View Full Version : New Leaked Democrat Emails Show Details of Their War on Cops

08-17-2016, 08:12 AM
New internal documents from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that were leaked Monday reveal that the organization is highly critical of some Democratic candidates for Congress, including one that's too "pro-police" for national party officials.

The documents include notes about electoral demographics, fundraising and similar campaign information, but most notably include criticism of at least two of the party's own candidates going into Florida's Aug. 30 primary election.

In the state's 10th district, for example, where four Democrats are vying to replace Republican Rep. Daniel Webster, the DCCC papers single out one candidate: Bob Poe, who the documents note could be viewed as "anti-black lives matter/pro-police" and as "too conservative among other progressive Democrats."


From the document:

[QUOTE]As one of the most popular Democratic candidate running this cycle, she is also a target by few in Orlando who believe Washington Democrats are crowning their preferred Democrats. Her high profile status means she is attacked for things that would normally be viewed positively if they were earned by any other candidate.

[B]Nevertheless, a few themes have surfaced though they have not really concretized in the media.

08-17-2016, 08:40 AM
I dont have time to look through your link admittedly but I'd need to see some of the actual emails to believe this is anything more than just typical political maneuvering that isn't nefarious at all. You have to position people who appeal to your target market, and it is a well known fact the democrats will favour minority crybabies over the police so this doesnt seem like news

anything very bad in there?

08-17-2016, 08:46 AM
I dont have time to look through your link admittedly but I'd need to see some of the actual emails to believe this is anything more than just typical political maneuvering that isn't nefarious at all. You have to position people who appeal to your target market, and it is a well known fact the democrats will favour minority crybabies over the police so this doesnt seem like news

anything very bad in there?

Not really in that particular email, other than the OP. It was titled 'FL-07 Path to Victory', and basically covered a broad view of some of the elections and candidates.

The documents include notes about electoral demographics, fundraising and similar campaign information, but most notably include criticism of at least two of the party’s own candidates going into Florida’s Aug. 30 primary election.

In the state’s 10th district, for example, where four Democrats are vying to replace Republican Rep. Daniel Webster, the DCCC papers single out one candidate: (Val Demings), who the documents note could be viewed as “anti-black lives matter/pro-police” and as “too conservative among other progressive Democrats.”

This particular document can be found here: https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/08/15/dccc-internal-docs-on-primaries-in-florida/

08-17-2016, 08:59 AM
Are anyone anti-BLM?

08-17-2016, 09:04 AM
This is very far from "details of their war on cops." As already stated, of course it makes strategic sense to support the BLM. But pointing out that a democrat who is perceived as taking the side of the police as not likely to win his election is not saying they are going to war with cops.

08-17-2016, 09:14 AM
This is very far from "details of their war on cops." As already stated, of course it makes strategic sense to support the BLM. But pointing out that a democrat who is perceived as taking the side of the police as not likely to win his election is not saying they are going to war with cops.

Yeah? You do see that it's other Democrats on the attack for being too 'pro-police' and too 'anti-BLM'?

I think you'd have to be the most brainwashed of the brainwashed to believe that their concern for this particular person's pro-police/anti-BLM stance, coupled with numerous invitations to mothers of slain career criminals, coupled with comments from prominent Democrats, coupled with actions.... doesn't display the left's animosity towards law enforcement.

There's a pattern here. Do you see it?

If you refuse to see it, I don't know what else to tell you.

08-17-2016, 09:31 AM
Yeah? You do see that it's other Democrats on the attack for being too 'pro-police' and too 'anti-BLM'?

I think you'd have to be the most brainwashed of the brainwashed to believe that their concern for this particular person's pro-police/anti-BLM stance, coupled with numerous invitations to mothers of slain career criminals, coupled with comments from prominent Democrats, coupled with actions.... doesn't display the left's animosity towards law enforcement.

There's a pattern here. Do you see it?

If you refuse to see it, I don't know what else to tell you.
I'm combating your use of the word "war." And I don't think the higher up Democrats have animosity towards law enforcement, rather they know that defending the police for killing black people at alarming rates will lose their seats in office.

08-17-2016, 02:30 PM
Didn't need documents to understand that the Democrats are anti-police... well, at least for the purpose of pandering and creating racial tension.

You have to understand, racial harmony is the LAST thing Democrats want. They don't want minorities to be like whites where race isn't really an issue and half vote (R) half vote (D).

I know you are
08-17-2016, 02:37 PM
Democrats are not anti-police. They are anti-police getting away with murder.

Nick Young
08-17-2016, 02:46 PM
And who sponsors the domestic terrorist group BLM?

Our good friend famous Clinton donor George Soros (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/).

What a coincidence that BLM always just so happen to always 'protest' aka disrupt rallies against whoever Clinton is up against. First Bernie, now Trump :lol

08-17-2016, 03:03 PM
When will you people realize you can be pro police and admit there's a problem with the system?

I know you are
08-17-2016, 03:09 PM
When will you people realize you can be pro police and admit there's a problem with the system?
Well, that would require conservatives admitting that black lives matter.

08-17-2016, 03:21 PM
Democrats are not anti-police. They are anti-police getting away with murder.
The Democrats are very clearly pandering to the "f*ck the police" crowd.

I know you are
08-17-2016, 03:50 PM
The Democrats are very clearly pandering to the "f*ck the police" crowd.
And the Republicans are clearly pandering to the 'it is ok to shoot black people if they have any criminal history' crowd.

08-17-2016, 04:16 PM
And the Republicans are clearly pandering to the 'it is ok to shoot black people if they have any criminal history' crowd.

Is that so?



Give me one person who believes this was okay... Cause I would bet 99.9% of people think this was flat out murder, and want the officer charged as such.

I know you are
08-17-2016, 04:25 PM
Is that so?



Give me one person who believes this was okay... Cause I would bet 99.9% of people think this was flat out murder, and want the officer charged as such.
Well, a quick Google search brought me to the first video where comments are enabled, and there are comments defending the cop: https://vimeo.com/124336782

08-17-2016, 04:50 PM
And the Republicans are clearly pandering to the 'it is ok to shoot black people if they have any criminal history' crowd.
Why did Hillary have the mother of an attempted cop killer and the mother of a woman who committed suicide that BLM then created dumb "the cops murdered her" conspiracy theories on stage at the DNC.