: science.

08-14-2016, 05:22 PM
Honestly, what we do in this world should all be done for the hereafter. If that is not reason enough to be a good person, I don't know what is. Imagine if we all had a belief system that there is nothing after we die on this planet. Why should anyone make any sacrifices for the greater good? Oh, because you want to see your next generation succeed? But you won't see anything. What's the point? You won't even know.

The Imam that got a bullet in his head, he died a martyr. Yeah it's a serious blow to his family and friends and everyone who cared for him, but he is gonna see them again in Jannat (heaven). Everything we do on this planet is for real estate in the hereafter. You guys think Saddam or Osama or Hitler or Stalin's deaths are the end for them? :whatever: It's just the beginning. There is their time in the grave (Barzakh) and that could be a very long time before the Day of Judgement. I'm sure the Angels of Deaths are having a good ole time with them.

That being said, be a good and pleasant person. It really shouldn't matter what your faith is. Share, live to make others happy and not at the expense of screwing others over, live lawfully and maybe, hopefully our lives cross in heaven :oldlol:
tl.dr - either promise me something nice or I'm gonna act like a piece of shit

hardly surprising islam attracts people like this:lol

08-14-2016, 07:12 PM
Fck is going on in here
abort mission
sorry boys, but it's not all 'reaping of tits and ass', even when you convert upon a sure thing.

i know, i know...... life is a motherf-cker in that sense. :/

08-15-2016, 09:20 PM
That's still more of an argument for function over any 'purpose'. What denomination are the majority of dung beetles? :lol

If that's true then what was man's 'purpose' before Muhammad came along? In the grand scheme of things, Islam (as well as every other major World religion) is a neophyte phenomena in Human History. Disregarding our hominid ancestors who were around 6 million years ago, Homosapiens have existed for roughly 200K years. You mean to tell me that our species didn't have purpose until c. 1,400 years ago (or a bit longer if you lump all the Abrahamic religions together)?

That amounts to about 0.007% of the time modern man has spent on Earth, and 0.00002% for hominids as a whole.

Muhammad (PBUH) was the LAST Messenger of over 124,000 Prophets prior sent on the earth to guide mankind.
The first man created was Adam and Eve. Islam existed way before the Qu'ran was revelated, Islam means the submission to God (i.e. natural obedience of creation to The Creator). The Western Curriculum wants to break things into compartments to deceive the populace, whereas the last Revelation in 622 was a purified version of the previous Revelations where the Jews had earned Allah's anger and the Christians had gone astray from adopting the Trinity.

Why does that make more sense? To play devil's advocate (:lol ), let's take atheism off the table. Let's say you assume that some celestial, all powerful being(s) created everything. Why are the Greek/Roman/etc polytheistic deity models any less valid than monotheism? Those religious paradigms were the go-to for people searching for 'purpose' much longer in Human History than the modern Abrahamic models. And those deities had specific functions and 'purpose' themselves- Apollo was responsible for moving the Sun, Poseidon was in charge of the tide, Demeter looked after the Harvest, etc.

We know very little about how the Greeks worshipped "gods" Hindus believe in a Supreme Being with avatars.
What makes Monotheism a much more plausible thing is simply this.
Look outside.
Think, if there were multiple creators, there would be a clash. You ever try co-functioning with a partner to create something.
Yet every atom and molecule are perfectly aligned, the stars, planets, orbit. It only takes a teensy weensy thing to ensure the death of a human being but year after year it goes frnzy.

Each God had a purpose to keep the celestial machine going and in turn every Human had their need for purpose fulfilled by paying homage to those Gods.

Perfect symbiosis. :applause:

Ummm.. if you had to create a fingerprint on each human being seeing it different from there you would have to manufacturer.

Just one last question- Yesterday an Imam who lived not too far from me was walking home with his assistant after leading a prayer service at his mosque. 2 blocks later, both were shot execution style in the head and died (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/13/nyregion/queens-mosque-shooting.html?_r=0).

^Those were people who lived up to the highest ideals you laid out, men who lived a life of purpose by your definition and tried to lead others down the same path. Their reward from the all powerful, benevolent creator? A bullet in the head.

In the grand scheme of things, how is this any different than me killing that roach? :confusedshrug:[/QUOTE]

That's not the reward. That's the release from the material world.

Allah (Almighty) ensures the Day of Judgment where all good deeds will be weighed, then recompensed with stations in Hell/Heaven.
Actually the people who have TOUGHER LIVES often are given more spiritual rewards in return. The Prophet (PBUH) of Islam was stoned until bleeding, lost all his sons, endured tremendous hunger, but is the highest creation. You can't really use your intellect to gauge one's actual spiritual station; it could be the janitor is a better man than the CEO, it could be the rich guy is better than the poor guy. The true indicator is the piety in one's heart and only Allah knows that.

Regarding the morality/religion issue.

Morality is smaller than Religion.
Religion is the entire connection of man to his Creator and its unfolding in a life to the afterlife.

There's plenty of good atheists, but lacking faith is a sin in and of itself as it literally devalues everything in existence and gives a big f U to the One who did it all. There's plenty of exteranlly religious people who are lousy (THIS IS addressed in all Scriptures)

08-15-2016, 09:27 PM
Live your life for when you're no longer alive. That's a logical fallacy if I ever heard one. :lol

How about not being a piece of shit?

If the only reason you do and are good is for the promise of prizes when you're dead, then you're not really good. You're acting mainly in self-interest.

The whole thing about not being a piece of shit.

Not a valid reason to be a piece of shit.

So did that roach I killed. May Allah or Vishnu or whoever is running things bless him with milk and honey in the after life.

Baseless speculation.

How did the whole death reward/punishment thing work out before Muhammad came along (or Jesus if that's your thing)?


I am more accepting of Muslims than this guy, yet you side with him? :hammerhead:

Let that sink in for a minute...

08-15-2016, 09:31 PM
i didnt read this. but from the functions of all living things on the earth, it seems that we are here to grow the earth into a larger planet. trees grow, they fall down and become the dirt. animals breed, they grow, they die, they become the dirt. earth only collects light from the sun which feeds all living things while not giving anything away, that means the earth is growing. The earth will live out its cycle and one day die. i personally believe the earth is a star that is building up to ignite, thus transferring its light throughout the universe to be utilized once again. the wonderful thing about this idea is that once you die and become part of the earth, eventually you will become light that travels through the universe.

Thanks for the entertainment bro. I love the troll...

Wait you were serious? :roll: :roll:

08-15-2016, 10:20 PM
Muhammad (PBUH) was the LAST Messenger of over 124,000 Prophets prior sent on the earth to guide mankind.
The first man created was Adam and Eve. Islam existed way before the Qu'ran was revelated, Islam means the submission to God (i.e. natural obedience of creation to The Creator). The Western Curriculum wants to break things into compartments to deceive the populace, whereas the last Revelation in 622 was a purified version of the previous Revelations where the Jews had earned Allah's anger and the Christians had gone astray from adopting the Trinity.

We know very little about how the Greeks worshipped "gods" Hindus believe in a Supreme Being with avatars.
What makes Monotheism a much more plausible thing is simply this.
Look outside.
Think, if there were multiple creators, there would be a clash. You ever try co-functioning with a partner to create something.
Yet every atom and molecule are perfectly aligned, the stars, planets, orbit. It only takes a teensy weensy thing to ensure the death of a human being but year after year it goes frnzy.

Ummm.. if you had to create a fingerprint on each human being seeing it different from there you would have to manufacturer.

Just one last question- Yesterday an Imam who lived not too far from me was walking home with his assistant after leading a prayer service at his mosque. 2 blocks later, both were shot execution style in the head and died (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/13/nyregion/queens-mosque-shooting.html?_r=0).

^Those were people who lived up to the highest ideals you laid out, men who lived a life of purpose by your definition and tried to lead others down the same path. Their reward from the all powerful, benevolent creator? A bullet in the head.

In the grand scheme of things, how is this any different than me killing that roach? :confusedshrug:

That's not the reward. That's the release from the material world.

Allah (Almighty) ensures the Day of Judgment where all good deeds will be weighed, then recompensed with stations in Hell/Heaven.
Actually the people who have TOUGHER LIVES often are given more spiritual rewards in return. The Prophet (PBUH) of Islam was stoned until bleeding, lost all his sons, endured tremendous hunger, but is the highest creation. You can't really use your intellect to gauge one's actual spiritual station; it could be the janitor is a better man than the CEO, it could be the rich guy is better than the poor guy. The true indicator is the piety in one's heart and only Allah knows that.

Regarding the morality/religion issue.

Morality is smaller than Religion.
Religion is the entire connection of man to his Creator and its unfolding in a life to the afterlife.

There's plenty of good atheists, but lacking faith is a sin in and of itself as it literally devalues everything in existence and gives a big f U to the One who did it all. There's plenty of exteranlly religious people who are lousy (THIS IS addressed in all Scriptures)


08-15-2016, 10:41 PM
Muhammad (PBUH) was the LAST Messenger of over 124,000 Prophets prior sent on the earth to guide mankind.

Now that just isn't true. Not from a Historical or logical perspective. Islam itself is only about 1,400 years old. If you want to tie it to the other Abrahamic religions and say it is merely a continuation of that game of telephone, that buys you another roughly 2,000 years when Judaism became a strictly monotheistic faith during/following the Babylonian Captivity. And if you want to stretch that out even further and lump Honest Abe's movement with the grand daddy of sweet pious monogamy, Zoroastrianism, you're up to c. 3,500 BCE.

That means that instead of 99.993% of humans having lived with no purpose per your definition of it, that figure now stands at a meaty 99.983% of the homosapien population in Earth's History having been born, lived, and died purpose free. Depressing as shit, I know.

The first man created was Adam and Eve. Islam existed way before the Qu'ran was revelated, Islam means the submission to God (i.e. natural obedience of creation to The Creator). The Western Curriculum wants to break things into compartments to deceive the populace, whereas the last Revelation in 622 was a purified version of the previous Revelations where the Jews had earned Allah's anger and the Christians had gone astray from adopting the Trinity.

What evidence is there of revelations from or worship of a monotheistic God not named Ahura Mazda, Yahweh, Jehovah, or Allah?

We know very little about how the Greeks worshipped "gods" Hindus believe in a Supreme Being with avatars.
What makes Monotheism a much more plausible thing is simply this.
Look outside.
Think, if there were multiple creators, there would be a clash. You ever try co-functioning with a partner to create something.
Yet every atom and molecule are perfectly aligned, the stars, planets, orbit. It only takes a teensy weensy thing to ensure the death of a human being but year after year it goes frnzy.

From 1994 through 2013, 6,873 natural disasters claimed 1.35 million lives Worldwide, with 218 million people being affected. There is plenty of clash.

When was the last time you saw a T-Rex or a Stegosaurus roaming through your neighborhood? :confusedshrug:

That's not the reward. That's the release from the material world.

Couldn't go peacefully in their sleep? With a friend like this... :lol

Allah (Almighty) ensures the Day of Judgment where all good deeds will be weighed, then recompensed with stations in Hell/Heaven.

Allegedly. The only place we know that good and bad deeds are weighed by a higher power with the authority to condemn you for life is a courtroom. The Judge is the closest thing to a real God man will face for judgment.

Actually the people who have TOUGHER LIVES often are given more spiritual rewards in return. The Prophet (PBUH) of Islam was stoned until bleeding, lost all his sons, endured tremendous hunger, but is the highest creation.

A modern day prophet once said-

******'ll coast in the SL but can't post bail
******'ll roast a L but scared to throw your toast, well
I'm here to tell ****** it ain't all swell
There's heaven, and then there's hell ******

Truer words have never been spoken. Life is suffering as much as it is anything else. :bowdown:

You can't really use your intellect to gauge one's actual spiritual station; it could be the janitor is a better man than the CEO, it could be the rich guy is better than the poor guy. The true indicator is the piety in one's heart and only Allah knows that.

You can tell when someone's a piece of shit. You don't need cosmic powers. Plenty of people like that post in our community.

Regarding the morality/religion issue.

Morality is smaller than Religion.
Religion is the entire connection of man to his Creator and its unfolding in a life to the afterlife.

So it's built on a faulty premise.

There's plenty of good atheists, but lacking faith is a sin in and of itself as it literally devalues everything in existence and gives a big f U to the One who did it all.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A person who doesn't believe everything they do while alive is just an appetizer for floating off into the clouds to redeem their Chuck E. Cheese like tickets for good deeds realizes that we only have one life to live, this one. There's nothing after. So everything counts more. Nothing is devalued.

There's plenty of exteranlly religious people who are lousy (THIS IS addressed in all Scriptures)

Also addressed on Insidehoops.

08-15-2016, 10:44 PM
Now that just isn't true. Not from a Historical or logical perspective. Islam itself is only about 1,400 years old. If you want to tie it to the other Abrahamic religions and say it is merely a continuation of that game of telephone, that buys you another roughly 2,000 years when Judaism became a strictly monotheistic faith during/following the Babylonian Captivity. And if you want to stretch that out even further and lump Honest Abe's movement with the grand daddy of sweet pious monogamy, Zoroastrianism, you're up to c. 3,500 BCE.

That means that instead of 99.993% of humans having lived with no purpose per your definition of it, that figure now stands at a meaty 99.983% of the homosapien population in Earth's History having been born, lived, and died purpose free. Depressing as shit, I know.

What evidence is there of revelations from or worship of a monotheistic God not named Ahura Mazda, Yahweh, Jehovah, or Allah?

From 1994 through 2013, 6,873 natural disasters claimed 1.35 million lives Worldwide, with 218 million people being affected. There is plenty of clash.

When was the last time you saw a T-Rex or a Stegosaurus roaming through your neighborhood? :confusedshrug:

Couldn't go peacefully in their sleep? With a friend like this... :lol

Allegedly. The only place we know that good and bad deeds are weighed by a higher power with the authority to condemn you for life is a courtroom. The Judge is the closest thing to a real God man will face for judgment.

A modern day prophet once said-

******'ll coast in the SL but can't post bail
******'ll roast a L but scared to throw your toast, well
I'm here to tell ****** it ain't all swell
There's heaven, and then there's hell ******

Truer words have never been spoken. Life is suffering as much as it is anything else. :bowdown:

You can tell when someone's a piece of shit. You don't need cosmic powers. Plenty of people like that post in our community.

So it's built on a faulty premise.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A person who doesn't believe everything they do while alive is just an appetizer for floating off into the clouds to redeem their Chuck E. Cheese like tickets for good deeds realizes that we only have one life to live, this one. There's nothing after. So everything counts more. Nothing is devalued.

Also addressed on Insidehoops.


08-15-2016, 10:47 PM
The wall text death match :oldlol:

J$ got this.

08-15-2016, 10:56 PM
The wall text death match :oldlol:

J$ got this.

08-15-2016, 11:00 PM
Too many mouth breathers ITT. Goons.

Patrick Chewing
08-15-2016, 11:39 PM

He's a fanatic, bro.

I got my eyes on him and the FBI on speed dial.

08-16-2016, 08:21 AM
Now that just isn't true. Not from a Historical or logical perspective. Islam itself is only about 1,400 years old. If you want to tie it to the other Abrahamic religions and say it is merely a continuation of that game of telephone, that buys you another roughly 2,000 years when Judaism became a strictly monotheistic faith during/following the Babylonian Captivity. And if you want to stretch that out even further and lump Honest Abe's movement with the grand daddy of sweet pious monogamy, Zoroastrianism, you're up to c. 3,500 BCE.

Do you seriously think these people didn't have gods before they started building models and sculptures devoted to them? It's likely human beings have worshipped and had this sense of transcendental purpose from their very beginnings. It may even have been key to our survival as a species for this to be so.

Common worship forms the very basis of civilisation--it has always been what has bound humans together in an organisation any bigger than the family tribe. Without religion there is no culture and there is no civilisation, whether its tenets are true or not.

08-16-2016, 10:55 AM
Now that just isn't true. Not from a Historical or logical perspective. Islam itself is only about 1,400 years old. If you want to tie it to the other Abrahamic religions and say it is merely a continuation of that game of telephone, that buys you another roughly 2,000 years when Judaism became a strictly monotheistic faith during/following the Babylonian Captivity. And if you want to stretch that out even further and lump Honest Abe's movement with the grand daddy of sweet pious monogamy, Zoroastrianism, you're up to c. 3,500 BCE.

That means that instead of 99.993% of humans having lived with no purpose per your definition of it, that figure now stands at a meaty 99.983% of the homosapien population in Earth's History having been born, lived, and died purpose free. Depressing as shit, I know.

Sorry for the poorly written quality post from earlier, had to recover a stolen wallet.

Before Abraham 2,500, there was Noah.
During Noah's Life there was a Great Flood, reaffirmed by all cultures and nations. Specifically as punishment from idolatry est. 3300 - 3000 BC.
Before Noah, Hud and Lut.
During Hud's life giants walked the earth, reaffirmed by all ancient civilizations.
Before Hud, Lut.
Before Lut, Cain and Abel.
Before Cain and Abel, Adam.

That's since the beginning of humanity. This lady who all humans are related too as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve

And before Adam are the following verses in the Qu'ran in regards to man's spiritual origin, knowledge,and destiny.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."
And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."
They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."
He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."
And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."
But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been. And We said, "Go down, [all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time."

Chapter 7
But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal."
And he swore to them, "Indeed, I am to you from among the sincere advisors."
So he made them fall, [B]through deception. And when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And their Lord called to them, "Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is to you a clear enemy?"

O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.
And when they commit an immorality, they say, "We found our fathers doing it, and Allah has ordered us to do it." Say, "Indeed, Allah does not order immorality. Do you say about Allah that which you do not know?"

Deception is what Satan is all about.
He deceives some into chasing fame to live forever, thinking that life has no purpose, injects despair into people's hearts, he deceives others into thinking it's alright to do things cuz everyone else is doing it, he deceives others to disunite, he deceives others to forget God, he deceives others into thinking they're hopeless cases undeserving of God's mercy, he deceives others into switching the orders of events, he deceives others into wasting time and focusing on distractions, he deceives others into being selfish i.e. "Objectivism."

All of which have been crystal clear upon reflecting at the traps one has fallen through life

Now a question to you, Don, What do you and the rest believe in (besides Death being permanent, there not being an afterilfe etc.)? A belief that the Quraysh of Makkah had before Islam as well.

What evidence is there of revelations from or worship of a monotheistic God not named Ahura Mazda, Yahweh, Jehovah, or Allah?

The names are less important than being conscious of of The One. Call Him the Creator if you'd like.

From 1994 through 2013, 6,873 natural disasters claimed 1.35 million lives Worldwide, with 218 million people being affected. There is plenty of clash.

That doesn't fit under the criteria of "clash." A tsunami or a hurricane is not even remotely close to the power a God would have. More importantly, that kind of power would have to be governed by the intelligence not to destroy the relatively, fragile Earth.

Theoretically, a polytheistic model would not work as each "god" would have the power upon wreaking the storms to ALSO COMPLETELY DESTROY THE EARTH along with it. And wouldn't the "Alpha" prevail sometime since the beginning?

Yet the Earth is spinning and moving right now, ain't it. We alive, aren't we? Flowers are being regrown where volcanoes have left their mark.

Of Course, DBZ (Frieze nd Goku at it with the ripples in the air) with it's English Dub (hinting towards self-glorification and DC Comics with its various degrees of magnitudes and Hercules with it's "explanation" for natural disasters would mislead one's mind into adopting these principles. Deception from an author's imagination.

Which reconfirms to me, that people, who have not WATCHED TV or lived in the technological age but observed nature have a stronger and sounder judgment on reality (also more religious) and makes the "oh they were fools back then" idea even weaker.

Conversely, Satan would have people think that Ash from Evil Dead could be a superstar warlord with his technology or Martin Lawrence from a Knight's Tale or A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Course; when it's mere conjecture.

Couldn't go peacefully in their sleep? With a friend like this... :lol

Someone dying for what they believe in elevates the victim's spiritual station and lowers the status of the perpetrator very much. People who undergo pain are absolved of much of their mistakes in the Next Life. It's understood that those undergoing anxiety, depression and ill health are having the reaping the consequences of disobeying God, but are being absolved of their sins through suffering.

08-16-2016, 11:07 AM
The Judge is the closest thing to a real God man will face for judgment.

A definitive statement that's an insult to the Creator.
Every day you see a perfect ratio to sustain life in the oxygen you breathe. You see Judgment in the composition of the material of food and particles that nourish and sustain all the life forms on earth.
You see Perfect Judgment in the therapeutic effects of natural foods like garlic and honey,
You see Perfect Judgment in the human bodies ability to undergo homeostasis.
You see Perfect Judgment in the seasons serving to balance one another.
What makes you think that the Creator, the Judge of all Judges, is not going to hold people accountable after they resurrect Him, as promised.

Truer words have never been spoken. Life is suffering as much as it is anything else. :bowdown: [/QUOTE]

Absolutely. Life is suffering, suffering, and suffering some more. Which is why YOU DO NOT attach yourself emotionally to its ups and (mostly) downs, and with FAITH and your well-being independent of it would be fixed to the Next World. . Once your heart is attached to the Creator purely, nothing can really phase you.

You can tell when someone's a piece of shit. You don't need cosmic powers. Plenty of people like that post in our community.

No. You, I, and humans don't have knowledge or insight of how each human being has led their live. They could be pleasant people and charging interest or being ungrateful to their husbands. They could be the roughest and vulgar of folks; but deep within have a heart of gold.

God Knows who is Good.

There's infinite degrees between the low and the high.
- Eat very little, sleep very little, and revere God very much.
- Live on the bare necessities, and give the rest to charity.
- Cause no dent on the environment; i.e. "Be like the bee, everything it touches is sweeter, and it leaves nothing bad behind"
- Defeat their inner demons to realize peace
- Attain a strong amount of knowledge.
- Make the best overall decisions
- Forbid everything that's bad for humans, encourage everything that's good for humans
- Heal others
- "Can't be bought, bullied, broken, or beat."
- Smile at everyone
- Bring forth sound optimism hope love mercy to all occasions.
- Be an excellent father/husband/son/brother.
- Be completely trustworthy (which is the defining Characteristic of the Prophet) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql6FexGT6RU

A worthier pursuit than bodybuilding or becoming a player, no?

Nothing could be further from the truth. A person who doesn't believe everything they do while alive is just an appetizer for floating off into the clouds to redeem their Chuck E. Cheese like tickets for good deeds realizes that we only have one life to live, this one. There's nothing after. So everything counts more. Nothing is devalued.

1) If you, Don, are telling the Truth, that instantly makes several billion people liars.

Devalued in reference to:
- The lack of sacredness to certain things. You can not deny that atheists will mock and disrespect and jeer at things considered to be invaluable to certain people. Similarly, Abraham himself broke down all the Idols and False Gods to demonstrate to his people how things like sticks, diamonds, (in later times) suits, cars, houses, stone, fame, glory, strength, in and of themselves did not have the power to HELP or HARM someone. Only the CREATOR of all those things who enables them does. The Pagans also worshipped conglomerations of beautiful traits.
- Pretend you saw a cripple. To those who believe in evolution, what reason would they have to not eradicate them? They are using up their oxygen aren't they?
- You've come across hundreds and thousands of living organisms and trees in your life, yes. If you stop and think and ponder over them, as God instructs, you gain a deep appreciation for the artistry behind their creation. A guy who knows little to nothing about rap is going to look at Illmatic and glance over it as "noise"; while an afficionado will treasure it as a masterpiece. Same principle.
- Momma takes 9 months of arduous labor and smiles when her infant is finally born, she embraces him with a love none of else will ever encounter from other human beings. This moment, if this life is all there is, is cruel torture as the time ticks until she "extinguishes". This moment, if the Promised Afterlife is to come, is just a minute fraction of the love and peace to come after.
- You, Don, are in charge of serving food to the homeless. You prepare the finest Jamaican Jerk, bring the frehest fruit, Shawarmas, the best Tea and any dish you can imagine. They come running to you, starving and needy, and take one small bite. Then you dismiss them like that.
Not even the CRUELEST MAN would do that.
What makes you think the All-Merciful, Most-Merciful Creator would give people only sixty years of sustenance and then just stop?

Firstly, you spoke of the self-interest aspect of the afterlife.
That's true to those who will bite their tongue restraining their anger to attain a houri in Jannah. Everyone has self-interest as it is WITHIN the human being's wiring in and of itself. Where selfishness is a bad thing is when it INFRINGES on other's rights or at the expense of others' happiness
But Islam (and other religions) teaches people to "Prefer Others over Themselves", and promotes Reliance on the Creator, Unity, Brotherhood, making Prayers on Behalf of Others, and Love to all Living Creatures; uplifting society, collectively.
Also, a Mukhliseen, a master of IKHLAS, the concept of sincerity, and as one increaeses in levels of spirituality and morality; their VERY INNER NATURE is transformed and they do things PURELY and SINCERELY. Good deeds are rejected if they aren't done purely for the sake of the Creator, just as coins that are not pure gold are less valuable.

Just as if you woke up at dawn to took 300 tedious jumpshots in your youth begrudgingly (with the promise of $$$) you end up enjoying the art of swishing them way later in life for free.

Right at this very moment, people are being tried and tested to their adherence to the Creator.
Those who detach themselves from the traps of sin and decide to use their lives productively in planting seeds of charity, light, faith, will harvest the fruits of their labor in the next world.
Those who use this world as a means to reflect on all that is good and be thankful for the blessings bestowed upon them and worship regularly enjoy a spiritual renewal and an ever-growing progressive INCREASE in their love of the Creator (the REAL and ETERNAL) that governs the dunya (the fleeting and temporal). They die happy and will, Insha'Allah acquire eternal Peace.
Those who attach their happiness to the things that were never meant to last, this world, are doing their own souls a great disservice. Few things more pitiful than a man after a shaky divorce.

But it takes Faith. The one crucial ingredient that separates the believers and the non-believers.

Faith grows or expands depending on the condition of the heart. Through repentance, worship, good company, knowing the attributes of God and contemplation it can Grow and Grow.

Patrick Chewing
08-16-2016, 11:29 AM
That's it I'm calling the FBI right now.

08-16-2016, 12:36 PM


08-16-2016, 12:47 PM
A double wall text of doom from the big daddy J$?

How can you counter that? FATALITY.


We are witnessing Dondadda's arsehole be stretched from one stratosphere to another.

What a time.

08-16-2016, 02:21 PM
The real battle is Don vs Don
J $ vs J $

One must learn to detach, trust and remember.
The other must learn to condense, become more compassionate, and stay focused.

08-16-2016, 04:05 PM
Do you seriously think these people didn't have gods before they started building models and sculptures devoted to them? It's likely human beings have worshipped and had this sense of transcendental purpose from their very beginnings. It may even have been key to our survival as a species for this to be so.

Common worship forms the very basis of civilisation--it has always been what has bound humans together in an organisation any bigger than the family tribe. Without religion there is no culture and there is no civilisation, whether its tenets are true or not.

This is what happens when you C yourself into an A & B discussion. Mr. Money clearly stated that his definition of human purpose was following/worshipping Allah and he also clearly dismissed polytheistic faith systems. By his definition, Human beings had no purpose before about 3,500 BCE despite having been around for roughly 200K years (6 million years if you count hominids in general).

A definitive statement that's an insult to the Creator.

A definitive statement based on the reality we all see and know.

Anything beyond that is baseless speculation.

Every day you see a perfect ratio to sustain life in the oxygen you breathe.

Yeah, on Earth which is conducive to the life forms on it. Would the 'perfect ratio' exist for me on most of the 10^24 planets out there?

Just a roll of the dice that worked out in our favor. Go try to take a deep breath on the Moon.

You see Judgment in the composition of the material of food and particles that nourish and sustain all the life forms on earth.
You see Perfect Judgment in the therapeutic effects of natural foods like garlic and honey,
You see Perfect Judgment in the human bodies ability to undergo homeostasis.
You see Perfect Judgment in the seasons serving to balance one another.

See the above. There is an estimated 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone. Pure luck was bound to work out for our planet to make it habitable for the species in it (which is probably the case all over the Universe). And even then the planet has wiped out whole species on numerous occasions. We were just lucky. Again... Got to the nearest celestial body to our planet and see how well that 'perfect ratio' works out for you.

What makes you think that the Creator, the Judge of all Judges, is not going to hold people accountable after they resurrect Him, as promised.

Because the Judge of all Judges, depending on who you ask and when, is just a creation of Humans. If we took a DeLorean 1,700 years back in time to visit your ancestor, Jefferson Denarii, and you asked him how much purpose the great, all powerful Allah had brought to his life he'd be like 'Allah? Nigguh who the f*ck is Allah? :biggums: '

No. You, I, and humans don't have knowledge or insight of how each human being has led their live. They could be pleasant people and charging interest or being ungrateful to their husbands. They could be the roughest and vulgar of folks; but deep within have a heart of gold.

I can see you haven't spent much time here conversing with Patrick Chewing. :lol

1) If you, Don, are telling the Truth, that instantly makes several billion people liars.

Wouldn't be the first time, billions of people once thought the Earth was flat.

08-17-2016, 01:24 PM
This is what happens when you C yourself into an A & B discussion. Mr. Money clearly stated that his definition of human purpose was following/worshipping Allah and he also clearly dismissed polytheistic faith systems. By his definition, Human beings had no purpose before about 3,500 BCE despite having been around for roughly 200K years (6 million years if you count hominids in general).

1) Dresta's sentiments are especially valuable, having been educated in Europe during a predominant Atheistic/Naturalistic regime and sticking up for religion, turning to the wisdom of the Bible despite it not comfortable nor popular to do so.

2) The Prophet Adam was the first human being on Earth according to all 3 Books, billions of Believers, varying greatly in scientific and historic knowledge, all of whom must obey rigid codes of conduct in regards to bearing witness, speaking the truth, and sincerity. The Wiki article on Mitochondrial Adam (obviously an inferior source than a legitimate book on genealogy or anthropology but it's a source done by an irreligious author) estimates the common father of all humans to be between 200,000 years ago as well.

3) Hominids are speculation. Perhaps I'm mistaken but to declaratively envelope skeletons with viscera and an exterior form is not absolutely true. Neither is it fair, honest, or sincere to put images like these or into the introductions of programs such as the Big Bang Theory in rapid succession; influencing the psychology of a rather, unconscious, human populace.

4) Allow me to redefine purpose and worship for you. Everything has a purpose to it, and the only time they'd doubt this if there's something inherently imbalanced within the organism itself. Worship, that is obedience to the Laws of the Creator, and prayer to the Creator, and recognition that the Creator, Him alone, is the One Lord who Possesses Dominion Over All Things.
It could very well have been simply building a home and producing healthy offspring for our past predecessors, them having mastered moral conduct far better than our generation has.
The creeping arm of philosophies like Nihilism have notably stained people who have, unfortunately, been neglectful of not living life in accordance to the knowledge they have received or to the laws of the Creator. I testify against myself that I have failed horribly in obeying those laws, and unsurprisingly gravitated towards films like Fight Club, music by artists such as Big L and Necro, and literature like Shakespeare. The former and latter considered higher pieces of art featuring existential criseses and nihilism, features absent in the mindset of a devout religious human being. That's the stage of feeling there's no purpose that plagues man for a time until they seek out that which they were meant to seek out.

A definitive statement based on the reality we all see and know.

Anything beyond that is baseless speculation.

A) 124,000 of the best human beings that ever walked the Earth in terms of conduct, 124,000,000 of the most learned men of the past, and all the saints, mystics, sages, who have undergone rigorous DECADES in pursuit of the Truth say otherwise. And they put every facet of their lives in danger against tremendous trials to communicate The Message of the Akhira.

B) That baseless speculation you speak of predicted the thread "Science finds out the Universe is Expanding and afterwards Contracting," exemplified by the Vedic Scriptures as "Brahmin's exhalation and inhalation"

C) Flawed people, including myself, who have not EXERCISED sound judgment, project their false baseless egos onto the unknown, and thus have a weaker affinity in grasping the concept of the Day of Recompense. Who dictates what is Just?

By having a clear definitive concept of right and wrong and encouraging right/forbidding wrong consistently, one gradually attains a comprehension of the judgment it takes to the judgments on the various processes of life. So who dictates what is right and wrong?

The fundamental unit of life is a cell, and that cell's membrane is opened to receive a delicate ratio of ions.

Now the question is, Don, is the cell smart enough in and of itself or does it rely on the command of a Creator. Let's compare that cell to a human being?

You're at a nightclub and you see a bouncer. It's going to let in that which is beneficial (i.e. beautiful women, famous men) and reject that which is detrimental to its livelihood (i.e. introverted men). They'll inevitably stumble and allow a rowdy belligerent person that screws up people's night one night or another.

Yet of the 70,000,000,000,000 cells that compose your body; they have a meticulous acceptance of potassium ions and EXPULSION of sodium ions at the EXACT TIME, IN PERFECT ARRANGEMENT. Second after second. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to think!

Yeah, on Earth which is conducive to the life forms on it. Would the 'perfect ratio' exist for me on most of the 10^24 planets out there?

Just a roll of the dice that worked out in our favor. Go try to take a deep breath on the Moon.

Luck, or Fate?
Luck is the term spoken of when people win the lotto (only to spend themselves into drunken stupor)
Luck can NOT take a fragile tiny sperm cell, fashion it into the form of a human being, undergo a healthy pregnancy, compel it to move crawl, absorb nutrients from its mothers milk, develop proportionally with every bone, nerve, muscle in place, acquire the ability to translate little symbols written by pieces of graphite attached to a cylindrical stick-like object into intelligible abstract concepts, pick up a piece of sharp manufactured steel to slaughter another organism who can be digested without causing the consumer any harm, produce the eyes of a human being, come to perceive the architecture of 90 foot tall buildings....

and all the while appreciating the genius it took to craft it forget that the genius it took in the creation one's own body and maintain it second after second after second along with every other life form CONCURRENTLY. "In the creations of the heavens and the earth...."

That takes Intelligence, Power, and Will of the same One who created all the others.

It's either the above or the "luck". Luck CAN'T EVEN create a DEAD pharmaceutical drug (which requires precision for prescription) how can it possibly result in the extremely delicate equilibrium of a complex organism such as a human being.

08-17-2016, 01:28 PM
And even then the planet wiped out...

Now the Earth in and of itself has the intelligence to do that?

So now each planet just KNEW to orbit around the sun in perfect alignment?

Or is it that the entire system was created, sustained, nourished and controlled by Allah, Lord of All the Worlds.

Because the Judge of all Judges, depending on who you ask and when, is just a creation of Humans. If we took a DeLorean 1,700 years back in time to visit your ancestor, Jefferson Denarii, and you asked him how much purpose the great, all powerful Allah had brought to his life he'd be like 'Allah? Nigguh who the f*ck is Allah? :biggums: '

1) Pre-Islamic Arabian Quraysh Tribe believe in Allah too. Allah is the Arabic name for God. Allah existed before the universe, and time itself, was created by Him. People have always believed in God. Simply, different names upon their region as addressed in an earlier post.

I'm sorry you've grown up in a place that allowed for God, A Being Incomprehensible and Uncomparable, to be anthromorphized.

I can see you haven't spent much time here conversing with Patrick Chewing. :lol

1) Much wiser and sounder that we realize he's undergone a divorce, adheres to a church that deifies a mortal man, and is likely emotionally unhealthy and help encourage the good in him. Perhaps you are too harsh on the unfortunate and I am too complacently gentle and the golden medium ought to be achieved prior to your embarking upon matrimony and fatherhood.

Wouldn't be the first time, billions of people once thought the Earth was flat.[/QUOTE]

1) You and I do not know that.

In regards to the nature of reality. We can agree our eyes can only observe a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, yes? Thus it can not tell the whole story. So we require a combination of senses, reasoning and ______, in order to acquire the truth. Fill in the missing blank.
You'd agree that psychologically we are prone to confirmation bias, emotional investment, hindsight bias, projection, separation and all kinds of matters which are really flawed.
Then you'll understand that God commanded the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) t tell his nation to
a) recite the Opening Prayer which includes on its 4th Line "Guide me on the Straight Path."
b) supplicate and say "O Allah! Let me see things AS THEY ARE, and not what THEY APPEAR TO BE." (Related: Hindu concept of the transient, illusion nature of this world)
c) strive against the lower carnal self and the ego
d) meditate
e) ponder upon the origin and destination of all creation
f) empty and purify the heart of attachment to anything of this world lest we project our own mindsets onto the unknown (i.e. if I was a horny person I'd think the symbol or meaning behind everything is sex, if poido was a very protected person he'd perceive everything around him to be in conflict and requiring of protection)

Anywho this is fruitless unless you actively use your free will to search for God.

Perhaps the only positive messages to come of this wasted, subpar effort

a) Remember Death.
b) Black Lives DO Matter