View Full Version : Why are the presidential debates so archaic?

10-06-2016, 07:04 AM
Where both candidates can just interrupt each other whenever they wanted to and constantly goes over the allotted time. This is not your high school debate. This is one of the highest level debate and it's formatted like a local community center debate.

For starter, is it so hard to turn off the mic of the candidate when it's not their turn to speak? Also, maybe give a grace period of ten seconds after the 2 minutes, after which the mic would be turned off automatically. Are these common sense stuff really too much to ask?

10-06-2016, 07:33 AM
Where both candidates can just interrupt each other whenever they wanted to and constantly goes over the allotted time...
very easy question to answer: it's because the two parties have the vast, lion's share of control in a debate. the moderator and the audience are distant to the point of being invisible.

sure it's not hard to assume that we're in a giant classroom of sorts, and the moderator is the class teacher, allowing two students to debate as long they behave. but in reality, the debate's format is mostly a series of compromises between two of the most powerful entities in the nation. generally speaking, neither of them wants to give up the option of using verbal tactics / trickery, so that's why the moderator typically has to persuade (or even beg) the candidates to behave.

shutting off mics is absolutely out of the question.

10-06-2016, 07:56 AM
shutting off mics is absolutely out of the question.

I dunno. I think it'd be good, but it would be hard because they could just start screaming and you would probably still hear them.

I don't think they should shut off the mic when something important is happening, but people who just won't stop talking or keep interrupting (like Trump haha) kind of deserve to have their shit muted during the others turn.

That's why I hate debating with other people... it always comes to them trying to talk over me. These may be powerful people, but they should still know not to talk over others, and if they do, they should get their mic muted. Even just doing it once or twice would be enough. Just so people know it's there.

Of course, that would spark outrage with people who would argue over whether it was warranted. Still, in some instances, I think people need to be suppressed. It's not an exact science, but you have to give people their turn to speak. Cuz, for instance, the first presidential debate was almost worthless in terms of actual content because of all of the shit going on.


10-06-2016, 09:44 AM
I agree 100%

They need to put them each in seperate rooms, ask them the same questions, and let Americans hear the answers.

It shouldn't be a contest of who can talk over who.

There isn't supposed to be a "winner"

These debates are to let us hear each candidates ideas so that we can then decide which one we think has the best solutions.

What it is currently is just a big show of "who has the more attractive personality ". It should be a show of "who has the best plan"

10-06-2016, 09:48 AM
Pence supposedly "won" because he was more calm and collected than Kaine who was always interrupting.

That is NOT how we should determine who fits best. We should determine that by the actual words they are saying.

10-06-2016, 09:52 AM

10-06-2016, 09:53 AM
Pence supposedly "won" because he was more calm and collected than Kaine who was always interrupting.

That is NOT how we should determine who fits best. We should determine that by the actual words they are saying.

Or you know by the past votes and actions of that particular person. Not a bunch of shit someone says just to get votes.

10-06-2016, 09:55 AM
A better question is; Why do you think people would make decisions informed only by objectivity?

10-06-2016, 09:55 AM
Pence supposedly "won" because he was more calm and collected than Kaine who was always interrupting.

That is NOT how we should determine who fits best. We should determine that by the actual words they are saying.
You can't have it both ways pal. Trump lost the first debate on temperament despite more people agreeing with him on issues. Kaine also lost the debate on temperament.

Hillary and Pence had basically the same strategy. Defend nothing and smile for the camera.

10-06-2016, 10:03 AM
Pence supposedly "won" because he was more calm and collected than Kaine who was always interrupting.

That is NOT how we should determine who fits best. We should determine that by the actual words they are saying.

its all lip service anyways, what they will say, so who cares ?

might as well make it a shitshow for the entertainment value.

10-06-2016, 10:32 AM
You can't have it both ways pal. Trump lost the first debate on temperament despite more people agreeing with him on issues. Kaine also lost the debate on temperament.

Hillary and Pence had basically the same strategy. Defend nothing and smile for the camera.
I fcking hate Trump's plan to give tax cuts to the rich. Hate it. If he didn't have a d-bag personality I would still hate it.

Hill's plan of closing tax loops on the rich and pumping the money into the middle class in the form of college debt relief is what I like. If they swapped plans, I would easily be voting for Trump.

10-06-2016, 10:35 AM
I fcking hate Trump's plan to give tax cuts to the rich. Hate it. If he didn't have a d-bag personality I would still hate it.

Hill's plan of closing tax loops on the rich and pumping the money into the middle class in the form of college debt relief is what I like. If they swapped plans, I would easily be voting for Trump.

Why is it that you hate Trumps plan? Why is it you love Hillary's?

10-06-2016, 10:38 AM
I fcking hate Trump's plan to give tax cuts to the rich. Hate it. If he didn't have a d-bag personality I would still hate it.
Letting people keep their own money. How terrible. :rolleyes:

Hill's plan of closing tax loops on the rich and pumping the money into the middle class in the form of college debt relief is what I like. If they swapped plans, I would easily be voting for Trump.
Hillary isn't closing ANY tax loopholes. Why the hell do you think all the super rich are supporting her? What the hell is wrong with you? Smarten up.

She's gonna get into office and say "Oh, look at that. the Republicans in the house won't raise taxes on the rich. Well, I tried. Anyway, moving on to other things...."

10-06-2016, 10:45 AM
Letting people keep their own money. How terrible. :rolleyes:
if the fallout from that is terrible for the nation as a whole, then yeah... sounds pretty terrible? :confusedshrug:

10-06-2016, 10:45 AM
Why is it that you hate Trumps plan? Why is it you love Hillary's?
Trump's plan to give the rich MORE tax cuts will widen the wealth gap worse than it is today, and it's at record highs today. It will take money away from the middle class.

Hill's plan to close the tax loop holes and make the rich pay their fair share, then use that money as college debt relief, will free the middle class and cause the economic boom we've all been waiting for.

it's night and day to me...

10-06-2016, 10:47 AM
This has to be the first time prime time has paid attention to politics.

10-06-2016, 10:59 AM
This has to be the first time prime time has paid attention to politics.
No I voted the last several elections...I actually voted Bush Jr both times, I'm more conservative than not.

This current election just features the biggest jack ass we've ever seen and the biggest jack ass following. It really singles out the ignorant segment of our country more than any other election.

10-06-2016, 11:04 AM
I don't even think the 'right' vs 'left' fits into this election as I know many conservatives here in Texas that are voting Hillary and it feels like there are lots of 'libs' that hate Hillary and think she is a war monger.

This election is it's own unique beast...it's an awful election to be honest but there is still only one acceptable answer here.

10-06-2016, 11:08 AM
I don't even think the 'right' vs 'left' fits into this election as I know many conservatives here in Texas that are voting Hillary and it feels like there are lots of 'libs' that hate Hillary and think she is a war monger.

This election is it's own unique beast...it's an awful election to be honest but there is still only one acceptable answer here.
That happens every election bro. If you're conservative as you claim, you'd remember the anti-Romney sentiment from conservatives in 2012 and the millions of them that refused to vote for him.

10-06-2016, 12:08 PM
romney is also a mormon, and i'm thinking that's one of the least-liked and least-respected christian denominations amongst christians and non-christians, both. it shares parallels with scientology, including being founded by con-men and all-around predatory, f-cked up individuals.

another problem with romney as a candidate is that he only made it to the finals by being the least repugnant GOP choice. sure, you want to say that's typically the case, but various presidents like clinton, reagan, the roosevelt cousins and JFK were beloved superstars by contrast.

also, i don't remember him having much of a national presence or standing out in any particular way as governor of a tiny state. no doubt a lot of republicans considered him unqualified and unworthy to represent them.

BONUS: just watch mitt try to throw down against barack until a third beloved figure comes along to spank both of them.

Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battle Of History. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX_1B0w7Hzc)

10-06-2016, 01:46 PM
romney is also a mormon, and i'm thinking that's one of the least-liked and least-respected christian denominations amongst christians and non-christians, both. it shares parallels with scientology, including being founded by con-men and all-around predatory, f-cked up individuals.

another problem with romney as a candidate is that he only made it to the finals by being the least repugnant GOP choice. sure, you want to say that's typically the case, but various presidents like clinton, reagan, the roosevelt cousins and JFK were beloved superstars by contrast.

also, i don't remember him having much of a national presence or standing out in any particular way as governor of a tiny state. no doubt a lot of republicans considered him unqualified and unworthy to represent them.

BONUS: just watch mitt try to throw down against barack until a third beloved figure comes along to spank both of them.

Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battle Of History. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX_1B0w7Hzc)
Someday, Americans are gonna wake up and see politics as their currently unfolding in Britain. In Britain, the Conservatives are the rational grown ups and Labour are just flat out disgusting people.

10-06-2016, 10:33 PM
Trump's plan to give the rich MORE tax cuts will widen the wealth gap worse than it is today, and it's at record highs today. It will take money away from the middle class.

Hill's plan to close the tax loop holes and make the rich pay their fair share, then use that money as college debt relief, will free the middle class and cause the economic boom we've all been waiting for.

it's night and day to me...

We have PAYE and forgiveness after 20 years (10 with PSLF). The bigger issue isn't debt relief; it's that most students aren't even aware of the implications of not choosing the best repayment plan when they graduate or drop out. So many students defaulted on their loans because they never chose the best repayment plan for themselves.

Hillary has no plans to make any changes to college debt relief. In a way, it would be kinda cool if she did forgive all student debt, since I know plenty of people who have tons of college debt, but that's not happening. The ones in big trouble are the ones who went to private schools, chose poor majors, and took out loans to cover living expenses without any job. Hillary's plan does nothing for them.

However, she plans to make public universities tuition free. They're already competitive enough to get into, but now they'll be really competitive. This won't help those going to private colleges and won't help people with their living expenses. (And I'm not so sure taking away income from people to fund a young person to study women's studies or some other useless major is a good idea, but I digress)

The answer to improving education is not to throw more money at it. We've done that and ended up with more corruption and waste. Administration increased 700% and the students got nothing out of it. :(

10-10-2016, 01:29 AM
The moderators literally had to beg the candidates to stop talking. :facepalm

And if they didn't want to stop talking, there's nothing the mods can do. :facepalm

How can a presidential debate runs worse than ISH? :facepalm