View Full Version : Joel Embiid Era Starts Tonight!!

10-04-2016, 09:53 AM
And it's gonna be glorious.

I predict the kid struggles getting used to the speed but then does shows glimpses with a great block or post move. Depending on minutes I expect 14 and 8.

10-04-2016, 11:11 AM
I hope so man. It's been so long that I've almost lost hope.

Dude has gained much size since the draft too.

Shame about Simmons, I feel like they're going to play well together.

10-04-2016, 02:00 PM
And it's gonna be glorious.

I predict the kid struggles getting used to the speed but then does shows glimpses with a great block or post move. Depending on minutes I expect 14 and 8.
He's only playing 12 minutes and they will all be in the first half. This is what Brett Brown said. Btw as Sixer fans I think it's important that we temper our expectations for Embiid. He only played 20 something games in college and hasn't played (real games)basketball in more than two years. With his minute and back to back restrictions in place, I would expect him to be in NBA game shape sometime after the all-star break. I would also expect his game to be very rusty. He's been really hot and cold in practice and overall has looked very rusty. By the end of the season he will probably be killing it if he can stay healthy it it's going to to some serious time and patience.

10-04-2016, 04:30 PM
Unless they come right to him his rebounds will be underwhelming for his size starting out.
I don't expect much defensively, maybe a nice block.
Offensively I don't even care if he scores double digits I just want to see him display a distinct skill set that he can build off of for the future.

Either way, glad to see the kid back on the court:rockon:

10-04-2016, 05:45 PM
I just want to see him on court. It has been so long.

Finally :cheers:

10-04-2016, 06:10 PM
What's a good link site these days?

10-04-2016, 07:10 PM
Wishing him the best

10-04-2016, 07:18 PM
Sixers perimeter players are horrible. Embiid is wide open on a duck in and they just look the other way. Too bad Simmons is hurt because the rest of these guys are bums

10-04-2016, 07:18 PM
How does he look?

10-04-2016, 07:19 PM
How does he look?

he has taken 3 jumpers and is 0-3 (one was a bailout against the shot clock). He is moving well and looks very strong out there.

its tough to get the ball bc the Sixers guards have trouble getting to spots.

10-04-2016, 07:24 PM
he has taken 3 jumpers and is 0-3 (one was a bailout against the shot clock). He is moving well and looks very strong out there.

its tough to get the ball bc the Sixers guards have trouble getting to spots.

Just give him the damn ball and gtfo!

10-04-2016, 07:24 PM
Guy sucks.

Real Men Wear Green
10-04-2016, 07:34 PM
Just give him the damn ball and gtfo!
I agree with this, actually. Philly's offense stinks, not really sure what they are trying to do. The Simmons injury may have destroyed whatever the plan was supposed to be. They may as well go to Embiid heavily, as he gets used to playing again maybe they will finally get a cornerstone to the offense.

They should deal Noel and/or Okafor for a shooter. Even when Simmons returns (if he returns?) they still need shooting to give Embiid space.

10-04-2016, 07:37 PM
He finished the quarter very well. A nice post move where he hit his shot, then a monster block and ended it with a 2 pointer with his feet on the 3 point line.

Looks a bit slow and not so smooth, but he will get there as long as he can keep healthy.

edit. He also started with very good defence were he went up with the arms without fouling.

10-04-2016, 07:42 PM
They are now doubling Embiid. It so hard to watch the sixers. They are terrible.

10-04-2016, 08:01 PM
Joel looks winded now. GOtta be fun once he gets used to the speed of the NBA game and get in shape and healthy

10-04-2016, 08:07 PM
Honestly. For his firrst NBA preseason game against another team. He looked great. got tired quickly by 2nd quarter. He was doubled most of the time he gets the ball. Means he's a threat in the post

10-04-2016, 08:08 PM
Joel talks on O and D which I would say is pretty rare for a rookie. He's already getting triple teams thrown at him which he hasn't been able to handle...but 1) that's to be expected since dude hasn't played ball in 2 yrs and 2) philly offense is trash except him. He changed a few shots by the rim and I think blocked two. He works hard for position on offense and showcased some pretty sick range and a turnaround (though has been inconsistent). Had one break that he led and shovel passed off showing his nice handles even though it didn't end in a bucket. He's just really gotta get great at watching the defense when he's got the ball in the post or it's gonna be turnover city.

Overall, he actually does look special out there, even if the stats don't necessarily show it. Definitely superstar potential :rockon:

Edit: He definitely also looks to be the dude you run the offense through, so not sure how okafor gonna fit into that...

10-04-2016, 08:16 PM
Joel talks on O and D which I would say is pretty rare for a rookie. He's already getting triple teams thrown at him which he hasn't been able to handle...but 1) that's to be expected since dude hasn't played ball in 2 yrs and 2) philly offense is trash except him. He changed a few shots by the rim and I think blocked two. He works hard for position on offense and showcased some pretty sick range and a turnaround (though has been inconsistent). Had one break that he led and shovel passed off showing his nice handles even though it didn't end in a bucket. He's just really gotta get great at watching the defense when he's got the ball in the post or it's gonna be turnover city.

Overall, he actually does look special out there, even if the stats don't necessarily show it. Definitely superstar potential :rockon:

Edit: He definitely also looks to be the dude you run the offense through, so not sure how okafor gonna fit into that...

Can okafor try to be a stretch 4? Lol. Well embid is there for defense already. so i dunno. :confusedshrug:

10-04-2016, 08:19 PM
Can okafor try to be a stretch 4? Lol. Well embid is there for defense already. so i dunno. :confusedshrug:

I mean I could see it. I certainly didn't watch enough of Okafor to make any definitive statements but maybe a Boozer-esc role for him on this team? Idk, I would like to hear from a Philly fan who watched a bunch of games...but those may be hard to find :lol

10-04-2016, 09:19 PM
Not going to lie, it has been a tough week but i'm pretty happy right now:D

10-04-2016, 09:22 PM
Sixers need to trade Noel and/or Okafor for some guard depth. Stack some shooters around Embiid and wait for Simmons to return.

Paul George 24
10-05-2016, 02:22 AM
EMBIID >>>>>>>>> OKAFOR :rockon:

10-05-2016, 07:57 AM
If he stays healthy,them he will be ready to have a breakout year next year. I don't think he'll get his wind before the end of this season.

Gatorade Sax
10-06-2016, 05:22 AM
The darkest horse for ROTY?

10-06-2016, 10:15 AM
Embiid is special. In the 12 minutes I saw, I saw a smart player, an athletic player with instincts offensively and defensively.

This kid could be a 22-25ppg 12rpg 2-3 block anchor like a Duncan.

10-06-2016, 10:16 AM
god bless this niggga tbh, he's what this league needs.

10-06-2016, 10:43 AM
I mean I could see it. I certainly didn't watch enough of Okafor to make any definitive statements but maybe a Boozer-esc role for him on this team? Idk, I would like to hear from a Philly fan who watched a bunch of games...but those may be hard to find :lol

You could see Okafor as a stretch 4? He is slower than a pack mule and near worthless defensively when he has 9 sq feet to protect. Put him in space and let the LOLing ensue.

Can you imagine watching Okafor at the 3 point line guarding LeBron/KD/Millsap? Im chuckling just thinking about it.

Okafor was born 25 years too late to be useful on a basketball court.

I just hope Embiid can stay healthy.

10-06-2016, 10:55 AM
You could see Okafor as a stretch 4? He is slower than a pack mule and near worthless defensively when he has 9 sq feet to protect. Put him in space and let the LOLing ensue.

Can you imagine watching Okafor at the 3 point line guarding LeBron/KD/Millsap? Im chuckling just thinking about it.

Okafor was born 25 years too late to be useful on a basketball court.

I just hope Embiid can stay healthy.

You done messed up.

Okafor is going to be a 20/10 guy for the next 10-12 years. He just has way too much going for him to NOT do so. Huge hands, soft touch, light feet, big booty to shield defenders, great post game, feel for the game and huge wingspan. That's just way too much in his toolbox.

His D will be an issue in space but he'll be a dominant offensive player. That's a guarantee.

10-06-2016, 11:29 AM
You could see Okafor as a stretch 4? He is slower than a pack mule and near worthless defensively when he has 9 sq feet to protect. Put him in space and let the LOLing ensue.

Can you imagine watching Okafor at the 3 point line guarding LeBron/KD/Millsap? Im chuckling just thinking about it.

Okafor was born 25 years too late to be useful on a basketball court.

I just hope Embiid can stay healthy.

Ok, how does Aldridge/Gasol - Gobert/favors - Sabonis/Adams work? Oak and Embiid are athletically superior to them.

10-06-2016, 02:23 PM
Embiid is special. In the 12 minutes I saw, I saw a smart player, an athletic player with instincts offensively and defensively.

This kid could be a 22-25ppg 12rpg 2-3 block anchor like a Duncan.
Well said. I had him as the rebirth of the center. More of a center than Duncan with pretty much the same attributes of Duncan. Embiid doesn't have the range, but is bigger/stronger/longer. He can dribble with his left hand very well. Passing could be among the best of centers as well. Should he be able to recentralize the game a top 20 GOAT figure if health doesn't intervene.

10-06-2016, 02:25 PM
You could see Okafor as a stretch 4? He is slower than a pack mule and near worthless defensively when he has 9 sq feet to protect. Put him in space and let the LOLing ensue.

Can you imagine watching Okafor at the 3 point line guarding LeBron/KD/Millsap? Im chuckling just thinking about it.

Okafor was born 25 years too late to be useful on a basketball court.

I just hope Embiid can stay healthy.

Unless he is shooting 60% on post ups.....

He has the best post game in the league already.

10-06-2016, 05:13 PM
You done messed up.

Okafor is going to be a 20/10 guy for the next 10-12 years. He just has way too much going for him to NOT do so. Huge hands, soft touch, light feet, big booty to shield defenders, great post game, feel for the game and huge wingspan. That's just way too much in his toolbox.

His D will be an issue in space but he'll be a dominant offensive player. That's a guarantee.

greg monroe says hi.
I also like okafor but his defense is really atrocious and he shows no heart. The best thing for him is to get out of philly and become a center imo. At PF he needs to play with another big who must be mobile, a great defender and with a jumpshot ... that's quite a rarity. So his value isn't that high and that's why you see philly spreading rumors about okafor going to various teams.

10-06-2016, 05:13 PM
Unless he is shooting 60% on post ups.....

He has the best post game in the league already.

al jefferson tbh.

10-06-2016, 06:47 PM
Well said. I had him as the rebirth of the center. More of a center than Duncan with pretty much the same attributes of Duncan. Embiid doesn't have the range, but is bigger/stronger/longer. He can dribble with his left hand very well. Passing could be among the best of centers as well. Should he be able to recentralize the game a top 20 GOAT figure if health doesn't intervene.
Rebirth of the center? :oldlol:

KAT has already done that

10-06-2016, 07:16 PM
Embiid is playing soft right now. No jumpshots on the box would be my rule for him now.

10-06-2016, 11:14 PM
Rebirth of the center? :oldlol:

KAT has already done that
You obviously haven't looked at KAT;s shot chart. He's not a traditional center at all. But he can indeed play like one. Embiid would represent the rebirth much better. Hakeem, Ewing, Shaq Robinson, Wilt, Russell, Kareem and Mourning all shot much closer to the basket. You haven't seen KAT play?

10-06-2016, 11:48 PM
You obviously haven't looked at KAT;s shot chart. He's not a traditional center at all. But he can indeed play like one. Embiid would represent the rebirth much better. Hakeem, Ewing, Shaq Robinson, Wilt, Russell, Kareem and Mourning all shot much closer to the basket. You haven't seen KAT play?
Kat can go to the post. Actually Kat can do it all. Post up,pick n pop,face up,triple threat position,drive etc.....

10-06-2016, 11:58 PM
Game 2 down and Embiid is looking nice. Saric is lighting it up atm. You want a darkhorse for ROTY it is him.

Even Richuan Holmes is showing he could be a keeper.

10-07-2016, 12:23 AM
Game 2 down and Embiid is looking nice. Saric is lighting it up atm. You want a darkhorse for ROTY it is him.

Even Richuan Holmes is showing he could be a keeper.
What position does Saric play. Is he more center or PF? SF?

10-07-2016, 12:26 AM
Kat can go to the post. Actually Kat can do it all. Post up,pick n pop,face up,triple threat position,drive etc.....
He's an everything type of guy. I think he's definitely a top player in the coming generation for sure. One of my favorites as well.

10-07-2016, 06:06 AM
Kat can go to the post. Actually Kat can do it all. Post up,pick n pop,face up,triple threat position,drive etc.....

kat isn't big enough to put the other team in foul trouble on the block. That's what is being argued.

10-07-2016, 08:41 AM
greg monroe says hi.
I also like okafor but his defense is really atrocious and he shows no heart. The best thing for him is to get out of philly and become a center imo. At PF he needs to play with another big who must be mobile, a great defender and with a jumpshot ... that's quite a rarity. So his value isn't that high and that's why you see philly spreading rumors about okafor going to various teams.

Okafor averaged more ppg (17.5) as a rookie on a HORRIBLE team than Monroe ever averaged over his 6 year career (16.0 high). Okafor is a tier above Monroe as a scorer and he will prove that pretty clearly going forward.

I agree though that Okafor will need a mobile, athletic big who can defend to play alongside him.

10-07-2016, 11:25 AM
Okafor averaged more ppg (17.5) as a rookie on a HORRIBLE team than Monroe ever averaged over his 6 year career (16.0 high). Okafor is a tier above Monroe as a scorer and he will prove that pretty clearly going forward.

I agree though that Okafor will need a mobile, athletic big who can defend to play alongside him.
Noel will be the right compliment within a year or two.

Oaka4 has the best moves and best counter-post moves in deep post since Hakeem? Maybe? It took Hakeem four or five years to get to that level. Oak doesn't really know defenses yet, so he's spinning into other players now. The 15 footer is also very good for his age. A superior post game is always useful but needs shooters to compliment and win.

He's playing against Embiid everyday so I expect his learning curve to improve everyday.

10-07-2016, 11:55 PM
What position does Saric play. Is he more center or PF? SF?

He is a definitely a power forward, but he has mad range on his shot (true Euro player). I could see a big lineup being played (in certain circumstances) of Embiid, Saric and Okafor. I can see the potential of a 4/5 rotation of these three players working well.

Am I optimistic? Yes.

Am I biased? Hell yes.

But I legit see way more possibilities after the Sixers two preseason games.

Here are the Saric and Embiid highlights vs the Wiz. I didn't have high hopes for Dario but he is looking really sharp. Joel has a couple finishes that legit remind me of Wilt. Take a look yourself and tell me what yall think.


10-13-2016, 08:13 PM
Embiid is a monster right now

10-13-2016, 08:22 PM
Embiid is a monster right now

11pts 12reb 1blk 1stl in the mandatory 12 mins.

10-13-2016, 09:32 PM
Didn't get to see Saric but from the highlights and the way he moves, comparison = andres nocioni?

10-14-2016, 01:42 AM
Embiid highlights from tonight's game:


10-14-2016, 02:29 AM
Love me some Joel. I have an anonymous but trusted source telling me that they are already preparing his HOF speech.

Nah on the realz, I can't wait for this season. Wait until he gets the facilitator and point forward known as Ben Simmons.


10-14-2016, 03:26 AM

u guys want to trade him for randle + JC?

10-14-2016, 05:11 AM
Man... Just imagine if he didn't get hurt.... Can you IMAGINE that shit... Wow.