View Full Version : This is why cops can seem like such aholes to criminal suspects

Edgar Friendly
11-15-2016, 01:30 PM
They want to go home at night to their families.


This one unfortunately never will

11-15-2016, 02:11 PM
Lymon has a lengthy criminal history—and spent more than a decade in prison after being convicted of manslaughter in 2001.

Why waste tax money on prisons for guys like him, too bad NM abolished the death penalty.

11-15-2016, 02:27 PM
2 ways to look at it. Hell mroe than that probably but lets stick with 2....

Cops often seem like assholes for the same reason other humans do. Being assholes. And 100% of cops on this planet...removed from a position to be judged by the public...would tell you plenty of cops are violent assholes who shouldnt be given power. I know more than one.

Kid who came up a few years behind me in my neighborhood is a state trooper now and I personally watched him sell drugs, pull guns on women, threaten to kill a mutual friend over a fight at a cookout, and tell us he wanted to be a cop so he could get away with murder. Hes in with a group of other cops falsifying gun range records in order to steal police ammo and sell it on the side. If they dont use it all they get less next year...so they steal it and claim it was used in target practice. Ive learned its quite widespread. Ive personally witnessed him sell guns to felons. Oddly enough...to the same guy he threatened to kill at the cookout. Guy was a gang affiliated violent guy who rode around in an old crown vic painted blood red with a ****ing jason mask hanging off the rearview. Now hes online posting thin blue line pics. He and a couple others ive known over the years...made it obvious cops are just...people. Brave people for the most part. But you cant really call them good or bad people....criminals or not...violent or not....racist or not...because of a uniform.

Every cop I know well....is a criminal. One shot at her husband with her service weapon.....

They are just people.

That said....

Those who ARE good people...as many of them no doubt are....wont always look like it with a hostile public ready to jump down their throats for mistakes in split second decisions.

There are legit asshole hypocrite cops.....who will still lay down their lives to protect the innocent. There are racist cops who hate black people(or white...or brown)...who will risk their lives to save one. Its the nature of the job and most accept it willingly.

And because of the risk they take daily....they learn to react with suspicion and sometimes....like assholes. And you cant blame them. They all hear...or see...horror stories. Some nice guy...good cop...treats a guy with respect...gets shot...stabbed. So **** it. Subdue....put yourself in a position of power...then find out if hes innocent. His feelings arent worth your life.

And I get that.

You have to. These guys hear gunfire and go towards it. They cant always be nice about it.

Problem to me is...so many on each side will never acknowledge the other.

And I dont see how either end is arguable.

A lot of cops are power hungry jerks prone to violence.

And a lot of cops are stupidly brave heroes down to die for your kids if they have to.

And guess what?

Some are both.

You just gotta judge it case by case. Some cop somewhere just saved some 8 year old girls life by risking his own. And some cop just planted drugs on an innocent black guy and ruined his life.

You know both happen. We all know it.

We cant judge them all by the actions of either. There are heroes and villains.

And some of the villains are heroes too.

Its just....complicated.

11-15-2016, 03:19 PM
wtf was this guy thinking ? two guys on a motorcycle both with a lot of concealing clothes on and he just walks right up on them completely putting himself in a vulnerable spot .. that was fkn dumb

11-15-2016, 03:44 PM
wtf was this guy thinking ? two guys on a motorcycle both with a lot of concealing clothes on and he just walks right up on them completely putting himself in a vulnerable spot .. that was fkn dumb

If he did it any differently, he'd have been accused of being racist.

Edgar Friendly
11-15-2016, 05:25 PM
Every cop I know well....is a criminal.

I am not saying I doubt what you are saying is true, but if that's the case I'm guessing most of your friends and people you associate with are the true deplorables of society. Even with many department's having to lower their standards to meet certain demographic quotas, cops still have to undergo background checks, personality tests, and interviews from people skilled in observing character flaws in applicants. So your average cop will be quite simply a better person than your average citizen. If the only cops you know are scum, it's mostly like because the people around you are scum.

11-15-2016, 06:14 PM
If he did it any differently, he'd have been accused of being racist.

he should've kept a distance and ordered them off the motorcycle and onto the ground while waiting for backup .. he needed backup anyways since there were 2 of them

11-15-2016, 06:30 PM
he should've kept a distance and ordered them off the motorcycle and onto the ground while waiting for backup .. he needed backup anyways since there were 2 of them
But that's not SOP, so you'd be racist.

Also, just because there's more than one suspect doesn't mean you call for backup. Other officers have more important shit to do.

Unfortunately, because of that, sometimes incidents like these happen.

97 bulls
11-15-2016, 07:22 PM
But that's not SOP, so you'd be racist.

Also, just because there's more than one suspect doesn't mean you call for backup. Other officers have more important shit to do.

Unfortunately, because of that, sometimes incidents like these happen.
I don't think its being a racists if it's done to everyone

11-15-2016, 07:28 PM
I don't think its being a racists if it's done to everyone
It's not done to everyone. Thats why I said it's not SOP...

11-16-2016, 03:38 AM
I am not saying I doubt what you are saying is true, but if that's the case I'm guessing most of your friends and people you associate with are the true deplorables of society. Even with many department's having to lower their standards to meet certain demographic quotas, cops still have to undergo background checks, personality tests, and interviews from people skilled in observing character flaws in applicants. So your average cop will be quite simply a better person than your average citizen. If the only cops you know are scum, it's mostly like because the people around you are scum.

All he had to do is lie on the personality tests and get in shape.

And I didnt say they are scum. I said they are criminals. They arent running international drug rings.....but they are generally normal people as susceptible to the ways of the world as the rest of us.

There are racist cops, rapists, serial killers, child molesters, and drug dealers. These are facts. It doesnt take much to fool the tests.

One of the cops I know moved on to trying to join the secret service and got shut down at every turn. They will dig into your soul, make you run up a mountain, and go ask your grandma if you ever stole a cookie. Being a regular cop? A huge number of people could do it if they put their mind to it.

11-16-2016, 09:06 AM
All he had to do is lie on the personality tests and get in shape.

There's a very extensive background check.

And a polygraph test.

11-16-2016, 11:50 AM
Hes a mildly gang affiliated...violent...ex drug dealer. It cant be that effective. He failed the first time but it was physical.

Google gang members turned cops. They are out there. One of the first stories you will find is a guy from LA who was a crip for 10 years becoming a cop. You just cant be a convict.

Criminals who dont get caught and tried can do most anything.

I never said he got caught doing the things I know he did. I just said he did them.

Im sure the great majority of crime is never proven.