View Full Version : What is wrong with you people that support Clinton OR Trump?

Orlando Magic
10-10-2016, 02:22 PM
I honestly want to know exactly why it is that you people believe that either of these jokers have your best interest at heart.

It would seem evident to me that more than enough proven lies, hypocrisy and shady happenings surrounding Clinton have transpired that she shouldn't be this far along in the race, much less about to probably take the oval office. This is a lady who has broken the law repeatedly and straight up left troops in hostile territory just hanging in the wind and out to ****ing roast.

On the other side of things, we have a guy that gets up there and spouts whatever comes into his head without giving it much thought. While part of that is to be admired for just letting it rip instead of calculating and crafting his words to the point that they're straight up lies, the problem is that even when he's being "open and honest" a lot of the times it's straight up bullshit anyways. Those of you that found the Trump tape distasteful or shocking, or more to the point... you're surprised that those words fell out of his mouth... shame on you for being so stupid. Are any of you actually surprised that he said that kind of shit? Honestly? I will say, if it's just bullshit talk like that behind the scenes, it's hard to judge him too harshly because who among us has not said some shit in private that we would get roasted for if it aired publicly? Come on... I digress... he's a terrible candidate.

Both of these people dodge questions and lie with every other ****ing breath that they can muster...

And yet...

Every day...

I see people on this board blindly supporting and cheering for these people as if either of them one is going to have the people's best interest in mind once they take office... riiiiiggght... and I'm going to marry Ivanka Trump.

Clinton got as far as she did for two reasons... she's a name... and she pulls strings in a manipulative, dirty way behind the scenes.

Trump got as far as he did because people are tired of Clinton like politicians and the fact that he just verbally drowned everyone out... which worked... until now because now there's only one person to drown out, and thus he can't... compared to a room of 10, 5, or 3 other people...

We're ****ed either way. Neither one of them is going to balance the budget. They'd both just rack up the debt. Clinton is going to continue the shady foreign policy practices that all of the presidents before her have adopted, and Trump couldn't be trusted to negotiate with a serious head of state elsewhere.

I mean... I understand if you really hate one of them more than the other, but to act like that either one of them is a good candidate and that you're proud of them... that's just ****ing asinine. What is wrong with you? Are you all 17 years old? I genuinely don't understand.

To be a little less condescending about it, I would love it if anyone could give me 3 or 4 genuine paragraphs as to why either one of these people deserve to be our president while taking into account their track records. I don't want you to talk about the candidate you don't like. Tell me about the one that you do like and give genuine explanations for their shitty behavior and why they'd be good for the presidency... good luck.

10-10-2016, 02:23 PM
Their both pretty fcked up

10-10-2016, 02:39 PM
Not happy with either candidate, but Hillary is miles better than Trump. I will have to hold my nose to vote for her. If I had to vote for Trump I would projectile vomit. All we can do is get through these next 4 years with as little damage as possible and hope for better options in 2020

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 02:43 PM

Doomsday Dallas
10-10-2016, 02:52 PM
I can understand the appeal of Trump... it's too bad the guy has a track record of being a d-bag and can be a major jack@ss.

but unless you are woman... I do not understand what there is to like about Hillary Clinton unless you are fearful of the Donald.

That fact remains: Both of theses candidates have been exposed.

Like I've said before... if there were ever a time for America to rise up and vote for a third party... the time would be now.

These are my closing arguments regarding Trump/Hillary


"Show this world... That this is still a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important. It's up to you"

The Truth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckPa2_A8gI)

..... And Vote Jill Stein :D

10-10-2016, 02:52 PM
well people can choose to blame politicians but the blame is probably largely on us. I don't understand how people don't see that its the public that endorses what is going on by what we consume.

Orlando Magic
10-10-2016, 02:54 PM
well people can choose to blame politicians but the blame is probably largely on us. I don't understand how people don't see that its the public that endorses what is going on by what we consume.

It's not quite THAT simple, BUT... I do agree that ultimately it's our fault. You'll find zero real argument here.

Orlando Magic
10-10-2016, 02:55 PM
The Truth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckPa2_A8gI)


10-10-2016, 02:59 PM
Yeah, unless you're one of those people that believes in "tactical voting" you should vote 3rd party this year. And if you're in a state where one candidate has everything locked up, vote 3rd party anyways. You're a political zombie if you ACTUALLY believe that Trump and Clinton are the best candidates.

10-10-2016, 03:01 PM
I can understand the appeal of Trump... it's too bad the guy has a track record of being a d-bag and can be a major jack@ss.

but unless you are woman... I do not understand what there is to like about Hillary Clinton unless you are fearful of the Donald.

That fact remains: Both of theses candidates have been exposed.

Like I've said before... if there were ever a time for America to rise up and vote for a third party... the time would be now.

These are my closing arguments regarding Trump/Hillary


"Show this world... That this is still a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important. It's up to you"

The Truth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckPa2_A8gI)

..... And Vote Jill Stein :D

But youre gonna have to vote for the Donald, man

J Shuttlesworth
10-10-2016, 03:02 PM
Are there actually any true Hilary supporters? I know that people are going to vote for her, but I've never seen anyone on here speak with passion about Hilary like Nick Young/poido do about Trump. Nick Young, 9er, and poido are actually legitimately passionate about Donald Trump which is incredibly sad. At least Hilary voters are voting for her because they believe she is the lesser evil, and not because they are completely enamored with the candidate.

People like 9er, Young, and poido all have mental disorders. To be passionate about Trump, you'd have to be insane. We've seen poido make terrorist threats too so we already know he has a mental disorder.

Doomsday Dallas
10-10-2016, 03:03 PM
But youre gonna have to vote for the Donald, man

There is a voice in the back of my head that tells me to vote for Trump...

I'll admit.

But I'm choosing to ignore it. lol.

10-10-2016, 03:03 PM
Are there actually any true Hilary supporters? I know that people are going to vote for her, but I've never seen anyone on here speak with passion about Hilary like Nick Young/poido do about Trump. Nick Young, 9er, and poido are actually legitimately passionate about Donald Trump which is incredibly sad. At least Hilary voters are voting for her because they believe she is the lesser evil, and not because they are completely enamored with the candidate.

People like 9er, Young, and poido all have mental disorders. To be passionate about Trump, you'd have to be insane. We've seen poido make terrorist threats too so we already know he has a mental disorder.

DonDadda actually does and its the weirdest thing... black man with an obsession for Hillary Clinton.

10-10-2016, 03:04 PM
There is a voice in the back of my head that tells me to vote for Trump...

I'll admit.

But I'm choosing to ignore it. lol.

Just dont ignore it on November 8 :D

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 03:17 PM
Are there actually any true Hilary supporters? I know that people are going to vote for her, but I've never seen anyone on here speak with passion about Hilary like Nick Young/poido do about Trump. Nick Young, 9er, and poido are actually legitimately passionate about Donald Trump which is incredibly sad. At least Hilary voters are voting for her because they believe she is the lesser evil, and not because they are completely enamored with the candidate.

People like 9er, Young, and poido all have mental disorders. To be passionate about Trump, you'd have to be insane. We've seen poido make terrorist threats too so we already know he has a mental disorder.
I guess half of the country is insane.


10-10-2016, 03:22 PM
I think a decent % of both side's supporters hate one candidate so much that they think think they must vote for the other one.

Lakers Legend#32
10-10-2016, 03:54 PM
I did my part. I voted for Bernie in my caucus.

10-10-2016, 04:04 PM
i'm not a hillary supporter and don't remember ever talking her up, but i can recognise that she brings a lot of things to the table.

- huge amounts of experience from multiple political positions is no joke.
- say what you want about her, but she's obviously one tough cookie. almost frighteningly so, really.
- her hubby is the most gifted politician i've ever seen in my lifetime.
- i'm sure she understands how to play the game of being in office as well as anyone in town.
- she's already plugged in to all the things she needs to operate, such as connections, systems, donors, relationships with other countries, etc.
- she'll bring balance to the f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ scale of GOP / dem power
- the amount of shit flung at her (largely baseless IMO) makes me want to flip off ever more (i.e. vote for her) the conservative / GOP community who clearly lack morals / decency in flinging it at her. if those ants in their pants idiots had put together something really good against her, i would have been on board like many others, and she probably wouldn't have won the nomination.

ISH being ISH, a pack of trolls may come along and interpret all that as meaning that i'm a huge supporter of hers and don't have any problems with her. so i'll just give you my response ahead of time, which is to call you a bunch of f-cking idiots who can't read, are stuck in the juvenile stage of binary thinking, and whose "argument" skills mainly consist of pasting in more crap that you bumped in to on the internet which you didn't vet, but which most importantly supports your opinion. copy, paste and repeat.

but yeah at the end of the day, what matters far more than hillary's qualies is that captain blowhard must not be elected president, period.

Orlando Magic
10-10-2016, 04:16 PM
i'm not a hillary supporter and don't remember ever talking her up, but i can recognise that she brings a lot of things to the table.

- huge amounts of experience from multiple political positions is no joke.
- say what you want about her, but she's obviously one tough cookie. almost frighteningly so, really.
- her hubby is the most gifted politician i've ever seen in my lifetime.
- i'm sure she understands how to play the game of being in office as well as anyone in town.
- she's already plugged in to all the things she needs to operate, such as connections, systems, donors, relationships with other countries, etc.
- she'll bring balance to the f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ scale of GOP / dem power
- the amount of shit flung at her (largely baseless IMO) makes me want to flip off ever more (i.e. vote for her) the conservative / GOP community who clearly lack morals / decency in flinging it at her. if those ants in their pants idiots had put together something really good against her, i would have been on board like many others, and she probably wouldn't have won the nomination.

ISH being ISH, a pack of trolls may come along and interpret all that as meaning that i'm a huge supporter of hers and don't have any problems with her. so i'll just give you my response ahead of time, which is to call you a bunch of f-cking idiots who can't read, are stuck in the juvenile stage of binary thinking, and whose "argument" skills mainly consist of pasting in more crap that you bumped in to on the internet which you didn't vet, but which most importantly supports your opinion. copy, paste and repeat.

but yeah at the end of the day, what matters far more than hillary's qualies is that captain blowhard must not be elected president, period.

So basically you're voting against Trump. Got it.

How ****ed up is it that everyone in this thread is voting against someone, instead of for someone, rofl...

J Shuttlesworth
10-10-2016, 04:25 PM
I guess half of the country is insane.

Actually, you obviously didn't even read my post.

There is a large % of Trump voters who are only voting for Trump because he's not Hilary. that % of Trump voters are not necessarily insane. They see a different side of the "lesser of the two evils".
But the people who are insane are the idiots like you who eat up Donald's lack of substance and portray it as a positive. The fact that you are excited about either of these two idiots running the country just shows how insane you are.

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 04:32 PM
Actually, you obviously didn't even read my post.

There is a large % of Trump voters who are only voting for Trump because he's not Hilary. that % of Trump voters are not necessarily insane. They see a different side of the "lesser of the two evils".
But the people who are insane are the idiots like you who eat up Donald's lack of substance and portray it as a positive. The fact that you are excited about either of these two idiots running the country just shows how insane you are.
The candidate I wanted was Jim Webb. The Democrats threw him under the bus in the first primaries. That turned me away from the party permanently.

I stopped following the elections and didn't care.

At first I assumed that the media's Trump smears were correct. I wasn't paying attention due to lack of interest, so took the media at face value.
"Wow this guy's a racist nazi, he will be out of the race soon."

All I heard was soundbites and all I saw was pro-Hillary facebook spam.

Then Trump kept progressing and I started thinking to myself "wait, if he really is this racist and stupid, how are so many people supporting him and how is he doing so well?"

I began looking up examples of Trump's alleged racism. There wasn't any. I began listening to his speeches in context, at first thinking I was going to hear insane nazi rhetoric and that it would be funny.

Instead all I heard was common sense.

I don't agree with everything about Trump. I'm under no impression that he's a saint. I think that every billionaire on the planet is corrupt.

What I do know is that he's an outsider, in comparison to Crooked Hillary. He is not connected to all of this bureaucratic bullshit that is destroying our country. He's speaking out against PC censorship. He is speaking truth to power and calling out corrupt criminals like Hillary Clinton to their face.

It doesn't matter how incompetent he is as president. The President is a figurehead position. All he has do to is make charismatic speeches.

Competent people in his cabinet like Mike Pence are the ones who will be running things.

If nothing else, I believe that Trump has always done a good job at surrounding himself with talented people who know what they're doing.

The system of checks and balances will prevent Trump from screwing up anything too badly. The fact that he has no connection to KKKlinton's web of corruption is the main reason I am supporting him.

If Jim Webb ever runs for president again, he will have my vote.

Trump donated to both sides. He has partied with all of these people. He knows the truth about the establishment. He has partied with Hillary and probably knows her as well as anyone.

And he was willing to ostracize himself from that elite social circle by running for president against them.

He knows how ****ed up these people are and is doing his best to put an end to it.

10-10-2016, 04:52 PM
I guess half of the country is deplorabe.


10-10-2016, 05:14 PM
So basically you're voting against Trump. Got it.

How ****ed up is it that everyone in this thread is voting against someone, instead of for someone, rofl...
i don't think you quite understand. i just tried to explain that it's not so black and white for me.

yes i'm voting against trump, but i also think that hillary will be a fine president for the reasons i listed. she doesn't make me excited to vote for her, but that's a separate issue.

thing is, i don't care too much about my emotions when it comes to making the best decision i can. it's what's kept me out of a lot of trouble in life, so i have a lot of faith in that.

@nick young,
great post. :cheers:

that's the kind of post i enjoy reading from you.

10-10-2016, 05:36 PM
Trump is an arrogant, ignorant womanizer

Clinton is a deranged psychopath

Ideally neither would be an option, but the lesser of two evils seems to be Trump

Nick Young
10-10-2016, 05:37 PM
'Member when Clinton tried to compare herself to Abraham Lincoln when she got confronted on her lies and her "public and private policy"?


