View Full Version : Soft teams typically end up injured

09-16-2016, 04:04 AM
Golden State Warriors are a team designed around soft shooters like Durant/Curry and Klay. Although they are some of the greatest shooters this league has ever seen, they are also quite fragile with history of injuries such as Durant's foot and Curry's ankles. In the NBA teams smell blood and attack your weakest point over and over again and if this means going at Curry offensively for the entire season than so be it.

The blueprints for every NBA team (who already have GSW in their crosshairs) is to play physical and attack them physically on offense to wear them down. The plan is to hope GSW shooters are too tired to shoot properly when they have to play physical defense all game long. Every NBA guard and their big man is planning to attack and blitz that PNR right at Curry's jawline. In this case, Curry will be tired as he has to literally carry the load of the team defensively allowing Durant to pick up most of the load offensively (Attacking Durant is much harder than attacking Curry).

The motto is to bulldog GSW and WEAR THEM OUT. As we all know, teams who are typically worn out, are also at much higher risk of injury...For example, a player who is tired and has no legs tries a tricky move...Typically the move would be fine but since their legs aren't under them, they end up twisting an ankle or tearing a ligament.

Theme locker room for every team before playing GSW:


09-16-2016, 04:47 AM
Memhpis and Chicago,

Some of the toughest teams in recent years,
were so injured it wasn't even funny.

Playing tough injures you as well.
'Tough teams' typically end up injured.

Watch last season;s Memphis and every season with Thibs bulls.

09-16-2016, 05:07 AM
So in conclusion...

Injured teams typically end up injured.

09-16-2016, 05:12 AM
Looks like in this day and age no one likes to read the post and make actual discussion. What can I expect from a forum where the average age is younger than my son

09-16-2016, 06:22 AM
Looks like in this day and age no one likes to read the post and make actual discussion. What can I expect from a forum where the average age is younger than my son

I read you entire post my friend.

I made a counter argument that the teams EMPLOYING the physical play also get hurt just as much if not more.

GSW gets played physical by some teams well (OKC, Cavs, Memphis)

But think about the Physical teams.
Memphis, Chicago, Utah

Gobert went down early, Memphis was -DECIMATED- by injuries in so many of the recent seasons with last one being the climax.

Thibs bulls were always, always undermanned.

Get my point?
GSW was amazingly healthy this year and last year with the exception of the playoff and David Lee's oddly beneficial injury. Don't get hurt because we disagree with some of what you say. It's all good.

09-17-2016, 01:27 AM
I read you entire post my friend.

I made a counter argument that the teams EMPLOYING the physical play also get hurt just as much if not more.

GSW gets played physical by some teams well (OKC, Cavs, Memphis)

But think about the Physical teams.
Memphis, Chicago, Utah

Gobert went down early, Memphis was -DECIMATED- by injuries in so many of the recent seasons with last one being the climax.

Thibs bulls were always, always undermanned.

Get my point?
GSW was amazingly healthy this year and last year with the exception of the playoff and David Lee's oddly beneficial injury. Don't get hurt because we disagree with some of what you say. It's all good.
I Agree with your point but my assessment remains that other team only has to circle GSW as a physical game and take it 'easy' on most other teams. GSW on the other hand is going to get everyones most physical game due to their status as a jump shooting team with a scrawny guard. This as a result means GSW is going to be bulldogged all season long which ultimately results in a lot of injuries.. Miami Heat had some years when everyone just bulldogged them..Chris Bosh and Shane Battier as your front line? Yeah people were going at them hard but this time its the backcourt namely Curry which people are going to go at all night right at his scrawny ribs and weak chin. Durant playing that PF position so Draymond can play the 5 is going to cause Durant some issues too long term as he has a weak core compared to other 4s like Tristan Thompson/Love/Kanter etc.Health could be deciding factor again this season for the GSW just like itwas for Cavs in 14-15

09-17-2016, 01:43 AM
I Agree with your point but my assessment remains
Your assessment was ****ing garbage and your presence is cancerous

Hopefully your kid doesn't grow up to be as stupid as you, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

Where's the data? The data says Warriors have been one of the most healthy teams in the league for years

Adding Durant in theory will take the pressure off on Curry/Klay/Dray and also vise versa those guys take the pressure off Durant, so realistically they won't be at risk for injury.

You literally have everything backwards because you're painfully, painfully ****ing stupid

Screamin A Smit
09-17-2016, 01:45 AM
Your assessment was ****ing garbage and your presence is cancerous

Hopefully your kid doesn't grow up to be as stupid as you, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

Where's the data? The data says Warriors have been one of the most healthy teams in the league for years

Adding Durant in theory will take the pressure off on Curry/Klay/Dray and also vise versa those guys take the pressure off Durant, so realistically they won't be at risk for injury.

You literally have everything backwards because you're painfully, painfully ****ing stupid

:roll: :roll:

:hammertime: :hammertime: :hammertime:

09-17-2016, 02:51 AM
Your assessment was ****ing garbage and your presence is cancerous

Hopefully your kid doesn't grow up to be as stupid as you, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

Where's the data? The data says Warriors have been one of the most healthy teams in the league for years

Adding Durant in theory will take the pressure off on Curry/Klay/Dray and also vise versa those guys take the pressure off Durant, so realistically they won't be at risk for injury.

You literally have everything backwards because you're painfully, painfully ****ing stupid

You could've just posted that.

But this is ISH. So, Yeah.

09-17-2016, 02:54 AM
Were the 2015 Cavs soft too then?

09-17-2016, 02:57 AM
Warriors healthy? Did i forget what Currys old nickname "Glass ankles" was commonly used here?How many games has Durant missed in the last 3 years due to his foot injury? These things don't just "Go away", surgery prolongs the career but doesn't mean its as good as it was healthy. Altogether I don't see a soft jumping team who has the bullseye painted on their backs as coming out of a grinding season healthy especially with key players being scrawny built and injury prone. If you disagree thats fine its not a dictatorship :coleman:

09-17-2016, 02:58 AM
Were the 2015 Cavs soft too then?
No they had a big llineup and played inside out.

09-17-2016, 03:24 AM
No they had a big llineup and played inside out.

Olynk pulled Love's arm out of it's socket.
Irving was injury prone, yeah.

But the rest of the injuries came because players like Delly and Shumpert weren't supposed to play 40 minutes a game.