View Full Version : Kobe is Duncan's Daddy

09-04-2016, 10:16 PM
18-12 record over Him(Post Season)

Kobe 28.2ppg on 53% ts
Duncan 25.2ppg on 53% ts

No other man has beaten and eliminated Timmy like Kobe. No other man has dropped 40 as many times on Timmy like Kobe(5). And before some smartass brings up shaq...you might wanna check the stats first.

Kobe is Duncan's Daddy, Lebron is the grand-son:applause:

09-04-2016, 10:22 PM
Duncan vs Kobe
2 MVPs vs 1
3 FMVPs vs 2
15 All-Defensive vs 12

09-04-2016, 10:22 PM
18-12 record over Him(Post Season)

Kobe 28.2ppg on 53% ts
Duncan 25.2ppg on 53% ts

No other man has beaten and eliminated Timmy like Kobe. No other man has dropped 40 as many times on Timmy like Kobe(5). And before some smartass brings up shaq...you might wanna check the stats first.

Kobe is Duncan's Daddy, Lebron is the grand-son

Better than both of them

09-04-2016, 10:30 PM
Duncan vs Kobe
2 MVPs vs 1
3 FMVPs vs 2
15 All-Defensive vs 12
Awards are voted on by hacks who never played the game. It's not real.

Reality says Kobe eliminated TD from the playoffs more than any other man in history.

09-04-2016, 10:31 PM

Better than both of them
5/16 :/

09-04-2016, 10:33 PM
Team records are the end all now?

What Wilt's record against Russell?

09-04-2016, 10:39 PM
Poor obe stans. Running out of ways to prop up their forgotten hero.

09-04-2016, 10:49 PM
Team records are the end all now?

What Wilt's record against Russell?
Wilt had more wins over Russell's teams than any other player in history.

09-04-2016, 10:54 PM
How many of those wins were with Shaq? Who was guarding Kobe in those matchups? Was it Duncan?

09-04-2016, 10:58 PM
How many of those wins were with Shaq? Who was guarding Kobe in those matchups? Was it Duncan?

Kobe and Duncan actually played one on one

09-04-2016, 11:06 PM
18-12 record over Him(Post Season)

Kobe 28.2ppg on 53% ts
Duncan 25.2ppg on 53% ts

No other man has beaten and eliminated Timmy like Kobe. No other man has dropped 40 as many times on Timmy like Kobe(5). And before some smartass brings up shaq...you might wanna check the stats first.

Kobe is Duncan's Daddy, Lebron is the grand-son:applause:

oh boy, another post like this. :( I hate it when Lebron stans bash on Kobe but maybe it's bec of posts like this, now you are picking on Duncan's fans. :mad:
Yes Kobe was phenomenal esp the 2nd time they won the ring but Kobe NEVER guarded Duncan. Maybe it's also Phil out-coaching Pops.....sometimes it's just match ups or injuries.

Spurs m8
09-04-2016, 11:27 PM
Kobe is a career loser

No respect for this glorified chucker, horrible teammate and rapist.


09-04-2016, 11:35 PM
Wilt had more wins over Russell's teams than any other player in history.
You didn't answer my question, quit deflecting.
What is Wilt's record vs Bill Russell?

09-04-2016, 11:45 PM
Duncan = top 5
Lebron = top 3
Kobe = 12th (at best)

One of these things is not like the other...

09-05-2016, 02:47 AM
Kobe is a career loser

No respect for this glorified chucker, horrible teammate and rapist.


TIL career losers have 5 rings, 2 FMVPs and an MVP to boot

09-05-2016, 06:45 AM
i would be interested to know how many of those wins were with Shaq and how many weren't

or has Duncan and Kobe been going 1 vs 1?

09-05-2016, 06:54 AM
For those asking, only one series without Shaq. So 5 games

4-1 Kobe's way

29.2/5.6/3.8/1.6/0 53/33/90

22.4/17.4/4.8/1.2/2 42/0/59

Mr Feeny
09-05-2016, 07:13 AM
i would be interested to know how many of those wins were with Shaq and how many weren't

or has Duncan and Kobe been going 1 vs 1?They never go 1 on 1. They play diff positions. Duncan would bang with Shaq (later against Bynum / Pau) while Kobe spent 2001 facing single coverage by Malik rose and Avery Johnson.

09-05-2016, 07:25 AM
Kobe is a career loser

No respect for this glorified chucker, horrible teammate and rapist.

Overrated sure but he isn't a career loser lol

Spurs m8
09-05-2016, 07:34 AM
Overrated sure but he isn't a career loser lol

It's Kobe... Sometimes it's okay to go a bit far

Spurs m8
09-05-2016, 07:58 AM
Might almost be time to close the thread


09-05-2016, 08:48 AM
OP is dumb.

09-05-2016, 09:31 AM
there's a reason why duncan is ranked #6 all time and kobe #5. imo it has never been closer between two all time greats when it comes to ranking, but kobe has the slight edge because of the exact reason the OP stated. kobe made duncan and the spurs quiver in fear. he was the spur assassin. if it wasn't for kobe single handedly crushing them, the spurs might've won 8 chips and been the undisputed kings of nba basketball. we wouldn't be talking about the bulls anymore. it would've been the spurs.

09-05-2016, 09:49 AM
there's a reason why duncan is ranked #8 all time and kobe #12.


09-05-2016, 03:23 PM
For those asking, only one series without Shaq. So 5 games

4-1 Kobe's way

29.2/5.6/3.8/1.6/0 53/33/90

22.4/17.4/4.8/1.2/2 42/0/59

-Duncans Spurs
-Dwights Magic
-Garnett's Celtics

Kobe was money against all the teams that stopped Lebron!!!

09-05-2016, 03:46 PM

-Duncans Spurs
-Dwights Magic
-Garnett's Celtics

Kobe was money against all the teams that stopped Lebron!!!
What's Wilt's H2H record vs Bill Russell?

34-24 Footwork
09-05-2016, 03:57 PM

-Duncans Spurs
-Dwights Magic
-Garnett's Celtics

Kobe was money against all the teams that stopped Lebron!!!

Lol @ dwight howard, rashard lewis and Hedo Turkeyglue being the reason why we didn't get Lakers vs Cavs.

I rooted for both players back then two. Lebron's first game winner jumpshot against Orlando. :applause:

34-24 Footwork
09-05-2016, 04:00 PM
They never go 1 on 1. They play diff positions. Duncan would bang with Shaq (later against Bynum / Pau) while Kobe spent 2001 facing single coverage by Malik rose and Avery Johnson.

Shaq= Gasol=Bynum

You heard it here first, ISH.

Lol @ you acting like you were alive in 2001 by throwing out Malik Rose and Avery Johnson

09-05-2016, 04:07 PM
i would be interested to know how many of those wins were with Shaq and how many weren't

or has Duncan and Kobe been going 1 vs 1?

Even if it was with Shaq, Tim Duncan still had David Robinson too

09-05-2016, 10:01 PM
Lol since Lebron passed Chuckbe the Kobe fans trying to make a case Kobe is better then anyone in the Top ten. Seriously get a life

09-05-2016, 10:03 PM
Even if it was with Shaq, Tim Duncan still had David Robinson too

When Duncan came into the league Robinson was out of his prime and close to retiring.

09-06-2016, 06:38 PM
Awards are voted on by hacks who never played the game. It's not real.

Reality says Kobe eliminated TD from the playoffs more than any other man in history.

Hope that applies to some of those undeserved all-defensive honors that Kobe has. Funny how most of those teams had the MDE who was the major defensive focus.

09-06-2016, 06:42 PM
For both of you talking about Kobe being guarded by Malik Rose - do you even know who he is :confusedshrug: . He's a PF/center who sometimes guarded Shaq - not Kobe.

09-06-2016, 07:40 PM
(on Kobe's 2001 series vs Spurs)

[QUOTE][B]Dr. Jerry Buss (May 19th, 2001):


09-06-2016, 07:41 PM
(on Kobe's 2008 series vs Spurs)

Bill Simmons (June, 2008):

“I hate comparing anyone to Jordan, but what Kobe has shown over the past four months has been Jordanesque - not just his ability to raise his game in big moments (which he always had), but the way he picks his spots, keeps teammates involved and then arbitrarily takes over games and puts them away. If being an NBA superstar was like playing Grand Theft Auto, then that would be the final mission, right? The way Kobe single-handedly assassinated the Spurs in Games 1 and 5 was something we've only seen from a handful of players in NBA history. You can't say enough about it. He has become the player we always wanted him to be."


(on Kobe):

Gregg Popovich (March 3rd, 2003):

“No. 1, [Bryant's] an astounding talent. No. 2, he's got the body that exaggerates that talent – he's got the height and the length. No. 3, he's got a tremendous will to win, the same will to win that Michael Jordan had. And No. 4, he's gained the wisdom to handle situations like that. He makes smarter decisions than he did earlier in his career. I've said he's the best perimeter player in the world, and you don't have to be very smart to see that.”


Gregg Popovich (2008)

“I think he’s the most talented player in the game on both ends of the floor. And with that comes a huge responsibility and a hell of a dilemma at times And as we all know Michael had to work through that. I think Kobe’s really concentrating on working through that same dilemma in trusting teammates and doing it on a consistent basis. And I think that he’s done a great job of it this season. And I think the way the players around him are playing is the proof of that.”


Gregg Popovich (December 30th, 2015)

"All my Kobe memories are when he beat us. They're not very fun. That's the truth."

"He brought it night after night. He wanted to destroy everyone on the court. A lot of guys don't know about that mentality."



Tony Parker (February 6th, 2016):

“He was, for us, the Michael Jordan of our generation.”


Robert Horry (2016):

(on Kobe vs Duncan)

“What Kobe was able to do at his size was amazing. At the end of the day I have to choose one, I have to choose Kobe. Because if the game is on the line I’d rather have Kobe on the free-throw line than Tim because Tim was kind of suspect from the free-throw line.”


09-06-2016, 10:40 PM
Duncan vs Kobe
2 MVPs vs 1
3 FMVPs vs 2
15 All-Defensive vs 12
Yup. Duncan owns Kobe. Kobe won because of Shaq not because of Kobe.

09-06-2016, 10:45 PM
Yup. Duncan owns Kobe. Kobe won because of Shaq not because of Kobe.

Lakers vs Spurs 2001 playoffs. Lakers win 4-0.

Kobe: 33.3 PPG, 7.0 RPG, and 7.0 APG on 57 TS%

Duncan: 23 PPG, 12.3 RPG, and 4.3 APG on 54 TS%


Lakers vs Spurs 2008 playoffs. Lakers win 4-1.

Kobe- 29.2 PPG on 59 TS%

Duncan- 22.4 PPG on 47 TS%