View Full Version : Let's be honest.If 9'er,Nick Young & dude77 didn't pimp Trump so hard, you'd love him

East River Livn'
10-14-2016, 11:29 PM
Real talk


Nick Young
10-14-2016, 11:30 PM
America loves Trump.

10-14-2016, 11:31 PM
America loves Trump.
you mean trailer parks

10-14-2016, 11:36 PM
I actually don't mind Trump, he's pretty funny off the cuff in a sophmoric kind of way.

Get that man 'nother TV show.

Just keep him away from the White House.

East River Livn'
10-14-2016, 11:48 PM
you mean trailer parks

two trailer park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside



10-14-2016, 11:50 PM
OP is mad

10-14-2016, 11:51 PM
yeah, I always make decisions on political issues based on what I read on online basketball message boards

East River Livn'
10-14-2016, 11:55 PM
yeah, I always make decisions on political issues based on what I read on online basketball message boards

41k posts in 5 years says otherwise

10-15-2016, 12:17 AM
not really, but now that I have a loser leaves bet with Nick Young on the election (if Hillary wins he walks away forever, no alts) I feel a moral duty as a citizen of ISH to see it through. It is best for our community.

Up until the rapey bits, I thought Donald might win, but now he is sunk, I see about 20 women coming forward and I think marching out the ghosts of Bill Clinton's past will eventually turn Hillary into a sympathetic figure (it will only take one woman to say 'hey ladies, are we going to ruin this lady because her husband is a piece of shit?' and Hillary will be overwhelmed with 90% of the female vote, and 100% of the betaboy new-america male feminista pu$$y vote, which will carry her alone).

in short this thing is well past over, and a lot of the more vociferous Don supporters are probably not even registered.

Donald will cry foul, start his own news network with guys like Billy Bush and Nigel Ferage having shows.

The right will fracture, but then so will the left and we will have a three party system in the US.

The Donald right
The center establishment
The Bernie left

Center establishment will control for the foreseeable future.


10-15-2016, 12:27 AM
not really, but now that I have a loser leaves bet with Nick Young on the election (if Hillary wins he walks away forever, no alts) I feel a moral duty as a citizen of ISH to see it through. It is best for our community.

Up until the rapey bits, I thought Donald might win, but now he is sunk, I see about 20 women coming forward and I think marching out the ghosts of Bill Clinton's past will eventually turn Hillary into a sympathetic figure (it will only take one woman to say 'hey ladies, are we going to ruin this lady because her husband is a piece of shit?' and Hillary will be overwhelmed with 90% of the female vote, and 100% of the betaboy new-america male feminista pu$$y vote, which will carry her alone).

in short this thing is well past over, and a lot of the more vociferous Don supporters are probably not even registered.

Donald will cry foul, start his own news network with guys like Billy Bush and Nigel Ferage having shows.

The right will fracture, but then so will the left and we will have a three party system in the US.

The Donald right
The center establishment
The Bernie left

Center establishment will control for the foreseeable future.

nick won't see it through. after the election, when trump loses, nick will not leave. he'll say something to the effect of "i played you all chumps, i never planned on leaving." - followed by a dicaprio toasting gif.

if the admins forced him to leave, his doctor might have to increase his lithium dosage.

10-15-2016, 12:55 AM
The right will fracture, but then so will the left and we will have a three party system in the US.

The Donald right
The center establishment
The Bernie left

Center establishment will control for the foreseeable future.


I dunno...

It's interesting because the left is also social. I kind of feel the social aspect will always be pushed further left to more liberal, and that will be where real 'hip' people are. The hip people control the media right now. No one is saying woah woah wait a minute, that's too far left for me.

That presents a problem for your scenario. It's possible. More likely what happened is Donald Trump, who may have had good intention, will cause the reformation of the Republican party... which may have changed, while the left eats up a large amount of time in control.

This would further give chances to destroy say... Christianity, pro-life, guns, etc... all of the issues the left disliked, as well as personify anti-establishment republicans as poor character people (as they already have, but slaying Trump in the media, when they made him the personification of 'the old guard', is going to make big waves.)

So really, the actual truth is Donald Trump, assuming his supporters don't fall back into their regular places and pretend he never existed, will be part of a giant victory for the establishment... which is going to be the left for the forseeable future.

Maybe he was in on it all along...?


East River Livn'
10-15-2016, 01:13 AM
I dunno...

It's interesting because the left is also social. I kind of feel the social aspect will always be pushed further left to more liberal, and that will be where real 'hip' people are. The hip people control the media right now. No one is saying woah woah wait a minute, that's too far left for me.

That presents a problem for your scenario. It's possible. More likely what happened is Donald Trump, who may have had good intention, will cause the reformation of the Republican party... which may have changed, while the left eats up a large amount of time in control.

This would further give chances to destroy say... Christianity, pro-life, guns, etc... all of the issues the left disliked, as well as personify anti-establishment republicans as poor character people (as they already have, but slaying Trump in the media, when they made him the personification of 'the old guard', is going to make big waves.)

So really, the actual truth is Donald Trump, assuming his supporters don't fall back into their regular places and pretend he never existed, will be part of a giant victory for the establishment... which is going to be the left for the forseeable future.

Maybe he was in on it all along...?



10-15-2016, 06:39 AM
Real talk

Nope he was always an ass before politics, but I could just ignore him bc I dont watch trash tv. Now that he's in politics he's dangerous, appealing to the weak minded and stupid. ISH tards havent changed a thing.