View Full Version : FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe

Nick Young
10-07-2016, 02:09 PM
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe

Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.

Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”

[I]But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.

“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.

Instead of going to prosecutors and insisting on using grand jury leverage to compel testimony and seize evidence, Comey allowed immunity for several key witnesses, including potential targets.

The immunity agreements came with outrageous side deals, including preventing agents from searching for any documents on a Dell laptop owned by former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills generated after Jan. 31, 2015, when she communicated with the server administrator who destroyed subpoenaed emails.

Comey also agreed to have Mills’ laptop destroyed after the restricted search, denying Congress the chance to look at it and making the FBI an accomplice to the destruction of evidence.

Comey’s immunized witnesses nonetheless suffered chronic lapses in memory, made unsubstantiated claims of attorney-client privilege upon tougher questioning and at least two gave demonstrably false statements. And yet Comey indulged it all.

What’s more, Comey cut a deal to give Clinton a “voluntary” witness interview on a major holiday, and even let her ex-chief of staff sit in on the interview as a lawyer, even though she, too, was under investigation.

Clinton’s interview, the culmination of a yearlong investigation, lasted just 3

10-07-2016, 02:40 PM
The FBI's handling of this case (and the agreement to destroy the laptops afterwards for no apparent reason) is one of the biggest issues with this case.

There's no doubt Clinton ****ed up and violated federal law, but the way the FBI has conducted itself in this investigation (including granting immunity to people who didn't need to be granted immunity in order to force them to testify) is baffling.

The truth is, if Clinton goes down, so does Obama. And he ain't letting that happen.

10-07-2016, 02:54 PM
The FBI's handling of this case (and the agreement to destroy the laptops afterwards for no apparent reason) is one of the biggest issues with this case.

There's no doubt Clinton ****ed up and violated federal law, but the way the FBI has conducted itself in this investigation (including granting immunity to people who didn't need to be granted immunity in order to force them to testify) is baffling.

The truth is, if Clinton goes down, so does Obama. And he ain't letting that happen.

Not to go too conspiracy theorist, but it does make sense for Obama to double down on Russia and trigger a war.

What a perfect bogeyman to distract the world with and perhaps even convince Americans to back him if he pulls marshall law or a call to halt the presidency race(I think if Hillary is losing in the votes, this COULD happen).

Nick Young
10-07-2016, 02:57 PM
We already know Obama is connected. He is the one who officially appointed most of the Pay to Play ambassadors.

He also has been caught emailing Hillary at her secret unsecured server that he apparently "didn't even know existed."

I will give Obama the benefit of the doubt however. I genuinely believe he went in with good and honest intentions. There was just too much corruption all around him. Nothing he could do about it, except join in. We all know how he hated Hillary. He didn't want her anywhere near his white house. She politicked her way in until he had no other choice.

His fall has been a tragic one to watch.
But as president, he is still responsible for his actions.

10-07-2016, 03:01 PM
We already know Obama is connected. He is the one who officially appointed most of the Pay to Play ambassadors.

He also has been caught emailing Hillary at her secret unsecured server that he apparently "didn't even know existed."

I will give Obama the benefit of the doubt however. I genuinely believe he went in with good and honest intentions. There was just too much corruption all around him. Nothing he could do about it, except join in. His fall has been a tragic one to watch.


I don't trust Obama and I still hold doubts about his birth records.

What kind of patriot allows in 100s and 1000s of unscreened, troubled region muslims without any caution in today's world climate?

Looking at his actions, it suggests to me he is purposely destroying America's nationalism.

J Shuttlesworth
10-07-2016, 03:09 PM

10-07-2016, 03:12 PM

Why would he be nervous? Assange has been in danger since he started wikileaks?

Try again

J Shuttlesworth
10-07-2016, 03:15 PM
Why would he be nervous? Assange has been in danger since he started wikileaks?

Try again
It's more about the fact that Trumpkins have been getting blue balled by Assange for so long now and keep thinking that the next leak will put her in prison :roll:

Nick Young
10-07-2016, 03:19 PM

I don't trust Obama and I still hold doubts about his birth records.

What kind of patriot allows in 100s and 1000s of unscreened, troubled region muslims without any caution in today's world climate?

Looking at his actions, it suggests to me he is purposely destroying America's nationalism.
He is definitely trying to erode America's sense of pride and nationalism.

I think Obama is an American and the passport stuff is pointless distraction. Even if he was born in Africa and is an illegal candidate technically, I personally don't care.

I personally don't give any credence to the theories that Obama is secretly a Muslim and trying to Islamify the United States

The reason Obama, Clinton, Merkel, Soros and all the other globalists are so hellbent on unvetted mass Muslim immigration is due to their love of Cultural Marxism. The incoming Muslim immigrant population will destabilize everything, allowing the government to swoop in and create more laws that give them more powers, while taking away rights and freedoms from the people.

We have already seen how the unvetted Muslim immigrants have destroyed Sweden and Germany and destabilized those countries.

Remember, Clinton was a big time supporter of the Patriot Act back in the day, and still is.

Everyone knows what Obama really thinks about Hillary. The only reason he would have made Hillary secretary of state would be that he had no other choice and was forced to appoint her.


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lGmceVBt744/VucNaymrmZI/AAAAAAADwtI/FX_j71IDxys/w506-h387/Hilary%2BClinton%2BShe%2527%2Bll%2BSay%2BAnything. PNG

10-07-2016, 04:21 PM
It's more about the fact that Trumpkins have been getting blue balled by Assange for so long now and keep thinking that the next leak will put her in prison :roll:
Yeah, I'm not sure why some Republicans are suddenly super pro-Assange. Nobody should be in favor of the US government being hacked or government files being stolen and posted on the Internet.

Nick Young
10-07-2016, 04:23 PM
I support whistleblowers who expose corruption.

Without whistleblowers, and an honest fifth estate, the tyrants will run rampant and unopposed.

10-07-2016, 04:23 PM
He is definitely trying to erode America's sense of pride and nationalism.

I think Obama is an American and the passport stuff is pointless distraction. Even if he was born in Africa and is an illegal candidate technically, I personally don't care.

I personally don't give any credence to the theories that Obama is secretly a Muslim and trying to Islamify the United States

The reason Obama, Clinton, Merkel, Soros and all the other globalists are so hellbent on unvetted mass Muslim immigration is due to their love of Cultural Marxism. The incoming Muslim immigrant population will destabilize everything, allowing the government to swoop in and create more laws that give them more powers, while taking away rights and freedoms from the people.

We have already seen how the unvetted Muslim immigrants have destroyed Sweden and Germany and destabilized those countries.

Remember, Clinton was a big time supporter of the Patriot Act back in the day, and still is.

Everyone knows what Obama really thinks about Hillary. The only reason he would have made Hillary secretary of state would be that he had no other choice and was forced to appoint her.


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lGmceVBt744/VucNaymrmZI/AAAAAAADwtI/FX_j71IDxys/w506-h387/Hilary%2BClinton%2BShe%2527%2Bll%2BSay%2BAnything. PNG
I don't think Obama was a legitimate president. The founders CLEARLY intended for the children of foreign citizens to be ineligible for the office of president, but it doesn't matter at this point. He's only in office for about 3 & 1/2 more months.

10-07-2016, 05:11 PM
I wonder how morale is like at the FBI. I wouldn't be surprised if it is eroding, similar to how the NSA was after the Snowden leaks. Their credibility has been shot and they've been sucked into one of Clinton's scandals. Do people believe they can do their job without being politically influenced anymore? The whole DOJ has been going downward for what seems like a while now.