View Full Version : Will Bosh go back to being a 24/12 player this season?

Dray n Klay
09-20-2016, 07:08 PM
People kept saying LeBron held Bosh back from his 24/12 averages.

Now Bosh is finally healthy and a 1st option on his own team.

Will he average 24/12 and lead the Heat to the playoffs since he's apparently a superstar who LeBron marginalized??


09-20-2016, 07:09 PM
In before somebody comes in here using age as an excuse.

09-20-2016, 07:11 PM
Will bosh go back to being an NBA player?*

Fixed it for you.

09-20-2016, 07:11 PM

Whether or not they make the playoffs depends how good the likes of Josh Richardson & Justice Winslow really are.

09-20-2016, 07:44 PM
In before somebody comes in here using age as an excuse.

Age doesn't matter here as much (Though it should matter, given Bron himself isn't the same athlete he was before joining Miami so why would it be different for Bosh?), but why pretend like dude doesn't have a life-threatening condition to worry about that took him off the court for about 2 years?

That said Bosh was never a 24/12 guy. Before Miami he was a career 20/9 guy. 23/10 if you wanna cherrypick and exclude his first 2 years in the league

He was at 21/7 the year after Bron before he went down, and added a 3 to his game which means he's on the perimeter more often. Average distance on his shots pre-Miami was 9.8 (Cherrypicked as above), the year after Bron it was 14.8, and seeing as the rebounding difference is about 2 boards off from the pre-Miami averages, he has an offensive rebounding difference of... 2 boards per game over the same time periods. A result of hanging around the perimeter more for sure

Bosh probably won't even put up the 21/7 he did 2 years ago to be honest. Too much shit going on with him and he's surely out of rhythm. If all goes well though he should be able to get back to those numbers after a season or two

Kool Boy
09-20-2016, 07:51 PM
if he plays yea

09-20-2016, 07:54 PM
If he plays, which is a big if at this point, I'd be very surprised if he puts up better than 21/7 per game

09-20-2016, 07:56 PM
In before somebody comes in here using age as an excuse.

Is Bosh somehow impervious to age? It's been 7 years since he's been a first option. Name one player in NBA history that took a 7 year hiatus as a first option, returned to being a first option, and was the exact same player they were 7 years prior.

He's also battled a career (and life) threatening medical condition for the last 2 years. As of right now his status is still up in the air. Nobody knows if he's even going to play again, much less be a superstar. Even if he's able to return, he'll never be the same player he was in Toronto. Those days are obviously over. If he can return and be a quality starter, that would be great considering what he's been through.

Dray n Klay
09-20-2016, 08:14 PM
Is Bosh somehow impervious to age? It's been 7 years since he's been a first option. Name one player in NBA history that took a 7 year hiatus as a first option, returned to being a first option, and was the exact same player they were 7 years prior.

He's also battled a career (and life) threatening medical condition for the last 2 years. As of right now his status is still up in the air. Nobody knows if he's even going to play again, much less be a superstar. Even if he's able to return, he'll never be the same player he was in Toronto. Those days are obviously over. If he can return and be a quality starter, that would be great considering what he's been through.

Bosh is the same age as LeBron

I'm sure people are expecting 26/7/6 from LeBron

What's so bad about expecting 24/12 from Bosh??

09-20-2016, 08:15 PM
Bosh is the same age as LeBron

I'm sure people are expecting 26/7/6 from LeBron

What's so bad about expecting 24/12 from Bosh??

Expecting Bosh to put that up is like expecting you to make a good post.

09-20-2016, 08:16 PM
By Dray n Klay logic (aka retard logic), we should expect Bron to average 30/9 or 30/8 next season , which is what he put up pre-Miami with a random extra rebound per game

Same age right?

09-20-2016, 08:48 PM
Bosh is the same age as LeBron

I'm sure people are expecting 26/7/6 from LeBron

What's so bad about expecting 24/12 from Bosh??

Let's see, because his peak was 24/11? Because nobody expects a 32 year old to duplicate their peak season? Because he's battled a life threatening medical issue? Because he hasn't played a full season in 3 years? Because it's possible he'll never play again? Because even if he plays he'll likely have physical limitations due to his health?

Yeah, seems logical that Bosh will have a career best season next year.

09-20-2016, 08:49 PM
Let's see, because his peak was 24/11? Because nobody expects a 32 year old to duplicate their peak season? Because he's battled a life threatening medical issue? Because he hasn't played a full season in 3 years? Because it's possible he'll never play again? Because even if he plays he'll likely have physical limitations due to his health?

Yeah, seems logical that Bosh will have a career best season next year.

Why do you even respond to that shit stain with serious responses? You know he's just trolling and throwing up shade to raise up Lebron...that's all he ever does.

09-20-2016, 08:50 PM
20/8 if healthy.

09-20-2016, 11:22 PM
15/7 in 20-25 mpg, if he plays at all. For the Heat.
Wouldn't be surprised if someone like the Kings traded for him and played him, even with his issues.

El Gato Negro
09-21-2016, 01:52 AM
Just hope the dude can get back on the court, lucky to be alive.

09-21-2016, 01:58 AM
OP may have jinxed the possibility for Bosh to put up 26/4.7 off on 3s

09-22-2016, 04:17 PM
Bosh only puts up big numbers on crappy teams or ones that are 1 round exits...in he east.