View Full Version : How the Thunder are playing makes what KD did even more pathetic than Lebron.

11-03-2016, 01:24 PM
Before you start with the Lebron sh*t, yes. Him joining with two all-stars in Miami was awful for league parity, and he handled it like a straight douche BUT

Think about this for a moment:

Lebron left Cleveland because he felt the front office wasn't providing him with the talent he needed to win a ring. They couldn't even get Boozer to keep a promise. He was basically carrying the team, and it showed when he left. Cavs were straight dumpster juice the next season.

Everyone expected Westbrook to turn up this season, and he is going past that, looking like a clear MVP candidate already. The rest of the Thunder, full of EXEMPLARY players, by the way, are showing up as well.

Maybe Westbrook comes back down to Earth, but the point is, was anyone expecting Mo Williams or Boobie Gibson to do what he's doing once Bron flocked south? No, Lebron basically carried that team; and it showed.

So, to recap: KD somehow felt a team with a MVP potential sidekick at his side and above average role players wasn't good enough for him. He wasn't leaving a team that was trash without him, that much is clear. OKC is a clear playoff contender right now in the WEST. Can someone remind me what the Cavs record was after Bron left?

I'm sure all this will become background noise when he inevitably wins a ring on the Warriors like Lebron did with the Heat, but the evidence is showing itself. KD is a man who owes nothing to anyone, and if he wants to hop on a team whose core just went to the finals twice, that's cool. But save for him pulling a redemption arc in OKC later in his career, this'll be remembered to at least me personally as a WOAT basketball move.

11-03-2016, 01:29 PM
The problem with it is that KD and WB were not good fits. These 2 needed to be separated to maximize their full potential, at least that is the case with Westbrook. Maybe if KD was a man and went to a team where he was the unquestionable leader, like the Celtics, he would be doing the same.

But the guy wanted to sing in the shower and hang out after games. Some guys, they wanna have fun.

11-03-2016, 01:32 PM
Trying to think what would have been equivalent to what LeBron did for KD. I think maybe going to Houston with Harden and then Cousins or Aldridge came as well? Something like that. Houston roster would have been pretty shit outside of those 3 in this scenario if it were equivalent.

I still like KD as a player and he can do whatever he wants and people are being ridiculous in the hate at times. Still I think it's weird to join a team that just beat you. I don't freak out anout him playing with other great players like others.

11-03-2016, 01:51 PM

11-03-2016, 01:56 PM
Durant couldn't get it done with Westbrook, Harden, Reggie Jackson and Ibaka all on his team.

11-03-2016, 01:56 PM
If you think what Kevin Durant did was bad

In reality, what LeBron did was worse

LeBron left his hometown team to join the players with the 2nd and 4th highest PER in the league (Wade and Bosh)


That would be the same as Curry leaving his hometown to join Russell Westbrook AND Kevin Durant in OKC (joining with the 2nd and 4th highest PER)


11-03-2016, 02:08 PM
PLUS: Lebron did it twice :roll:

11-03-2016, 02:09 PM
If you think what Kevin Durant did was bad

In reality, what LeBron did was worse

LeBron left his hometown team to join the players with the 2nd and 4th highest PER in the league (Wade and Bosh)


That would be the same as Curry leaving his hometown to join Russell Westbrook AND Kevin Durant in OKC (joining with the 2nd and 4th highest PER)


Bosh > Kobe in 2010

11-03-2016, 02:11 PM
PLUS: Lebron did it twice :roll:

11-03-2016, 08:27 PM
it isn't about what's worse or more acceptable, both decided they wanted to win a ring and set about making decisions that would maximise that possibility.

firstly, it's a different league, in 2010 there wasn't a team that had a core like the warriors do asking for Lebron to sign and in 2016 there wasn't another GM that had one of the leagues best players saying they'd bring another one of the leagues best players if Durant signed.

Durant didn't engineer this situation, the warriors had to max out barnes contract to keep him and he was the most expendable guy in their line up. Durant happened to play the same position and was a free agent. it relied on a lot of chance things happening at the same time and when the warriors showed up making a pitch he decided to go with them because why go to an inferior team if the goal is to win a ring?

just like, while Lebron obviously pushed for the move for Bosh, he didn't plan on entering free agency at the same time as another allstar became available and was willing to move.

and if the OKC have raised their game now Durant's left, well they only have themselves to blame for not raising it while he was still there.

11-03-2016, 08:50 PM
Both were weak, weak, weak moves.
Durants was somehow way worse though.
But both were really, really weak.