View Full Version : CORRRUPTION: Obama invites convicted felon to visit him in the White House 342 times

Nick Young
10-19-2016, 01:58 PM
James O'Keefe

.@FLOTUS @POTUS why did you invite convicted felon @rbcreamer who oversaw @realDonaldTrump rally agitators to the @WhiteHouse 342 Times?


O'Keefe and Assange will go down in the history books. They are saving journalism and they are saving our country.


10-19-2016, 02:32 PM
What Creamer has gotten away with this year alone is even worse than what he was convicted for. :biggums:

I seriously can't believe no one is talking about these videos. They are obviously legitimate and even more incriminating than the hacked emails. We're talking about MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE (as a means to suppress free speech and the democratic process). I mean wake up people.

Posters like DonDadda and Real Men Wear Green aren't touching these topics and I don't blame them. They bring the whole curtain down. :facepalm

Nick Young
10-19-2016, 02:35 PM
What Creamer has gotten away with this year alone is even worse than what he was convicted for. :biggums:

I seriously can't believe no one is talking about these videos. They are obviously legitimate and even more incriminating than the hacked emails. We're talking about MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD and INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE (as a means to suppress free speech and the democratic process). I mean wake up people.

Posters like DonDadda and Real Men Wear Green aren't touching these topics and I don't blame them. They bring the whole curtain down. :facepalm
The internet is talking about these videos. (http://i.imgur.com/KLpuVE3.png) It was the #1 trending video on youtube last night. Millions have viewed it. Gingrich called for a full investigation last night. The mainstream media isn't picking it up because they're all implicated in the scandal.

These elections will come down to a battle of New media vs Old media.

We'll see what Trump does tonight to publicize the O'Keefe videos and wikileaks during the debates.

I still think it is going to take the Racist Hillary video dropping to fully kill her off. I don't think Obama and Michelle will be able to continue to shill for her once the video of Hillary racially abusing a black woman comes out. It will be virtually impossible for the media to spin.

10-19-2016, 09:45 PM

Corruption must be actively fought against or prevented, and a great example of that was the Prophet Idris/Enoch.

10-20-2016, 03:37 AM
And people wonder why many voters would prefer almost anyone to another corrupt, lying and scheming piece of shit politician? What is especially noticeable is what this reveals about the Obama State Department, and his many abuses of power; he is a part of the same corrupt racket as the Clintons--just another corrupt asshole willing to sell his country down the river for power and prestige.

The best term to describe his government is gangster government, and these leaks and videos confirm some of the worst suspicions about him:


This kind of stuff is pure cronyism; this is the same man who proposed the most transparent administration EVER; he is a complete and utter fraud.

10-20-2016, 03:59 AM
Seem apropros:
