View Full Version : Players who wouldn't be shit if not for sports?

11-07-2016, 01:34 PM
Let us take a moment to reflect on what some NBA players would be if not for the NBA or sports of any kind. By not looking at this with an open mind, you undervalue your role as a fan. Basically without NBA fans, there are some NBA players that would probably be dead or in prison. As fans, here are just some of the many that you as a fan may very well have saved their life. Granted, there are some rags to riches success stories where people from the hood came out and wound up being very intellegent, great people but these stories are rare.

Here are some guys that could very well owe you their life:

Derrik Rose - Worst hood in the USA

KG - charged with second-degree public lynching

Dennis Rodman - Trenton, NJ

Chris Andersen - Long Beach, CA...previously banned from the NBA for drugs

Lamar Odom - South Jamaica, NY

Ron Artest - Queensbridge, NY

Tyson Chandler - straight out of compton

Allen Iverson - grew up in Newport News, VA....bad place

LeBron James - grew up in the hood of Akron, OH

Eddie Jones - Hood of Pompano Beach Florida.

Carmelo is from West Baltimore.... nuff said.

And we haven't even gotten to the players from 3rd world countries that would still be poor living in their shithole. Just some of the many.

Didier “DJ” Ilunga-Mbenga
DeSagana Diop
Mouhammed “Saer” Sene
Cheikh Sam

11-07-2016, 01:41 PM
Iverson could of been a rapper only. Melo could be the Crest toothpaste smile guy too.

11-07-2016, 01:41 PM
DeAndre Jordan is a dumb moneky

Lord P
11-07-2016, 01:42 PM
Charles Barkley's fat ass would be atleast 350+ if he didn't make it to the league

11-07-2016, 01:49 PM
It is probably easier to list the players that would be successful without sports.

11-07-2016, 01:54 PM
Charles Barkley's fat ass would be atleast 350+ if he didn't make it to the league


11-07-2016, 02:00 PM
with Lebron, and I'm a warriors fan so this aint no bran riding, I think the level of dedication, determination and focus he had kinda suggests he would have been more than just some massive dude in Akron.

you could really apply that to most of the players there, the mindset to make it at NBA level is rare, these are guys that have been giving up their lives in persuit of a goal that was a 1 in a million shot. sure most people have seen hoop dreams and what kids go through just to have a shot playing professionally, for every LJ or Carmelo there's 1,000 guys that just couldn't cut it.

except Iverson who just seemed blessed with talent despite not giving a shit.

11-07-2016, 02:29 PM
Charles Barkley's fat ass would be atleast 350+ if he didn't make it to the league
:no: Show some respect to the 2nd greatest PF of all time.

11-07-2016, 02:34 PM
Patrick Beverly - That dude is straight up from the gutters and all his friends are thugs. I thought he was a fake tough guy but after listening to his podcast with Woj, nope.

Jerry Stackhouse and Stephen Jackson - Both these guys loved to get into fights too much. In real life, they would've done something to someone.

Barkley - Yeah, that dude would've been dead of a heart attack by now if not for the NBA. Even when he was at Auburn, he ate nothing but terrible food. He was just blessed by the Gods with his athleticism that even when he was close to 300 lbs, he ran the court like a guard.

11-07-2016, 02:49 PM
JR Smith to me. You can barely understand the dude. I've seen an interview where he was speaking English and they still had to use subtitles

K Xerxes
11-07-2016, 02:52 PM
I think Dennis Rodman could be a famous transvestite

11-07-2016, 03:00 PM
Saying where guys are from and then automatically coming to the conclusion they would amount to nothing because of that is just pure prejudice bullshit.

11-07-2016, 04:31 PM
Saying where guys are from and then automatically coming to the conclusion they would amount to nothing because of that is just pure prejudice bullshit.

11-07-2016, 04:46 PM
ok fess up, who hacked smokes account?

11-07-2016, 04:47 PM
either youre slinging crack rock or you got a wicked jumpshot
-Christopher wallace

11-07-2016, 04:47 PM
Saying where guys are from and then automatically coming to the conclusion they would amount to nothing because of that is just pure prejudice bullshit.

It's not an automatic conclusion, it's a logical conclusion because it is backed by actual statistical data. The odds are heavily stacked against you if you come from the ghetto and lived your life there. Check the actual data. There's a difference between Chicago, IL and where Derrick Rose is from specifically in Chicago, IL for example. I didn't name the exact ghetto for all the players listed, but they are from places where the odds are stacked against them.

11-07-2016, 04:48 PM
All that stoodout to me is that instutional racism is a very serious problem in this country. I don't think OP meant it in the way you guys are trying to say.

11-07-2016, 04:50 PM
Saying where guys are from and then automatically coming to the conclusion they would amount to nothing because of that is just pure prejudice bullshit.
:bowdown: :bowdown:

11-07-2016, 04:54 PM
All that stoodout to me is that instutional racism is a very serious problem in this country. I don't think OP meant it in the way you guys are trying to say.

It will continue to be a problem until we start to put money into education and schools in these areas, among other things. The problem extends far past this however. Look at the presidential candidates.


These are the best that can be offered? Are you kidding me? It's really a sad state of affairs. Anyone who doesn't think there are far better candidates out there to run this country is a moron.

"Durrr.. Ima chose the lesser of two evils... durrr" - said the typical redneck voter.

It shouldn't have to be that way.

11-07-2016, 08:54 PM
Nothing wrong with realizing that you saved a life by being a fan of the game.

let me tell u something

these guy makes millions upon millions a year because theyre in the top 1% of humans athletically, something that you can clearly see when they run jump and shoot

clear as day that they're not regular people from an evolutionary standpoint physically, and despite whatever you may think of them mentally.. they're bone fibers, muscle density, and fast twitch muscles are alone worth millions in multiple athletic lending professions

now tell me this

since im sure ur white

where would little Dillon from admin, Aiden from management, etc. be without racism? In a world where we dont assume people are stupider and dirtier because of their race, little Dillon and Aiden would have to provide for themselves off the strength of their own character, mental or physical. Is Dillon and Aiden in the top 1% of humans physically? FucccNO. Are they in the top 10% of humans in terms of intelligence. Most likely not.

So in a world where they cant do shhitttt physically and are most likely average in terms of intelligence due to the law of averages, where do these spoiled overpriveleged and physically inferior people rank in comparison to a LeBron James? Who is IMO average in terms of intelligence (like most people are when u decide to stop looking at intelligence through a racial lense) and around 300% more athletic.

And lastly, just because your fataaass stans these guys from afar on message boards and spend money for that NBA drug fix u have doesn't mean your saving their life.

Reminds me of when I hear some random broke ass Walmart working white guy talking about how Africans should be thankful that "we(whites)" gave black ppl civilization as if his lazy ignorant azzz did anything of significance in his life other than ask "paper or plastic?"

btw, plastic please.

11-07-2016, 09:00 PM
Honestly, what is the point of this thread?

To name Lebron?

11-07-2016, 09:02 PM
why is america all about racism?

white ppl hates everyone cos they feel more superior than every other race.
black ppl hates everyone cos they feel every other race is above them.
chinese ppl hates everyone cos others laugh at their accent.
indian ppl hates everyone cos they stinks.
jews hate everyone cos everyone laugh at jews.

chill out.

11-07-2016, 09:40 PM
As athletically talented as NBA players are, I am talented with mathematics. So I can relate to them in this way, aside from the fact that they make millions of dollars and I'm still a broke college student.

Talented though.

11-07-2016, 09:49 PM
let me tell u something

these guy makes millions upon millions a year because theyre in the top 1% of humans athletically, something that you can clearly see when they run jump and shoot

clear as day that they're not regular people from an evolutionary standpoint physically, and despite whatever you may think of them mentally.. they're bone fibers, muscle density, and fast twitch muscles are alone worth millions in multiple athletic lending professions.

As in "sports". Yes, that is what I'm saying. Take away sports and the value of it, the "worth millions" that you speak of goes right down the drain. What real value does running faster, jumping higher, being stronger provide in present day society if you remove sports? This isn't the days of old where there were no guns and people had to use skill to hunt for their own food to survive. We have just a weeee bit more than bows, arrows, and swords now but we have to put an absurd amount of value on being able to perform such feats and for what? Entertainmnet and nothing more.

If you remove sports, you will really see that society has evolved past the point that such physical abilities (which were once vital to survival and being the best of the best) are no longer vital to survival. Excellent health is a benefit yes, but those skills are not needed for providing food, safety, winning wars, etc like they were back then.

A country of physically inferior people against another country of physically superior people go to battle. Both have the same technology for fighting a war. The same guns, tanks, chemical weapons, etc. It's a toss up who wins. Any benefit of being faster, stronger, etc is negated through the use of technology and machines.

The only reason why sports and value go hand in hand is because people are WILLING to spend money to see these top 1% perform. The actual paying customers bring the value to whatever abilities these 1% or less have. That value comes in the form of entertainment. So again, understand that if it wasn't for your desire to watch them perform and pay money to see it, sports would have no value to the level that it does. Everytime any money of yours goes to the NBA, you basically saved a life. Don't you find something just a little bit wrong with that fact? Let's dig deeper shall we?

All this technology and we can't use actual intelligence to put the correct programs that actually work to save the lives of those born into poverty. It's more of a priority to watch the 1% perform in sports right? It's OK for these guys to make millions while the others that grew up in their same neighborhood are getting killed right? I mean, the fact that the situation exists in the first place with these guys making millions while others are dying that has gone on for this long shows us what is really important to the majoirty...... right?

These poor people of any race have to be in the top 1% of their ghettos to have a shot at a meaningful life. It should NOT be like this and that is why I make sure that when I donate, that it goes to the right charities that help the right causes because lets face it.... the only reason why you or I aren't on that side of the fence is pure fate. We had no choice in the matter of where we were born and neither did they. So yes, by being a fan of the game you are doing more for these folks that came out of the ghetto to play in the NBA than someone who isn't a fan. People like to try and talk about race to mask the issue but it's not a race issue. It's a socioeconomic issue.

Anyone who thinks it makes sense to have guys being paid millions to put a ball through a hoop (or swing a bat, or kick a soccer ball, or catch a football) as opposed to using that same money towards programs which will save human lives is ignorant, and you cannot educate the willingly ignorant. Therin lies the problem. The ignorant that have the means to solve the issue are not educated enough on the matter to possess teh necessary level of intellegence to solve the issue. How can we wake up feeling like a winner despite being surrounded by all of our cars, cash, money and pu55y obtained through hard work and use of intellegence when we turn on the news and see someone else meet their fate over a drug deal gone wrong?

11-07-2016, 09:56 PM
If what you're suggesting is that being athletic just isn't as useful as it used to be in human history, than you're right.

As athletically talented as NBA players are, I am talented with mathematics. So I can relate to them in this way, aside from the fact that they make millions of dollars and I'm still a broke college student.

Talented though.
You mean to say you are as talented in mathematics as NBA players are at basketball? Unless you're getting ready to publish your proof of the Riemann hypothesis, I find that hard to believe.

11-07-2016, 09:56 PM
[QUOTE=egokiller]Let us take a moment to reflect on what some NBA players would be if not for the NBA or sports of any kind. By not looking at this with an open mind, you undervalue your role as a fan. Basically without NBA fans, there are some NBA players that would probably be dead or in prison. As fans, here are just some of the many that you as a fan may very well have saved their life. Granted, there are some rags to riches success stories where people from the hood came out and wound up being very intellegent, great people but these stories are rare.

Here are some guys that could very well owe you their life:

Derrik Rose - Worst hood in the USA

KG - charged with second-degree public lynching

Dennis Rodman - Trenton, NJ

Chris Andersen - Long Beach, CA...previously banned from the NBA for drugs

Lamar Odom - South Jamaica, NY

Ron Artest - Queensbridge, NY

Tyson Chandler - straight out of compton

Allen Iverson - grew up in Newport News, VA....bad place

LeBron James - grew up in the hood of Akron, OH

Eddie Jones - Hood of Pompano Beach Florida.

Carmelo is from West Baltimore.... nuff said.

And we haven't even gotten to the players from 3rd world countries that would still be poor living in their shithole. Just some of the many.


11-07-2016, 10:28 PM
If what you're suggesting is that being athletic just isn't as useful as it used to be in human history, than you're right.

You mean to say you are as talented in mathematics as NBA players are at basketball? Unless you're getting ready to publish your proof of the Riemann hypothesis, I find that hard to believe.

Why bother, as it would most likely be just a diviation of Bredakis' proof which isn't even 2 pages long.

I'm sure he already knows all continuous functions are intergradble. If the function is continous on an interval [x,y] then its definate ingeral over [x, y] must exist. That is a given. Since we know the functions that the Riemann sums tend to are of the same limit for all partitions, we need only to consider the limit of what I would call the "normal" partitions, and I assume all the subintervals would have the same length but I can prove it if need be, and if I can, I'm sure he can. No matter how you represent the intergral, it is the same number, defined as a limit of Reimann sums. So if he wanted to prove it, he just needs to show an interval and show how it is partitioned into say "x" subintervals of equal length. He needs to denote a midpoint of the subinterval, an then he can express the limit. Then you simply prove that the midpoints that have been chosen from the subintervals of the partition are indeed a limit of Riemann Sums. You can even prove that the points chosen don't have to be midpoints, and that they can be chosen from the subintervals in any arbitrary fashion. Once these basics are understood, he can show that the Reimann Zeta function is an infinite series of complex numbers and can express them as a product of prime numbers. He can show what is in the critical strip outside the critical line is different than zero.

11-08-2016, 01:22 AM
Why bother, as it would most likely be just a diviation of Bredakis' proof which isn't even 2 pages long.

I'm sure he already knows all continuous functions are intergradble. If the function is continous on an interval [x,y] then its definate ingeral over [x, y] must exist. That is a given. Since we know the functions that the Riemann sums tend to are of the same limit for all partitions, we need only to consider the limit of what I would call the "normal" partitions, and I assume all the subintervals would have the same length but I can prove it if need be, and if I can, I'm sure he can. No matter how you represent the intergral, it is the same number, defined as a limit of Reimann sums. So if he wanted to prove it, he just needs to show an interval and show how it is partitioned into say "x" subintervals of equal length. He needs to denote a midpoint of the subinterval, an then he can express the limit. Then you simply prove that the midpoints that have been chosen from the subintervals of the partition are indeed a limit of Riemann Sums. You can even prove that the points chosen don't have to be midpoints, and that they can be chosen from the subintervals in any arbitrary fashion. Once these basics are understood, he can show that the Reimann Zeta function is an infinite series of complex numbers and can express them as a product of prime numbers. He can show what is in the critical strip outside the critical line is different than zero.
So knowing Riemann sums proves what we already know about the Riemann hypothesis? :hammerhead:

11-08-2016, 01:42 AM
As athletically talented as NBA players are, I am talented with mathematics. So I can relate to them in this way, aside from the fact that they make millions of dollars and I'm still a broke college student.

Talented though.
Does your shoulder dislocate when you pat yourself on the back?


11-08-2016, 01:49 AM
As in "sports". Yes, that is what I'm saying. Take away sports and the value of it, the "worth millions" that you speak of goes right down the drain. What real value does running faster, jumping higher, being stronger provide in present day society if you remove sports? This isn't the days of old where there were no guns and people had to use skill to hunt for their own food to survive. We have just a weeee bit more than bows, arrows, and swords now but we have to put an absurd amount of value on being able to perform such feats and for what? Entertainmnet and nothing more.

If you remove sports, you will really see that society has evolved past the point that such physical abilities (which were once vital to survival and being the best of the best) are no longer vital to survival. Excellent health is a benefit yes, but those skills are not needed for providing food, safety, winning wars, etc like they were back then.

A country of physically inferior people against another country of physically superior people go to battle. Both have the same technology for fighting a war. The same guns, tanks, chemical weapons, etc. It's a toss up who wins. Any benefit of being faster, stronger, etc is negated through the use of technology and machines.

The only reason why sports and value go hand in hand is because people are WILLING to spend money to see these top 1% perform. The actual paying customers bring the value to whatever abilities these 1% or less have. That value comes in the form of entertainment. So again, understand that if it wasn't for your desire to watch them perform and pay money to see it, sports would have no value to the level that it does. Everytime any money of yours goes to the NBA, you basically saved a life. Don't you find something just a little bit wrong with that fact? Let's dig deeper shall we?

All this technology and we can't use actual intelligence to put the correct programs that actually work to save the lives of those born into poverty. It's more of a priority to watch the 1% perform in sports right? It's OK for these guys to make millions while the others that grew up in their same neighborhood are getting killed right? I mean, the fact that the situation exists in the first place with these guys making millions while others are dying that has gone on for this long shows us what is really important to the majoirty...... right?

These poor people of any race have to be in the top 1% of their ghettos to have a shot at a meaningful life. It should NOT be like this and that is why I make sure that when I donate, that it goes to the right charities that help the right causes because lets face it.... the only reason why you or I aren't on that side of the fence is pure fate. We had no choice in the matter of where we were born and neither did they. So yes, by being a fan of the game you are doing more for these folks that came out of the ghetto to play in the NBA than someone who isn't a fan. People like to try and talk about race to mask the issue but it's not a race issue. It's a socioeconomic issue.

Anyone who thinks it makes sense to have guys being paid millions to put a ball through a hoop (or swing a bat, or kick a soccer ball, or catch a football) as opposed to using that same money towards programs which will save human lives is ignorant, and you cannot educate the willingly ignorant. Therin lies the problem. The ignorant that have the means to solve the issue are not educated enough on the matter to possess teh necessary level of intellegence to solve the issue. How can we wake up feeling like a winner despite being surrounded by all of our cars, cash, money and pu55y obtained through hard work and use of intellegence when we turn on the news and see someone else meet their fate over a drug deal gone wrong?

ok but

now tell me this

since im sure ur white

where would little Dillon from admin, Aiden from management, etc. be without racism? In a world where we dont assume people are stupider and dirtier because of their race, little Dillon and Aiden would have to provide for themselves off the strength of their own character, mental or physical. Is Dillon and Aiden in the top 1% of humans physically? FucccNO. Are they in the top 10% of humans in terms of intelligence. Most likely not.

So in a world where they cant do shhitttt physically and are most likely average in terms of intelligence due to the law of averages, where do these spoiled overpriveleged and physically inferior people rank in comparison to a LeBron James? Who is IMO average in terms of intelligence (like most people are when u decide to stop looking at intelligence through a racial lense) and around 300% more athletic.

And lastly, just because your fataaass stans these guys from afar on message boards and spend money for that NBA drug fix u have doesn't mean your saving their life.

Reminds me of when I hear some random broke ass Walmart working white guy talking about how Africans should be thankful that "we(whites)" gave black ppl civilization as if his lazy ignorant azzz did anything of significance in his life other than ask "paper or plastic?"

btw, plastic please.

11-08-2016, 01:52 AM
carmelo from B town? that is surprising given his marshmellow status, at least he aint no east side snitch, **** those east side motherfockers

11-08-2016, 01:59 AM
we all know this dumbass made this thread to take a shot at lebron.

11-08-2016, 01:59 AM
A country of physically inferior people against another country of physically superior people go to battle. Both have the same technology for fighting a war. The same guns, tanks, chemical weapons, etc. It's a toss up who wins. Any benefit of being faster, stronger, etc is negated through the use of technology and machines.

are u retarded?

ur saying a country full of fat pathetic unathletic ****s with guns and bombs have an EQUAL chance against a country full of athletic specimens with the same guns and bombs??
:biggums: :wtf: :facepalm

guns and bombs may be vital but you HAVE to be ignorant as chittt to think that athleticism would make absolutely no difference. Ground troops use their bodies. Many wars have been decided through ground troop ability. To underestimate the importance of strength and quickness from a soldier is absolutely moronic and the FACT that you are literally saying both sides have equal resources but different athletes simply SHOWS that the side with the ONLY advantage possible HAS TO BE FAVORED even if its a fractional advantage(which it isnt)

go befriend some of these "hood" black ppl that ur so terrified of sometime sheesh

11-08-2016, 02:00 AM
are u retarded?

ur saying a country full of fat pathetic unathletic ****s with guns and bombs have an EQUAL chance against a country full of athletic specimens with the same guns and bombs??
:biggums: :wtf: :facepalm

guns and bombs may be vital but you HAVE to be ignorant as chittt to think that athleticism would make absolutely no difference. Ground troops use their bodies. Many wars have been decided through ground troop ability. To underestimate the importance of strength and quickness from a soldier is absolutely moronic and the FACT that you are literally saying both sides have equal resources but different athletes simply SHOWS that the side with the ONLY advantage possible HAS TO BE FAVORED even if its a fractional advantage(which it isnt)

go befriend some of these "hood" black ppl that ur so terrified of sometime sheesh
He is and he is also a little bitch, who is too scared to post on his Straight_Retard account.

11-08-2016, 02:15 AM
He is and he is also a little bitch, who is too scared to post on his Straight_Retard account.

:oldlol: :oldlol: the boy got issues point blank period

not only is he racist as chitttt

he thinks because he stans these men that he is somehow responsible for their success

u know what

with that logic

he must think that when he pays his dealer for a hit of that crack that somehow simultaneously his drug dealer owes him for his success as a druglord...

he dont really know how ignorant and untalented he truly is in the grand scheme of things

11-08-2016, 03:49 AM
so if you're born in a bad neighborhood, you won't amount too much?
That's usually the case, that's where institutional racism comes from. It's why we get upset when people who are denouncing BLM are like "what about black on black crime?" "what about chicago?" Like we chose to make the neighborhoods the way they are.

11-08-2016, 03:58 AM
DeAndre Jordan is a dumb moneky
This is the first guy that came to mind when I read the title of this thread. I would say he'd be working at Taco Bell if it weren't for basketball but he's so tall that someone would have gotten him a solid position working the backroom at a popular electronics store, or UPS.

11-08-2016, 04:50 AM
Lebron would be a porn actor.

11-08-2016, 07:26 AM
Lebron would be a porn actor.
He might be successful too. I'm sure tiny dick is a kink for some :confusedshrug:

11-08-2016, 07:51 AM
Lebron would be a porn actor.
and you would have been his partner :oldlol: :lebronamazed:

11-08-2016, 09:41 AM
If what you're suggesting is that being athletic just isn't as useful as it used to be in human history, than you're right.

You mean to say you are as talented in mathematics as NBA players are at basketball? Unless you're getting ready to publish your proof of the Riemann hypothesis, I find that hard to believe.

Well if I solved a millenium problem, that would make me more like a top-ten GOAT (not really a top-ten GOAT in maths, since so many more people have done math over such a vastly longer period of time than have played basketball), not just a pro.

11-08-2016, 09:55 AM
I guess Nash, Nowitzki, Ginobili could have been successful in any job :lol

11-08-2016, 10:53 AM
He might be successful too. I'm sure tiny dick is a kink for some :confusedshrug:


11-08-2016, 11:08 AM
are u retarded?

ur saying a country full of fat pathetic unathletic ****s with guns and bombs have an EQUAL chance against a country full of athletic specimens with the same guns and bombs??
:biggums: :wtf: :facepalm

You missed the point completely. Technology advancements have bypassed any phsycial advantages that would give any edge whatsoever in a war. What's the different if an athletic guy is pressing a nuke button or and unathletic guy? Absolutely no difference to the outcome whatsoever. We aren't talking soliders ground game here. You're living in the past man, try and get your ass up to speed with how things work in present day.

You're a moron if you can't comprehend the simple fact that the reason why these guys get paid millions is because of the fans who are willing to watch them and be entertained. Where do you think the money comes from?

11-08-2016, 11:22 AM
So knowing Riemann sums proves what we already know about the Riemann hypothesis? :hammerhead:

We know that one way to prove it can be seen in Bredakis' work, so looking at that proof would fill in the gaps for our own proof of the hypothesis.

11-08-2016, 11:39 AM
You missed the point completely. Technology advancements have bypassed any phsycial advantages that would give any edge whatsoever in a war. What's the different if an athletic guy is pressing a nuke button or and unathletic guy? Absolutely no difference to the outcome whatsoever. We aren't talking soliders ground game here. You're living in the past man, try and get your ass up to speed with how things work in present day.

You're a moron if you can't comprehend the simple fact that the reason why these guys get paid millions is because of the fans who are willing to watch them and be entertained. Where do you think the money comes from?

ur getting way too ahead of yourself if you think war is just some ****** behind a desk playing call of duty

theres a reason why our military goes through strenous excercise trainining

the on ground game is vital till this day whether you believe it or not

war isnt just a game of nukes vs nukes even though ur simple ass mind would love for it to be that simple

anyways this is all irrelevant because u said if both sides have the same advantages in terms of resources and weapons than any other advantage should be noted AS SUCH

but go ahead keep playing CoD for your military education

11-08-2016, 01:56 PM
ur getting way too ahead of yourself if you think war is just some ****** behind a desk playing call of duty

theres a reason why our military goes through strenous excercise trainining

the on ground game is vital till this day whether you believe it or not

war isnt just a game of nukes vs nukes even though ur simple ass mind would love for it to be that simple

anyways this is all irrelevant because u said if both sides have the same advantages in terms of resources and weapons than any other advantage should be noted AS SUCH

but go ahead keep playing CoD for your military education

I never said that it's just nukes and nukes, I'm saying that technology has advanced to the point where both sides have the same advantages in terms of resources and weapons and that it doesn't matter how phsycially fit you are to press the nuke button. What the hell good is your ground troops if the land is radioactive? This isn't the civil war times, or medival times, or whatever time frame you are trying to apply your weak argument to. This is present day.

Doesn't matter how fast the person is who presses the nuke button can run the 40 yard dash.

Doesn't matter how high you can jump when you are in a fighter jet.

Doesn't matter how much you can bench press when you are driving a tank.

Your argument of group A being more physical than group B all else equal and winning the battle hindges on the fact that the war was fought prior to all these technological advancements. Again, we are talking present day. Until you can prove that person A can't press a nuke button just as easily as person B who is more athletic, then you have no argument.