View Full Version : 9/17/2016: 2016 Mr. Olympia 7pm PST

09-17-2016, 10:01 PM
The top alphas of the world.


My money is on Kevin Levrone.

09-18-2016, 02:53 AM
The winner.

6x Olympia winner now.

09-18-2016, 09:22 AM
I haven't checked out pro bodybuilding in a while so decided to check it out last night .. conclusion ..

lets face it .. these guys are just not what you should be striving for .. first of all, they're juiced to the gills .. it's not anything realistic .. and quite frankly most of them look like overbloated cartoon figures with that ugly hgh/roid gut .. not aesthetic at all ..

the older pro bodybuilders from the past destroy these guys .. it's not even close .. schwarzenegger looked great for the size that he was .. sergio oliva was a beast .. and many others who actually looked good while having mass .. they had the perfect blend of mass and aesthetics ..

they've gotten worse with each passing year with the roids and obsession over looking bigger and bigger and bigger .. they've turned into freaks(not in a good way)..

the guy who looked pretty good to me was that flex lewis fella .. now that kid has some proper calves .. although we know calves are a bitch to develop since genetics plays a major role in shape and how big you can get them