View Full Version : Who Actually started from the Bottom and Now you're Here?

11-17-2016, 10:41 PM
Low income, tough upraising to successful career/financially independent. Share your stories brahs :pimp:

11-17-2016, 11:48 PM
17, just graduated high school. worked nails for 4 years, had 1000 dollars saved. always knew i wanted to be a business owner but didnt know what. realized my passion was for design, engineering and fabrication. used my 1000 dollars to build a machine. had a free 400sqft garage to use at my moms house plus alot of my dads tools. started doing work from out of there, 6 years later im in a 2500 sq shop with many tools, machines and highly developed skills and most importantly the free will to do any project that i want while making medium salary with unlimited potential. life is good.

Orlando Magic
11-18-2016, 08:04 AM
17, just graduated high school. worked nails for 4 years, had 1000 dollars saved. always knew i wanted to be a business owner but didnt know what. realized my passion was for design, engineering and fabrication. used my 1000 dollars to build a machine. had a free 400sqft garage to use at my moms house plus alot of my dads tools. started doing work from out of there, 6 years later im in a 2500 sq shop with many tools, machines and highly developed skills and most importantly the free will to do any project that i want while making medium salary with unlimited potential. life is good.

So you're 27 and still struggling with talking to girls and entertaining the idea that it's a good idea to confess feelings via Facebook? I don't buy it.

But if your shop story is true, good for you. Good job. Also shocked at the idea that a really hard worker could ever be so strongly democratic though.

edit: If you're 23 and I misread everything makes way more sense.

11-18-2016, 08:57 AM
I grew up poor as ****, graduated college, and bought a house without receiving a dime from any of my family members. Actually, my birthday was Tuesday, and I didn't receive a single birthday dollar.

That's just how we roll. You make it on your own, or you don't.

Pretty happy with where I am now, though.

11-18-2016, 09:45 AM
I come from a family that once had money but lost it during the depression. My upbringing was lower middle class. My dad was career military so as UK2K can attest we didn't want for anything but we didn't have a lot of money. I was fortunate to go to a state school where my tuition was reasonable. I took out loans for dental school which i was able to pay back in a reasonable amount of time. Not a rags-to-riches story but I have pride that I was able to achieve what I have mostly on my own.

11-18-2016, 03:46 PM
I grew up in a house where my parents made decent money but had no budgeting skills whatsoever so going days without food and soaking our sheets in cold water before bed because the electricity was out in the summer or sleeping in a tent so we could have fire for warmth in the winter were norms. Beatings, drugs, torture in some cases wasn't uncommon. I now run a multi million dollar real estate business.