View Full Version : $15 minimum wage study

08-13-2016, 08:48 PM

who could have predicted the outcome of THIS?!??!

:coleman: :coleman: :coleman:

Liberals are truly idiots.

08-13-2016, 08:54 PM
Yeah they sprook the handout rhetoric to the gullible, but the reality is the more you raise the wages, the harder it is for fringe businesses to survive.

Therefore, what will happen is they will employ more Casuals, give less hours to counter the extra costs associated.

08-13-2016, 09:14 PM
That article appears to misrepresent what actually happened, what the study says, and what it means.

[QUOTE]What happens when a study shows that a minimum-wage increase is simply having its intended effect? When it

08-13-2016, 09:29 PM
Minimum wage should increase at the rate of inflation (1-3%) every year. The Federal Minimum wage, which is currently at $7.25, should be closer to $11.00 if properly adjusted for inflation. Obviously that wage should be significantly higher in certain Cities/States when adjusted for the skyrocketing costs of living. Minimum wage workers make significantly less than they did 50 years ago.

08-13-2016, 09:37 PM
Automation and increased low skilled immigration is probably a bigger threat than increasing the minimum wage.

08-14-2016, 11:02 AM
There shouldn't be a minimum wage at all tbh. Just means you get a bunch of people working for free (which helps those from wealthy families to get key experience others cannot afford, and so the unfortunates have to immediately take shitty service jobs just to make do); then they're stuck on an endless treadmill that is very difficult to get off. Newspapers are the worst: most of them are always bleating on about the minimum wage, while they exploit hoards of interns who aren't paid squat.

08-14-2016, 11:22 AM
The results don't matter. There shouldn't be a minimum wage whether the results it produces are negative or positive.

08-14-2016, 01:31 PM
The results don't matter. There shouldn't be a minimum wage whether the results it produces are negative or positive.

Not saying you're wrong, but what is your argument against minimum wage? Just curious as an inhabitant of a country that has had a minimum wage for decades (if I'm not mistaken). Genuinely asking because I just don't know any better, I have no perspective on this 'no minimum wage'-thing as it's not even a discussion in our country.

08-14-2016, 02:49 PM
Not saying you're wrong, but what is your argument against minimum wage? Just curious as an inhabitant of a country that has had a minimum wage for decades (if I'm not mistaken). Genuinely asking because I just don't know any better, I have no perspective on this 'no minimum wage'-thing as it's not even a discussion in our country.
Because free people should have the right to make their own voluntary deals. If I need my lawn mowed and you want to make some quick cash and we make a deal that we both agree is fair for $9, we don't need some government f*cker sticking his nose in our business saying "that deal is not allowed. only $15 deals are permitted". We don't need government controlled/micromanaged economics.

08-14-2016, 03:02 PM
Because free people should have the right to make their own voluntary deals. If I need my lawn mowed and you want to make some quick cash and we make a deal that we both agree is fair for $9, we don't need some government f*cker sticking his nose in our business saying "that deal is not allowed. only $15 deals are permitted". We don't need government controlled/micromanaged economics.

The Oliver Twist model. :applause:

08-14-2016, 03:06 PM
Because free people should have the right to make their own voluntary deals. If I need my lawn mowed and you want to make some quick cash and we make a deal that we both agree is fair for $9, we don't need some government f*cker sticking his nose in our business saying "that deal is not allowed. only $15 deals are permitted". We don't need government controlled/micromanaged economics.

You can charge whatever you want to have your lawn mowed. That person is an independent contractor.

We need government meddling in our economy. The early 1900s was not exactly a workers paradise for wages, rights, and safety.

08-14-2016, 03:41 PM
Yeah here in The Netherlands, although we have a minimum wage, independent contractors can charge whatever they want, the minimum wage law doesn't apply to them (as they simply aren't employees).

I must admit that in the past few years, some companies have found a loop hole in the newest version of the Dutch minimum wage law. This is especially true for the logistics industry. Instead of hiring lorry drivers or couriers as employees, they now force each driver to start his or her own company as an independent contractor, and then use them as 'service providers'. So technically they're not employees anymore, but 'companies' that provide the logistics company a service, with contracts that make it unable for the drivers to provide services to other logistics companies. A lot of logistics companies (this is especially true for UPS and DHL-like companies) don't even own their own vans anymore, they simply force their drivers to buy their own, meaning that the drivers usually start off with quite big debts.

Of course from a pure economical point of view, this was a smart move by the logistics companies. But in practise this means that the drivers are barely protected anymore.

08-14-2016, 04:23 PM
Yeah here in The Netherlands, although we have a minimum wage, independent contractors can charge whatever they want, the minimum wage law doesn't apply to them (as they simply aren't employees).

I must admit that in the past few years, some companies have found a loop hole in the newest version of the Dutch minimum wage law. This is especially true for the logistics industry. Instead of hiring lorry drivers or couriers as employees, they now force each driver to start his or her own company as an independent contractor, and then use them as 'service providers'. So technically they're not employees anymore, but 'companies' that provide the logistics company a service, with contracts that make it unable for the drivers to provide services to other logistics companies. A lot of logistics companies (this is especially true for UPS and DHL-like companies) don't even own their own vans anymore, they simply force their drivers to buy their own, meaning that the drivers usually start off with quite big debts.

Of course from a pure economical point of view, this was a smart move by the logistics companies. But in practise this means that the drivers are barely protected anymore.

This is how it works and why politicians with very little private experience are very dangerous. They make laws thinking that corporations won't change their tactics or adapt. These are called unintended consequences that affect regular people which politicians don't experience due to their shortsightedness.

08-14-2016, 08:40 PM
The results don't matter. There shouldn't be a minimum wage whether the results it produces are negative or positive.
This is just retarded

08-14-2016, 08:54 PM
This is just retarded
Principles aren't determined by results.

08-15-2016, 09:33 AM
Because free people should have the right to make their own voluntary deals. If I need my lawn mowed and you want to make some quick cash and we make a deal that we both agree is fair for $9, we don't need some government f*cker sticking his nose in our business saying "that deal is not allowed. only $15 deals are permitted". We don't need government controlled/micromanaged economics.
It is good in theory, but history has shown that the rich that can employ are the ones with the leverage in this case, and the vast majority is screwed. This is what leads to countries having countless sweatshops. You want that for America?

08-15-2016, 10:25 AM
Minimum wage is stupid

08-15-2016, 10:29 AM
It is good in theory, but history has shown that the rich that can employ are the ones with the leverage in this case, and the vast majority is screwed. This is what leads to countries having countless sweatshops. You want that for America?
We already have that in America: it's called illegal immigration.

08-15-2016, 10:35 AM
We already have that in America: it's called illegal immigration.
True, but who wants that sort of living wage for American citizens?

08-15-2016, 12:18 PM
It is good in theory, but history has shown that the rich that can employ are the ones with the leverage in this case, and the vast majority is screwed. This is what leads to countries having countless sweatshops. You want that for America?
History DOESN'T show that. You just made that up. Lack of competition and government control causes that. Not economic freedom. Anybody in a free economy can start a business. Not just the elite who government exclusively allow to operate.

Nick Young
08-15-2016, 12:20 PM

who could have predicted the outcome of THIS?!??!

:coleman: :coleman: :coleman:

Liberals are truly idiots.
Reality is a racist microaggression and instrument of the patriarchal CIS-gendered white male, designed to keep LGBTQ POCs and women oppressed.

08-15-2016, 12:28 PM
Reality is a racist microaggression and instrument of the patriarchal CIS-gendered white male, designed to keep LGBTQ POCs and women oppressed.
All things being completely fair, men in general will be more successful than women because... nature.