View Full Version : german press/media and Trump

10-10-2016, 05:24 AM
so guys, its not a mystery that the whole german media landscape is in favor of Hillary Clinton and is stigmatizing Trump as a racist, facist etc.pp. They are covering the american presidential debate extremly biased.

Tough, what i observed regarding articles published on the online edition of big german newspapers like DER SPIEGEL, ZEIT, FAZ, WELT, is the fact, that in the COMMENTARY SECTION, most people are AT LEAST criticizing Hillary at well, and i would say round about 55-60% of the comments are slightly IN FAVOR of Trump, saying that he will approach to Russia, ending support of Saudi Arabia and the islamistic rebells, ending the bloodbath in syria. German people didnt forget that hillary was the minister of foreign affairs during the arab spring

SO once again you have like two worlds: one, the narrow-minded, biased public media- world, the other, the opinion of the majority of the people, that isnt represented and reflected by media in the way it shoud be

SAYING this, i want to emphasize that i dont think that Trump would/will be a good president and he is maybe the exact opposite of a "perfect" president, BUT, the thing that really annoys me, is this fvcking BIASED coverage about the candidates. NOT A SINGLE word about clintons "drone assange" sentence, not a single word regarding clintons speeches in the wall street, not a single word about clintons benghazi affair, about the email affair, about being paid like 250.000 for a speech in front of a PUBLIC university ETC PP

cruz vs sanders would have been a much much better campaign

10-10-2016, 06:12 AM
of course...it

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 11:54 AM
Germany has state censored media. They don't want to give you guys true freedom for whatever reason.

10-10-2016, 12:53 PM
I saw a video of a guy asking Germans what they think of Merkel and people were visibly scared to say anything negative about her.

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 01:00 PM
I saw a video of a guy asking Germans what they think of Merkel and people were visibly scared to say anything negative about her.
holy shit where can I find this video.

10-10-2016, 01:04 PM
I saw a video of a guy asking Germans what they think of Merkel and people were visibly scared to say anything negative about her.


thats not how it is here dude

10-10-2016, 02:03 PM

thats not how it is here dude

i would say yes aw! when the camera is on you, nearly not a single member of the middle class would openly criticize Merkel or speak in favour of the AFD. if you do, you are branded as a racist, misanthropist and islamophob. the voices of the german media landscape criticizing Merkel are very very rare right now and non exisiting from sep. 2015 until march/april 2016.

and its not only the newspapers. look at the politic shows on TV ("hart aber fair"/phoenix runde/anne will/maischberger etc). the script of those shows is the following: one defendand (mostly someone who is against merkels policy) and 4-5 prosecutors, consisting of the german party landscape who are ALL behind merkel. WE dont have an parliamentary opposition, because every party in the Bundestag is behind Merkel (CDU /SPD/ die Linke/ Gr

10-10-2016, 03:49 PM
Frauke Petry is a hotty, merkel is a fatty.
