View Full Version : Anyone else feels kinda bad for AD?

10-29-2016, 08:50 AM
I don't know. I mean, even his closest comparison in terms of frustration was KG. And KG experienced -some- success, and had -some- good teammates. And a rather good coach in Flip.

Heck, they were a force in the West until 2005.
AD kinda feels like he is playing with people who wouldn't make the rotation on some teams, and be key-bench guys for others.

Tyreke looks good when he sees the floor,
Holiday, I dunno, incosistent imo.

There were supposed to be the building locks.

I mean, yeah, he's a rich guy making tons of money and doing what he loves for a living, but I still feel like he got the short end of the stick with this whole Pelicans situation. I'm not even sure this is mendble by trade, maybe only Free Agency can change their fortunes.

If he keeps playing his heart out like this, he's going to wear himself out. And he is not known for his durability or anything.

10-29-2016, 09:52 AM
Over the history of the NBA , there have been some wonderful players , and throughout their careers either never were in the playoffs or never played on a great team.
With free agent contracts , AD will possibly be disloyal and move on to another team.
I would not rule out a organization like Dallas , Lakers, or Knicks.

10-29-2016, 09:55 AM
He's making more than $150 million. There's no reason to feel bad for him.

10-29-2016, 09:57 AM
He's making more than $150 million. There's no reason to feel bad for him.


Get the stats, and the money. And he can always play for a good team in his mid to late 20's..

10-29-2016, 11:22 AM
He's making more than $150 million. There's no reason to feel bad for him.


10-29-2016, 11:28 AM
He's the only young guy to play for a bad team.

Bless his POOR POOR fragile little heart. :(

10-29-2016, 11:31 AM
He decided to resign with the Pelicans.

I don't feel sorry for any player during their first extension after their rookie contract. Beyond that? Ya I can start to feel bad for them.

10-29-2016, 11:42 AM

entire nba and fans want him out off perlicans, except pelicans FO.

10-29-2016, 12:43 PM
Well his franchise and roster is worse than anything I've seen:

MJ's Bulls from '86 to '89
McGrady's Magic from '01 to '04
Garnett's Wolves from '05 to '07
Kobe's Lakers from '05 to '07
Wade's Heat from '08 to '10

10-29-2016, 12:48 PM
when a guy resigns with a shitty team, he's the bad guy for taking the money

when a guy signs with a super team, he's the bad guy for making things uncompetitive

they can't do anything right :lol

10-29-2016, 12:50 PM
Let Davis play out his payday, suffer on a shit team, then come home to Chicago and dominate the Eastern Conference.

10-29-2016, 12:52 PM
He's getting paid millions of dollars to play a game...so no.

10-29-2016, 01:04 PM
dude's also only 23.

nobody is expecting his shitty team to win, so he's getting a free pass.

i think he might actually be enjoying the individual glory moment... even though his team's getting blown out by 20.

that will change when the critics start talking shit.

but he's getting a free pass right now, so there's no pressure, at least for now. plus, $150 million.... he ain't losing any sleep at night.

10-29-2016, 01:07 PM
He decided to resign with the Pelicans.
It's not like he had a choice.

Kawhi Not?
10-29-2016, 01:10 PM
He's not the only one that's ever been on a bad team. He will have a choice to go to a new team on his next contract.

10-29-2016, 01:36 PM
i think this year might actually be his "easiest" and "most stress-free" season because there are no expectations.

he can just do whatever he wants right now, pad all his stats, and lose by 20 or 30, and nobody is pointing the finger at him.

he's only 23 so he probably ain't worried yet because he's probably thinking he has so much time left. but in the mean time, he's racking up all these stats and getting accolades from everyone around the country. he's getting all this personal glory at 23 without any of the backlash. at least not yet. that will change eventually, of course.

but this is probably gonna be his "most stress-free" year cuz he has a giant free pass to lose. everyone is blaming on management while he's still getting adulations and all that personal glory shit. he's 23... he's probably enjoying some or a lot of it even though he ain't winning jack.

10-29-2016, 01:40 PM

Get the stats, and the money. And he can always play for a good team in his mid to late 20's..

He's the only young guy to play for a bad team.

Bless his POOR POOR fragile little heart. :(

i'm wondering if his defense has changed any since last year. i can't see this team not being at least in contention for .500 ball if he plays great to elite defense.

and i know how horrific the team is, yes.

10-29-2016, 02:08 PM
He has all time great potential if he can stay healthy. He really needs to get the hell off the Pelicans. That team is out right awful with no future and New Orleans doesn't even give a shit about them. Go somewhere to create another legit contender for the sake of the league.

10-29-2016, 02:23 PM
"no cause muh money!" were talking from a competitive standpoint you dolts

10-29-2016, 02:24 PM
I feel bad for him because all the KAT stans anointed Towns as being better too soon.

10-29-2016, 02:36 PM
I feel bad for him because all the KAT stans anointed Towns as being better too soon.

KAT stans, in general, were trying to put him in a tier he isn't close to being in yet.

10-29-2016, 03:18 PM
It's not like he had a choice.
Yes he did...

10-29-2016, 06:53 PM
He's making more than $150 million. There's no reason to feel bad for him.

Yeah, if anything, he's showing that's he's worth the money.

10-29-2016, 07:05 PM

10-29-2016, 07:07 PM
Yes he did...
The only way he wouldn't be in New Orleans was if the Pelicans decided not to sign him.

10-29-2016, 07:24 PM
Definitely. He pledges to the franchise, and they go out and waste their cap on Solomon Hill.

10-29-2016, 07:40 PM
The only way he wouldn't be in New Orleans was if the Pelicans decided not to sign him.
He didn't have to sign that extension. Could have taken the 1 year, gone to a different team and still make a shit ton of money.

10-29-2016, 07:56 PM
Not one bit. He might be in the NBA 15 more years. What....he has a right to be on a great team for all of them? Who has a great team their entire career? There are a few guys who make their teams respectable by themselves....but many dont have good rosters for long stretches. This guy is the age people used to be rookies and second year players. His franchise not having built a contender is neither shocking or something to feel bad about.

Hes not winding down his prime on a go nowhere team. Hes coming into his prime. You dont have to be in the finals by 25 or your team is ****ing you over....

Its a league where half the teams have to be bad. Sometimes a great player is on the wrong end...for a while. This guy has only been great for 2 years. Hes hardly a pity case yet.

10-29-2016, 08:32 PM
Not one bit. He might be in the NBA 15 more years. What....he has a right to be on a great team for all of them? Who has a great team their entire career? There are a few guys who make their teams respectable by themselves....but many dont have good rosters for long stretches. This guy is the age people used to be rookies and second year players. His franchise not having built a contender is neither shocking or something to feel bad about.

Hes not winding down his prime on a go nowhere team. Hes coming into his prime. You dont have to be in the finals by 25 or your team is ****ing you over....

Its a league where half the teams have to be bad. Sometimes a great player is on the wrong end...for a while. This guy has only been great for 2 years. Hes hardly a pity case yet.

Um, very rarely does the Best player in the world play on a shit team... try going back and finding examples of that happening.

So yes, feel bad for him in that sense, since he clearly is of BITW caliber.

10-30-2016, 03:52 AM

First off, he is making 150mil fortune at a very young age, probably only few player can do that.
Secondly, his contract will finish at 2018, so he can leave for a better team if he want.

10-30-2016, 04:15 AM
when lesser player than him are getting paid more than him, i.e. less bang per bucks

I suppose I would feel bad for him while he stays in a losing situation

10-30-2016, 11:56 AM
Um, very rarely does the Best player in the world play on a shit team... try going back and finding examples of that happening.

So yes, feel bad for him in that sense, since he clearly is of BITW caliber.

For one....he isnt the best player. Hes in contention to be that guy but hes not just.....the guy. But even if he were....a lot of them have been on bad teams. Many just cover it up by making them respectable.

Kareem for one. From my comments on a playoff game of his I watched:

Only 2 of Kareems teammates looked like they belonged on the floor. Cazzie Russell(5 years removed from being a 1 time injury replacement all star) and Earl Tatum...who just moves well but doesnt really do that much. Kareem had Cazzie...Tatum...Don Ford. Those are his "big" guns. Hes also got CJ Kupec, Don Chaney, Johnny Neuman, Tom Abernathy, Bo Lamar, and Cornell Warner. Not exactly Showtime.....

The game was pretty much him destroying Walton....then getting triple teamed as his teammates failed him:


They literally had a 4 play run of not getting the ball up the floor and letting all Kareems dominance go to waste:


It was just Kareem and some guys making him lose no matter how well he played.

It happens.

10-30-2016, 12:20 PM
Yea, Kareem in the 70's.. wow.. (there are people who say Walton was better that year).

It really doesnt happen. And this will be his second year doing absolute monster numbers now. Shouldnt go on much longer than this.

10-30-2016, 03:15 PM
did someone just call him the best player in the league?:lol :roll:
Just because dude has all the freedom in the world to take as many shots as he wants and pad his stats, doesn't mean his impact is nearly as good as those stats indicate. If he was truly that good, his team would at least be competitive. Right now it's just him playing 1 on 5 offensively and the other guys just happily standing around...