View Full Version : US, Israeli, British, Saudi officers killed in a Russian missile strike on Aleppo

Doomsday Dallas
09-23-2016, 09:16 PM

So how much of this is true?

confirmation is needed.

09-23-2016, 09:35 PM

So how much of this is true?

confirmation is needed.
It's been confirmed 5% of that is true.

Nick Young
09-23-2016, 09:59 PM
fabricated story to distract from the latest batch of DNC wikileaks that just dropped.

09-23-2016, 10:05 PM

So how much of this is true?

confirmation is needed.

Syria hosts Russia's only warm water naval base, I think it is safe to assume they will do anything to keep Assad in power to maintain their base.

Putin's whole doctrine is based on reviving Soviet era Russian power and influence and this is a key cog in that entire framework.

The US's and allies failure to comprehend this has lead to nearly as much destructions as Putin's hardheadedness.

Doomsday Dallas
09-23-2016, 10:05 PM

Either way... that place is a f*cking mess.

Cease fire didn't work very well apparently.

09-24-2016, 12:03 AM
Syria hosts Russia's only warm water naval base, I think it is safe to assume they will do anything to keep Assad in power to maintain their base.

Putin's whole doctrine is based on reviving Soviet era Russian power and influence and this is a key cog in that entire framework.

The US's and allies failure to comprehend this has lead to nearly as much destructions as Putin's hardheadedness.

Uhhhh... what? Putin has hardly been an expansionist my friend. The US needs to stop coordinating with terrorist groups and backing various illegal activities (such as Turkey's illegal war on the Kurdish minority in northern Syria) and maybe focus on securing it's borders and preventing domestic terror.

09-24-2016, 12:06 AM

Either way... that place is a f*cking mess.

Cease fire didn't work very well apparently.
Nope, the US backed terrorists reportedly broke it 300 times within 7 days.

09-24-2016, 12:10 AM
fabricated story to distract from the latest batch of DNC wikileaks that just dropped.


Yeah, because AboveTopSecret is such a Clinton Friendly site.

09-24-2016, 06:15 AM

Either way... that place is a f*cking mess.

Cease fire didn't work very well apparently.

What it was supposed to do the cease fire? It was only a temporary arrangement and until US and its allies stop funding and traing jihadi scum the war in Syria will not end.

09-24-2016, 06:24 AM
Syria hosts Russia's only warm water naval base, I think it is safe to assume they will do anything to keep Assad in power to maintain their base.

Putin's whole doctrine is based on reviving Soviet era Russian power and influence and this is a key cog in that entire framework.

The US's and allies failure to comprehend this has lead to nearly as much destructions as Putin's hardheadedness.
Not quite. There is a happy medium between a worldwide expansionist power like the Soviet Union, and just opening your country up for despoliation, a la Yeltsin; I think they just don't want to be boxed in by NATO in the West, and China in the South; this is not an unreasonable demand, and to portray this as some kind of effort to rebuild the Soviet Union is a gross distortion, one that is used to manipulate people into an irrational fear of the Russians, when their foreign policy has been far more restrained and sensible than the US's.

If you are referring to his quotes on the collapse of the Soviet Union, those were completely taken out of context. Putin has no illusions about regaining the territory peacefully conceded by Gorbachev, in good faith with the US (who has since waged war idiotically against Russian interests). Trampling on the face of a defeated enemy is what the US has been doing to Russia, and Putin is a consequence of that. And there are far more militant voices in the Kremlin, you know, ones who are fed up with Putin's restraint. The truth is, if America succeeds in delegitimizing and overthrowing Putin, then the person who takes his place could easily be far worse, and the Baltic States would be there for the taking if they wanted them (no one is going to war over those countries).

09-24-2016, 12:08 PM
What the **** is Aleppo?