View Full Version : Florida's Puerto Ricans strongly favor Clinton

10-05-2016, 02:49 PM
Seventy-four percent of Puerto Ricans now registered to vote in Florida said they would likely pick Clinton in the Nov. 8 election, versus 17 percent for Trump, according to the poll from the Center for American Progress Action Fund and Latino Decisions.

Puerto Ricans, who traditionally lean toward voting Democratic in Florida, are a big enough group to swing the closely-fought state.

Florida, the third-largest state in the country in terms of electoral college votes needed to win the White House, has seen an influx of people from Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, as the Caribbean island's economy has floundered in recent years.
More than one million Puerto Ricans now live in Florida, according to the Pew Research Center, making up about 5 percent of the total population.

The Center for American Progress Action Fund is a progressive non-partisan organization that has been critical of Trump in the past. Latino Decisions has consulted for the Clinton campaign.

Florida is currently too close to call between Clinton and Trump, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project, and both candidates have been focusing their campaigns there heading into the election.

Trump angered many Hispanics when he launched his campaign last year by calling some Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers, and his hardline immigration policies have done little to attract Latino voters.

The poll did not gauge the level of eligible Puerto Rican voters who have registered in Florida, an important measure given historically low Latino turnout. Latino voter registration lagged white and African-American voters in the 2014 congressional elections by 12 to 15 percentage points nationally, according to the U.S. Census.

But it said Puerto Rican voters now registered in Florida appeared motivated. Some 84 percent said they would definitely vote, with another 14 percent saying they would probably do so. Only 2 percent said they definitely would not.
The poll included 504 registered Puerto Rican voters in Florida with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. It was conducted from Sept. 17 to Sept. 26.

Source (Florida's Puerto Ricans strongly favor Clinton: poll - Reuters https://apple.news/AuYzGveUJRHyfuVQ_rrZJQw)

10-05-2016, 02:51 PM

Shocking. I don't want to work either.

Patrick Chewing
10-05-2016, 03:06 PM
Everyone knows Puerto Ricans aren't that smart.

Nick Young
10-05-2016, 03:07 PM
https://img.ifcdn.com/images/84b019d9f2ebc8576197caaebdeebe9e7aed3a98aad489477c d1193cfd818307_1.jpg
You just keep doing you, sport.

10-05-2016, 03:14 PM
The Donald lost Florida after it was revealed he broke US law and put money in Castro's pocket despite the embargo... Then lied to Cuban Americans' faces about it when he was running for President in 2000.

Only Chivatos like Chewing would even consider voting for him.

10-05-2016, 03:21 PM
Yeah, a lot of them aren't that bright. Not to generalize, but so many of them love welfare and leeching off the government. Certain groups of people are hard workers and have pride. Others are lazy and are parasitic. PR's look like the latter. Of course there are exceptions to norms. My wife is Asian and her work ethic is ridiculous. She was even a small business owner in her early 20's..she was dirt poor as a kid. My Dad supported my mother (who was sick and unable to work) and three children on his own without taking help from the government. We were poor..like some days we had barely anything to eat. But my father had pride and he worked hard. The U.S. should cut down on the hand outs and bring in the right kind of immigrants too.

10-05-2016, 03:35 PM
ricans are going to bring a W for Clinton

10-05-2016, 03:49 PM
I wonder how many were expediently given citizenship.....

Patrick Chewing
10-05-2016, 03:53 PM
The Donald lost Florida after it was revealed he broke US law and put money in Castro's pocket despite the embargo... Then lied to Cuban Americans' faces about it when he was running for President in 2000.

Only Chivatos like Chewing would even consider voting for him.

:lol this guy.

I know you and I would get along in person, Donny boy. Your humor is one of a kind.

Buuuuut, the Cubans...at least the ones that have been affected by Castro's regime the longest are voting for Trump. The first generation of Cuban-Americans (my generation) only know what MTV tells them.

They became lifelong Republicans once Kennedy and the entire Democrat Party betrayed them at the Bay of Pigs.

10-05-2016, 03:56 PM
:lol this guy.

I know you and I would get along in person, Donny boy. Your humor is one of a kind.

Buuuuut, the Cubans...at least the ones that have been affected by Castro's regime the longest are voting for Trump. The first generation of Cuban-Americans (my generation) only know what MTV tells them.

They became lifelong Republicans once Kennedy and the entire Democrat Party betrayed them at the Bay of Pigs.

Before the revelation of the Donald financially supporting the destruction and subjugation of your motherland and your people, he was up somewhat comfortably in Florida polling. Now he's done there.

Wonder what happened. :confusedshrug:

Nick Young
10-05-2016, 04:08 PM
[QUOTE]Guccifer 2.0 Hacked Clinton Foundation

Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors

10-05-2016, 05:26 PM
Interesting to see how Cuban Americans vote in Florida who have typically trended towards the right now that relations with Cuba have changed.


10-05-2016, 06:20 PM
The Donald lost Florida after it was revealed he broke US law and put money in Castro's pocket despite the embargo... Then lied to Cuban Americans' faces about it when he was running for President in 2000.

Only Chivatos like Chewing would even consider voting for him.

You're the only one in America who cares about that embargo shit.


Your material needs work Donald. It's either tax returns or that big mythical bad guy russia


10-05-2016, 06:29 PM
I wonder how many were expediently given citizenship.....

They've had American citizenship for almost 100 years. :facepalm

10-05-2016, 06:48 PM
They've had American citizenship for almost 100 years. :facepalm

The Point

Your head.

10-05-2016, 07:40 PM
I wonder how many were expediently given citizenship.....
All Puerto Ricans are US citizens numbnuts :confusedshrug:

Trump has no chance at FL, especially after the revelation that he did business with Castro.

Older Cuban Americans are Republicans but younger Cuban Americans are trending Democratic, add to that the other Hispanics who have moved to FL in recent years...

FL is no longer a lock for the GOP, and Texas is heading that way too :rockon:

10-05-2016, 07:48 PM
All Puerto Ricans are US citizens numbnuts :confusedshrug:

Trump has no chance at FL, especially after the revelation that he did business with Castro.

Older Cuban Americans are Republicans but younger Cuban Americans are trending Democratic, add to that the other Hispanics who have moved to FL in recent years...

FL is no longer a lock for the GOP, and Texas is heading that way too :rockon:
Lol. He didn't do business with Castro. What in the world are you talking about?what business did he do with Castro?

10-05-2016, 08:21 PM
You're the only one in America who cares about that embargo shit.


Your material needs work Donald. It's either tax returns or that big mythical bad guy russia


You see the latest polling out of Florida? Trust me boo boo, I'm not the only one who cares. :lol

Patrick Chewing
10-05-2016, 08:42 PM
Lol. He didn't do business with Castro. What in the world are you talking about?what business did he do with Castro?

Liberals spread lies. Then they repeat these lies over and over and over again until the sheeple start to believe it.

Just like CNN tried to hammer Trump's son for doing business with Russia even though they don't own or have stock in any single thing in Russia.

10-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Liberals spread lies. Then they repeat these lies over and over and over again until the sheeple start to believe it.


Just like CNN tried to hammer Trump's son for doing business with Russia even though they don't own or have stock in any single thing in Russia.


10-05-2016, 10:54 PM
You see the latest polling out of Florida? Trust me boo boo, I'm not the only one who cares. :lol

And when Trump gets down to Florida after the storm and helps out the victims, while Hillary is too busy sleeping like she did through Bengazi, Florida will be back in Trump's hands.


Patrick Chewing
10-05-2016, 11:16 PM
F'n Ricans man I tell ya. They all think I'm one of them up here in the City. That's until I pull my Tony Montana routine on their wack asses. They don't want none of this Cuban.

10-05-2016, 11:23 PM
F'n Alt Righters man I tell ya. They all think I'm one of them everywhere.

FIXED (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399311) :applause:

10-05-2016, 11:28 PM
Lol. He didn't do business with Castro. What in the world are you talking about?what business did he do with Castro?
In the late 90's he paid Cuban consultants to explore business opportunities in violation of US law against doing business in Cuba.
They then tried to disguise the payments as charity related.

Came out this week.

Florida is over for him.

10-05-2016, 11:30 PM
Liberals spread lies. Then they repeat these lies over and over and over again until the sheeple start to believe it.

Just like CNN tried to hammer Trump's son for doing business with Russia even though they don't own or have stock in any single thing in Russia.
It's the other way around the Russians were investing with Trump and funding his projects.

10-06-2016, 12:29 AM
It's the other way around the Russians were investing with Trump and funding his projects.

And why do you spend ZERO time outlining Hillary's shit?

I mean, it seems to matter to you, why only one candidate?