View Full Version : Why will you watch the Sunday debate ????

10-08-2016, 02:55 PM
Hillary has this wrapped up , so why even watch when Trump , buried himself.

Recruit Johnson and maybe Hillary would legit have to debate.

10-08-2016, 02:58 PM
Recruit Johnson for what? This shit is over. Republicans need to focus on the house and their own individual reputations here on out. Romney being the only smart one out of all fell back long before this and it made him look like the golden child. Paul Ryan, he's up in flames and personally, it's too late for him to recover.

Everyone that backed Trump, they lost credibility, in just about everything they support or believed in. Ted Cruz only recently endorsing Trump before this also looks like a fool, since Donald refused to accept it. I understand the frustration behind what Trump wants to get done. I understand Clinton has her own corrupt ways, as do every politician.

Trump was NOT the person for GOP.

10-08-2016, 03:41 PM
emasculated hillary supporters desperately trying to divert people's attention away from tomorrow's debate. they know what's coming. :roll:

10-08-2016, 04:24 PM
I'll be watching giants/Packers tomorrow night.

Jasper I remember you saying if Hillary didn't pick Bernie as her VP, we would have President Trump. Do you think Bernie supporters fell in line ?:roll: :roll:

If this election is on the up and up , Trump will still win.

Lakers Legend#32
10-08-2016, 05:12 PM
To watch Trump crash and burn, Hell Yeah I will be watching.
You can't buy this type of entertainment.

10-08-2016, 06:45 PM
I'll be watching giants/Packers tomorrow night.

Jasper I remember you saying if Hillary didn't pick Bernie as her VP, we would have President Trump. Do you think Bernie supporters fell in line ?:roll: :roll:

If this election is on the up and up , Trump will still win.

Quit frankly I thought Trump was smarter than this ...

he has ZERO debate skills ... got to come with numbers , and when Hilary gave him 2 openings in the debate , he never reacted :facepalm

The last vid / audio shows that politicians will find anything on you , to make you look bad , so if you think you might run 10 years from now = keep it clean.

Giants Packers game will be watched.