View Full Version : ISH Selects Top 10 Current Players Peaks (2016 edition): #4 Peak

08-22-2016, 09:22 AM

24 hours to vote.
1 vote per poster.
Make it clear who you are casting your vote for.
Peak = 1 season + corresponding playoff (i.e., player A's peak lasting 2 years longer than player B's is irrelevant)
You do not need to specify which year (e.g., you can just say who the player is you are voting for)
I will post a new thread for each of the top 10.
Obvious votes attempting to derail poll with unworthy players will be disregarded
Votes with obvious misunderstanding of poll will be disregarded

#3 best peak out of current players according to ISH:


Kevin Garnett


1. LeBron James
2. Steph Curry
3. Kevin Garnett


You have 24 hours to vote for the 4th best peak out of the current players.

My vote: Kevin Durant

08-22-2016, 09:26 AM
Wait.... I thought KG retired? Nvm

I choose Wade 09

08-22-2016, 09:34 AM
Durant 2014. Wade 09 is right up there however.

08-22-2016, 09:34 AM

08-22-2016, 09:53 AM
The Big Ticket! Glad to see he got this spot, he deserves it.

Torn between KD and Wade right now. Going Wade tentatively, his defense gives him an edge over KD imo.

Charlie Sheen
08-22-2016, 01:02 PM
Dirk. His impact extends beyond the measurables.

I'm aware this is peak not prime, and I still believe he narrowly edges out Wade.

08-22-2016, 01:06 PM

08-22-2016, 02:03 PM
So do people here think the playoff version of Curry/Durant at their peak is better than any of Dirk's 2006-2011? Lol

Isn't that where it should matter most? Your final, complete, version, also being one of dominance in the playoffs?

Or did Curry's and KD's regular seasons create SUCH a big gap that the edge in post-season on Dirk's or Wade's side doesn't matter?

Both Dirk/Wade should get the next two spots.

I know you are
08-22-2016, 02:23 PM

Young X
08-22-2016, 03:17 PM

08-22-2016, 04:00 PM

Klay 3D
08-22-2016, 04:13 PM

Young X
08-22-2016, 04:23 PM
How is Curry ranked #2 behind only Lebron...

But you have all these people saying Durant is better than him right now?

When Durant himself isn't even as good as he was 2 years ago which is mostly rated below current Curry?

How does that make any sense? Idiots don't know how to rank players.

08-22-2016, 06:32 PM
lol @ Curry being #2.

Anyway, I'll go with Wade for #4.

08-22-2016, 10:12 PM