View Full Version : Memphis coach "I wanna use Chandler Parsons like Miami used LeBron"

Hey Yo
10-08-2016, 01:51 PM
"On paper, and if healthy, Chandler Parsons is exactly what Memphis needs — a guy who can space the floor with his shot and is a second shot-creator on the wing who gives them more offensive options.

New head coach David Fizdale’s job is to put Parsons and the Grizzlies in a system that best takes advantage of those skills. The former Heat lead assistant has an idea from his past — treat Parsons like the Heat did LeBron James.

“When I said I want to play him like LeBron, I do,” Fizdale said. “I really do want to use him, because there’s not many guys in the league at that size that have that skill set, and there’s no reason why I should put a cap on his abilities because his name isn’t LeBron James. I just see the same skill set.

He’s not a high flyer like LeBron obviously, but he can pass it, he can shoot the 3, he’s huge, he can post guys and he moves great without the basketball, so I can move him around in a lot of different spots. I do not want to put a ceiling on him. I want to see how far we can go with him and put him in a role that is positionless. … I think all it takes is a coach showing that he has the confidence in a guy to do it and develop him according to the system and then it can take place.”

"Let’s start with the obvious here: Parsons is no LeBron. Parsons isn’t as physical, isn’t as quick, isn’t as good a passer, and the list goes on. That’s not a knock on Parsons.

Can Parson’s be a poor man’s LeBron in a system that plays to his versatile strengths? Maybe. Memphis signed him over Portland (a four-year, $94 million max deal was offered by both teams) because they promised to put the ball in his hands and get him opportunities. It makes sense and can be what the Grizzlies need in a second option — give a good, smart player the ball and let him make decisions. Parsons is efficient running the pick-and-roll, so let him.


10-08-2016, 01:57 PM

10-08-2016, 02:38 PM
What does that even.....

What the ****