View Full Version : How much does Donald Trump weigh?

09-19-2016, 06:42 PM

If he is 6'2'' he has to be close to 300 pounds.

09-19-2016, 06:44 PM

09-19-2016, 06:46 PM

Nick Young
09-19-2016, 06:47 PM
That Fedor physique.
It is clear by his campaign work rate that Trump has the best conditioning in politics.

09-19-2016, 06:52 PM


There is no way in hell Donald Trump is under 270.

09-19-2016, 06:55 PM
Dr. Oz weighed him on his show.

09-19-2016, 06:58 PM
236 lbs of person, plus 64 lbs of pure winning. That's 300 lbs.

09-19-2016, 07:04 PM
236 lbs of person, plus 64 lbs of pure winning. That's 300 lbs.

plus about 10 lbs for **** (20lbs when hard).

310 lbs (320lbs).

Patrick Chewing
09-19-2016, 07:07 PM
Less than OP's mom.

09-19-2016, 07:07 PM
That Fedor physique.
It is clear by his campaign work rate that Trump has the best conditioning in politics.
Lol, what a horrible body, dude is fukking fat :facepalm

Just like Babe Ruth, Prince Fielder, Miguel Cabrera, Big Baby etc...they are athletes but they are also fat, make no mistake about it.

I have no respect for fatsos, they have no sense of pride to take care of their bodies. Stop eating so much and hit the gym you fat cnt :facepalm


Nick Young
09-19-2016, 07:11 PM
Lol, what a horrible body, dude is fukking fat :facepalm

Just like Babe Ruth, Prince Fielder, Miguel Cabrera, Big Baby etc...they are athletes but they are also fat, make no mistake about it.

I have no respect for fatsos, they have no sense of pride to take care of their bodies. Stop eating so much and hit the gym you fat cnt :facepalm

Fedor was the best conditioned fighter in MMA history.

09-19-2016, 07:19 PM
Fedor was the best conditioned fighter in MMA history.

How did he get that GOAT conditioning? By his constant trips to his fridge for ice cream?

09-19-2016, 07:22 PM
plus about 10 lbs for **** (20lbs when hard).

310 lbs (320lbs).


Nick Young
09-19-2016, 07:48 PM

How did he get that GOAT conditioning? By his constant trips to his fridge for ice cream?
By training harder than anyone else and in tougher conditions.

09-19-2016, 07:48 PM

09-19-2016, 07:55 PM
By training harder than anyone else and in tougher conditions.
When people train hard, they get hard bodies as a result. Fedor's body looks like that marshmellow thing from Ghostbusters

Nick Young
09-19-2016, 08:08 PM
When people train hard, they get hard bodies as a result. Fedor's body looks like that marshmellow thing from Ghostbusters
Are you being genuine or are you trolling?

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2016, 08:11 PM
The debates could not come soon enough. Far more time is spent discussing the latest gaffe and scandals than issues. Thanks to the fake concern over Hillary Clinton's health we have this latest phase where the two sides are debating who would win a footrace, this silly discussion about their health. The irony being that supporters on both sides probably wish the opposing candidate actually would die.

09-19-2016, 08:42 PM
The debates could not come soon enough. Far more time is spent discussing the latest gaffe and scandals than issues. Thanks to the fake concern over Hillary Clinton's health we have this latest phase where the two sides are debating who would win a footrace, this silly discussion about their health. The irony being that supporters on both sides probably wish the opposing candidate actually would die.

Fake concerns? Hillary's been coughing and doing weird stuff for months that she didn't use to. There's an email between Colin Powell and iirc one of her donors, who himself voices the same concerns as he saw she had trouble going up the stairs to a podium.

Trump shows no signs of bad health, these "Trump is obese" threads are ridiculous and must be made by kids who has yet to experience how the body in this regard naturally slows down as you get older, case in point:



Say what you want about Trumps stature, but he's pretty impressive for a 70 year old: https://youtu.be/_squmQKmHJo?t=27

You're right about the last part though, there's is a lot of hatred going on between the two sides of this election, but that happens when one side is fighting against the establishment and the politicians of always.

Real Men Wear Green
09-19-2016, 10:29 PM
Fake concerns? Hillary's been coughing and doing weird stuff for months that she didn't use to. There's an email between Colin Powell and iirc one of her donors, who himself voices the same concerns as he saw she had trouble going up the stairs to a podium.So what's the medical diagnosis? Heart attack in a week? Dead in a year? Unimmortal?

The reality is that the only thing we know is that she had pneumonia. And even if she does have something worse going on we won't hear about it just like we don't get Trump's full diagnosis (or tax returns). We have a couple of senior citizens running and of course their campaigns won't give us full details. So their opponents speculate. That speculation is not credible diagnosis. This phase of the campaign is a waste of time. I wonder how many voters think to themselves, "I don't like Trump's stance on abortion or the idea of deporting 12 million illegals but I'm worried that Clinton may be sick so I better vote Trump." I'm going to guess almost no one thinks that way, as that person sounds like an idiot.

Trump shows no signs of bad health, these "Trump is obese" threads are ridiculous and must be made by kids who has yet to experience how the body in this regard naturally slows down as you get older, case in point:Looking at him and saying, "he'sfat and old so he could have high cholesterol and diabetes" is about as valid as the Clinton speculation. It's a stupid tit-for-tat based on observations from afar, not real diagnosis by a medical professional examining a patient. It's all irrelevant and the people arguing it argue for one side or the other based solely on their political preference.
You're right about the last part though, there's is a lot of hatred going on between the two sides of this election, but that happens when one side is fighting against the establishment and the politicians of always.That is a part of it. But there are also people that strongly object to stupid bigotry riding on a wave of mob mentality. Trump is not going to get Mexico to pay for that wall. The people that think he will are deluding themselves to engage in hero worship and that's dangerous.

09-19-2016, 10:32 PM

Trump gave 5 policy speech to Hillary's zero.

She's running a policy-free platform.

09-19-2016, 10:36 PM
236 lbs of person, plus 64 lbs of pure winning. That's 300 lbs.

Well put.

09-19-2016, 11:11 PM
So what's the medical diagnosis? Heart attack in a week? Dead in a year? Unimmortal?

09-20-2016, 12:52 AM
The debates could not come soon enough. Far more time is spent discussing the latest gaffe and scandals than issues. Thanks to the fake concern over Hillary Clinton's health we have this latest phase where the two sides are debating who would win a footrace, this silly discussion about their health. The irony being that supporters on both sides probably wish the opposing candidate actually would die.

RMWG who are you voting for? IF HRC, how will the debates help you in any way? Do you think she will attend/do well in them?

09-20-2016, 12:56 AM
110 bitchmade pounds.

09-20-2016, 01:27 AM
At least 50lbs of that is BALLS!

09-20-2016, 01:34 AM
At least 50lbs of that is BALLS!

Probably. You know what they say, opposites attract.

09-20-2016, 07:53 AM
So what's the medical diagnosis? Heart attack in a week? Dead in a year? Unimmortal?

The reality is that the only thing we know is that she had pneumonia. And even if she does have something worse going on we won't hear about it just like we don't get Trump's full diagnosis (or tax returns). We have a couple of senior citizens running and of course their campaigns won't give us full details. So their opponents speculate. That speculation is not credible diagnosis. This phase of the campaign is a waste of time. I wonder how many voters think to themselves, "I don't like Trump's stance on abortion or the idea of deporting 12 million illegals but I'm worried that Clinton may be sick so I better vote Trump." I'm going to guess almost no one thinks that way, as that person sounds like an idiot.

There's a theory of parkinsons, but obviously I can't say whether that's true or not.

It's not true that we only know that she had pneumonia, she also fell and had a concussion and blood cloth that took her 6 months of recovering from. She apparently used this in her defense to the FBI about her emails - and thought the C on documents was just the 3rd letter in the alphabet, not that said document was classified. Fortunately, Chaeffetz, Gowdy, Jordan and the gang are doing their best to clear up the FBI coverup of her deleted emails and private server.

Looking at him and saying, "he'sfat and old so he could have high cholesterol and diabetes" is about as valid as the Clinton speculation. It's a stupid tit-for-tat based on observations from afar, not real diagnosis by a medical professional examining a patient. It's all irrelevant and the people arguing it argue for one side or the other based solely on their political preference.

I strongly disagree. She had a blood cloth and hasn't been the same since. She's repeatedly had trouble climbing stairs and she goes away not to be seen for days and weeks, she doesn't do long speeches or any long press conferences(and rarely short ones) - You asked for a diagnosis, how about generally too little energy to do the hardest job in the world for 4 years? My step dad had a blood cloth too some years back, he had to cut down hours at work and relax more to stay in balance(and not just for a small period of time) - doctors orders.

That is a part of it. But there are also people that strongly object to stupid bigotry riding on a wave of mob mentality. Trump is not going to get Mexico to pay for that wall. The people that think he will are deluding themselves to engage in hero worship and that's dangerous.

A bit funny you'd turn the last part exclusively into about bigotry. Hillary is corrupt from head to toe and she represents the politicians of always - she's bought and paid for by special interests - nothing will change with her as president.

It's not bigotry not wanting to see a negative affect on your country. Mexico themselves deported 175.000 illegal immigrants last year, and Obama just signed off on a deal to give Mexico 75 million dollars to strengthen their southern border.
If you don't believe in the negative effects of mass immigration, feel free to go and see/live in one of the many many ghettos in Europe - you won't be welcomed though and if you ever need the police, they might not be able to help because your neighbours will be throwing rocks at them.
Europe is strongly divided and there's a lot of tension, Americans are right looking at that and saying "no thanks".

09-20-2016, 07:59 AM
The debates could not come soon enough. Far more time is spent discussing the latest gaffe and scandals than issues. Thanks to the fake concern over Hillary Clinton's health we have this latest phase where the two sides are debating who would win a footrace, this silly discussion about their health. The irony being that supporters on both sides probably wish the opposing candidate actually would die.

How disgusting.... Trump supporters definitely DO NOT want Hillary to die (until after President Trump sends her to the gallows)

09-20-2016, 08:06 AM
The reach is on another level.

Real Men Wear Green
09-20-2016, 08:30 AM
There's a theory of parkinsons, but obviously I can't say whether that's true or not.

It's not true that we only know that she had pneumonia, she also fell and had a concussion and blood cloth that took her 6 months of recovering from. She apparently used this in her defense to the FBI about her emails - and thought the C on documents was just the 3rd letter in the alphabet, not that said document was classified. Fortunately, Chaeffetz, Gowdy, Jordan and the gang are doing their best to clear up the FBI coverup of her deleted emails and private server. So do you really believe that there's a strong chance a blood clot kills her over the next 4 years?

I strongly disagree. She had a blood cloth and hasn't been the same since. She's repeatedly had trouble climbing stairs and she goes away not to be seen for days and weeks, she doesn't do long speeches or any long press conferences(and rarely short ones) - You asked for a diagnosis, how about generally too little energy to do the hardest job in the world for 4 years? My step dad had a blood cloth too some years back, he had to cut down hours at work and relax more to stay in balance(and not just for a small period of time) - doctors orders. When has Clinton disappeared for weeks? You're badly exaggerating. After the fainting she took some days off.

A bit funny you'd turn the last part exclusively into about bigotry. Hillary is corrupt from head to toe and she represents the politicians of always - she's bought and paid for by special interests - nothing will change with her as president. Clinton may well be corrupt but Trump is the standard-bearer f the alt right. He's the guy that the racists are flocking too. That's why he struggles so much with disavowing a guy like David Duke, at first even going so far as pretending he never heard of Duke to avoid saying something bad about him.

It's not bigotry not wanting to see a negative affect on your country. Mexico themselves deported 175.000 illegal immigrants last year, and Obama just signed off on a deal to give Mexico 75 million dollars to strengthen their southern border.But they're going to pay for our wall? More seriously, what is the massive negative effect we are suffering from Mexican immigrants to justify the kind of hell we would have to unleash in our own country to deport 12 million (estimated, really no one is sure)people? You only do that kind of thing out of hate. We will be pouring billions of dollars into a project that tears apart families and will have an unknown effect on our own economy for a benefit we really can't quantify. This is very much about hate.

If you don't believe in the negative effects of mass immigration, feel free to go and see/live in one of the many many ghettos in Europe - you won't be welcomed though and if you ever need the police, they might not be able to help because your neighbours will be throwing rocks at them.
Europe is strongly divided and there's a lot of tension, Americans are right looking at that and saying "no thanks".
The problems "Europe" is dealing with are not the issues we are currently confronting with the wall. That is largely about a culture clash with Islam and fears of terrorism. Can you think of any incidences of Mexican terrorism? European countries are trying to handle mass immigration due to the Syrian war. Mexicans cross the border but it's nothing like what is going on over in Syria. Then we have ISIS sneaking operatives in through the refugee relocation programs. It's extremely different from what we're dealing with on the Mexican border.

09-20-2016, 08:54 AM
Clinton may well be corrupt but Trump is the standard-bearer f the alt right.
Trump probably never even heard of the alt-right until about a month ago. Hell, I'm pretty dialed in to the right side of the political spectrum and I had never heard of the alt right until this summer. They're a small fringe. There are more college safe-spacers and muslim-lesbian-feminists than there are alt-right people.

He's the guy that the racists are flocking too. That's why he struggles so much with disavowing a guy like David Duke, at first even going so far as pretending he never heard of Duke to avoid saying something bad about him.
He didn't pretend to not know who David Duke is. That's a media lie. He publicly "disavowed" Duke literally 2 days earlier. I don't know exactly what the hell went wrong in that interview, but he's disavowed Duke multiple times before and after.

Who gives a f*ck about David Duke? He has followers in, what, the hundreds? He's a total non-factor.

But they're going to pay for our wall? More seriously, what is the massive negative effect we are suffering from Mexican immigrants to justify the kind of hell we would have to unleash in our own country to deport 12 million (estimated, really no one is sure)people? You only do that kind of thing out of hate.
"Mexican immigrants" :rolleyes: You mean, ILLEGAL immigrants?

You SEVERELY underestimate the effect of diminishing the rule of law. The law is not optional. And it's enforcement isn't subject to the whims of whoever is in power at the time. The foundational principle of the English commonlaw system is that the law is the highest authority of the land. Even above the king. Certainly above a president.

09-20-2016, 08:54 AM
So do you really believe that there's a strong chance a blood clot kills her over the next 4 years?

When has Clinton disappeared for weeks? You're badly exaggerating. After the fainting she took some days off.

Clinton may well be corrupt but Trump is the standard-bearer f the alt right. He's the guy that the racists are flocking too. That's why he struggles so much with disavowing a guy like David Duke, at first even going so far as pretending he never heard of Duke to avoid saying something bad about him.

But they're going to pay for our wall? More seriously, what is the massive negative effect we are suffering from Mexican immigrants to justify the kind of hell we would have to unleash in our own country to deport 12 million (estimated, really no one is sure)people? You only do that kind of thing out of hate. We will be pouring billions of dollars into a project that tears apart families and will have an unknown effect on our own economy for a benefit we really can't quantify. This is very much about hate.

The problems "Europe" is dealing with are not the issues we are currently confronting with the wall. That is largely about a culture clash with Islam and fears of terrorism. Can you think of any incidences of Mexican terrorism? European countries are trying to handle mass immigration due to the Syrian war. Mexicans cross the border but it's nothing like what is going on over in Syria. Then we have ISIS sneaking operatives in through the refugee relocation programs. It's extremely different from what we're dealing with on the Mexican border.

Wow, the fallacies!

-Clinton disappeared three times that I can remember in the last three years. Blood clot, concussion and now pneumonia. "Dehydrated" is like saying Lindsay Lohan went "to a spa to treat 'exhaustion'"

-Don't pretend you didn't have to google David Duke when the media started talking about him. Trump most certainly didn't know who he is.

- :yaohappy: "le alt right boogeyman! Nazi frogs!" Delusional!

-Mecico will pay, most likely in the form of tariffs.

-Why would you think Trump is going to deport all illegals? you don't remember 3 weeks ago when GLenn Beck and the other bitter Cruz lovers were whining that he was now "flip-flopping". TRump has never said he would deport them all. His "you have to go back line" it was a better way of saying Romney's "self-deportation" spiel.

-Mexicans may not blow up buildings, but they do commit a shitload of crime and kill a lot of people.

09-20-2016, 09:16 AM
So do you really believe that there's a strong chance a blood clot kills her over the next 4 years?

No, and I didn't say that. Combined with her age it will make her generally need more rest and most people don't want a president working on reduced hours.[/QUOTE]

When has Clinton disappeared for weeks? You're badly exaggerating. After the fainting she took some days off.

She's been generally absent, at least for the public, almost the whole campaign - at least compared to what Trump is doing.

Clinton may well be corrupt but Trump is the standard-bearer f the alt right. He's the guy that the racists are flocking too. That's why he struggles so much with disavowing a guy like David Duke, at first even going so far as pretending he never heard of Duke to avoid saying something bad about him.

Corruption in politics is the biggest thing affecting you and me in our daily lives. Anything from what you eat to what can send you in prison is affected by this.

But they're going to pay for our wall? More seriously, what is the massive negative effect we are suffering from Mexican immigrants to justify the kind of hell we would have to unleash in our own country to deport 12 million (estimated, really no one is sure)people? You only do that kind of thing out of hate. We will be pouring billions of dollars into a project that tears apart families and will have an unknown effect on our own economy for a benefit we really can't quantify. This is very much about hate.

The US has a big problem of general poverty and people living on food stamps while working full time jobs. Letting people wander in from across borders makes that worse, as it increases the rate of which the population is rising.
Basically what you're saying here, is that the problem is too big to deal with. My boss is for a world without borders and I frequently discuss this with him, I remind him that he's in the minority thinking that that's how countries should work.

The problems "Europe" is dealing with are not the issues we are currently confronting with the wall. That is largely about a culture clash with Islam and fears of terrorism. Can you think of any incidences of Mexican terrorism? European countries are trying to handle mass immigration due to the Syrian war. Mexicans cross the border but it's nothing like what is going on over in Syria. Then we have ISIS sneaking operatives in through the refugee relocation programs. It's extremely different from what we're dealing with on the Mexican border.

I disagree, the issue is mass immigration of people from other countries, and that causes huge divide between countries and within countries.
Latinos might no do direct terrorism like radical islamists, but e.g about 50% of all gangs in LA are latino. There's no problem in Mexicans immigrating legally, the problem is the illegal ones who just run over the border - too many of them come in with bad intentions or are so poor that they have to turn to a dishonest living.

09-20-2016, 09:55 AM
Lol, what a horrible body, dude is fukking fat :facepalm

Just like Babe Ruth, Prince Fielder, Miguel Cabrera, Big Baby etc...they are athletes but they are also fat, make no mistake about it.

I have no respect for fatsos, they have no sense of pride to take care of their bodies. Stop eating so much and hit the gym you fat cnt :facepalm

What do you think of highwhey?

09-20-2016, 09:58 AM

Someone is obviously not paying attention to politics.

It didn't take a Clinton collapse to prove she's been gone. Before the collapse she didn't do a rally for a month.

When she came back before the collapse she was doing one rally a week.

Yes, she's been gone long before this collapse and being thrown into a van like a dead hooker.

I follow both campaigns on a daily basis. The sites I browse are filled with news of what each candidate is doing. You guys can check her campaign schedule and see she's not really campaigning which leads me to believe she doesn't want the job. Her campaign is doing a horrible job.

09-20-2016, 10:07 AM
From today till October 20....

Hillary will only be speaking at 3 events.

Trump will be speaking at 15 events that I'm predicting based on his 2 rallies a day trend.

There will be 27 Clinton related events....2 of them are rallies....17 of them are fundraisers. :lol

The next 2 days...Trump will be speaking at 4 events. Again, his 2 rallies a day method since he started campaigning. Beast mode.

09-20-2016, 01:53 PM
how much does hillary weigh?


09-20-2016, 02:30 PM
From today till October 20....

Hillary will only be speaking at 3 events.

Trump will be speaking at 15 events that I'm predicting based on his 2 rallies a day trend.

There will be 27 Clinton related events....2 of them are rallies....17 of them are fundraisers. :lol

The next 2 days...Trump will be speaking at 4 events. Again, his 2 rallies a day method since he started campaigning. Beast mode.

HIGH ENERGY .. this is the guy for the job .. hc is giving us a taste of how she'd be running things if she gets in .. she's showing she's not qualified

Nick Young
09-20-2016, 02:39 PM
HIGH ENERGY .. this is the guy for the job .. hc is giving us a taste of how she'd be running things if she gets in .. she's showing she's not qualified
She's showing she cares more about getting puppeted by lobbyists and billionaires than she does about the common people.

Lakers Legend#32
09-20-2016, 04:03 PM
Trump is fat.
And so are his voters.