View Full Version : Trump just made an all time great speech in American history: GETTYSBURG LEAGUE

Nick Young
10-14-2016, 04:43 AM

10-14-2016, 04:55 AM
"I did try to **** her. She was married. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her furniture shopping."

-Donald J. Trump 2005

10-14-2016, 06:44 AM

You do realize that the biggest dictators in history claimed exactly the same thing? This is a classic example of Trump being a demagogue.

10-14-2016, 06:48 AM
Right up there with "grab 'em by the pu$$y"

10-14-2016, 07:32 AM

10-14-2016, 08:00 AM

People actually believe this man will make a difference or do anything different? :lol :lol :lol

He cares so much about taxes and helping out the country that he avoids paying taxes at any cost, taking advantage of loopholes and brags about it.

He LIES about donating to charity

He uses his own non-profit organization to donate on his behalf and uses that same non profit money to pay for his debt, but he'd brag about that to and say it's smart.

His cabinet will be composed of selfish billionaires that are out to get even richer.

He cares so much about making this country great again that he often refers to a time when blacks were beaten, and racist laws were the norm nationwide.

And how will he accomplish all this?

He's smart, very smart!!! some might say the best smart man of all time! how smart is he??

Smart enough to drive multiple companies out of business, smart enough to go bankrupt many times.

How will he unite a country if he can't even unite his own party? the GOP has been at its worse since forever. It has never been this divided, he's lost people in his own campaign, people that used to back him have quit on him, he's hired idiots to speak on shows on his behalf.

The idiot is so bad at lying that he forgets what he said just a week ago ON TAPE!! does he not know the internet and cameras exist??? he lies about what he said on a live nationally broadcasted debate for god's sake.

He cares so much about the common folk, that he doesn't pay them, his excuse "they did a crap job", he'd f*ck Americans over just like he did the countless of others.

But you idiots buy all of his crap because he tells it like it is, he's sticking it to the politicians, Rage against the machine!!! He's just gonna replace the crooks in Washington with his own crooked greedy pals to line their pockets. Change laws to profit him and his buddies and laugh it off.

10-14-2016, 08:03 AM
People actually believe this man will make a difference or do anything different? :lol :lol :lol

He cares so much about taxes and helping out the country that he avoids paying taxes at any cost, taking advantage of loopholes and brags about it.

He LIES about donating to charity

He uses his own non-profit organization to donate on his behalf and uses that same non profit money to pay for his debt, but he'd brag about that to and say it's smart.

His cabinet will be composed of selfish billionaires that are out to get even richer.

He cares so much about making this country great again that he often refers to a time when blacks were beaten, and racist laws were the norm nationwide.

And how will he accomplish all this?

He's smart, very smart!!! some might say the best smart man of all time! how smart is he??

Smart enough to drive multiple companies out of business, smart enough to go bankrupt many times.

How will he unite a country if he can't even unite his own party? the GOP has been at its worse since forever. It has never been this divided, he's lost people in his own campaign, people that used to back him have quit on him, he's hired idiots to speak on shows on his behalf.

The idiot is so bad at lying that he forgets what he said just a week ago ON TAPE!! does he not know the internet and cameras exist??? he lies about what he said on a live nationally broadcasted debate for god's sake.

He cares so much about the common folk, that he doesn't pay them, his excuse "they did a crap job", he'd f*ck Americans over just like he did the countless of others.

But you idiots buy all of his crap because he tells it like it is, he's sticking it to the politicians, Rage against the machine!!! He's just gonna replace the crooks in Washington with his own crooked greedy pals to line their pockets. Change laws to profit him and his buddies and laugh it off.

You talking about Trump or Hillary here?

10-14-2016, 08:22 AM
You talking about Trump or Hillary here?

Hillary is a politician and will lie to get votes, she's easy to figure out and control.

Trump is a business man and will not be swayed by political motivations. He is out for himself and himself only. He won't care what voters want, he won't try to appeal to the voters, he won't care about them he will only care about himself.

And if you truly want to compare the two, at least Hillary whether it's for political reasons has actually done something for the public in one way or another.

Trump? not a damn thing.

It'd be one thing if Trump had a track record of doing things for the benefit and good of the people, but it's actually the OPPOSITE.

His track record is screwing people over and over to look out for Trump himself.

So I would oppose going with that argument for your sake, otherwise you'll look like a fool again.

10-14-2016, 08:36 AM
I think it sounded better in its original czarist russian.

10-14-2016, 09:03 AM
Hillary is a politician and will lie to get votes, she's easy to figure out and control.

Trump is a business man and will not be swayed by political motivations. He is out for himself and himself only. He won't care what voters want, he won't try to appeal to the voters, he won't care about them he will only care about himself.

And if you truly want to compare the two, at least Hillary whether it's for political reasons has actually done something for the public in one way or another.

Trump? not a damn thing.

It'd be one thing if Trump had a track record of doing things for the benefit and good of the people, but it's actually the OPPOSITE.

His track record is screwing people over and over to look out for Trump himself.

So I would oppose going with that argument for your sake, otherwise you'll look like a fool again.

I'm in no way a die hard fan of Trump. But to act as if they are entirely different is ludicrous. Hillary had better have done something for the public. She was in politics for 20+ years. It'd be.impossible not to stumble into doing right some of the time. What do you expect from trump? He was a business man. He did what he did and made money. That was his job. Just like I don't hold Kathy Shelton against Hillary. She did her job.

You say trump will only look out for himself and not the voters. Has he held political office before? So how do you know that. Other than using the transitive property where he had no true checks and balances with his businesses?

We have seen wiki leaks proving that Hillary will watch out for her pay to play connections. Guess who those are? The lef's rich. She will always answer to them and not the public. Her opinions change based on what the most recent check was for.

If you want to rant about dirt rather than what they will do, you will be the fool in the end with the Clintons laundry list of corruption. We are picking between a selfish piece of shit and a corrupt, lying piece of shit. Good luck America.

10-14-2016, 09:32 AM
I'm in no way a die hard fan of Trump. But to act as if they are entirely different is ludicrous. Hillary had better have done something for the public. She was in politics for 20+ years. It'd be.impossible not to stumble into doing right some of the time. What do you expect from trump? He was a business man. He did what he did and made money. That was his job. Just like I don't hold Kathy Shelton against Hillary. She did her job.

You say trump will only look out for himself and not the voters. Has he held political office before? So how do you know that. Other than using the transitive property where he had no true checks and balances with his businesses?

We have seen wiki leaks proving that Hillary will watch out for her pay to play connections. Guess who those are? The lef's rich. She will always answer to them and not the public. Her opinions change based on what the most recent check was for.

If you want to rant about dirt rather than what they will do, you will be the fool in the end with the Clintons laundry list of corruption. We are picking between a selfish piece of shit and a corrupt, lying piece of shit. Good luck America.

You said it yourself, Hillary was in office. So even if she lucked into doing something for the people she did. There are politicians that never do, or all they do is the opposite. But she actually did some legit shit, whether she was just a bystander at least she was involved.

There have been billionaires that have contributed to society. There have been billionaires that actually care about the world and their country and have made actual sacrifices, they have started legit charities and organizations that have made a difference inpeople's lives and not stolen from them or used them for their own selfish reasons.

There has been public figures and celebs that have championed for the people and done great things to help the world.

Trump has done NOTHING of sorts, but make failed business attempt after failed business attempt, that's what HE considers a 'sacrifice'. He has cheated, stolen, defrauded from other companies, he has used every loophole imaginable to get away with shit some that are borderline criminal.

So Hillary lies about what she truly believes in, that's all politicians, be a grown up and deal with it not a shocking revelation.

You wanna know why other GOP members don't go hard after her? because then ALL OF THEM WILL GET EXPOSED!

That's how politics works, and Trump has done NOTHING to indicate he would not try to profit from it. He has done nothing to show that he does not lie to make himself look good or get out of trouble.

One is the lesser of the two evils.

Hillary is simply more fit to run the white house than Trump. He can't even keep his own party united, he can't even keep his own camp in tact, he can't even coordinate the proper talking points in order.

He has a hard time to fund raise money for his campaign, the GOP isn't even gonna give him money for ads, that's bad management. If he can't even get money for ads from his own party how do you think he will govern???

Serious questions.. he's the master negotiator, how is he gonna do anything he says he will do if he can't even do the most basic shit?

he can't even select the proper advisors to help run the campaign, doesn't select the proper advisors to give him fact checks, doesn't have the proper advisors to help strategize, doesn't have the proper advisors to get legit information regarding issues. He gets his ideas from other billionaires that have no clue on what they're talking bout.

he doesn't even have the right plan of attack to go at Hillary. They're using the Wikileaks which mainly make Podesta look bad, they're attacking Bill Clinton which has been proven to be a mistake in the past and something other GOP members have urged against.

He makes mistake after mistake, say what you will about Hillary, she runs a tight ship. She is more fit and able to run the office than Trump.

At least we know the White House won't go bankrupt with her there.:lol

10-14-2016, 10:06 AM
You said it yourself, Hillary was in office. So even if she lucked into doing something for the people she did. There are politicians that never do, or all they do is the opposite. But she actually did some legit shit, whether she was just a bystander at least she was involved.

There have been billionaires that have contributed to society. There have been billionaires that actually care about the world and their country and have made actual sacrifices, they have started legit charities and organizations that have made a difference inpeople's lives and not stolen from them or used them for their own selfish reasons.

There has been public figures and celebs that have championed for the people and done great things to help the world.

Trump has done NOTHING of sorts, but make failed business attempt after failed business attempt, that's what HE considers a 'sacrifice'. He has cheated, stolen, defrauded from other companies, he has used every loophole imaginable to get away with shit some that are borderline criminal.

So Hillary lies about what she truly believes in, that's all politicians, be a grown up and deal with it not a shocking revelation.

You wanna know why other GOP members don't go hard after her? because then ALL OF THEM WILL GET EXPOSED!

That's how politics works, and Trump has done NOTHING to indicate he would not try to profit from it. He has done nothing to show that he does not lie to make himself look good or get out of trouble.

One is the lesser of the two evils.

Hillary is simply more fit to run the white house than Trump. He can't even keep his own party united, he can't even keep his own camp in tact, he can't even coordinate the proper talking points in order.

He has a hard time to fund raise money for his campaign, the GOP isn't even gonna give him money for ads, that's bad management. If he can't even get money for ads from his own party how do you think he will govern???

Serious questions.. he's the master negotiator, how is he gonna do anything he says he will do if he can't even do the most basic shit?

he can't even select the proper advisors to help run the campaign, doesn't select the proper advisors to give him fact checks, doesn't have the proper advisors to help strategize, doesn't have the proper advisors to get legit information regarding issues. He gets his ideas from other billionaires that have no clue on what they're talking bout.

he doesn't even have the right plan of attack to go at Hillary. They're using the Wikileaks which mainly make Podesta look bad, they're attacking Bill Clinton which has been proven to be a mistake in the past and something other GOP members have urged against.

He makes mistake after mistake, say what you will about Hillary, she runs a tight ship. She is more fit and able to run the office than Trump.

At least we know the White House won't go bankrupt with her there.:lol

So you choose to hang your hat on the handful of good (very small handful) and completely ignore the overwhelmingly bad? This isnt the MLB where failing 70% of the time makes you an all star.

So all politicians lieing about what they believe in makes it ok? You are essentially saying well everyone does it so it's no big deal!!! That's absolute insamity. These are elected reps...we don't pay their salaries to lie to us and not do what they say. If you are fine with corruption because it's status quo. Good on you. Just be man enough to admit that's your argument and don't sugar coat it.

I for one want to fix the issue at the source. Not put a bandaid on a bullet hole like it sounds like you want. You are right. I'd bet all of Washington is corrupt. And I want to see it fixed. I don't think trump will be the guy to fix it, but he will be more of a step in the right direction.

You answered your own question on the somewhat divided GOP. If you are involved in the mess, do you really want to support a candidate that may expose you? Cmon now. Think for a minute.

The only reason the DNC appears to be united is because the media and DNC never gave anyone else a chance. You were basically told that you wI'll elect Hillary. People joke that Trump is Hitler. The DNC just said **** democracy within their own party.

10-14-2016, 10:11 AM
Hillary is simply more fit to run the white house than Trump.

Based on her not recalling anything from her time as SOS...

For the record, do you believe her claims, or no?

10-14-2016, 10:38 AM
So you choose to hang your hat on the handful of good (very small handful) and completely ignore the overwhelmingly bad? This isnt the MLB where failing 70% of the time makes you an all star.

So all politicians lieing about what they believe in makes it ok? You are essentially saying well everyone does it so it's no big deal!!! That's absolute insamity. These are elected reps...we don't pay their salaries to lie to us and not do what they say. If you are fine with corruption because it's status quo. Good on you. Just be man enough to admit that's your argument and don't sugar coat it.

I for one want to fix the issue at the source. Not put a bandaid on a bullet hole like it sounds like you want. You are right. I'd bet all of Washington is corrupt. And I want to see it fixed. I don't think trump will be the guy to fix it, but he will be more of a step in the right direction.

You answered your own question on the somewhat divided GOP. If you are involved in the mess, do you really want to support a candidate that may expose you? Cmon now. Think for a minute.

The only reason the DNC appears to be united is because the media and DNC never gave anyone else a chance. You were basically told that you wI'll elect Hillary. People joke that Trump is Hitler. The DNC just said **** democracy within their own party.

Good try at attempting to spin this, but it aint gonna work.

YES all politicians are liars and corrupt to a degree, it's the nature of what they do.

Trump is corrupt and selfish as well, he has a history of doing this.

Now that we understand that both of them are liars and corrupt it's time to select the lesser of the two evils.

And it's also clear cut as to who is more capable at running a government and dealing with all of its intricacies. It's as clear as can be, Trump isn't capable of running shit! We know Hillary's agenda and she might do some good even for the simple fact that she cares about her polling and place in history just like other politicians do. But at least she has some understanding of the law, she has understanding of international politics and the consequences, she is a liar and a good one and we will need that to deal with foreign countries.

Trump on the other hand will go off on a Twitter rant and insult half of the world's leaders, tarnish any diplomacy work we've done, make our national security worse by insulting half of the world, etc.

He can't even run his campaign properly, he can't even keep a solid message going out to the public. His campaign strategists come up with a game plan and he messes that up, the communication in his camp is a joke, his spoke people literally get laughed at and even felt pity for because he makes their job hard. Imagine when he's not representing just his camp or party but the country? seriously, think about how idiotic he will be how silly he'll make us look.

Hillary would lie and lie, but we will not be seen as a joke as we CURRENTLY are.

YES the world thinks Trump and his supporters are JOKE. Poll after poll, people think Americans are a joke for even entertaining him as a candidate let alone being the front runner for a major political party. We will be a laughing stock by the world if he gets elected, we will be tested and disrespected by all. I can almost guarantee that the American dollar will lose it's value as soon as he gets elected.

Pray to god that he isn't elected, because it will be the beginning of the end. Starting with the American dollar losing it's value. Trading partners will back away, sanctions and agreements will be eroded, civll unrest will roam all the streets specially after he announces martial law, it will not be pretty.

Unless there is a coup which I believe will happen if he gets elected.

10-14-2016, 11:23 AM
You do realize that the biggest dictators in history claimed exactly the same thing? This is a classic example of Trump being a demagogue.
Erm, they're all demagogues you nitwit. "hope and change" "stronger together" "make America great again"--give me a break :facepalm.

There is little more foolish than those silly people who prattle on about "democracy", while bemoaning "demagoguery" in the same breath. "Democracy" (as is currently understood) is the product of demagoguery; don't be proud of drawing an arbitrary line of where demagogic tactics become something sordid, when you've already long ceded the principle (FDR was a first-rate demagogue, so was Teddy, so was Kennedy, and so is Obama--demagogues are traditionally the only people capable of getting shit done in fully democratic nations). There's a reason the entire political machine is dominated by cliche-spewing demagogues and the slimy financiers backing them.

10-14-2016, 12:10 PM
I didnt spin anything. You said:

So Hillary lies about what she truly believes in, that's all politicians, be a grown up and deal with it not a shocking revelation.

What do you expect to be deduced from that comment?

Trump has a history of shady business practices. HilLary has a history of shady political practices being involved in many levels of political corruptness. We are supposed to belive Hillary will act in our best interest now? Not a chance.

Did you vote for Hillary in 2008? did you overlook Obama's lack of experience? How do you think he did in the white house? If you think that Obama did well, then your argument against trump holds no water. Otherwise, we actually agree in something. :cheers:

Consequences? Lol. Hillary sees no consequences because she is never reprimanded. Be realistic.

You need to be able to lie to negotiate? Not sure what formal negotiation training you have done, but I assure you, that's not part of the process.

There is no facts that say Trump will do any worse in IA other than you talking out of your ass.

Yes. Hillary understands international politics. She hates Russia, and speculations are that she wants to go to war with them. How will that help international relations.

Understanding of the law? She doesn't recall what that word means.

10-14-2016, 12:24 PM


Nick Young
10-14-2016, 12:32 PM
The Hillary apologists are going in to desperation spin mode here.

Very amusing.

10-14-2016, 07:39 PM
Who wrote that? Trump is too big of a moron to even understand what those words mean. Hypocrite #1 and a fraud inheriting his daddy's wealth (not self-made) just spouting what his team gives him.

Of all presidential candidates, he spoke at the level of a 4th grader. He must have hired someone new to write this speech to sound intelligent to his dumbass supporters like Nickyoung, who take whatever tomfoolery Trump sells them.

[QUOTE]Donald Trump

Nick Young
10-14-2016, 11:02 PM
Who wrote that? Trump is too big of a moron to even understand what those words mean. Hypocrite #1 and a fraud inheriting his daddy's wealth (not self-made) just spouting what his team gives him.

Of all presidential candidates, he spoke at the level of a 4th grader. He must have hired someone new to write this speech to sound intelligent to his dumbass supporters like Nickyoung, who take whatever tomfoolery Trump sells them.

Donald Trump is more intelligent and accomplished than you will ever be.

10-15-2016, 05:13 AM
Donald Trump is more intelligent and accomplished than you will ever be.

I wish my daddy had all that money to loan me. If I only had $6 million and if I could only get more massive loans under my daddy calling in favors from different banks. Guy is a fraud.

10-15-2016, 07:16 AM
I wish my daddy had all that money to loan me. If I only had $6 million and if I could only get more massive loans under my daddy calling in favors from different banks. Guy is a fraud.

Yup. Because every millionaire turns 10 into hundreds. Because it's that easy!!

10-15-2016, 09:14 AM
I wish my daddy had all that money to loan me. If I only had $6 million and if I could only get more massive loans under my daddy calling in favors from different banks. Guy is a fraud.

From your bio here it sounds like you have personal issues you need to work through.

10-15-2016, 10:37 AM
There was a riff about Herb Kohl running for Senate here in Wisconsin.

My argument to those that did not like this wealth man to become a senator :


So my argument about Trump is the same.

So why would Hillary want to be president :confusedshrug:

My thoughts are because she wants to be the first woman president.

10-15-2016, 11:00 AM
You said it yourself, Hillary was in office. So even if she lucked into doing something for the people she did. There are politicians that never do, or all they do is the opposite. But she actually did some legit shit, whether she was just a bystander at least she was involved.

There have been billionaires that have contributed to society. There have been billionaires that actually care about the world and their country and have made actual sacrifices, they have started legit charities and organizations that have made a difference inpeople's lives and not stolen from them or used them for their own selfish reasons.

There has been public figures and celebs that have championed for the people and done great things to help the world.

Trump has done NOTHING of sorts, but make failed business attempt after failed business attempt, that's what HE considers a 'sacrifice'. He has cheated, stolen, defrauded from other companies, he has used every loophole imaginable to get away with shit some that are borderline criminal.

So Hillary lies about what she truly believes in, that's all politicians, be a grown up and deal with it not a shocking revelation.

You wanna know why other GOP members don't go hard after her? because then ALL OF THEM WILL GET EXPOSED!

That's how politics works, and Trump has done NOTHING to indicate he would not try to profit from it. He has done nothing to show that he does not lie to make himself look good or get out of trouble.

One is the lesser of the two evils.

Hillary is simply more fit to run the white house than Trump. He can't even keep his own party united, he can't even keep his own camp in tact, he can't even coordinate the proper talking points in order.

He has a hard time to fund raise money for his campaign, the GOP isn't even gonna give him money for ads, that's bad management. If he can't even get money for ads from his own party how do you think he will govern???

Serious questions.. he's the master negotiator, how is he gonna do anything he says he will do if he can't even do the most basic shit?

he can't even select the proper advisors to help run the campaign, doesn't select the proper advisors to give him fact checks, doesn't have the proper advisors to help strategize, doesn't have the proper advisors to get legit information regarding issues. He gets his ideas from other billionaires that have no clue on what they're talking bout.

he doesn't even have the right plan of attack to go at Hillary. They're using the Wikileaks which mainly make Podesta look bad, they're attacking Bill Clinton which has been proven to be a mistake in the past and something other GOP members have urged against.

He makes mistake after mistake, say what you will about Hillary, she runs a tight ship. She is more fit and able to run the office than Trump.

At least we know the White House won't go bankrupt with her there.:lol

Not even pretending to read that meltdown