View Full Version : H R C with a commanding lead (10/9 update)

10-09-2016, 01:53 PM


10-09-2016, 01:55 PM
Is this the biggest blowout ever?

Nick Young
10-09-2016, 01:56 PM

Nate Silver gave Trump a 2% chance of coming out of the GOP primary. He is a paid stooge. It is very sad how many sheep follow his false bleatings.

Florida and OH magically turned blue according to Nate now? He is reaching further than he usually does. :roll:

10-09-2016, 01:58 PM
It's ok. I'm sure you will find a new hobby come November. :cheers:

10-09-2016, 02:12 PM
Florida and OH magically turned blue according to Nate now?

Since the last week of September (AKA Post the Humbing at Hofstra):

Quinnipiac: Clinton +5
Gravis (BREITBART): Clinton +3
PPP: Clinton +2
Mason-Dixon: Clinton +4
Marist: Clinton +3
U. of North Florida: Clinton +4

YouGov: Clinton +4
PPP: Clinton +1
William & Mary: Clinton +3
Monmouth: Clinton +2
Grove Research: Clinton +2

*Drumpf was up 5 in Ohio in 4 different A-rated polls in September, pre-Humbling.


10-09-2016, 02:20 PM
Gonna be even worse after tonight's schlonging

10-09-2016, 02:42 PM
Gonna be even worse after tonight's schlonging

If the Donald cared about the future of his business and children, he'd quit right now... Before the Burial at Washington is scheduled to go down.

He has already lost $800 million in net worth (http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/09/28/the-definitive-look-at-donald-trumps-wealth-new/#25dcc5d7e2d5) this year alone.

Secretary (soon-to-be President) Clinton's .44 will make sure all the Donald's kids don't grow if he shows up tonight.

Think of the kids, Donald.


10-09-2016, 02:54 PM
Is this the biggest blowout ever?

When parties were more mixed (Liberal Republicans, Conservative Democrats) you could have giant blowouts, but not any more.

It's possible she does better than Obama in 2009, but getting more than 400 electoral votes would be hard

Check 64, 72 and 84 for blowouts.

10-09-2016, 02:58 PM
Murricans going with the bigger evil :roll:

10-09-2016, 03:58 PM
Nah there have been worse. Back when the southern states were blue(dixiecrats). Maybe one of the worst in modern times though.

Nick Young
10-09-2016, 04:10 PM
The Trump tape doesn't matter

Source: CNN

10-09-2016, 04:31 PM
Is this the biggest blowout ever?

Nah man. Check out Ronald Reagan, Nixon or FDR.

1984 for Reagan:

1936 for FDR:

10-09-2016, 04:32 PM
The Trump tape doesn't matter

Source: CNN

They're right. For the 20% of trump diehards in the country, it won't matter. Too bad for them there's still 80% of the country that doesn't go along with them

10-09-2016, 04:33 PM
Nate Silver gave Trump a 2% chance of coming out of the GOP primary. He is a paid stooge. It is very sad how many sheep follow his false bleatings.

Florida and OH magically turned blue according to Nate now? He is reaching further than he usually does. :roll:
Say what you want about Nate Silver, but when the time comes he accurately will predict which way each state will go.

If he says Hilary will win those states then she probably will. Keep in mind if the polls change he will adjust accordingly and put Trump ahead as he already has.

Nick Young
10-09-2016, 04:41 PM
The Dems released this to try to cover up the wikileaks.
Trump is talking about groping women in private to his friends.

The wikileaks show Hillary talking about much, much worse.

The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.

An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover.

MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump.

Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.


10-09-2016, 04:56 PM
God dam

10-09-2016, 05:49 PM
The Dems released this to try to cover up the wikileaks.
Trump is talking about groping women in private to his friends.

The wikileaks show Hillary talking about much, much worse.


10-09-2016, 06:35 PM
The Dems released this to try to cover up the wikileaks.
Trump is talking about groping women in private to his friends.

The wikileaks show Hillary talking about much, much worse.


Nick Young right now