View Full Version : 69% of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 in Savings

10-04-2016, 11:18 AM
[quote]Americans are falling short when it comes saving money

Long Duck Dong
10-04-2016, 11:38 AM
Hope and Change in your pockets

10-04-2016, 11:50 AM
It's Obama's fault that people can't manage their finances. Anyone regularly has sex with their siblings and/or first cousins can see that.

10-04-2016, 11:53 AM
Not surprising for a country that runs on debt. I wonder the % of people that have savings for retirement.

10-04-2016, 11:54 AM
Not surprising for a country that runs on debt. I wonder the % of people that have savings for retirement.
Even worse.

10-04-2016, 12:10 PM
Stop spending money on dumb shit.

Problem solved.

1/3 have $0 in savings. Wow.

10-04-2016, 12:13 PM
Live beyond your means now; live below your means later. Experience will not be a kind teacher to these people.

10-04-2016, 12:18 PM
Probably worse than that if it wasn't for lines of credit. Been that way a long time now. A high percentage still living check to check. Youngsters should put away 6-12 months of expenses (rent/food/bills) in an account in case they ever get laid off vs buying that new car or house.

10-04-2016, 12:20 PM
I have a hard time believing these articles.

It states previously respondents said they have 0 in savings, now they dont have savings at all. Those are two completely different things...

Anyways, i tend to agree with savings part. I recently had a pay upgrade moving to the states (partly due to the difference in taxes) and I realize i'm spending more money, not that it matters too much in my life right now.

What's worrisome is the older population... doesn't seem to learn the importance of saving for retirement.

10-04-2016, 12:21 PM
i save money by looting Wall Mart every once in a while.

10-04-2016, 12:31 PM
Yup I know older folks who worked in small towns where there was one main factory or plant and they worked 20-30 years thinking that their job would never go overseas or go away completely.

So in that 20-30 years they took out a mortgage(s), spent too much, drank, partied, gambled or just made bad decisions.

Don't think it's about politics as much as it is evolution, technology, innovaton and them not knowing what was to come. Most have pensions for life and SSI, but its still not enough.

Gotta teach kids from a young age and let them live at home as long as possible. Shit if I could move back in with family to save for a year or two I'd jump on it knowing what I know now.

Most of the ones I know are from the steel industry and jobs went to China or Koreans bought them out and used machines and very few employees.

10-04-2016, 12:33 PM
What's worrisome is the older population... doesn't seem to learn the importance of saving for retirement.

In their defense, saving for your retirement and saving more than $1000 are completely different animals. Vast majority of working able-bodied people should be capable of the latter. Saving for retirement has gotten increasingly harder due to the lackluster economy, rising living costs, and a government that penalizes savers through foolish monetary policy.

10-04-2016, 12:39 PM
In their defense, saving for your retirement and saving more than $1000 are completely different animals. Vast majority of working able-bodied people should be capable of the latter. Saving for retirement has gotten increasingly harder due to the lackluster economy, rising living costs, and a government that penalizes savers through foolish monetary policy.

Well i would assume after 40 years of working they've accumulated enough skilled labor for a decent pay grade but that's not true for a lot of people. I just do not see why people don't focus on education and cognitive labor over physical. That's the way the pay-curve is moving up...

10-04-2016, 12:57 PM
Honestly, this Friday I'm approaching 15k in savings and that's just this year part time working and going to school. I manage my money PRETTY dam good and when I spoil myself, I admit I DO spoil myself (ex. Jordans $350+) etc, but I deserve it.

I was lusting for a nice sports car, and while I can sell the XTERRA and add to it, I don't want to anymore. I rather have money in case of emergencies until I approach $70k

10-04-2016, 12:57 PM
I have an idea!...let's move even more of our hard earned money over to the rich!!!...I bet it will trickle back to down to us!!!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

10-04-2016, 01:00 PM
I have an idea!...let's move even more of our hard earned money over to the rich!!!...I bet it will trickle back to down to us!!!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
When did money get "moved over" to the rich?

10-04-2016, 01:04 PM
When did money get "moved over" to the rich?
that's what Trump wants to do...give the rich more money

in hopes that it will "trickle down" to the middle class :facepalm


only trickle down economics have been proven to fail over and over....it doesn't work, the rich just stay rich af

10-04-2016, 01:07 PM
that's what Trump wants to do...give the rich more money

in hopes that it will "trickle down" to the middle class :facepalm


only trickle down economics have been proven to fail over and over....it doesn't work, the rich just stay rich af

Did you even read the article? It has to do with people spending more than they should regardless of how much they make. In a way that's having their money go to corporations, but in this case it's voluntary and their own fault for happening.

10-04-2016, 01:17 PM
that's what Trump wants to do...give the rich more money

in hopes that it will "trickle down" to the middle class :facepalm


only trickle down economics have been proven to fail over and over....it doesn't work, the rich just stay rich af


Hasn't stopped Clinton from exploiting you....

[QUOTE]While not on the scale of Trump's business "operating loss", Hillary Clinton - like many 'wealthy' individuals is taking advantage of a legal scheme to use historical losses to avoid paying current taxes.

As Bloomberg notes, this federal tax break is among the wealthy's most used avoidance schemes...

Those 1.1 million folks in the 1 percent, as measured by the TPC, have annual income that averages a little less than $700,000. The top one-tenth of that group, some 110,000 households, average about $3.6 million, according to Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the TPC.2

The middle of the pack, some 33 million people, have pretax income ranging from $45,000 to $80,000. The lowest one-fifth of taxpayers, a universe of about 47 million Americans, have income up to about $24,000.

Among the biggest of these givebacks, courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service (well, really Congress), are capital gains and dividends

Long Duck Dong
10-04-2016, 01:44 PM
that's what Trump wants to do...give the rich more money

in hopes that it will "trickle down" to the middle class :facepalm


only trickle down economics have been proven to fail over and over....it doesn't work, the rich just stay rich af

Blames a problem on Trump for something that has gotten worse under Obama and Clinton. :facepalm

The rich will keep getting richer as long as:

1) They have a steady supply of people coming across the border willing to work for the bare minimum

2) There is unfair trade policies and currency manipulation from other countries

3) There is an increased use of advanced robotic technology that can replace human labor

4) Companies are allowed to move operations to other countries and/or avoid paying taxes to the US

Clinton is at least responsible for supporting 2 of these things which empower the rich and hurt the poor.

10-04-2016, 01:57 PM
Blames a problem on Trump for something that has gotten worse under Obama and Clinton. :facepalm

The rich will keep getting richer as long as:

1) They have a steady supply of people coming across the border willing to work for the bare minimum

2) There is unfair trade policies and currency manipulation from other countries

3) There is an increased use of advanced robotic technology that can replace human labor

4) Companies are allowed to move operations to other countries and/or avoid paying taxes to the US

Clinton is at least responsible for supporting 2 of these things which empower the rich and hurt the poor.

I don't think anyone gives a fck just HOW rich the rich is. Their rich. Simple as that. No one with the right mind wants to take away from them. We just want them to pay equal taxes.

Long Duck Dong
10-04-2016, 02:37 PM
I don't think anyone gives a fck just HOW rich the rich is. Their rich. Simple as that. No one with the right mind wants to take away from them. We just want them to pay equal taxes.

So it absolutely doesn't matter how much of the wealth pools up into the top .01% as long as they are paying their fare share in taxes so the government can throw the scraps down to us?

10-04-2016, 02:41 PM
I know more people with car notes over 30k then I know people that have 529 plans for their kids.

Debt culture.

10-04-2016, 02:46 PM
So it absolutely doesn't matter how much of the wealth pools up into the top .01% as long as they are paying their fare share in taxes so the government can throw the scraps down to us?
Those "scraps" is the bulk of our money

Billionaires have it all.

Hillary says by closing loop holes (that people like Trump use) she can accumulate an extra $350B that will be pumped directly into the middle class in the form of college debt relief.

Once the middle class is no longer held down by college debt...economic BOOM

Bosnian Sajo
10-04-2016, 02:48 PM
lmao, so I'm in college and already apart of the top 31% of the country? Sweet :cheers:

10-04-2016, 02:48 PM
Such a simple and completely logical plan, makes so much sense...

Trumptards still like "fck that those billionaires need more, it's not fair to them!!!" :facepalm

10-04-2016, 02:48 PM
Once the middle class is no longer held down by college debt...economic BOOM

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that to get better. You can also thank the government for screwing that one up.

10-04-2016, 02:50 PM
Those "scraps" is the bulk of our money

Billionaires have it all.

Hillary says by closing loop holes (that people like Trump use) she can accumulate an extra $350B that will be pumped directly into the middle class in the form of college debt relief.

Once the middle class is no longer held down by college debt...economic BOOM
I guess...... but for that to happen, the middle class also has to spend their money wisely and not lease BMWs valued at more than their entire net worth. Or go out to eat at restaurants 3 times a week. Or buying the newest iPhone on credit. The title of the thread is what it is because yes people have a lot of student loan debt, but there's also a lot of stupid people who don't know where their money goes and can't wait to swipe their credit card for a 60' TV.

10-04-2016, 02:50 PM
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that to get better. You can also thank the government for screwing that one up.
Bush Jr. and his peeps

Obama got us half way out...Hillary going to take it to the top, party time...roaring 20s again

10-04-2016, 02:52 PM
The middle class also has to spend their money wisely and not lease BMWs valued at more than their entire net worth. The title of the thread is what it is because yes people have a lot of student loan debt, but there's also a lot of stupid people who don't know where their money goes and can't wait to swipe their credit card for a 60' TV.
There will always be idiots who can't budget worth a shit

No president can fix that...

10-04-2016, 02:56 PM
Bush Jr. and his peeps

Obama got us half way out...Hillary going to take it to the top, party time...roaring 20s again

Did Bush Jr. start federal loans?

Roaring 20s was just before the great depression brah.

10-04-2016, 02:59 PM
I have an idea!...let's move even more of our hard earned money over to the rich!!!...I bet it will trickle back to down to us!!!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

Since when does tax cuts mean giving anyone money.

Your gross check is your money that you earned, it doesn't matter if that check says 600$ or 6,000$.

The government only taking 15 percent of that instead of 25 percent does not mean they gave you anything.

Back on topic:

We don't even know what real money is anymore. We live day to day by putting everything on a credit card. I know a lot of people that make great money and if something were to happen and they happen to go without a paycheck for a month they can't survive.

That is ****ed up and it is on them.

You can't spend tomorrows money today. Don't you want something to show for your work. The easiest way to do this is to pay yourself first. You should put a little bit of each check into a savings account of some type.

I am 26 with zero debt and a good amount of money saved. I make decent money as well (~50,000). I can't go out as much as most people who are rolling in credit card debt.

What is more of a problem is the debt our country is accumulating. What incentive is there to save when the government and the fed will just dump a more "money" on the problem and bail people out. Causing my dollars to lower in value.

10-04-2016, 03:00 PM
There will always be idiots who can't budget worth a shit

No president can fix that...

That can be fixed with how money is valued and the general consumerism culture that exists today.

You have enough money to start giving your kids allowance at age 5 to start teaching them the value of money and saving up. Or cashing out your paycheck and making stacks of it into where the money goes every month.

Not everyone is fortunate to have the parents though so really there should be a mandatory budgeting class in school with similar real life scenarios across all incomes/careers. Start this shit out in elementary school.

10-04-2016, 03:05 PM
Did Bush Jr. start federal loans?

Roaring 20s was just before the great depression brah.
The economy will always roller coaster up and down till the end of time...or till the end of money anyway

We're due for an UP...Hilldawg gonna lead us to it...just make sure you save up for the down

10-04-2016, 03:06 PM
That can be fixed with how money is valued and the general consumerism culture that exists today.

You have enough money to start giving your kids allowance at age 5 to start teaching them the value of money and saving up. Or cashing out your paycheck and making stacks of it into where the money goes every month.

Not everyone is fortunate to have the parents though so really there should be a mandatory budgeting class in school with similar real life scenarios across all incomes/careers. Start this shit out in elementary school.
I agree 100% with that...

Plenty of much less important shit being taught instead...

10-04-2016, 03:08 PM
SNL EXPLAINS HOW TO STAY OUT OF DEBT (https://vimeo.com/41152287)


10-04-2016, 03:16 PM
Slavery is painful. :(

10-04-2016, 03:19 PM
the problem is not just due to irresponsible spending. for the bottom 75% of workers, average wages have remained copmpletely flat relative to inflation for the past 35 years, yet the cost of housing, food, healthcare, and education have all gone way up.

medical expenses are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country. even if you are a responsible spender with health insurance and 100k in savings, a single medical emergency like a rare cancer can bankrupt you anyway.

10-04-2016, 03:38 PM
Those "scraps" is the bulk of our money

Billionaires have it all.

Hillary says by closing loop holes (that people like Trump use) she can accumulate an extra $350B that will be pumped directly into the middle class in the form of college debt relief.

Once the middle class is no longer held down by college debt...economic BOOM

I just showed you Clinton uses them too. As does every other wealthy person in this country....

Go on... rage against her like you do Trump.

10-04-2016, 03:42 PM
I don't think anyone gives a fck just HOW rich the rich is. Their rich. Simple as that. No one with the right mind wants to take away from them. We just want them to pay equal taxes.
Yeah, let's have a flat tax. No loopholes, no tax credits, no nothing. It's as simple as sales tax. It's always the same. It doesn't change from person to person and there are no loopholes. It is what it is and that's what you pay.

10-04-2016, 03:46 PM
There will always be idiots who can't budget worth a shit

No president can fix that...
Actually no, the next president can't fix that. The president doesn't write the tax laws.

10-04-2016, 03:52 PM
I just showed you Clinton uses them too. As does every other wealthy person in this country....

Go on... rage against her like you do Trump.
those loop holes need to be closed...yes, most billionaires use them and pay jack shit

The reason you see Buffett backing Hillary so hard, he is part of the elite rich that understands the loop holes need to be fixed. He WANTS the middle class to thrive, he understands that if the middle class is thriving, so is he. The wealthy need a strong middle class.

10-04-2016, 04:02 PM
those loop holes need to be closed...yes, most billionaires use them and pay jack shit

The reason you see Buffett backing Hillary so hard, he is part of the elite rich that understands the loop holes need to be fixed. He WANTS the middle class to thrive, he understands that if the middle class is thriving, so is he. The wealthy need a strong middle class.

Oh, I'm in agreement 100%...

I just want you to rage against Clinton like you've raged against Trump. Just, for once, either pretend like you care that she is ****ing over the little guy, or admit you don't give two shits that Trump used our tax laws to his advantage and that it's all about the fact that 'Trump did it'.

It's one or the other. Try being honest with yourself.

Get rid of the corrupt, abusive IRS... install a consumption tax, and move on. Save the taxpayers from having to pay for 6,000 salaries when they aren't needed.

But that's where we are now, isn't it? We've got so many people dependent on the business (of a big ****ing tax code) that if we simplify it, we crush 6,000 jobs.

The prison system is constructed the same way.

10-04-2016, 04:03 PM
those loop holes need to be closed...yes, most billionaires use them and pay jack shit

The reason you see Buffett backing Hillary so hard, he is part of the elite rich that understands the loop holes need to be fixed. He WANTS the middle class to thrive, he understands that if the middle class is thriving, so is he. The wealthy need a strong middle class.

warren buffet is a lying piece of shit.

if he really wants the 1% to pay their taxes, why is he fighting the IRS over $1 billion in back taxes they say he owes? http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/buffett-irs-back-taxes/2011/09/01/id/409520/

if he really wants to help the middle class and poor, why do his companies prey on them? https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/04/03/17024/warren-buffetts-mobile-home-empire-preys-poor

10-04-2016, 04:05 PM
those loop holes need to be closed...yes, most billionaires use them and pay jack shit

The reason you see Buffett backing Hillary so hard, he is part of the elite rich that understands the loop holes need to be fixed. He WANTS the middle class to thrive, he understands that if the middle class is thriving, so is he. The wealthy need a strong middle class.
You understand we're taking about LOSSES, right? Losses that taxes were already paid on. Do you understand that?

10-04-2016, 04:23 PM
You understand we're taking about LOSSES, right? Losses that taxes were already paid on. Do you understand that?

Taxes are a zero sum game.

I think democrats or republicans should add untaxed severance packages to their platform.

10-04-2016, 06:46 PM
Honestly, this Friday I'm approaching 15k in savings and that's just this year part time working and going to school. I manage my money PRETTY dam good and when I spoil myself, I admit I DO spoil myself (ex. Jordans $350+) etc, but I deserve it.

I was lusting for a nice sports car, and while I can sell the XTERRA and add to it, I don't want to anymore. I rather have money in case of emergencies until I approach $70k
It's not difficult to save with Mommy and Daddys help

10-04-2016, 06:54 PM
It's not difficult to save with Mommy and Daddys help
I know right us Indians need lots of it

10-04-2016, 09:34 PM
A single lesson on compound interest would do wonders. Should be required material in both high school and college.

Im Still Ballin
10-04-2016, 09:52 PM
****ing poor people

Human dirtbags

50% pay 0 taxes, yet for some strange reason it's okay for them to question/vote/dictate taxes?


Im Still Ballin
10-04-2016, 09:53 PM
A fair and just tax system would be a flat tax rate.

10-04-2016, 10:28 PM
A fair and just tax system would be a flat tax rate.How much is fair though, that's the real question

10-04-2016, 11:14 PM
I have an idea!...let's move even more of our hard earned money over to the rich!!!...I bet it will trickle back to down to us!!!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

2016 Trickle Down Economics: tax the @#$% out of the people to feed expansion of government control, help the lobbyists/bribers who donated to Hillary Clinton (ie Wall St/elite rich/corporations), and provide incentives for being poor.

Anyways, Primetime.. come on man, why does Hillary's plan not cut taxes for the poor and middle class, but Donald Trump's plan does?

Hillary's plan increases taxes on the poor and middle class (minimally), while a married couple making $50,000/yr each will pay $5,038/yr less under Trump's plan ($20,000 over 4 years). I think $20,000 over 4 years under Donald Trump's plan vs Hillary's is a lot of money to save if you are a middle class couple. A lot of money. If a married couple makes $30,000 or less under Donald Trump's plan, they will pay $0. I bet that will help them pay their bills and save money.

Im Still Ballin
10-04-2016, 11:17 PM
How much is fair though, that's the real question
15% flat tax. We should not punish higher income earners

10-04-2016, 11:18 PM
****ing poor people

Human dirtbags

50% pay 0 taxes, yet for some strange reason it's okay for them to question/vote/dictate taxes?


Never thought of it that way.

Perhaps they could limit voting to the people that matter.


10-04-2016, 11:18 PM
Stop spending money on dumb shit.

Problem solved.

1/3 have $0 in savings. Wow.

This is how we come up with stats like, "UK2K has more savings than 1/3 of America COMBINED."

(Now let's tax this rich SOB because government is the answer)

10-04-2016, 11:23 PM
So about 69% of Americans shouldn't be voting right?


Smook A.
10-05-2016, 04:18 AM
Well a lot of people don't think long-term, so they end up spending whatever they have on stupid stuff. When I was in high school, I didn't give a shit. I started working in my junior year about 30 hours a week making $8 an hour. Made a couple grand before quitting, and damnnnnn. I REALLY spoiled the hell out of myself. I used to be a shitty dresser, so I got rid of probably 90% of my clothes and just went on a huge shopping spree. The memory of it is still fresh in my mind

Went to foot locker and got me a bunch of new shorts, and shirts. Got 2 pairs of Jordans, and 1 pair of nike. Then I went to a couple other stores and got me some polos, dress shirts, jeans, fresh new sweaters and hoodies, and THEN I went to gamestop and got 4 new games. I spent close to a thousand that day with the Jordans being the most expensive. I built a whole new ME and I felt so ****ing good. So good.

Got home to my dad yelling at me telling me to return the stuff. I know you're supposed to listen to your parents, but this was a time where I walked out on her without giving a shit. Not gonna lie... it felt good.

10-05-2016, 06:28 AM
It's not difficult to save with Mommy and Daddys help
There are a bunch of people with wealthy parents who don't manage to save money. Are you dissing Draz for playing the hand he was dealt?

And I can't say I'm surprised, encreasing trend to spend as much (or more) as you earn

10-05-2016, 06:36 AM
This is how we come up with stats like, "UK2K has more savings than 1/3 of America COMBINED."

(Now let's tax this rich SOB because government is the answer)

I mean... technically it's true.

Statistics can say whatever you want them to say. :oldlol:

10-05-2016, 09:06 AM
15% flat tax. We should not punish higher income earners

I agree with this. If half the country isn't paying taxes anyway, the flat tax rate would not need to be very high to get the same amount of tax income for the government.

10-05-2016, 05:07 PM
There are a bunch of people with wealthy parents who don't manage to save money. Are you dissing Draz for playing the hand he was dealt?

And I can't say I'm surprised, encreasing trend to spend as much (or more) as you earn
Not at all, I too am the son of wealthy family.

Spend spend spend has been the mentality since the great depression.

Bosnian Sajo
10-05-2016, 06:05 PM
Got home to my dad yelling at me telling me to return the stuff. I know you're supposed to listen to your parents, but this was a time where I walked out on her without giving a shit. Not gonna lie... it felt good.

Your dad's a tranny?

10-05-2016, 06:15 PM
I'm sure this has been mentioned already but not having money in savings doesn't necessarily mean you are broke (although im sure the correlation is high)

I barely keep any money in savings due to laughable interest rates (I think .25% or less?) but have money in other accounts. But if they polled me I guess I would have to answer that I also have less than $1000 in savings.

10-06-2016, 07:21 AM
I'm sure this has been mentioned already but not having money in savings doesn't necessarily mean you are broke (although im sure the correlation is high)

I barely keep any money in savings due to laughable interest rates (I think .25% or less?) but have money in other accounts. But if they polled me I guess I would have to answer that I also have less than $1000 in savings.

Wouldn't money saved be savings no matter which account it was in?

You don't keep at least $1000 in a separate account readily available to use in case you need it on a whim?

Bold strategy cotton.

Get a credit union. I get 2.21% on my CHECKING account. Per month.

10-06-2016, 08:53 AM
if you're a millionaire with no debt, and at least $999,000 of your money are in investments or liquid assets, you're not broke. so funds in savings account won't paint a very accurate picture.

HOWEVER, if 69% of americans only had $1000 or less in total emergency money in all liquid asset accounts, then holy shit, we got a serious problem.

but i don't believe it's thaaaat tight for 69% of americans. that level sounds a bit extreme and even nonsensical.

sure, there are definitely millions of americans struggling with finances and living paycheck-to-paycheck, but 69% are living like this and don't even have over a grand in emergency funds??? sounds a bit too extreme to believe.

10-06-2016, 09:15 AM
if you're a millionaire with no debt, and at least $999,000 of your money are in investments or liquid assets, you're not broke. so funds in savings account won't paint a very accurate picture.

HOWEVER, if 69% of americans only had $1000 or less in total emergency money in all liquid asset accounts, then holy shit, we got a serious problem.

but i don't believe it's thaaaat tight for 69% of americans. that level sounds a bit extreme and even nonsensical.

sure, there are definitely millions of americans struggling with finances and living paycheck-to-paycheck, but 69% are living like this and don't even have over a grand in emergency funds??? sounds a bit too extreme to believe.

I believe it. My neighbors are my age + 4 and can't afford to have a kid unless they save 10k. They're living paycheck to paycheck. Everyone I know or 95% of the people I know and work with are paycheck to paycheck. It's crazy. I'm in NY and it's tough here. I assume it's better elsewhere.

10-06-2016, 09:16 AM
I believe it. My neighbors are my age + 4 and can't afford to have a kid unless they save 10k. They're living paycheck to paycheck. Everyone I know or 95% of the people I know and work with are paycheck to paycheck. It's crazy. I'm in NY and it's tough here. I assume it's better elsewhere.

i believe it's an eye-popping number that deserves attention, but just not 69%. man, that's crazy.

10-06-2016, 12:04 PM
Wouldn't money saved be savings no matter which account it was in?

You don't keep at least $1000 in a separate account readily available to use in case you need it on a whim?

Bold strategy cotton.

Get a credit union. I get 2.21% on my CHECKING account. Per month.

I'm not sure how they defined "savings".

I have far more than $1000 available. Just none in a savings account.

10-06-2016, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure how they defined "savings".

I have far more than $1000 available. Just none in a savings account.
I don't think they mean savings account just in general

10-06-2016, 12:20 PM
I don't think they mean savings account just in general

really doubt it, man.

$1000 (for total available funds) is really an inadequate buffer for survival. a grand doesn't really last that long in america. we all know what everything costs.

that amount can easily get wiped out instantly, especially in times of emergency.

not denying that it's a harsh reality for millions of people, but i just can't see how 69% of americans can live or function like this.

10-06-2016, 12:40 PM
really doubt it, man.

$1000 (for total available funds) is really an inadequate buffer for survival. a grand doesn't really last that long in america. we all know what everything costs.

that amount can easily get wiped out instantly, especially in times of emergency.

not denying that it's a harsh reality for millions of people, but i just can't see how 69% of americans can live or function like this.
69% does seem pretty steep, there might be a backstory to that statistic that they aren't disclosing, but I just know a looooooooot of people rely on credit cards. A lot. Like 30k credit card debt and only 2k cash in the bank and a 2015 financed car in their driveway type of scenario. And millions of people literally think that's okay

10-06-2016, 01:34 PM
pshhh savings? hah just spend it baby. pump it back into the economy. thats what I do. love buying crap I don't need!!!

10-06-2016, 01:50 PM
I don't think they mean savings account just in general

Well the article does say:

"In 2015, we asked more than 5,000 adults how much they had saved in a savings account."

Which makes it a dumb poll but the way it's worded I would also have to answer no despite having money elsewhere.

10-06-2016, 02:17 PM
Well the article does say:

"In 2015, we asked more than 5,000 adults how much they had saved in a savings account."

Which makes it a dumb poll but the way it's worded I would also have to answer no despite having money elsewhere.
Makes sense then to have a larger percentage. I mean, all of my money is in my savings or cash. I haven't as of yet distributed my money.

There should be a survey for paycheck to paycheck

10-06-2016, 02:25 PM
Makes sense then to have a larger percentage. I mean, all of my money is in my savings or cash. I haven't as of yet distributed my money.

There should be a survey for paycheck to paycheck
You're bettor off investing in property.

10-06-2016, 02:25 PM
You're bettor off investing in property.
Definitely. I agree. Land usually picks up value over time no?

10-06-2016, 02:30 PM
Definitely. I agree. Land usually picks up value over time no?
Yup. Just be smart. Don't buy property in a swamp that routinely has tornados, floods, hailstorms and high crime rates.

10-06-2016, 02:31 PM
Yup. Just be smart. Don't buy property in a swamp that routinely has tornados, floods, hailstorms and high crime rates.
Finna buy me a beach house in Haiti

10-06-2016, 03:38 PM
Finna buy me a beach house in Haiti

10-06-2016, 04:36 PM
Haha I got more than that

10-06-2016, 04:54 PM
There will always be idiots who can't budget worth a shit

No president can fix that...


Debt, zero savings and money problems is more of a behavioural thing the economy of a country like america can only effect you if you allow it to. Quit looking to the government to solve your financial problems. Because the reality is theyre not going to look after you.

Just remember everyday there are still people out there are poor/average people working their buts off and within the next 5 10 15 20 years they will be the millionaires/billionaires of the future in the exact same economy as the broke people of the future.

Doomsday Dallas
10-08-2016, 03:55 AM
Poor Bernie Fans: Basement-Dwellers Buried in College Debt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iRBhOfY7R0)

video showed up on auto-play...

I guess if you are strapped for time, just skip to the 9 minute mark.

thought it was relevant to this discussion.

10-08-2016, 04:20 AM
Hope and Change in your pockets

:roll: :roll: :roll: So Obama is at fault for people over spending their money and not saving. Typical American. Problem is that it's not like American are savers before Obama.