View Full Version : Trump Tapes vs Wikileaks

10-10-2016, 07:54 PM
The Trumpys are going on and on about how wikileaks has some pretty damaging stuff on HRC but so far, it hasn't been as bad on the Clinton campaign as they were advertised (look at the polling, she's been consistently on top since the leaks began).

OTOH, the Trump Tape had the GOP all shook and heading to the hills and polls coming out since Pu$$ygate have shown Trump losing ground.

According to Apprentice producers, they have even more damaging tapes (one claims to have the Donald using the N word :facepalm ), and Geraldo Rivera claims to have some pretty bad stuff on Trump too. I also heard on Fox News Sunday that insiders are saying the Clinton camp have a bombshell they'll release a week before Election Day.



10-10-2016, 08:00 PM
So GOP is shook from Trump tapes but DNC is not about Wikileaks....perhaps nobody is surprised anymore with all the Clinton scandals?

I am very concerned of her scandals.

10-10-2016, 08:05 PM
The Trumpys are going on and on about how wikileaks has some pretty damaging stuff on HRC but so far, it hasn't been as bad on the Clinton campaign as they were advertised (look at the polling, she's been consistently on top since the leaks began).

OTOH, the Trump Tape had the GOP all shook and heading to the hills and polls coming out since Pu$$ygate have shown Trump losing ground.

According to Apprentice producers, they have even more damaging tapes (one claims to have the Donald using the N word :facepalm ), and Geraldo Rivera claims to have some pretty bad stuff on Trump too. I also heard on Fox News Sunday that insiders are saying the Clinton camp have a bombshell they'll release a week before Election Day.



cuz media, tbh, you barely hear about the extent of wikileaks, and they are still playing that Trump tape.

Which would be worse for you, tho, enabling high level political corruption (who knows to what end, to an end you probably will never know, just something you may see its effects down the road) or some guy who talks about groping women.

Obviously, the latter hits us because it's easier to relate to and it's been beat about our face; however... this wiki leak thing is really serious shit. The Bernie shit was serious. I think that it's amazing they swept that under the rug. This is even more serious shit. It'll be up to 'the people' to help it make the rounds because the media may cover it, but they're gonna gloss over it and not go over the more damaging part. However, social media is huge. Trump can continue to bring this shit up at the next debate.

The thing that sucks is whoever we get as pres, we will know all of the terrible things about them. I suspect the Republican machine is just as disgusting as the Democrat one, that's probably why they are anti-Trump.

They picked this loser to run against her and, for a second, he put a real scare into her. I don't think he can win, but if he does it will be epic luls. The world won't implode, but a lot of people will be like oh shit... that really happened. And it's their fault! haha. It's totally their fault. I knew they had to have something to do with his rise to power because otherwise, there's no way...
