View Full Version : Ahmad Khan Rahami

09-20-2016, 01:14 PM
Two years before the bombings that Ahmad Khan Rahami is suspected of carrying out in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that his son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two law enforcement officials.

The father, Mohammad Rahami, in a brief interview on Tuesday, said that at the time he told agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his concern, his son had just had a fight with another of his sons and stabbed the man, leading to a criminal investigation.

“Two years ago I go to the F.B.I. because my son was doing really bad, O.K.?” he said. “But they check almost two months, they say, ‘He’s O.K., he’s clean, he’s not a terrorist.’ I say O.K.”

He added: “Now they say he is a terrorist. I say O.K.”

It is not clear if officers ever interviewed Ahmad Rahami, but as investigators turn their focus to what might have motivated, inspired or led him to plant bombs in Chelsea in Manhattan and on the Jersey Shore, new clues are emerging indicating that he may have been increasingly receptive to extremist ideology.

When you mix government ineptitude with political correctness....

This is what you get.

I believe most of us capable of foresight claimed after the LAST Muslim terrorist (in Orlando) was able to drop off the government's radar so fast, despite allllllllll the warnings, that that was a sign of troubling times.

We were right.

Nick Young
09-20-2016, 01:24 PM
But yesterday I saw him on camera saying that he had no idea his son was radicalized.

The Pulse night club shooter's wife is still at large by the way.

09-20-2016, 02:02 PM
terrorist 1 - black men 0

09-20-2016, 02:05 PM
terrorist 1 - black men 0

Muslims are above them on the Democrat pecking order:

Hispanics (raw voting numbers)

They still want your vote though. :oldlol:

09-20-2016, 02:23 PM
Well in 2014 he wasn't a terrorist.

09-20-2016, 02:29 PM
Well in 2014 he wasn't a terrorist.

According to his dad he was. :oldlol: