View Full Version : White Privilege vs White Guilt

Patrick Chewing
10-21-2016, 09:39 PM
Which of these do you guys think is more prevalent in this country? Which one of these has done more damage to the country?

As another poster said recently, there is a strong belief that White Guilt is what got Barack Hussein Obama elected. Partially because he is Black and because of his middle name/Muslim roots. It's debatable, but White Guilt is more than likely responsible for the Politically Correct and Social Justice Warrior culture that has overtaken this country in the last few years. You cannot walk a block in your neighborhood or utter a sentence without offending someone and coming off as a bigot.

Then, some people will make the argument that your bigotry stems from your White Privilege and your inability to look beyond color and your inability to separate yourself from your so-called privileges. People will make the argument that it is because of White Privilege that Blacks are and will always be at a disadvantage as well as other minorities. White Privilege is either inherently racist and any White Person from affluent means cannot and will not ever understand the struggle of the minority citizen and this is the root cause of all the unruliness in today's society.

What say you ISH?

10-21-2016, 11:19 PM
neither of them are significant, and hillary/obama are only getting elected because of rigged polls http://www.thecoli.com/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/troll.png

10-22-2016, 04:27 AM
Funny enough, in one of the recent leaked emails, Hillary's campaign chairman said that the Obama campaign rigged a few primaries with voter fraud.

So, the Clinton team fully believes in voter fraud when they're on the losing end.

Patrick Chewing
10-22-2016, 03:35 PM
Everyone avoiding this topic like the plague. You're all amongst friends.

Nick Young
10-22-2016, 04:04 PM
I think you got to give Obama some credit where it's due. We all talk shit about him because of the crap job he did as president, but in terms of his first election, he seemed like a breath of fresh air and was very inspirational.

He is charismatic, funny and likable. That's how he got elected. He is horrible in terms of policy and decision making but he's a brilliant orator.

I was even thinking about voting Obama in 2008. Ultimately though, I realized he was probably just BSing like every other politician, and I didn't want to give him my vote because I'd feel responsible for any shit decisions he might make.

Looking back I am proud I didn't vote Obama in 08 but he definitely almost had me convinced.

I understand why he won in 08.

2012, I will never understand how Obama won. Obviously now we know that the DNC probably rigged it. I guess people were still giving Obamacare the benefit of the doubt.

10-22-2016, 08:29 PM
White privilege is complete BS. In fact, the Supreme Court has ruled that having white skin color hinders your chances of getting into college: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-affirmativeaction-idUSKCN0Z91N3

While white guilt is currently being taught in our public schools and universities:


It's been ingrained into the minds of our youth (like TheWinningFam) and it's going to continue to get worse