View Full Version : WikiLeaks provides MORE evidence Kaine was awarded VP for stepping down from DNC.

10-21-2016, 11:14 AM
Isn't this nuts? It's like 2016's version of Game of Thrones.

To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2015-07-15 22:26 Subject: Bob Glennon

Won't stop assuring Sens Brown and Heitkamp (at dinner now) that HRC has personally told Tim Kaine he's the veep. A little unseemly

It's all becoming clear:

~ In 2011, Tim Kaine decided, at the encouragement of his “friend and political ally” President Obama, to vacate his position as DNC Chairman to pursue a seat in the Senate. That seat was being vacated by Democratic Senator Jim Webb, whom you will remember as one of the dummy opponents the Democratic party fed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primaries.

~ Kaine’s chair was then occupied by one Deborah Wasserman Schultz, who according to this Politico article was selected by President Obama “for her strength as a fundraiser and as a television messenger and for her clout in the crucial swing state of Florida.” Before she became DNC Chairwoman, Wasserman Schultz was perhaps best known for her work as the co-chair for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

What was Tim Kaine offered in return? What could they offer that would be more prestigious than the leader of the Democrat party?

How about Vice President of the United States?

In an email dated July 15, 2015, a public affairs specialist named Erick Mullen wrote to John Podesta, Chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, complaining of the “unseemly” way a Mr. Bob Glennon was assuring Democratic Senators Sherrod Brown and Heidi Heitcamp that Hillary Clinton had personally told Senator Tim Kaine that he will be her Vice President.

In case you missed the date, this was July of 2015, not 2016, many months before the first Democratic primaries even began. Clinton didn’t publicly announce that Kaine was her running mate until more than a year after this email was sent.

Why was a candidate for the presidency of the United States promising somebody one of the most important offices a President can assign, more than a year before she was required to choose a running mate? It can’t be just because she thought Kaine was the best man for the job; there’d be no reason to tie down so far in advance the single most important decision a presidential candidate can make in a constantly-shifting political environment. If merit is all you’re after, you keep an eye on your choices and think carefully about the pros and cons of each one, making your decision when the time comes.

No, you only promise important things to people who give you something important in exchange.

Charlie Sheen
10-21-2016, 11:35 AM
:confusedshrug: Isn't this a function of party politics? What's the big deal?

10-21-2016, 11:38 AM
Lol, now it's a scandal to be coordinated as a party.

I can see how the GOP would think that considering the Dumpster Fire Priebus and Ryan have been running for the past 4 years.

10-21-2016, 11:43 AM
:confusedshrug: Isn't this a function of party politics? What's the big deal?

In a way, sure. I don't think there is anything illegal here. That wasn't what I was getting at...

If this is true, Kaine was promised a VP spot from for Clinton from Obama 5 years ago IF he was willing to step down as the DNC chair so that DWS could be placed as the head of the DNC in order to help manipulate the party in order for Clinton to win the primary.

That's nuts.

Nick Young
10-21-2016, 12:46 PM

-Young Hillary was kicked off the Watergate investigation commission for being too corrupt.

-Kaine agreed to step down from leading the DNC in exchange for a gauranteed VP spot in the elections that DWC and HRC were planning on rigging.

-DWS and Brazile and several other high ranking members of the DNC leadership collaborated together to rig the DNC primaries. When DWS got caught, she resigned in disgrace from her position, Hillary hired her in to her campaign the same day.