View Full Version : Are we really fighting ISIS?

10-11-2016, 05:44 AM
So one of our presidential candidate is funded by the same people that funds ISIS.

The current president has also showed no signs of stopping ISIS. Their biggest expansion since the inception of the terror network falls under his watch.

They both don't want to call the terror network 'Radical Islam' or 'Islamic Terrorism.'

They both leak military information to the enemy on the timeline to withdraw.

Are we really fighting ISIS?

10-11-2016, 06:19 AM
We arent seriously fighting them, and tbh I dont know if we should be fighting them. I am not really sure that ISIS can be fought, at least not using conventional warfare techniques. You cant destroy an idea or way of thinking by dropping bombs, and thats what ISIS really is.

Hillary said that ISIS has been using stuff that Donald says in their recruitment propaganda, but I think the Bush/Obama bombing campaigns have recruited FAR more terrorists than any comment Donald could possibly make. We have killed thousands and thousands and thousands of innocent Iraqis, Syrians, Pakistanis, Libyans, Afghanis and Yemenis in the past 15 years since 9/11. Of course people are going to hate us, try to put yourself in their shoes.

Try to imagine if another country (imagine a much stronger version of modern day china/russia) was indiscriminately dropping bombs on US citizens because they were trying to assassinate people they deemed to be "terrorists" (whatever that means). How do you think you and the rest of the country would react to something like that? I think if my loved ones were randomly killed as collateral damage in a foreign drone strike, I would probably dedicate the rest of my life to seeking out revenge.

Maybe ISIS wouldnt have ever sprung into existence if the US and their allies had not recently destabilized ALL of the middle eastern countries where ISIS now thrives.

Maybe you cant bomb someone into liking you?

Unfortunately, someones gotta get bombed. Thats just capitalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY

10-11-2016, 08:52 AM
The most effective single action the US could do to stop ISIS would be to very publicly announce that they will not take any further part in middle eastern conflicts.


a) Ends the training of young radicals by the CIA who are inevitably absorbed by IS or one of the various Nusra groups

b) Ends the transfer of arms from the US to these young radicals (and thus inevitably IS or one of the various Nusra groups)

c) Ends one of the major magnet drawing these young radicals into combat; the promise of social mobility (they will be the new oligarchs in whatever state is left in the wake of the war, if only they join the fight!)

d) Creates a stability of circumstance, creating a Darwinian environment in which the most stable group comes out on top.